323 2 19jf 1 t fd Oranife 5U.r7nys/0pE .Da ve/cpmCnl Secf ion Co�ne� N See Counfyy Zngqineers rrcrnj# hook I3o, f}q� 73 � .S 89"55' so"w 82s.00' / 4vo.00IF se /2 Sfri�a, .lohnson of o/ fo C. Ms erko/3 286 ,Deeds, Page 41.7 E fSe/ -"/. P P N h m Grass Area Rood Area A/c/ Area /5.380 Ac. .02/ Ac. 15.359 AG. ComPcrrry CITY OF SUNNYVALE 1 C0U1`17Y OF SANTA CLA12A Cupertino Union School /Diclricf /l/ X39• sS` S©" Q 7 C3 gel J/140)0 . Se/ e/�' /. P. , cv N N N h N N " r w a h 3 of 3/¢ /.P. SC/ 3/ "/.P. N Gross Area /0.060 Ac. toad Area .547 Ac. Nel Area 9.513 AC. a N N �r—'f'ufure Se/ Sfresf Lime /'�"� P. SGiJW*%P. MOM4STEAD 795.00l —` _ /v e;7 ;.p %J E e 2s. oo f `%4 SEC. Coe"4P- Fd. Brg3 P1UQ_ �C3unfy ,engineers "Tron'l;i Book 46) U d z v e o U h b 4 V b 0 kJ V ,2 OA D Al199•ss'so•'r _ .60/.34 Fd Bross P/ug.S CERT/FICAT.E OF EA/G//V,EEP- I certify Phis to be; a fruc and correct map �S cI sur vcy rn ade unde my super• visir�n rr7 Self - ct , 1954 c�l the revues of }he Cuperfir7o !inion School Dielricf. CHARLES L. CO,B UPAI Req. Civil / .Engineer Cerizrficafe �/o.5B/ CjEPT//-ICATE OF COUA/TY EMC71/VEEA2 Th/s mop, hos been examined incompliance wilh /he pro v/,qions of 5ecli©n 8 76ry pf lheAaslness and professf©ns Code and found Sall:51a ory LEONARD o5U,SHA/,ELL, Counfy ,Engineer, so.nler C/ora Count y, C4/1fornia. by /J/ouy Doled— O,2- CERTIFICATE DotedO, CERTIFICAT.E OF COUXITY 2ECOROEP Filed a/ Me re-queef of Char/es L. Coburg? of / inule.s pa,51 o'c%c+f, —,eE. 1W. on flak- do recorded in f.300k s-2- o f ma'p'-Y' , Page Sonlo Clara Coal? y peco�s. CHAS. A. PA *E, S on la C/ora Counly Recorder. roc � � ----- y /Depw y - Peso/u.lion of Me bcoral of c. -v stirs ap�orot�ing fhis rnerp recorded /Y� r. T ,/9.54. Pecorder-S Fi/e Ago. a z L1124 . NOTES L Th,e herarin of Me line be/ween .Seca/ons /n crn d // SOU rH ) ps re corded in B001,- 131 of meds cal Poye�49o, vvos fc��er� a`.s fhe basis of ,beeariracys shown upor.-- this map . • • A// disl`ar?ces ar?d drmensic n,-5 are show,rr7 ir, feel crud d�eeirncr/s thereof • •- /. P, desi�gnales /r'o,n Pipe 2. As no corr7er- sMhes could be found eilher al Me. A/or}herl�qt,+ corners of this fracl` or n The Southerly line of fhe 72' s /rip, 286 /Deeds, Ing. �l/4�, which /ine was the A76r1berly houndory of The original C. Meyerho/3roper-ly, /ha/ lime was reprcducecl }rom di,� f ances qn bearr'ngs given in deed frorn a W Childs, .lr= et a/ to ✓ F Johnson 1 ecorded rig 500k /3/ of Deeds /•7g. 490, which deecr/he.s properly norlh and cast of fhe oriyirlo/ proper>`y of C. Nl eyer'ho%. RECO"FeRD OF SVvrY �� Of o P0rP0r7 Of /be N W %4 of Sec ion //, T. 7S., R. 2 YI/., 0ID.1VM. S cin is C/aro County, California Being properly of CUP.EPTIA-10 UAJ/ON SCHOOL DISTRICT C1qA)2L.E5 L. COBUeAl CONSULTING ;ENGJAZEEP, ,SAM JOSE, CAL/FOQAJIA SCALP. /rr= /00' ©CTOl3.EQ,/9.54