3806C/TY ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE /, Ants y. lohi;CityEngineei of the City WCuperlino, herehycerMy tlof the within fiaa/mop of Trod No. MM Cupert/no Cenler has heen exominedbyme; that the sand/vis/on shown is sahsloat/a/y the same as /t appeared mthe agroma tentafiue map and any oppromdalfemlions t//ereol'; thal all pro✓is/ons cu /m Subdivision 1W4qp,4ct, as ammael andanylocal ordinance applicable of Me Am of approval of the tentativemap hame been compliedw/fh ondthat/am satisfied thal sa/d mop is technical/y correct Dote OCT. 6r /964 -'� - I/ 42,hl Cn-r EN6/NEER - C/TY of CUPeRT/NO C/TY CLERKS CERTIFICATE LolNrem6etiMart/n,C/tyC/er/roftlre Cifyof Cupertino, hereby cerlify Mx/thismvp,desiynotedos Tract Ala. 3866 Cupert/no Center ,was op?rmed dXthe CWy6wlvcilofthe C/ty ofCuperbi o ola rneetrdy of said Courui/heldonfhe';'fkl'doy of s�� EMN��/96¢ and thatsv/d Count//d/o;vtso/dmeeting, accept the dedication meal/streets ondportions of'streets and all easements ofleredfor dam'/canon and StVW,7 an sa/drrwp w/lh/n said suhd 'vision. c/Tr, 4HER9 AND acerF /c/o CLERK or rNE C/Tr 40MM Or THE 01-rOF M&RMV CIVIL ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE Mar-y/n D. flrkehy,herehycert/fy, thatlom a Registered C/v/tEnyineer of the Siote at'Cot/tornio, thal tb/s map, consisting oFonesheefcorrect/yrepresents o samey made under my supery/s/on during Ju/y, 1964; 1h,91 Me survey /s trae ondcan?lele os shown; /holo//monuments stmwn hermi actually exist or wi//here/acedupon comptet/on e the street/mprovemenf work ondsoi/inionuments are suff/c%nl to enable the surxey to he retraced Pole seA�e 6 ,- /0, /964 NOTES AND LEGEND The h/ue border /fine indicates the houndary of /and .rvhd/v/ded by this map, A// dstances and dimensions are shown /n feet and decimals thereof. • /ndicotes monument pound o Indicates 3/4"Iron Pipe manumenf set 0 Ald/cateS City W Cupert/no sfondard c/ty monument set BASIS OF BEAR/NGS The bear/ng,(NO°03'00"E'), d1he center -line of Solotoya-Sumnpva/e Roadas shown ontbafcerlaio M? ent/f/ed'7MCI NO 2551, recorded /n Back Il5 of'Nlaps atpoge 28 /n Meoff/ce oP the County Recorder, Santa Clara County, Cal/forn/o, wosysedrrs the hosisofAm-mys shown on th/s map. COUNTY RECORDERS CERT/F/CATE F/le -lila. _ _ —Fee, Five.0ollar4 Po/d Accepted for record and recorded in Book/�,� ofMaps at Poye0 in toffice of the Covnly Recorderoe Santo Clara��ounty,State of Co/ifornia, on this day oe�1 � /964 ot.�j In/nates past2Oc-lack in the P—. W. PAUL R. TEML , County Recorder by� Depot OWNERS CERTIFICATE Ne hereby certify thvtwe ore the owners of or/a✓e sa riyhl, titleorinferestin ondto the rem/property included within the svhdy/s/on shown upon Phis mop, thotheale the only persons whose comsentis necessary to Ross a clear t/t-le to soidrmlproperty andwe hereby consenito Memwkiny ofthis mop 017dsa6 msan os $-lawn within fhe6/ve6order/fines ondto thereco�ny t//erc�f orxlthaf x/ehere6yofierfordedication to�u6/,reuse