251� 3' hcre,6y cert'i y Shia �0 .43e a Z'rVe and c'of-r-ecz` -,177a'b of survey made under my �su,6erviso.7 in Audus e, J95 3, az fh e re�tues f of Ali/lard -5 Longi .PeB/s red C�Ui/�i>� eel . - Cer�'ij�icct zee Nay ,z2! - ' This ma,6 has been e earni;7ed >n cofnal af>ce a./ �he,6rori�sfons of SeeFion 87to'ra : of ache .BUsiness and �ro}'essions Code anod fovr�d .sa�isfac�ory. Leonard .8vshne/I - Cdur> y �`n�incer • 7i%.5�. filed a� zf/ie re acs z� o� �eor� ,� �%6y ancJ /'ecordeo� �n in x�3e �ofSPhe 6,06"-, y ,Pecoro'er of 5a, -,fa Clara C04V �fiis 1953 , cz /o %S8 A. i1, Chas. A. Payne Cour f ,Cjecorder " � aSan �cr Clar�r Co nt� �- 1 .Peso/uof� of .Sanz>a Cara County �oaro� o� So,Eerc�isars ct�6,brav>i�� ma,6 recardec� S� r .3 ' .5 ,�eeorders fi/e >iio� T% basis o� deaf'>i�8 Cdr �`h>s ma,!> >:s a cours e dt' .l>ue /orz(h �or z°/5e Cenz>er lime o�' �etrir»rzn A7oad ac .shoran o,7 0/ Zf�.7,bii-.vfion lle>gli z`s . Nior� zea Ysf4. Zecorded >n ,Bo0 P"of X6.5 Pgee /3, Countyy of Claret Aeeoro>s. The angle of �" 54' 3d " 6ez`rucen lerriinan and Sd,*Z-a Lucict A70ads was es�a d/ishea� 6y Cot�r�y .SUr�ey . Jane J3, 1-950, i�//�broher y corners. cer��er Line dr�d .sio�e lii�c oh' mads were monarner> co�tvr�h 3f,�'' Tron P�,hes. WIZZAU zolvce-�( 0, /NC A Pow7loN A- YAIJIVI,eAT1Oit1 ,F�G�1TtS�- MOrt174 11107A CAL /fa•eN/A 6eoA,6E .e 11/L.BY CMZ �QllsfNV'L`•2 65 E. e54.V ANTONIO t5T: tSAN ✓oSE. C,9Lff DiPNIA. i7 I-OS7 -0. w 0