211OWNEk75 CE7P7IFICA7E This /s to ceriify that the SAN JOSE QS-5'T,PIQC7- da T/TLE IIYSURPPMCE CO. q corporation 1.5;'17e owner and that the SA/`/ JOSE ABS7-/21aC7- & TI TL C- I/YSUR,4NCE CO, a corporation is the Trusiee under that certain Deed of Trust doled. lune 5194/ cover/ny the tract of land shown upon the accornpanying map; that they are the only porties whose` consent is necessary to pass a clear tit/e to said tract' of /and, ;hal said trocf of land hos been subdivided info lots an Q1 sa/d lots numbered accord7i7g to (heir 7nsfrucfionsj that ad Jots so numbered are intended for sale; ;hof they hereby dedicole son Fernando Avenue and San Fernando Court as shown on solo' map to the puhlic use forever; that they hereby dedicate to the public use forever easements for // /?h and air on, over or under those Certain ,ships of /and lying between the lines of avenues, roads or. or drives and the lines designated as "Bui/d1i7g Line "as show upon said map, sa7o strips o{ land lobe kept open ono' free from bu7/dinys and sfruc ures of any kind except irriyalion andsprinX-11ng syslerr7s and appurH enances Thereto; and ;hey hereby consent to the filing of sa7o 777ap. 05E AB57-,CAC7- 6: TArW1Y-7Uje.1pMC �._ CO. Presi en � Secretory JOSE A3S7-)e CT E: T/TLE INSURANCE CO. O Tru f c f �_ e Presiden ' s an ec Srary state of California GounHy of Santa Clara I S.S. On this 6 day ofAr!1 /99Z before me W. f/i/fon o Notary Publ/c in and for the County of'janto Clara, Stote of Californio, resiaW2 -1herein duly commissioned andsworn per- ,son4//y appeared L.. P. Edwards known to me to be the President, and C. U C/ark known fo me to be the Assis.tont Secretary of the Son Jose ,qb-stroc{&- T/'//e insurance Co; the corpora74ion ;hat executed the within ina/rument and known /o me lobe the persons who executed the same on hehoY or the corporal on nameq/ therin, andacknowleo'ged to me -that such corporofionexecufed the same. IN WITNESS WHEt2EOF: / have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seo/ the day d near in this cer;�ificofc 7c7i-.54 above tvr1 ;len. A/otory ub c in and for the County of Santa Clara, Stote of Californio. ,5tofc of Californio County of Santo Clara } ss. On This 6 day 1942 before me F. W 9i Mon allotory Public in and for the County of Sonla C/ora, Stote o{Callfornia, residiing therein du/y commissioned ono swornper- sona/ly oppeored L. P. Edwards known fo me to be the President and C.J. Clark knot.vn to me /o be the Assis7`oni Secretory of the Son lose Abs7<ract3c 7/'He insurance Co., the corpora71io77 that executed yhe with/q /77sirument as Trustee and known to Me io be the persons who ex- eculed ;-he some on behol{ of the corporotion named therein, and acknow/edged fo me tho/ such C07-,00rcr74i00 exeeU/ecf The same as ,such Trus tee. /N WlT/YES.S WI -IE PEOF: I h ve hereunto set my hand and affixed 7n/ Off/c%o/ Sea/ the day d ye in Phis cerf/ficate first above wr1 tfen. / If , J* Notary Pu /i� ang7 {orf e County a Santa Cloro, State of Co//forma. ,5U.eVEYOR5 CE,e7-1F/GA7-E / hereby cerfi> k diol the survey for this map was made by me during /94Z that the survey is true and complelc os shown; that o//stakes and monuments are of the characfcr on c/ occupy the positions 117clicoted, and ore ,sufficier7f /o enable the survey to be retraced. �O:a 24CCl peyis ere C/; viz E /neer Cer i ica e N'4B3J S TE .54 AF- s M Surveyed /`% The course of San Fer as shown on map o{ Tr Stevens Creek Subo'it Moo /yea ,Pecorded in 7 of Maps of oaye 14 c/sea, as the basis of , n=/Town on ;this ,m 4.iffisY'ances Cn0' din? %O/7S ore shown /n feel and dec7ma/s there of The Blue Border iihdlea; Me boundaries of the /and .7Ubdivio'ed by thi, . V ,PECO,PDE,P'S CE,E ,PeCOrded al H70 requ Jose Abstract& 7ItI, atm rnin. past/ oc G"' 1942. ondrecorde ,la,OJ page 3/, Santa ,Pecords. � Chaste Eye Oe CE,P7-/F/C.g7W oFT1E GLEQKOF rHe BOA,PD of SUPE,2VIS0,e5 /tis hereby ordereciMof the nhop of Tact /Y2211(5tevens Creek Subdivision Mop /Y O4 be and the some is herebyopp- roved• that San Fernando venue and San Fernando Court as shown on soidmap therein offered for dedication he andthe same ore 1?ereby/79G%acceoted for Hhe/ourposes for which the same ore bffered for c%dical;bn. The Clerk of this Bocra'is direched is endorse upon the face 01said n-7op o coot' o f this order• aufhenficated by 1he.Sea/ of the Boorq'o{Supervisors. / hereby cerfif ;hof thefore57o7ny order was odooted by the Boalyd of.5u�rvisors at q,iweetiny of said Board held on the day 0f' /94Z. ) ' W. Hogan. Counl y Clerk ane/ Ek- of7°7cio Clerk o{ the Boord of. Supervisors of the Couoly cf Sonta Clora ..=tote of Coli fornix. 45'y Deputy roui7a FAST /93.06' Gustave A. Bracher of o% COUNTY SU.PVEYOR'S CE,PTIFICQTE This is to cerl-ify that /have examined the accompanying mop, that the subdivision shown thereon is .substantio/ly Me some as it appears on the fenfaf-/ve mop thereof with any approved o/terat7bns, that o//provisions of the /937 snap act and loco/ ordinances oppl/cob/e of the tiir,e of the approval of the tenfafive map have been complied with; cml thot / arr/ sa>4/stied the said mop is technico/ly correct' Dated__&ril 6,_ 1942 >~ ,Pobert B. Cihond/er County Surveyor of the County of San to Clara, Ga/ifornio a. x. DOepoun 7 Surveyor or