o//sfreets ondportians of streets notheretofere e /sl/ny aspvh/ic streets os sbewn on sadmapw/th/n soid suMv/sim. We gtso*te ydediceeiopvilrcuseeasements fol PvhlicUfilitiesundetonaroverthose certain strips oftond lyiayhetween thtmar andA-side /fines of/ols ondthehroken //nseach des/yaled as PU.E. (Puhhc Utility Easemed$5asemmvls vnde�onorovel thasem-lainstrips ofbrdie'lmeotedonddesi) vfedos;4.f"(A) mhor £asemenl)Qndeasernents torwire c%roncepurAases on/yover/*W certoinoreosdehireotedonddesiynofeda$ NC.E.„ ��reC/asra/Xe Easement). Public 411ili1yfmmmis to he heplfreeond c%ar dhui/dinys ordsfrWfuies W ony/tiitdexcept/owfu/faces. Utility Company strvxiures m-miffedin Pvh/e Wilily Easements m/y. GY/re C/eorance Easements to heAmiledto hui/dings sirucfuresond appurf, mms thereto march have a maximum height of fifteen feetohove the grade of the yrwl'/deofpoles `Ye also hmehyded/cole topuh//c use easements for Sanitary Sewers unde,on orarerthose certain strips oftand /y/nyhetween the rearm v'rs/de //nes of/ols andthe hro/ren tineseonh des/ynaledas 'S'S.E, ” (Sanitary S F/RST L/FOR;11700P- P,�NYOFVOWCLARACOUNTY,ACo/fbrnio Corporation, Owner Ked F/RST 4d1/1,1Nf(j/) NYOKS,91yTACLAi �%T��/ifornia Corporafian, Trustee STATE OfCAL/FORN/A S.S. COUNTYO,FS4ATA L.4RA On this�dayof ,/964,befareme, she otJ , a hhtory Public inon�dPyr said State ardavrri lesl*y lherelk du/y commissionedgo y and 17 ,/rnowntometohethe �Es.o/s ✓� and ✓, es ,�¢� s.�6^-✓7r respective/y,19 0%5 Co/:17ifle C.. of *41,2 e/am Crotty , the corporation fhoteweded fheoilhio iadrurrlentand a/solrrmwn tometoheperso�s ss'hoexecufeo'if on heho/fofsgidcorporotion and thry gcknow/edged to me Malsach corporation executed the same as Owner: /N!y/TNESS IYNER60F, /hone hereunto setmy hoed ondaptixedmyoFficia/sea/thedoy andyeor in this eekllkale fistahove written. L lWy commission erpires Xo -ZP' 6G J. D. NELSON =_ -a NOTARY PUBLIC ST.9TE OFCAL/PORN/A Santa Clara County, Calif. rg 49"r 54 CLAR4 naxuuurxxiwnumurxrmn7n," u uunum MIA On this qday°��/964, before me, 7n �x .6e eo , a Nat blit in andto soil State aadCounty, residgy lhemi ,a'uly comm/ssionedatd 4ndJ�.�� C� ,/rnownfo�xto6ethemid , res�cfive/y affrst o of SontoC/oroCamfq, the cmpombe/7lhatexecvted the wifhia Instrvmenl oma'm/so knowntameto,be lhepersons whoexecufedifonbeho/foe said corporvlion andfheyocknow/edgecl to me thal such corporal/on ewmeled the same os Trustee. /NGS//TNESS IyHEREOF, /have hereunto setmyfnndondoPPixedmyoisicial sea/the dvy and year /n Ibis certcofe firstahoee writle✓r. OA//) My commission expires io -.L t'- 6 6 NOTARY m& /c �uuim±mm�ummrmmnumumrxumrxnnuumnuiuuuuuwx>= - J. Q. NELSON NOTARY PUBLIC '' Santa Clara County, Calif. �nnnuu+uxxurmmnurxuxmmrmrunmmuumrromnnnrxrsF TRACT lll0. 3806 CUPERTINO, CENTER BEIN6,4PORTIONOFTlIENORT/IEAST /40F SECTt0N24, T.7S,R2K;N/.D.R &M. CMPERUNO .5CAL E. /'"=/00' CALIFORNIA AUGUST, /96Q MAR 111N D. K/RKEBY CIVIL EIIIMZZ*R CAM50,6E4 L, CAL IFORMA OF 7r 11.)/1!U•9� 197 D v\ 40