2157ClTr ENGNEERS CERT/ /GATE /, ✓ahnE. Fleming, Ci yEnyinoer a fha Cify arcaperlina, haie6y Corhfy A 11hewith%n Ile .1 moo al7merY.2197 has heenexaminedbyme; fhafthesubdivisionAM'Vlherem rssvbsfanf%o//y the same as %tap�aeoradonJhe approved f6nfol%ve mop andany approrado/farofions thereat; /hof o/fpiov%cions olfha Ca%!m%a Suhal'ksian MapAc1, as OMM (Od, O&M, /oea/omfia7ce argv cahle aflhe &1e ofcolamlaf the fenfallve mophare been comp//ed w%lhand Ad/ am sal%sFledThal sa/dmop rs teehalvc/ correel ✓OHNE. FLEM/NG) CilyEng%n= CITY CLERKS CERT/F/CATE / Lawrence K. Maifin, C/fy0/61k offhe Ci y ofCupsrf%na, hereby csrf/fy fhoffh/s mop, desfgnafedas Tract No A97, mos appiovedby fhe C%fy Count%/offhe CifyafCuperk7a c/ameei%ny of& -a _ 4959, endfhofso%d Counci/ddafsaidmesfiny aceopf fhe dedreofibn of offsfreefs androorfions ofs "m S andaf/ eaaeme7hs olfered& deAraAm andshamn on smd'm v with%n so/dsubaiv%s%an. rYCLE4t 00 EX OfF/C!0 �OERKOrMY MYCONNC/L OFTNEa/TYOVZM7/N0. CIVIL EN6/NEER'S CERTIFICATE /,GeorgeS. No/fe, lire y csr /fyf of /am o Rcgisfered Civil Eny%neer offhe Ale ofCo//farnio; lhall*R p consisyng of one shoo; carrot//y reprosen/s osurvsy modsund6i my sup�rvisian durmy January, /959, ih0 esur✓ey /s /rue and complete as shame; Ad all monumenfs shown hereon aclual/y ex/sl ar mi/lbs plocedvpon complelkv offhesfreel /mproremenf warlr or/dlhafsa%d monumenfs are sufFelivI fo enable the survey lo be relvma' GEO •R�.C,E EMIT 0, MRS. M BASS OFBEAR/NGS 7116 LL"ariMy, Nas^0000°W al fhe Noilher/ %rte of Ard&. //00 as so%dhne /sshawn W lhol ceitom mop 6711'1/ea"'TMCIA.//00, S%Aef Menai "recorded %n Book 46111Maps a/pays 90 m the alrce af1he Cawlykeal-ver ofSanla Clara Courtly, Cahiarn%o, was lakv7 asfhe baslr of ieadngs shown onfhis map COUNTY RECORDERS CERT/F/CATE Ille No.��3 Fee FivsDa//ors, Poio'. Accepfedkfmoordandrecam'sdm Sx&o. olMops a1Paye_ _q//71 ew,;l(#e Counfy Recorder olSanfo C/oro Counfy, Stole olCa//fomia, orrlheL42WO of X—,/959, aft minufespasf�2 oc%kiMfh6'.M SYL C. TULLY, CaunfyRecoider. �� ASS/STANT ECOROE�A/? R NOTES & LEGEND The 6/wind/cafas fbe boundary of/ondsuLr,1 ed byfhismap. All dsfonces ondd/m6ns/ans are sbownm leef and decimals Ihmeof. • Indica/es 3/4%ronPoe monument found unless otherwise skled o indicates /"/iarP manumsnfssf unless o/herwisesfafed. /n�co/6s CffyafCup6ihno sfandard city monumenf sAf. OWNERS CERT/F/GATE {Ye hereby cerfifyl* wa are the ow7e/aofothore some r%hl, ////e or%meows%n andfo the red)m?erfy k6ded wifhin lhesubd%v%s%onshoNnupon this map, fhofineare fhe on/ypersons whose consenf/s nacessory fa pass o c%r f/1/e Cosa%d reo/property andxe hereby consenffo lhemok/ny offh/s mora andsubd/Y/s/on os Shawn the b/ve border hues andlhe reeardmy thereat andfhof we hereby offer ri a'edreafian %pubheuse al/s/reefs ondporfions olsliee/s natheie/afore existing ospub%slreels asshawn uvan said map within saidsubdYision. We a/so hereby dedreafe ferpub%use balieserre excAsimlyforlhe owners ofAh /nlh/ssu�Y%siar, AM eerfa/n sfr/ oflond across fhe ends afsfreefs desl ,ra�ed as %'Aeserve"andmdcofedby o dalfedAe, unf/lsrxh //Me os odor!