71Saw �.ls iww�owa. C4. to W r_A LI 1, Maroc E itiomas ,hereby certtrcy tha4 t am a Re9tsteved C%,4 Y-_ c)meer ccttle 5ta.ie of Catifocnta,that thtg map coerectly vepcesercts a survey made vnder my supervision iri Aprit tg5(. for bask M CObuCn,that the survey lstrue and complete as st own,that att tnovwments Shown thereon actvatly emeh,and their positions are cocrecMy showct,andthaf bald monuments are s'ficterit t'o enable the survey to be retraced. Qec�%s eccd ivt Ecw>tneec 0.25T8 ~ $ the foeanno, (S85051,30 "E� O? the cen*ev %%ne os Ottve Street as 5tnown an Qecord of Survevy �°•`" t'ei " map recorded in BooK 58 oFMape,po�e 40 ,was used as \Oasts Of toearinqs 5%Own upon r t•hts map . tndtcates 'monumonk lgouaA O tndtCate6 limn pipe set. EdwaraEhul� g AN distances and dtmenstons are-Onowrt tnlq'eet'anddecw.ials�heceof 6roous ,. upt, +. (.601. 34f0 0 it 30 CE i m 16 1 N 3 a 1."J. V. CW.- 41 7 1, 34SO .•R R FoKm-0Pe C.obuc•+ r 34fo os•LI S.m % c 14—t y Tht z map has been examined to compliance with the pcowsioris of Seottori eTGGo4 a the Busmes5 acid ProCes%on5 Code and fovctd satisfactory bu+ has not been cleared os r # o bldy site 6y the govcrning body t_eonard Bushnell , Co rcEy Ecw)trieer kc y N� F\k" at the request ar( Maroc jytomas $. Co and recorded to BoerC �o�( Mlaps,at y Poio�ej '4_, Santa Clara County fz day o4 M a ¢ e h to15�,at q:hl A. _Nt 0(s`°"' Sy1 C.Tully, Caurtjy'eecarder i-,—.;Ev i RegA 14 n of -Biel * � gecwsors (approving map recnraeel IF.A►�(.P. -JR,CV. dtTt' O. V-ScoQr.) OF SVRII_4v_Y IN SEC[tOW %4 .T0v*4s"%P *7 SOVTH.itAI " 2 W EST MOUtA'f D%A6%.0 SOkSE Z*/[ER WMAK SAKTA &ASiA COVK'CY GAMWORMA F cnt BASIL M. COBURU SCALE - is %ad AML,IS'Sf. MARK TKOMIAS =CO. SAVA 36sg CAUFORWAIA A