1939rd04-Mon • MCLELL li RD1,0 .tddad 84Shi¢tt----_— L A N P 5 0 P J 0 L L y M A N e •• Rd,ua�i 6 7 35 to ) StFNall589�A'f.69610 5.99°59'E. 6.9°59'E,26 , ,�- ......... -- 5.99° 'Y 7 .7D •... �A5.20.. _ 0 . A id•rfE•..0 ;`i'.. 94 F0 BjOb — arat.�— —87.00--F,-ty-- f�1.00 -I—7.DD—T ,}- —3——DD "U'ROY. �I •�IdP.UY:.I I:•ID'PAE 20 �° 16 29 30 31 o a r ; o0 0 0 31 ilea 33 y 34 I ra o uo 87.ro 87A7 97.aa BaaD 87.00 73,00 AM x HBATH KWOOD AR_1VF 9 Q� I 5.A9°5a E. ' 595.00 o al 5,66,W'E;;.......•, �•� 95.;0 85.5D 85.50 mw95•SD 730D a ' ~•�• � x SII o ,-I � �� N o g ; b5,50—�Rtl. • i— 85_50 — 85.50 —_85.57_— 9550 5pe •.stoA. Z Lim_— y z 5,89WE9 ,�r5'P•O,R js 1.4 � $ t5 � 16 S 17 r8 _ l9 d'e21 20 H I I g x S � � ; SR• R� Ilii � 85.50 8SA �i.50 5D 95.5D Pfi.OA 4=m• T -ALLEN LEAF °° LANE 1 s•ae0 X ( 5,89'Sft _ -Vii.....slim -- �— _ i 5300 %�g R-45 A`26°asiD! f 59�58'E.':.•..... DO 65A1 QJi.OD SLO BS.DD 85A0 wl 3•DO 7 rw 8 I AL�'Z . :3DAD ogl"`5 •: a:ro a e` zexl A N O h O F GREENS .51 663,30E •'.410I.P. w 70 N .. 5..•. ,0.0011 Willl NOW SAME, LINE `•.fir _ 19,91 68670 ••;I:.. e6W14---- 5.89�E5B—'-.�`t�,•'. T 4.89°56 f. � �------- "SctlkAlHl"LP, 08'•Fd.l'LP. y.l°IR SAME LINE � :rd.ytawaVn. 660$ ROAD 1668,95 CE2TIPI CATS o F EN 41 NEE IL I,4torg6E.40mo.btrabyceltleq that lama QagisftW Civil En41`ntbr of Alit State of Galifornia;thatthis rwNp.consistinq ofoat (116wf,corracfly r6pta5tc6tS a Orvby Haat under Aly 5upbrutsion duri,nq Ma{, 1951; ttiat iht4utvey is thatartd connplbteasshaum;tl4at all mor4Dnrt14t5 5t= htreon actually gist or will 42 placed upon corupletlortof *60 W rovon4e worK and thatfft4r parfiom are corwily hhown aad Wmonmrd,5 art 4uf46mt- to ¢Haat % suruby to ba, rttrace . 4 Eo Q,GE E. SOMPS, Re41STHLED CIVIL EN 4IN EER CERT Pi66 N0, 4716, STATE OF CALIFOnN1A I �_ T_ — -- . "40 <�--- - -- - c E 2 T I F 1 C A T E O F C I T Y e N 4 1 N t e a I t61Eby c2rtif qq tllaf ,1 haum ¢ aainzd ihz uiritLim $Inal map OF TraCf 1�g 1939 laUTkarst Anita 94 I ; that tft� 5uWNisiora as 5homb thm" i5 sobStaTLAMIq Ahb game, 35W appeared ort the ttntativt map and approved Atr9low fittel'eot ; thar all provisions of ft �abdivision Map pet -,as al mam,aad of a" local ordtoances appllcablt, at lain t(k of approval of ftfe,teritatil)Q map bOV6 Alen tonnplied wit, and I aw, satlsfitd that 6ai6 map IS technically Cortoch �!DTED ; T4Y a!� 1957. /j�Yyt , I1N EU{r EETt , (174 OF SAN SOSE, STATE 4 culFormIA CEII. TIFICAT2 OF CITY it L.A4 IA I'w6bq artifqq,that this map, designetm as ract 9q 1939 Lauralhurst Uritt ,consisting OR41) 5Wf.utas approved by the Aly Coonal of tiu. Crfq of S3n105t at a uA¢t64 of $aid [ouncil II on the `day of 11957, atld *at Said Cov4 did a{ $aid onaetinq aatpt the dedication of all SN05 sad all easeait05 as offered by dullcat'lort IRd shown, ota said Wp witl6in Said yubdwision,. nn CITQ CLE AND El-oftloo THE CITY LDUNOIL, CITY OF560 JOSE,CALIFOCMIA 3;�- — — 5.99°581. 1573.12 ----DSI— >s A WINE t2. _ 5.69°5 't, A 0 d l �,: •FJtireddc E'al• 6 A 8 1 5 0 P 6 e A a I N q 5 Tu b¢atittq "North° of Aha. (Aetrline OF Stelling Road as Shown otl lhet attain Wrd of Survtiy tar Jol)gmall filed for record ire SCIA 17 of Maps at pagt 46, Santa Clara Countq R rd5, was W617?, as t4 1795i5 of baartltg5 Shown on this r>nap. 90Te5 k LE4t'jq , Alldistaw and dirMtnsioxs artgik 14 feint and de W15 th,vL , The biva, Wkr line indiC06 ttto wondarq of land 50divid6 t4105 map, . ind ieat05 as noted. o indicates 3/4' nota pip6 stt: P.U.E. = Pubic utility EaS6n int B.S.L.= BuildiN'ttbactS l,lrt2 4ADt u (Drab Ea9tMmd IFT. 5TRIP5 /N FALLENLEAF LANE NOT A PART OF SU[3A'N A9P9.0VAL S,Y c1TY PLANNIN4 66MM141ION Approved Dy flit Citq planning tom °siorc of the lily of San Jost,State of Califorriia,at its rtqular rswetirq Ilia oTti lhe�ttLday .—A ort l _,1957. G 9E ETADY, CITY OF 5AN JOSE PL4MW04 COMM 155 log, 54M JOSe,c"NLIFOR.NIa TkACT N0. 1939 LAU kELRUMT UNIT N0. I L0N5ItiiINC, DF ONE ti) SHEET WN4 A PORTION of THE WE$Tr/2 OF SELTtoN 14,T.75.,R.2WjM.V.6.94M, LY 19 WiTHiN THE CITY OF SAN JOSE,CALiFOkNIA, SCALF:1'I 100' ` "�� . 4 IV LE 4�'J� MAY, 1957 1003W, EL CAMiNO REAL, 6UNUYVALE,CAWF04NIA 0 W N e It '6 CE IL TI FI SATE 111 Nrtby cuflft{ i'aat we are the oulm Of or have roma righk, title or intents{ is and to -tha, real prapettq Included 9idiLin the bubdivtsion 5ttorvn upon tha �vltln,in neap; thattvtarbthaoaly Q9rsony ahostcons¢n{ is rt iSarq to tass 8 ¢(tar alta io said real proparty;that ve hereby coas¢nt to the malsircq of said rMap and SDbdivision as shown 4hirt the Diu¢ border Iirz and tkahvelute(� offer for dedt Bion to public ase all +W5not kteTtfiofDre existing as sholur6 orb ttw within map tuithin said sublivision:ar� aKo d¢dlcatt tds¢mtnts foranq anal all public uses uRdtr,upott, and over raid streets. Aam herwbq dediwit easements for public utilities urldax,an orover tose certain 5frips of land dtlin¢ai¢d and designatm a511I.E.11(Publieutll1ty Extmettf)• t{urt$2r hettby dbdicalt eastmtnfs for storrMdralilaga facilltits on or udder *5, certaitz strips o4 land deslgnaizA anddellrteated as D U! CStorm Drstlm Sonat). Tf2e above maatattbd posit ut'dity ¢asenitnts to bt Krpi o�ttYt sad §taz f tor�I Strucfares atuf build brecgq�s of lay Xl A mtpi pu li� utllrtq structprts,lawful j2nces am irfwatiotL sgsfems and appppurtanartc¢S HI¢reof; t!¢ also dedlcatt ,or public A, tasen4¢ats for light and air on or over those certain Suits of hand lying betv"t thQ lips of straits and the dotted lines each. Monatad as' 18,5.L'4BDI0irtq tial m LIM)5,35 5Wa oro the rvl�iin map of said subdivilan slbr6, such strips of land to N Kepf Opmand f rot of Wldia 5 and OmcturbS 4 any Kind except pabhi utility Strucfiurts,l2lvful tortes and irngatlot 545ten45 ani appprtartancts Wreof. 0 W N e A 4 [t e e N E 0 a 0 0.1 a CO-gt%dx5 A CAN O W I. E 0 4 E M E N T 84 a2 61ATE OP G,1LIPORNIA'7. 55 CO:DNTY OF SANTA CLARA r ' On, �hi5 day df ,1957,fi¢fort m¢ F. T. EADRY a �Otary Public, in arta for 5aid founty Sad 411ats, pttsor ly apptared Raipk>S. /,re 6 and bkrt Wreen2,Known, io moi to bt, h6 pattnurS Lou4pri4iaq fhb Co• partntr511ip that WXIAed tht uilthtirc 1n5itOlu4,rat and lknowtl to tie to be {ht petsort5 vtho: exb O d it on tchatf of said to- partawkip sad ac 0usledg2d to 192 that 99th 60-partnb4lp W(DI d ttrA° 5RM6. hiq Cor=46ioa. �gire5 Nov. 21 ,IgD 00TA44 P061,I4 R E C D IL 0 E R' 5 C e a T I F I C A T e FILE N0. /-5 G 4Z308 FEE i5.o PAID Ac tz a for record and flltd in boA 85_ of Maps at paelt 2— , Santa Clara county Ucads, ttus��' day of �T�1}� 10 51 64L C. TOLL4, RECORDER SANTA CLARA COUNTY 1) 0cs r 757' D• °45"t5° M � 3 � w Q y u1,a 40 F,q LLEN L 4 y � Id __ F EA F LAN k R.Z�° '' 5. mod •. . ,Z27j.470 ;FL STRIP TOiNE CITY OF 5dN lO9E•..i=3L42 ' •. t2. _ 5.69°5 't, A 0 d l �,: •FJtireddc E'al• 6 A 8 1 5 0 P 6 e A a I N q 5 Tu b¢atittq "North° of Aha. (Aetrline OF Stelling Road as Shown otl lhet attain Wrd of Survtiy tar Jol)gmall filed for record ire SCIA 17 of Maps at pagt 46, Santa Clara Countq R rd5, was W617?, as t4 1795i5 of baartltg5 Shown on this r>nap. 90Te5 k LE4t'jq , Alldistaw and dirMtnsioxs artgik 14 feint and de W15 th,vL , The biva, Wkr line indiC06 ttto wondarq of land 50divid6 t4105 map, . ind ieat05 as noted. o indicates 3/4' nota pip6 stt: P.U.E. = Pubic utility EaS6n int B.S.L.= BuildiN'ttbactS l,lrt2 4ADt u (Drab Ea9tMmd IFT. 5TRIP5 /N FALLENLEAF LANE NOT A PART OF SU[3A'N A9P9.0VAL S,Y c1TY PLANNIN4 66MM141ION Approved Dy flit Citq planning tom °siorc of the lily of San Jost,State of Califorriia,at its rtqular rswetirq Ilia oTti lhe�ttLday .—A ort l _,1957. G 9E ETADY, CITY OF 5AN JOSE PL4MW04 COMM 155 log, 54M JOSe,c"NLIFOR.NIa TkACT N0. 1939 LAU kELRUMT UNIT N0. I L0N5ItiiINC, DF ONE ti) SHEET WN4 A PORTION of THE WE$Tr/2 OF SELTtoN 14,T.75.,R.2WjM.V.6.94M, LY 19 WiTHiN THE CITY OF SAN JOSE,CALiFOkNIA, SCALF:1'I 100' ` "�� . 4 IV LE 4�'J� MAY, 1957 1003W, EL CAMiNO REAL, 6UNUYVALE,CAWF04NIA 0 W N e It '6 CE IL TI FI SATE 111 Nrtby cuflft{ i'aat we are the oulm Of or have roma righk, title or intents{ is and to -tha, real prapettq Included 9idiLin the bubdivtsion 5ttorvn upon tha �vltln,in neap; thattvtarbthaoaly Q9rsony ahostcons¢n{ is rt iSarq to tass 8 ¢(tar alta io said real proparty;that ve hereby coas¢nt to the malsircq of said rMap and SDbdivision as shown 4hirt the Diu¢ border Iirz and tkahvelute(� offer for dedt Bion to public ase all +W5not kteTtfiofDre existing as sholur6 orb ttw within map tuithin said sublivision:ar� aKo d¢dlcatt tds¢mtnts foranq anal all public uses uRdtr,upott, and over raid streets. Aam herwbq dediwit easements for public utilities urldax,an orover tose certain 5frips of land dtlin¢ai¢d and designatm a511I.E.11(Publieutll1ty Extmettf)• t{urt$2r hettby dbdicalt eastmtnfs for storrMdralilaga facilltits on or udder *5, certaitz strips o4 land deslgnaizA anddellrteated as D U! CStorm Drstlm Sonat). Tf2e above maatattbd posit ut'dity ¢asenitnts to bt Krpi o�ttYt sad §taz f tor�I Strucfares atuf build brecgq�s of lay Xl A mtpi pu li� utllrtq structprts,lawful j2nces am irfwatiotL sgsfems and appppurtanartc¢S HI¢reof; t!¢ also dedlcatt ,or public A, tasen4¢ats for light and air on or over those certain Suits of hand lying betv"t thQ lips of straits and the dotted lines each. Monatad as' 18,5.L'4BDI0irtq tial m LIM)5,35 5Wa oro the rvl�iin map of said subdivilan slbr6, such strips of land to N Kepf Opmand f rot of Wldia 5 and OmcturbS 4 any Kind except pabhi utility Strucfiurts,l2lvful tortes and irngatlot 545ten45 ani appprtartancts Wreof. 0 W N e A 4 [t e e N E 0 a 0 0.1 a CO-gt%dx5 A CAN O W I. E 0 4 E M E N T 84 a2 61ATE OP G,1LIPORNIA'7. 55 CO:DNTY OF SANTA CLARA r ' On, �hi5 day df ,1957,fi¢fort m¢ F. T. EADRY a �Otary Public, in arta for 5aid founty Sad 411ats, pttsor ly apptared Raipk>S. /,re 6 and bkrt Wreen2,Known, io moi to bt, h6 pattnurS Lou4pri4iaq fhb Co• partntr511ip that WXIAed tht uilthtirc 1n5itOlu4,rat and lknowtl to tie to be {ht petsort5 vtho: exb O d it on tchatf of said to- partawkip sad ac 0usledg2d to 192 that 99th 60-partnb4lp W(DI d ttrA° 5RM6. hiq Cor=46ioa. �gire5 Nov. 21 ,IgD 00TA44 P061,I4 R E C D IL 0 E R' 5 C e a T I F I C A T e FILE N0. /-5 G 4Z308 FEE i5.o PAID Ac tz a for record and flltd in boA 85_ of Maps at paelt 2— , Santa Clara county Ucads, ttus��' day of �T�1}� 10 51 64L C. TOLL4, RECORDER SANTA CLARA COUNTY 1) 0cs r 757' D• °45"t5° M � W 40 F,q LLEN L � o $ =rs cot m" a'4b EA F LAN k R.Z�° '' 5. mod •. . ,Z27j.470 ;FL STRIP TOiNE CITY OF 5dN lO9E•..i=3L42 ' •. g : Y $ ir L°141.91 ° • • 5 B9 57`E 7 .`fin .''I�L: •• � o, - 4 D� �! a •r.�......, 149, .3 a � ---. 9• _ `'�' ... 8. 8 ,____J t; a:440 ' 6.99.57 E. 1 77p% '"I FT. STRiP10VH CITY OF5ANJ05E �;7D0,•' ILL— � QY E. 175,02 • ••-; ( � ,� � -------- 5.69°5a'E. ------ w 80005 WP t2. _ 5.69°5 't, A 0 d l �,: •FJtireddc E'al• 6 A 8 1 5 0 P 6 e A a I N q 5 Tu b¢atittq "North° of Aha. (Aetrline OF Stelling Road as Shown otl lhet attain Wrd of Survtiy tar Jol)gmall filed for record ire SCIA 17 of Maps at pagt 46, Santa Clara Countq R rd5, was W617?, as t4 1795i5 of baartltg5 Shown on this r>nap. 90Te5 k LE4t'jq , Alldistaw and dirMtnsioxs artgik 14 feint and de W15 th,vL , The biva, Wkr line indiC06 ttto wondarq of land 50divid6 t4105 map, . ind ieat05 as noted. o indicates 3/4' nota pip6 stt: P.U.E. = Pubic utility EaS6n int B.S.L.= BuildiN'ttbactS l,lrt2 4ADt u (Drab Ea9tMmd IFT. 5TRIP5 /N FALLENLEAF LANE NOT A PART OF SU[3A'N A9P9.0VAL S,Y c1TY PLANNIN4 66MM141ION Approved Dy flit Citq planning tom °siorc of the lily of San Jost,State of Califorriia,at its rtqular rswetirq Ilia oTti lhe�ttLday .—A ort l _,1957. G 9E ETADY, CITY OF 5AN JOSE PL4MW04 COMM 155 log, 54M JOSe,c"NLIFOR.NIa TkACT N0. 1939 LAU kELRUMT UNIT N0. I L0N5ItiiINC, DF ONE ti) SHEET WN4 A PORTION of THE WE$Tr/2 OF SELTtoN 14,T.75.,R.2WjM.V.6.94M, LY 19 WiTHiN THE CITY OF SAN JOSE,CALiFOkNIA, SCALF:1'I 100' ` "�� . 4 IV LE 4�'J� MAY, 1957 1003W, EL CAMiNO REAL, 6UNUYVALE,CAWF04NIA 0 W N e It '6 CE IL TI FI SATE 111 Nrtby cuflft{ i'aat we are the oulm Of or have roma righk, title or intents{ is and to -tha, real prapettq Included 9idiLin the bubdivtsion 5ttorvn upon tha �vltln,in neap; thattvtarbthaoaly Q9rsony ahostcons¢n{ is rt iSarq to tass 8 ¢(tar alta io said real proparty;that ve hereby coas¢nt to the malsircq of said rMap and SDbdivision as shown 4hirt the Diu¢ border Iirz and tkahvelute(� offer for dedt Bion to public ase all +W5not kteTtfiofDre existing as sholur6 orb ttw within map tuithin said sublivision:ar� aKo d¢dlcatt tds¢mtnts foranq anal all public uses uRdtr,upott, and over raid streets. Aam herwbq dediwit easements for public utilities urldax,an orover tose certain 5frips of land dtlin¢ai¢d and designatm a511I.E.11(Publieutll1ty Extmettf)• t{urt$2r hettby dbdicalt eastmtnfs for storrMdralilaga facilltits on or udder *5, certaitz strips o4 land deslgnaizA anddellrteated as D U! CStorm Drstlm Sonat). Tf2e above maatattbd posit ut'dity ¢asenitnts to bt Krpi o�ttYt sad §taz f tor�I Strucfares atuf build brecgq�s of lay Xl A mtpi pu li� utllrtq structprts,lawful j2nces am irfwatiotL sgsfems and appppurtanartc¢S HI¢reof; t!¢ also dedlcatt ,or public A, tasen4¢ats for light and air on or over those certain Suits of hand lying betv"t thQ lips of straits and the dotted lines each. Monatad as' 18,5.L'4BDI0irtq tial m LIM)5,35 5Wa oro the rvl�iin map of said subdivilan slbr6, such strips of land to N Kepf Opmand f rot of Wldia 5 and OmcturbS 4 any Kind except pabhi utility Strucfiurts,l2lvful tortes and irngatlot 545ten45 ani appprtartancts Wreof. 0 W N e A 4 [t e e N E 0 a 0 0.1 a CO-gt%dx5 A CAN O W I. E 0 4 E M E N T 84 a2 61ATE OP G,1LIPORNIA'7. 55 CO:DNTY OF SANTA CLARA r ' On, �hi5 day df ,1957,fi¢fort m¢ F. T. EADRY a �Otary Public, in arta for 5aid founty Sad 411ats, pttsor ly apptared Raipk>S. /,re 6 and bkrt Wreen2,Known, io moi to bt, h6 pattnurS Lou4pri4iaq fhb Co• partntr511ip that WXIAed tht uilthtirc 1n5itOlu4,rat and lknowtl to tie to be {ht petsort5 vtho: exb O d it on tchatf of said to- partawkip sad ac 0usledg2d to 192 that 99th 60-partnb4lp W(DI d ttrA° 5RM6. hiq Cor=46ioa. �gire5 Nov. 21 ,IgD 00TA44 P061,I4 R E C D IL 0 E R' 5 C e a T I F I C A T e FILE N0. /-5 G 4Z308 FEE i5.o PAID Ac tz a for record and flltd in boA 85_ of Maps at paelt 2— , Santa Clara county Ucads, ttus��' day of �T�1}� 10 51 64L C. TOLL4, RECORDER SANTA CLARA COUNTY 1) 0cs r 757'