10030 0 0 ,4r--Qa11 Wi/son ° /49./7 0. 497 .4c . N d9° 54'/V / Fel J%4'/.r. /.or We6 f ° f L/ne Fu Pure ,Yood(L Orjq/ia/ �t7 N B9054'H/ 4S4. 57 .T 7e 1/-/U r IPFf K Ko,4A 30 60 IN5 map correCikky represenFs a survey made under my dtrect\on in conformance with the regvirement5 0f Chapter 15 arc DivtSon 3 o4 the 5u5tne55 and FFofe55i0n5 Code ai the request of Mrs. A. 3. Bravo in Ociober,l958. -Qe�is�ered Cvtl Enc�tneer N° 5691 The bearmq 0415050'w) d' -the centerbne of \-larnet Avenue as described In deed recorded m 500yC %-IQ of 0W%cW NZecords,gcge 125,was used as bast-' of bear\n95 shown upon lrk\\5 map. A11 dt5N'ance5 and clindension5 are shown m%ekanddecimatsthemdF. 0 knd\cates 3/a"iron pipe seN,ucdles5 oNherwi5e shown. TM5 map ha-' been examinedrror conformance \NMa the provi5\0n5 OF Chapfer 15 of DNi-'tOR 3 of the Sus\ness and F'ro§'ess\ons Code this_ �O�ii day 0-'F M5;5 . James 5. Enoe 5 ,ActrngCovniy Surveyor By Deputy Filed for record this a / day of /lfove b<rkc) a% S 4PM. \n BooK /O C7 cr4 Maps,at ?Oqe—,��,a4'Ehe- reque5-f of Marts 7nOMa5 & Co. �y Sy l C. Tu\ly, Covn�ty Recorder Sy �� t�/mss•-�->�. Depv�y s ?1ACod b�05 2ECONZ0 OF SURVEY IN THE RANCHIO RINCONAOA OE 1.05 CAMS SANTA CLARA CODUTV CALIFORNIA FOR MRS. A . J . BRAVO SCALE • %"» 50' OCTOBER sigsa MARK T"OMA9 LCO. C1V11. ENG�NE6R5$StiR�tEYCRS SAK JOSE CAL%VoltN/A This moo tairecf/y rc�,resen1s e survey mode under my direcfion in conformance /v7fh Che re9uiremPnfs of Chapter /5 of division 3 of dhe Business and ArofessiOn5 code of Che re7ue5f of Che Jexos 6o. in Ocfoher, ✓9 SS. fered Civil Engineer ,el The heo<•in9 6u00a4'e) oT Che cen/er line of SoroIola - Junnyvo/e Rood os shown an Ae-cord of Survey Mop recorded /i7 /3ook 7S of Mops, pa ye 47, was used o6 has/s of hea";?r'shown upon fh/s mop. • /ndicofes monument found o lnd/eofes 3/4"Ir917p/pe Set, un/css ofherrvise- nofed. This mop /los been examined Ar conformance wish Che provi6/ons of chopfer /S of htv'/,stop 3 of Che u5iness and Pro%ssions Code chis-�:�f/,�doy of �%� /958. ✓omen 3. Epochs, ,4cfin9 County Surveyor �y �epv/ 6 filed for koro( Chis-' ,day o{ Nevem bcr�gss o1 in Book !2 y o! Mo/oa, o i po9P_9—of /he re9uesi of /vlork Co. Jy f C. Tuf/y. c-ounf f Aecorzer �soo Sg �'� ®' Depulq RECORD OF SURVEY OF A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 13 TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, M.QB4M. CUPERTINO SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FOR THE TEXAS CO. SCALE: 1*:- 407 OCTOBER 1958 MARK T HOMAS 4 CO. CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS SAN JOSE CALIFORNIA IN 00 q A 100 9