251!9 Brorrpin in 00/7 Bor STEVE/VS N B9° 54' 00" E MONUMENT LINE CREEK BOULEVARD RECORD OF SURVEY CONSISTING OF ONE SHEET BEING A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 13, T. 7 S., R. 2 W., M. D.B. & M. CITY OF CUPERTINO CALIFORNIA SCALE : W= 50' JULY, 1968 RUTH AND GOING CIVIL ENGINEERS SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA No//sef SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE Thir map correctly represents a survey mode by me or under my dreefion in coaforrnonce with Me requ/remenfr of Me Land farvegory Qct o/ fhe regaert of 2oherl Erving in /u/y, 1969. /968 2 gislera OV/l Engineer Cer/ifcote No. 7147 2o• COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERT/F/C.4TE This map hof been examined fh1f..6!i...doy..Sepfem er,,,/968 or conforrnonce w/fh Me -equirementf of The L'Ond .Jurvegorf 4et. Joiner T. Pof/-Court faraeyor �y ufy RECORDERS CERT/F/CdTE Fi/e No. 3'i1000 %6SFee : $ 5. oO Fold -1 .......... / Fi/ed thalQ...Z44 ofJr p.�G'l.Q.�.K.., /968 a;O 3Ql� In Baok�Y�of Moot atpoge.,./9,.,,ot /he requcrf of 2ulh and Going. George E. Fpowler- Counly 0ecorder Depufy SAS/S OF BEAR/NGS The bearing Ne9°5Q"00"E ofthe Momumenl Line of Stevens Creek ,good or shown on /hot certain "Record of furve y Wap recorded /n Book 91 ol-Nopr at page 35, Santo Clara County Reconlr, war hien of the bafir of a// bearingr shown on lhis mop. LEGEND AND NOTES o /radical r od' iron pipe sef calm otherwise noted • //Jd/calel W11-017 pipe found, a7lezr otherwise no/ed /1// d slames and d/mensiol r shown hereon are in Fel and dec/malr Thereof r/ Id /9