141ALP/NE /J2/✓E � I � I `t Nv 3AS/S Of .3E,411/rV6,f', NOl6S fi 46AO"/.) Tfx° f7ea�r� N96°io'Zo'� a/or�9 �f�e Soa�55cr/y .3oar�dary li�c of Ti-ae f Nv. 1?� of tiIa/os ,�9c /7, Sarvfa c 91V �oa�fy llecvrds, was >`a�err -6 Ife .basis of Ae-W'aIX XlioWn hereon. Al/ o%sf awes yidB/7 in feel and decirna/s ffi�re. o i�dica7es 3/4 "iron,oi" e, se7` o rndicatcs Sfanda�oP`ify 7�1o/�ai11en7`foand ,r 0.S = f7`eM7 fale/77e17f 5.5, E. < fanifary fewer fasell 7e;7 ` P. UE. = /'e%lrc Uf/rf/ .Easeiner�7` it/•C.E, = �i'e C/ea��i7Ce Easc°r�e�f 28' 11 /3 owl4o * A Ia o Q ,t/3°49'4o"JY /25,00 I I ' w o b o� S.D.fgS.SE �Ih � o `WL I I. •- D h o h W •�; S�y10U.Vrl1/.(/ ✓/fW - •\�•,, 674.63 H _STEY6NS G'/16BX 11cA0 Pfeiffer etyx BASIS OF BEARINGS: The bearing CN & 47 FJ used for the line between 6.3. and 6.4. on the Map of "Partillon of The Skase Tract" " f'Peps 47 /s usedes the basis ofbearings for this survey. NOTE: JI/I distances and dimensions are in feel and decimals thereof • /n dicates Iron Pipe found. / O / ry/ Area S[/lZ✓EyO/Z/S' eE/ZT/�/G ATF 7fv rwp correct/y a sdTvey made Ay Me O/' elMelcr' M! dlec7`ial2 in Le O. Vl•IVW174e hwl/ five reairer�e�fs of lbao7`er /5 of />i�is%v/7 9 of fire reydcs7` of a. T• Coo/* i� ✓ane /960. GEO/?GE E- SOMP 12.CE. IVO. 87/8 cowry sulsyJyoas' �E/17711=fcA77. This rnao has peen eX.2M;9ed /i7 lo/�lvrmanee 1vi7`/j the �eyairemeil>s of l%1a�fer- r5 of Diaisivi7 3 t Me azd P%ofess/ops lode tfiis�2��day of ,/1%dresY , /y6/, ✓A44ES r. Parr, 4041Vry X"YEYOr2 2,i L0120,C-/Z /J° LFIZT/F/GATE q 7 /- k -5-5 _ fce � ,w Baia/ at/°a9e_� , a>` 1be r-e9aest of /y1ae,�5ay E Sor77/vs. i�AUL E, rE/LHs 12,FeeaV.0Z SANTA LLA2A G ,042"0,0" 49V jo"�/Zt/EY sk etex. yfnds �r<Ed9t � �ys3 yR J s' a<s of � �aR zoo SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE: Thlsmap correct/y represents a survey made b y me or underrny direction in conformance with the requ/remen is of Chapter!* ofDivision 3 of the Business and professions Code at the request of Gt/a/ter I'Vyss1; ynski in March. 1961 �bw�. iva h2 R, CF 688 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: Thismap has been examined for conformence with the requirements of ChapterlS ofPivision3 of the davinessanoProfessions Code M;5 --Z `day of-y4hgae-1961. Jamesrpott county Surveyor By� Oepu 1,7 7.9 S- 9 3 RECORDER'S CER TIFICATE• Filed for record this ' day of,461 telr 1961 al -i!` M- in ,Book /J % ofA1dpsa1pa9e.�2– at therequestoff SStaffora! oro Frau/ R. Teich. ' J Coun ty Recc000rrder, RECORD OFSURVEY FOR WALTER WYSZYNSK/ et. ux. OFSANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA LANDS THAT ARE A PORTION OF GOODRICH; QUARRY NO. 1. 4 4 DEEDS 417. AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF THE PARTITION OF THE SKUSE TRACT. 'F" MAPS 47. Scale /u 50 feet. March 1961. ENGNEERING OFFICE OF L. CEDRIC MACABEE CONSUL TING ENGINEER 131 2 131 2