/ono/tondo jo/n/ng /s acceploa isfreefpvrpases by lhepraoeiyorarn/ny Lady aleh/ch /rine fh%s reseiYohon shallferminafe andbe alga lurlher effecf. Me o/so hereby deaka/efo pubf/c use aasem,71S forppub/re of/hf%es unde, on ororer those cerla/n sl-* of /and lyiny between fhe rear ondor s/de /ries a!/o1s andlhe bro/ren %nes each desynafed as fsU.E."(oub%Uli/ify faswml '' ell' "S.QE.'(S1,V 04a/nage EosemenfJon�i SSE"(Sanitary Sewer Ease/nenl), easemeafs ande, on or over /hose certain strips olland de%neafedand desrynale, ow 91.. "(nchorEasemenf) andeasemmisfor wire c%arancerOurpases on/y oYerfhase cerfa/n areas de%neafed and desiynofed as "`YCE. "(!f'/re Clearance EosemenfJ Pub/rc Ulilifyfasemenfs, Sfaim 5 6weiEosemenfs and Sanifaiy SeweiEasemenfs fo bA /septjee and clear of dui/wings andslivefures ofanykind except/owfu/fences.%fy Campanq shut /ores perm/ffed%n pub/c/f1/hfyEosamenfs on/y. wee C/earonce Eosemanfs fo be%mifedla bu%/oiiss/rvcfures and appurtenances lhoiefa which have o maximum heiyhf afsffeen feefobare thegiade of the yiound%rte of oo%s TROJAN CONSTRUCT/ON CO, Ca<paiofion,OWNER. PRES/OENT ASS/STANT SECRETARY SURETY T�/TLE AND 6LI14RANTY COMPANY, a eoiporol%an, TRusrss PR a Nr Y/CE PRESIDENT S7,47Y aCAL/FORN/A ., CounfyolSonloC/oro • On this, doya/ 59, 'reme. AoA M.41 pub/refs andforsa%d Sfafa andCounfy, res%dng therein, 04/y COmm%SS%OnadandSwOril persona//y ooraeaiadEdw%n C. ✓ahnsan and N�fl.Sfano �fnown lame fa be lha Pres%denfona'Ass%sfonfSecrefory, rospecl%va/y, olA o7Consiracf/on Co., fhe mr, arolmn lhalemculedlhe with%n%nsfrumenf ondfrnownlome tube theparsons who executedifanbeholfofoa' corparafion ondlfreyacrrnary/edfamefhofsurh rorporofian exocufedfhesome as owner /N N17NESS IYHERE'OFfhavehereunfo selmy hand andalf%xedmyafwafseaffhe day ondye71'47 Ars eerf%fieafe rrsfabave written. My commission expires ��z2� �Gz �AOrARY PueG /N O�COUNTY APS074C6ARA, STATEOFCAUFORN/A STA7E OFCAL/FORNIA rr. Counfy of Santo Clara On 1his1= day of Mrs 1959, defareme A � �Jo^��SONofory pvb%%nondfor so/d Stale ondCounfy, res%orhq/boieiN,du/y Comm%ss%anedondswornpsrsono//y vopeava'#'1/%am H. Ciray, ✓c and✓ohn & Brooks, hnownlame to be the Auiienf and WeJol, enf, respective/y, ofSurefqq Tif/e ondCivaranfy Campony, the eaiwaml%an /halexecufeilhe within%nsfrumenl ondknawnlarne fo 6elhepersans who executed/f oNbeba/! ofsarilcorparafion andfheyac/rnofiY/edyedfome lhalmd corporal/on asemledlhesome eslruslee. /N WITNESS Wl/EREOF/have hmeonfasefmyhandondoftixedmy oflc%alseallhedoy and year%97 As eerf/!reapYe whits . My commission expires�� 3_,19C�z N07ARYPUdClC /NPN e TNECOUNTY OFSAN7AC[ARA,STA FCACIFORN/A. TRACT NO. 22157 CONSISTING OF ONE SHEET BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST 1/a, SECTION 24, T.75., R.2W.,m-()A&M- LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA SCALE 1"=100' MARCH, 1959 GEORGE S. NOLTE CIVIL ENGINEER --LAND SURVEYOR PALO ALTO -,SANTA CLARA••WALNUT CREEK. -SAN RAFAEL 106 to