215AOF PORTIONS OF LOTS 299, 300, AND 303 INSPIRATION HEIGHTS, MONTA VISTA SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Scole ; l" = 50' October, /965 MARVIN W. WOLFF Civil Engineer Nlounoin View 9 Coli fornia 5 u N 0 �41 P N 0 S 'QQ SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE This mop correct/y represents o survey made byme orundermy direction in conformance with the requirements of The Gard Surveyors Act of the request of Louis Paviso in October 1965. q�� G%`Rlktzo.W / d%f MAR VIN W WOLFF RCE8/37 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This map has been examined for conformonce with the requirements of the Land Surveyors Act this–Zi–rlhday of. /Vovember ,1965 JAMES T POTT County Surveyor N Deputy 9 sf 7/ RECORDERS CERTIFICATE P Filed for record this o of d x/966 at 2.23 M. in boo*99 2 ofmops of page -�K)L, of the re quest of Marvin W Wolff $� 040 PAUL R. TEILH County Recorder By ~ Deputy BASIS OF BEARING The beari�q (N.&°20'/1!) of the centerline of San Juan Roodas shown on the map of'lrtsokation Heights Monto !/isto"recordadin Book p ofMops at Paye /4, Santa Clara County Records was taken as the basis of bearings for this map. (Sho wn as E/en a .Pof) NOTES AND LEGEND All distances and dimensions ore shown in feet and decimals thereof. 0 lndiootell& Pipe monument set. • /ndicotes monument found (As shown NOTES ANO LEGEND Al! dlsfances and dimensions are shown/n feet and decimals thereof. • Ind/eates 1"iron pipe found. (Unless notedofherxise). o lndicafes I "iron pipe set. p Indicates S,`Mderd '11g Mananteltf set SURVEYORS C671FIC47E This mop correctly represents a survey mode bymeor under my direction in eooformancewiih f mfuiremenis Of Ike Lond Surveyorsk� ofiherequesi of HIllerSo& &Andersen, in July, 1965 PL%T9TONf R.E: —NO .12446 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This mop has been examined foreonformancewith therequiremenfsofthelandSurveyor'sAeffh/s 26ts day of 6ovem6er11965. JAMES T. POTT, founty Surve or. byDeputy r� , BASIS Of BEARINGS The bearfl%N.6B°09ME, of fhe eenierline of yia Venfana as shown on fhaf eerfain mop entitled"7raefNo.3659tNafoderoHi//s;'rcecardedinBaok 177of Maps of pages 94,717d $5, Santa Clara County Records, was taken asthebasls Of bearings shown on INS mop. RECORD OF SURVEY OF LOTS I & 21 TRACT N0.3659•MATADERO HILLS RECORDERS CERTIFICATE FOR HILLER, SAUL & ANDERSEN pl/eNa.��"-3sz.- Fee�✓s�aid. TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS, Filed for record this �_ dayaf e�-• CALIFORNIA t963,at [; / �'M.,ilgook�b �sfMopsafpoge 449 otiherequesiofdeorge S. Nolte. SCALE -1"=50' APRIL,1965 pAUlR.7E/GH,CouniyRecor GEORGE S. NOLTE CONSWING CIVIL ENG1NEERS,INC. 6y Pep — — PALOALTO••SUNNYVALE••WALNUTCREEK••SAIiRAREL••SANFRANCiSCO••SACRAMENTO••SALINAS