578CURVE T42,LE No. RADIUS, or --LTA LENL-ITN TAN 6E.NT Oi 20. 00' 89-49- Oo" 31.35' 19.94' 2� 20.00' 900 II'00" 31.49' 2o.0G' Q, 20. 00' 23033' 23" a.22' 4. 1-7' ® 40.00' 12o 15' 40" 8. s4' 4.00' CV 0 R- L NOo2V 277" W -rool MELLO PLACE ` 7 4? Ro, I N89"a-1- y EI 31r50.$I' ;� N 4 d O �N fr C6 0 2s 28' 00 '" PARCEL B Ir a I W U� 10 0.172 ACRES 1� 0 Q C9 (7, 500 Sq. Ft.) I V j Q- 87. o I' _-2 rn to' P_ u.EL. N ""!T y _ Dedicatecl'� y' PARCEL A���' I� 3 0.207 ACRES 1 u W + _ trt 0 _ (9,027 Sq.Ft.) 1 O - I z ii W 1— 0 z Lek �' 1 -- N Z , \ — — - Lal p^' _ W I 989'3'1'33"-E + Ut c c Q0 G-7 . 0 G' I i v 2 WI ZI a M N89o3i'33" E 49'1.92` 0 Street Dedication PRICE `� Bk.8122 OR 39 BASIS OF BEARINGS The bactring o-F NORTH Oo II' 2-1" WEST of +he. Centar-line of MELL_O PLACE as shown on 4kcif cer-+atin map of TRACT No. 4-4a1, WiLLiSTOtd NO. 2 re.cordect in FSoo K 23 C- ©f Maps, F6,3es 19 and 20, Sa,n+o Clara Records, was used as +lie bcvr.is CAf:. PSearif)CIS for -41tis map. 0 to N89�3-1` M AVENUE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE We hereby certify +ho+ we are all of +he-'porties having a record +i}le interest in 4-he real propsrty being subdivided by +his mop and whose signot-ures are required by +he Subdivision Map Ac+ and +hat we ore. +Hle only persons whose conssnt is nscessnry 4-o Pass clear ti+1e to said rea l property � and we here by consen+ +o +he prenoration and recor4,m+ion of +his map and Subd i v i s t o n in- dicated hereon wi+hin +he DISTIWC-TIVE Bowater lines. We olso hereby dedico+e. to Public use easemerr+s for public u+iiities, under, on or over +hose certain s+r•i(os of land lying be+ween +he -Froia+ and f or side IincS cf loos` and +he dashed Ories each designcr+ed as"P.U.E-" (Public LJ+ili+.) Ecrscmevr )..said Public U+ili+y EaSerne-A+'to be Kep+ ape» oncl free from builolii�9s anol structures of ony Kind exeep+ u+ility structures . OW N1=RS: SAM TPEODORE. LIMA and MARY AIMN LIMA, as Trustees of +ha SAM/ THE,O%D�ORE. and MARY AWN LIMA, 1980 Living 1-rvs+. SAM TNE:ODORE L1MA,7rustee MA ANN LIMA,Trustee AC K MOW LE_06-i EM ENT STA.-T1= OF- CALIF-ORNIA 1 COUNTY OF SANTA C.LA\PA ) SS On +his��`doy of MARZC W 19U before me +he undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said Stafe, personally appeared SAM TVAEGDOPEa LiMA and MARY ANN LIMA, Known +a me to be +he Persons whose nomas ore subscribed to +he Within ihstruwient as Trustees of SAM-THEODORE_ ar.A MARY AWN LIMA, 1960 Livirt9 Trust and Known to me +o be. +he persons who execw+&-cl +he wi+hin ins+rt.-+rnen+ and +hey acKnowledged +o me +Ina+ 46" executed +he same. os OWNERS. W1'1'iJESS My Hand And OFFicial Seal. My Commission Expires FES2UYR-Y 1001jigL1 I MM LEGEND O lndioates Standard City Monument Found • Indicates 54' Iron Pipe Flovnei unless shown Otherwise 0 Indicates I" iron Pipe Set- Utlless Shown Otherwise Indicates DISTINCTIVE. L3orAet- DEB,'1A L. JENSEN f �J.�•��Y-11.�.PM_� t', v Queue wro h.l,;, tar'j Public h And T-or s,_ A CLARA COUNTY $aid Sta+m Av,cl County My m n n, lion expire Fnb i 1), 191j4 i TRUSTEE,. SA% FRANC15Co AUXILIARY CORPoRA'rloN, a Gaiiforni4 Corporation PU.E, Inciioofes Public t)tiii+y Easeens.+t- AGKNOW LE DG7=ME NT STATE OF CALiFORN1A ) SS Cl-rV 'AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCCO On of Y)' , 19M, before me +he undersigned, a Notary Public in and or the Said State anal County, personally appeared YYQ�ii.0'ic'X��QY and , Known to me • ci be +he �00, Rfel eo �t and of SAN FFZANCISCO AUXILIARY C0?,POi2ATI0N, a California Corporation, +he cor-por-etien +hat escecu+ed +he wi+hin ins+rumen»+ and known++, me +o be i•hc persons) who ex.ecu+ecl +hn Wi+Ihin instrumen+ on bshal-r- of +he corpora-4-ion •-herein named anel acKnowledojed tome t'Aai- SUGi, coVPor-etion zxecu+ecl +ire same. WITNE.55 My Nand And Official Seal. telly Commission Expires c C ; IC.14L ';'AL "'fT SE 1 .2I i ir�stiia Notary Public In And F;=.r- _ and Couwi-i ,,"ry Go;i7r+!ssi�n Expires Feb .1Q, 1985 !'i Jll lt%p;!llll. IIIIII ilill'!! L,IlIII�IIIBi!iiihi i t, F �IMt PARCEL MAP LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CONSISTING OF ONE SHEET BEING A PORTION OF LOT 10 AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF THE PRICE SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN BOOK 56 OF MAPS, PAGE. 39, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS. MISSION ENGINEERS, INC., 2285 MARTIN AVE. SUITE A-1 SANTA CLARA CALIF. 95050 JOHN JAY BROWN CIVIL ENGINEER JOB NO. V-020T DWG. NO. M-7523 SCALE =1"- 40" ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE This mays was pre-parad by me or, Under my direction and is based Upon a -Field survey in with +Hie requimrnen+s of the Subdivision Map Act artd local ordinance a+ +he request ore 8. +1 C.. Cons}ruction on D'Scember 10, 19S1, 1 hereby sto4e +Iia+- +his Parcel Map 5ubstan+ialiy conforms +•o the approved or cond tti,maFly approved Te.vrtative 1Jlop, if Only. CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE This map GonPorms wi+h +he requirernen+e. of +he. Subdivision Map Ac+'n Local Ordinance. DZ � � Pot=42T V 1 K.OY i G N City Engi near' RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE FILE 140. 7gf7 7 �;L6 3 Filed +his A FJ,4 day of Se -ghee be-,. , 19W2, in maps a+ Page t O o} +he reques+ op John Joy Purow n. GEOP,GE A. MANN, Couv++y Recorde psy Depu+y c NOTES Ali dis+antes and dimensions shown are in feet and decimals thereof-: The Dl5-rIWCTtVE border indicates +he boundory o-P land Subdivided by tYi%s mop. The area w44itn •the WSTINc-rtVE Border Line is 0. --b-79 Ace••+°-0. 0 40 L -o City. of Cipertino_- 21-TM-8l I �0