603�Q �Q zot 9 7Zl92malz J /O' \6� Utilty Ease TN4r281Y45. � ,✓.VV/. v✓.vv 9, 0 1/0, 00' t` Q 8/5 21 #7 Q�pY I I S'Pip' Line Ease. N 4188 08 409,410 PARCEL Z 0. /94 tAc i o I I •\ i N.33°rLS'8_ Ynl ae � o 9 N h PARCEL l 0.883 t Ac. R/S 206 A" /o' /egress and Egress and Ut& Ease. 2378 D. A. 4O /N.33.05£. /96.8/') '*/o'P. G, E Co. Ease. o _ 7008 644 MI Pcl , t3 t i2693� M31 C„ &1r7gress and Eyrrem Ease. and P.U.E. 718708508 fi-171.36' ---- A=6'S4'15" g, S"Er,,, L-20.65' O a J 60, NOTE This mopis filed pursuant to Section C/2-Hof the Santa ClaraCountyDrdinanceCcdeforfhepurposeofad ustinglof lines betweenexisiinq parcels. Approval oflhismapdoes not coluAlzile buildingsite approval as loony ofthe pparse/s reconfiyueeo asif/e resultofthelollineadfustmeni Suchpaewls mayrequim furfherapproval with applicable County Ordinoncepriortodevelopment orfc/rfherdeveiolomeat. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss COUNTY OF_$ANTA CL RA On this day of in the yearone rho{1sar�d nine hundred and e tyt before me„�>,o� a wtarypublic, State of California, duly cominissioned and sworn, personally appeared Fred W. /faaz and Frances Elizabeth Maz known tometo beihe persons whose names are subscribed 6 the within instrument, and acknowledged tomethath'zeyexecuted The same. IN WITNESS WHEREOFIhereunto set my handanddff/xedmy off/dal seal in the said County of Santa Clara the dayand year in thiscertif/c�stobovewr/tfep. NotaryPublic, State ofCalifornia. y Commission Expires file Na/634-20-62-82LA 6Yid#a96 20-6Z LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN PARCEL A RIS Z06 M7 SANTA CLARA COUNTYRECORDS 4�ASSESSMENTLOrNal52, 81521 M30, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Scale :1 "= 30, ✓4/ne, /982 MARVIN W. WOLFF Civil Enylneer Mountain View California ENGINEER 'S CERTIFICATE This map was preparedby/rre or undermy p cA(cp and is based upon a field survey in conformenhce'tw/thW' requir ments of the Subdivision Map Actand locolordinanceptlhe reQuestofFred W 10az /n June, 1982.1i8rebystdte thdt this parcel map substantial/y conformstathe a pprov4dorcanuiti0t, approved tentative map if any. _ -, "Y!/. '-!/V COUNTY SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE This map conforms with lherequ/rementsoffhe Subdivisionfflap Act and Local Ordinance. JANES F. SIRR Dated Sei9t• t M County Surveyor By ,sAaa Ao�JiteA&t, Deputy RECORDER S CERTIFICATE Filed th/slc-_day of Or�todev /9 Fa at2 2.m. in Book- 50Y of ,at Page k'4 ,at the request of IUlarvinW,WoMf. F (e=f 7IfS 1348 6EOR6E A. MANN County Recorder sy e ut NOTESAND LEGEND All distances and dimensionsare shown in feetand decimals thereof. O lndicatesj/4'IronP/peSet tagged RCE8137 Indicates -414 "Iron Ape found or as nated. ( ) Indicates Record Data R/S 206 M7, 8152/N/30 —tndicatesOistinctive Borderline BASIS OFSEAR/NG The bearing (N.56°55'W)oftfienortheosterly line of PC/.A as shown in the Record of Survey Map for Noel FranA filed /a Bank 206 of Maps atpage 7 Santa Clara Coantyftecords, was taken as the basis ofbear/ngs fnrfhismap. OWNERS CERTIFICATE We hereby certify that we are the owners of orhave some right, title orinterest/n ano'tothereal property included within the subd/vis/on showwonfh/s map; that we are the onlypermns whose consent/s necessary pursuontto Government Ccde 66445f, that we hereby consent to the making ofsaid map and subdivision as shown within ThedlMiMt/ve border -fine. OWN. Fred I$! A= & Frances El/zabefh Kaaz OFFICIAL SEAI. HOMER T. FOWLER `�' NOTARY PUBLIC • CALIFORNIA P.SANTA CLARA COUNTY My Commission Expires Sept. 23, 1983 4 q*