05-051, Cal-West Lighting & Signal Maintenance, Inc. CUPERIIN PUBI . AGREEMENT NotJ;:JtlJ'4/f44 '0' !lVOr~KS RECEm'fi4:\il) CITY OF CUPERTINO ~. . ,'" 1 0300 Torre Avenue MAR 3 1 2005 Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777-3200 CAL-WEST BY THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on the 24 day of MARCH , 20~, by and between the CITY OF CUPERTINO (Hereinafter referred to as CITY) and Name (1) CAL-WEST LIGHTING & SIGNAL MAINT., INC. (2) Address P.O. BOX 612035 City SAN JOSE Zip 95161 Phone(408) 923-1313 (Hereinafter referred as CONTRACTOR), in consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows: CONTRACTOR shall provide or furnish the following specified services and/or materials: STATED IN BID LETTER BELOW EXHIBITS EXHIBITS: The following attached exhibits hereby are made part of this Agreement: EXHIBIT A & B TERMS: The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreement shall commence on APRIL 04, 2005 and shall be completed before APRIL 29. 2005 COMPENSATION: For the full performance of this Agreement, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR: SHALL NOT EXCEED $3,580.00 California Labor Code, Section 1771 requires the payment of prevailing wages to all workers employed on a Public Works contract in excess of $1,000.00. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Hold Harmless: Contractor agrees to save and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any and all damage and including all costs of defending any claim, caused by or arising out of the performance of this Agreement. City shall not be liable for acts of Contractor in performing services described herein. due to negligence, errors and omissions Insurance: Should the City require evidence of insurability, Contractor shall file with City a Certificate of Insurance before commencing any services under this Agreement. Said Certificate shall be subject to the approval of City's Director of Administrative Services. Non-Discrimination: No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this Agreement because of the race, color, national origin. ancestry, religion or sex of such person. Interest of Contractor: It is understood and agreed that this Agreement is not a contract of employment in the sense that the relationship of master and servant exists between City and undersigned. At all times, Contractor shall be deemed to be an independent contractor and Contractor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts or other obligations in executing this agreement. Contractor certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this Agreement is an officer or employee of City. Changes: This Agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the City. No changes or variations of any kind are authorized without the written consent of the City. CONTRACT CO-ORDINATOR and representative for CITY shall be: NAM E GLENN GOEPFERT DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by CITY, in witness thereof, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year first written above. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF CUPERTINO: By Craig H GAis Jr Title PRE'SI DZNT Soc. Sec. # L~ l:- ~ By GLENN GOEPFERT Title ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDITURE DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT 110-8602-7014 $3,580.00 Pink: Receiving Gold: Department 03/21/2005 12:09 408-923-1115 orYI ,~#,,-V"'rJ l"t."'..;. rt'\l\ "'YO r I r c:i-'J;.j GAL W~~I Ll~HllNo ~llY LUrlKI!NO ~ Cal Wast t""'1-\l.:lc. t:J4 ~OO1l001 Cil,Y Hall 10300 T,;un: Avmuc CupminO. CA 9~OI4-0.2S5 Mlon~: 408. '177.3354 \?ax: 408.777.33J3 CUPERJINO DEPARTMENT OJ PUBLIC WORKS 1 S March :2005 File: 74,366.05 Int. No_~ 1629 ADDENDUM NO. 1 TNrf/lc Signal MlIfOT Mo4ljlctltJo1l1l11N Aftrp Boulevard & L(lZ(lIJet) Drlre Bid Clos~: 2J Mardi ~O()$ 9:f)0 A.M. The following revisions are hereby made to the above rcfcrtnccQ projccL Th;~ iJlrvrmation supersedell any ~vjous inform.~Qn reprding the30 items on this project. The following questions were received and arc bereby answem and made a part of tho project specifications, L FouDcbltlon: Wl)at type of roundation? City'. RcspoDSe: 1"he foundation shdl be a Type 15 with cage all shown in the State of CaHforn~ Department ofTransportatioll Standen! Detail Juiy 2M2. :eS~6A. ~. Sif!ual Head. What size of traffic signal head is required? City'", Respoal~i Tht: exi5ting traffic signal helld is an 8"', It was noted that this head hIlS boeo hit SEVen:\ times. So we ask that a 12" LED R, Y.G traffic sigolll head be provided ~nd installed. 3. Seal holes in pello. 4. Comment: All work shall be performed in accoidaoce with the Pillns, Specifications, Special Provisions, the City of' Cupertino Standllrd DeUlfu, and tho State of California Department of Trauspomrtion S~dard PlllIlS (dmed July 1992) hereinafter e.lled StslJld3.r-d Pb.nll and the SpeeificatiOlill (dated July 19(2) hereinafter called Standard Spedfleat:kms. Please :lign, date, Ilnd attach this to you bid proposal. Re~ived and reviewed ADDENDUM NO. I Contrnctors Name: C. A L - LV e.s '\ ~. ~ *Cr-t Vicki G...., ~ Senior Traffic Tec~niWn Paw: '3/\<;/ C-;- [fe)~~ F'rin/I9d 0/1 Rllcyoltfd PIIpM u....., L....' .LUU-' Trafi~ , Signal Minor Modification - De Anz:a Boulevard & Launoo Drive Bid Close: 13 March 2005, Wed. 9:00 A.M. 1, the undersigned, understand that th~ quantities shown below are estimated Duly. being given as a basis for oomparison of bids and content of scope of work. The City of Cupertino does not state that the actual amount of work will correspond, however reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion of the work or to omit items or portions of work deemed unnecessary by the Engineer. ~ work to be done consists offumishing all labor, temporary traffic control, methods of process, tools, machinery and material required to remove a foundation, install a foundation, relocate pole, relocate traffic si.gDal gear. and install Contractor supplied signal hardware and mountings to completion. I have read the above proposal and visited the site, and hereby propo&e to do aU work required to completo the work in accordance with the State of California, Departn:lent of Transportation. Standard Plans and Specification dated 2002. I further undc;rs1mld that said prices include all costs including, yet not limited to, local, state and federal taxes, and transportation costs. . If you are interested in bidding on this project, please submit your bid 011 or befoJ:e 23 March 2005, Wed.oesday by 9:00 A.M, Please fill in the following proposal section and eithe!l" callus or FAX your quote to this office by the above date. Our FAX number is 408.777.3333. If you have any questions, please call me at 408.777.3243. TOTAL BID: Written 8JTIount S TH'K.EE T~V>Af\Jb/ ~\ve I+VtJb ~cn-; ElGlt-T'1- boLLA/L~ 00 S, '5f!O~ I NAME OF CONTRACTOR: ~AL-WfiS"( L,6HTlrV6 -("'SiGNAL mAw'1: WL.~ ADDRESS: Po &D X ro l:l 0 3 ~ S-AJ0 -sos~ ~. '1 S-/fal'- d-03 ~ I Numeric amount $ CONTRACfOR'S LICENSE NO,; 811901 Sincerely. ~~ Vicki Guapo Senior Traffic Tcchnician .Attached; Sip,.} pJllIl 1629 .z. 1600 "",me ~i&ncU mIDQ'r b,d,doc EXHIBIT A City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-0255 Phone: 408.777.3354 Fax: 408.777.3333 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 15 March 2005 File: 74,366.05 Int. No.: 1629 <<Company>> <<N ame>> <<Address>> <<City>> RE: Traffic Signal Minor Modification at De Anza Boulevard & Lazaneo Drive Dear <<Dear>> : The City of Cupertino is prepared to issue an agreement for relocating a type 15 pole, providing and install miscellaneous traffic signal gear, and relocate a ped head and traffic signal head at De Anza Boulevard and Lazaneo Drive. The City will not require bid bonds and liquidated damages will not be incurred. The Contractor shall posses a Class C-I0 Electrical Contractor's License. The agreement, this letter, and response supportive documentation shall constitute the contract. I have listed the following materials and order of work, however not limited to, as follows: Project Elements I. Install new Type 15 foundation located by the City. 2. Remove old foundation to 14 inches below grade and fill in concrete sidewalk per City Standard Detail 1-19. 3. Relocate Type 15 pole with one (1) 100 W HPS. 4. Provide and install on existing Type 15 pole one (1) SV-I-T for 12" and one (1) SP-I-T. Salvaged signal hardware becomes property of the Contactor. 5. Land all wires and reinitialize the traffic signal display. 6. Test operation. 7. Warranty on work and materials. Time and Completion 1. This project has 15 working days from the date of the agreement. City Duties I. A forty-eight (48) hour notice from the Contactor prior to any operational shutdown of any traffic signal, the City will arrange for the Sheriff Department to direct traffic at no expense to the Contractor during the traffic signal shutdown. 2. Kevin Rieden, Public Works Inspector, will inspect proper lane closing. Any questions concerning lane closures shall be directed to him. His number is 408.777.3104. 3. Mike Vandeveer and Cameron Corry, Traffic Signal Technician will complete the electrical inspection. Their number is 408.777.1366. - I - EXHIBIT B Traffic Signal Minor Modification - De Anza Boulevard & Lazaneo Drive Bid Close: 23 March 2005, Wed, 9:00 A.M. I, the undersigned, understand that the quantities shown below are estimated only, being given as a basis for comparison of bids and content of scope of work. The City of Cupertino does not state that the actual amount of work will correspond, however reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion of the work or to omit items or portions of work deemed unnecessary by the Engineer. The work to be done consists of furnishing all labor, temporary traffic control, methods of process, tools, machinery and material required to remove a foundation, install a foundation, relocate pole, relocate traffic signal gear, and install Contractor supplied signal hardware and mountings to completion. I have read the above proposal and visited the site, and hereby propose to do all work required to complete the work in accordance with the State of California, Department of Transportation, Standard Plans and Specification dated 2002. I further understand that said prices include all costs including, yet not limited to, local, state and federal taxes, and transportation costs. If you are interested in bidding on this project, please submit your bid on or before 23 March 2005, Wednesday by 9:00 A.M. Please fill in the following proposal section and either call us or FAX your quote to this office by the above date. Our FAX number is 408.777.3333. If you have any questions, please call me at 408.777.3243. TOTAL BID: Written amount $ Numeric amount $ NAME OF CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE NO.: Sincerely, ()'~~~ Vicki Guapo Senior Traffic Technician Attached: Signal plan 1629 - 2 - 1600 traffic signal minor bid.doc City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-0255 Phone: 408.777.3354 Fax: 408.777.3333 CrfYOF CUPEI\fINO DEP ARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 15 March 2005 File: 74,366.05 1nt. No.: 1629 ADDENDUM NO.1 Traffic Signal Minor Modification at De Anza Boulevard & Lazaneo Drive Bid Close: 23 March 2005 9:00 A.M. The following revisions are hereby made to the above referenced project. This information supersedes any previous information regarding these items on this project. The following questions were received and are hereby answered and made a part of the project specifications. 1. Foundation: What type of foundation? City's Response: The foundation shall be a Type 15 with cage as shown in the State of California, Department of Transportation Standard Detail July 2002, ES-6A. 2. Siena) Head: What size of traffic signal head is required? City's Response: The existing traffic signal head is an 8". It was noted that this head has been hit several times. So we ask that a 12" LED R, Y,G traffic signal head be provided and installed. 3. Seal holes in pole. 4. Comment: All work shall be performed in accordance with the Plans, Specifications, Special Provisions, the City of Cupertino Standard Details, and the State of California Department of Transportation Standard -PI~l.lls( dated July 1992) hereinafter called Standard Plans and the Specifications (dated July 1992) hereinafter called Standard Specifications. Please sign, date, and attach this to you bid proposal. Received and reviewed ADDENDUM NO.1 Contractors Name: Date: Sincerely, Lk-Q'~ Vicki Guapo Senior Traffic Technic' ~)1~ Printed on Recycled Paper '2 ~ UP I -J'03 t 11.~ .7r- ~ ~ ~ C--- Iif:l FiiiD- Provide * Install 5V-I,T lor exlstln", 12", Prolflde ~ Install 5P, I . T for ex,stln", count down ped head. Relocate elCl5tmc:3 I 2- .. ped h~d. '" ~ ~ e z m o c ::II :( ~ ~,/;\r '_'_, >)W ~""'. , "". '" '8~~8 f----~~~-=O=--~._C~;ST~ ,'l;Z':, :DI~-=S::-=== @ ppb'4P _ L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IIAI 8 1_ _ \ & _ _ _ _ I'AI 8 ,_ ~ . --;;. ~IT-;;~ [!ill] -+ , EXIST, 1 l/Z'C. 1DIC Install new Type I 5 foundation. Remove old foundatron to I 4 Inche5 below c:Jround elev,tlon. R/W ~--- ~S~ _ _ LJSJ_ _ _ - - - - - ---jII Z'C 4dIc LiiiS4 /'. .8 -----;:----------.-----------A-.1~.8:;f_~-" _IIAlzl_ _ [!ill] .go l'Alzll'AlzJ .t . Z~D~L1~ liiliJ __~S8______ ---~~----- =:=:==::==::-=:-=: .' 7" :-' :-=:-====-"-~='=====r===:===_. ,. = R W EXIST. Z" IC"':"/ EXIST. 1 1/Z'. JDIC I . -----------.---------------- R/lV '" ~ NEW PHASE DIAGRAM Accurate for electrical work only. Intersectton: I G29 . DESIGN' aiECKED-_ DRAWN B't~ ~m_ APPRCNED BY: De Anza Boulevard at Lazaneo Drive CJ!:IiJi.1IY or CU~gR.liJi.1Il:l\IO DEPM1VOlT Of' PUBUC WORKS SCALE SHEET HOlt. VEIl. Of" SHEETS 74,3GG.OS .. 4'-6" 4. P.C.C. RESIDENTIAL 5" P.C.C. COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL 5'-0" IE . . ~., .'., '. ". ....:: :' '/.. '. .....~.: .'. ... ~'. ~\I, O~~ 0~9, 0 ~9. 0~9. 0":19. 0 ~~ 0 . .... ~~o ~~'Zl~~t:I~'b'O~~'tI ~~o . , '. ,. '-- ~4 4" CLASS II AGG. BASE WITH A 907. RELATIVE COMPACTION ~~ 0 ~~ 0 ~'b O'lb~~ 0 "- 4" CLASS II AGG. BASE WITH A 907. RELATIVE COMPACTION MONOLITHIC 10' (12' OLD SAN JOSE AREA) STD. CURB & GUTTER P ARK STRIP 4. P.C.C. ~: VARIES 4'-6" . . <I ..'.,. .... :. ,~., ..d .~ :. 4 ~~o ~'aO 4ib~ 0'lb~?1 0 "- 4" CLASS II AGG. BASE WITH A 907. RELATIVE COMPACTION ~g~~~1~~~~~'''t,~~0~0 '-- 4" CLASS II AGG. BASE WITH A 907. RELATIVE COMPACTION DETACHED NOTES: 1. Driveway concrete thickness: Residential - 5". Commercial & