90No'1 -UWL& /Y t N79°35'E 8/i.53 ti R l" I fnd Bo$et R• • 5p N79°35'E _ S, 2 FOWLER RD. ltr ti t iL S790 35' kV 1 as e� . ti k4 1 �6 10� 5ef n +- /rndicafes /mn Pipe Found —a- /ndicotes Iron Pipe Set �O\'y0 .BASIS OF BEARINGS The bearing of Me center line of Fowler Road (N7.9-d5'E) as shown upon that certain map enfitled l.3ishop and Rich Partition, Flap Al? 7, " .11/ed for record in the office of the Recorder of fhe County of Sonia Clara, California, on Apri/ 25,1896, in Volume F of Maps, page 50, was used as fhe basis of bearings 6hoxin on Phis map. 't 1, A C 'L (l�! , � � L � � ^✓ � ��� L � `t' h! ^v ^ �`�---! ---% A HARDER 1a oJ v`1 ;. ;::iitstmq S' Publid Uttli}y E2Stml Ent •;. M L1----E85} ---� M + —4-1-370 _ 85.00 " —a7.00 I I 91.op T I i I I kI 1zt4 v q h1 krs ✓'k, parcel _ parcal I Panel _ parcel _ -a`10 ! 18 1e T1 IRS :J, •, ----_ d4.11 a1A0 : I ; 12.00 a1.00 g16L'ENA ttntetlim Parcel �' I g' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This map correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requiremernfs of Chap- ter 15 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code of the reQuesl ofNick Raineri in April, 1958. dd Clvil efn sneer+/V° 4, COUNTY SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE This map has been examined in conformance wifh the --eguire- ments of Chapter /5 of Di vi ion ,9 of the Business and professions Code >his 2.da y of1470f ► , I9S8. .IWMI-S 9.. Z-NOCH .Acling County Sury yor By Dcpufy PECORD�R'S CERTIFICATE l`{7-Z/f7� Filed 71or record this 27 2!( dqy of /V A Y ,19(y of-`/q-2"M. in BookZ— of ✓Vaps, of .Page S3 of r°he request of Raymond K!Fisher. pe SYL C. TULLY, County Recorder By Deputy R -7, i MR-D OFS6,19VET OF THE LANDS OF NICK RA/NER/ BEING A PORT/ON OF LOT 48 YERBA BUENA RANCHO SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SCALE /"=/oo' Raymond Ul/. Fisher APRIL, /958 CIVIL ENGINEER SAN ✓OS£, CALIFORNIA T�ae} 15g0 Lxis}inQ I Rtservt DQ1Ytr Meuttncor) 4' )OVC Utility Easemtnt,l� ¢q 64 on tilbtr side 0f.the, proptrtu lint, to bt comged to tht 04 %mAvalt. thSls OF 1SEA2t1S45r LS4EMD 0. the btaringd North"between +4 monuwl¢lat4 fouvd 2lo>n4 Se 469601ne corol * Avenue IM *Wrt n0e. map Of tract MD WgOrnoor •f tled in SODt;; of 'Maps, pp.;4845;j Santa C(ala tnntq Unrds was iakn as tht basis of butims. All distayc¢s and dimensiovl ate imfeet 2hA declmals %ttaf', o ind}Cat¢s CN 0; Sunnyvale W, Monumevlk found. . mVdaias 3/r Iron, p'tpt found. 0 indicates 3/4A iron pipe Sttl, This map dots not COW Itet a Sabdivision )otcause; I. the pparcel contains Itss Than fiut (5) acres b.'it abdts upon a dedlrafiP� sheet in which 5ttttt OPOhinq Or Wldenir�q IS trot rsqu'Ired bq the goVerninq Daily in dlutdmq tut latcd into parrAlc C. ttie lot design met ttie approval of *6 6q I;o tit of tut tiit( of Sunnyvale WN to Aar mtetim held the `loth day 0f Maq, m;S, m4E E. $04?S ,144,C.E., MIT, 90, 9719 ✓ob doll 6UAVEYoks ttkiIEICAT E This map correetlq represents a Surveq made bq mt or under mq dirtctiore in conformance wi}l< the requirements of Chapter I; of Dlvlston of tht $USIOLSS and prof¢ssiDns Code at ih__,_tequtst of We4tmoor ltomts lnc. ,in Maq,1969. f�yol�� �ORGE E.SOMPS, ZbM'TERED CIVIL EM4)14EE2, CEMI1 tCATE NO, PIS COONTY SURVSiDTL5 CERTIwiCpTE This map has low examined for Con4ormance with The requirements of Chapter 5 of Division; of tht Business and professions Code this'Z r aaq Of , l%S. DAMES 6. ENOM , ACTING COUIJTy SU2VEYOR, S TA CLARA COUNTY sq; R.ECORDERS CETL11iiGAT& FIL1r N0./hc7�8R0 Ptt�S cc paid Filed for mCord thl5 day of MA y $IM, at "o ,M,, m Maps at paq¢ C—V,3 at i? e rtqutst of m0aq O mps, 5qL G. TULLV: ZOOMTY rLECmm- r 6ANTA CLArbA COUNTY 1LEC0P.D OF SUCtVIcy of a division of all of Lo+ 97 inaTrect No. 1590 Westmoor"filedin Book 61ofMapS,pp.546t56,S.C.Io.RcdS. LYIN4 WITHIN THE CITY OF 6UNNYYALEr 6ANTA CLARA, CO.,CAL. scale .1°= too' Maq,1966 `fitae & So�ryaiY Civil Ehgthe% IOO'S EI 6amino Rta1 Sunnyvale, 9a SS 93 53 M,9cs.01 Rtw._13,5_ate.55z `lzp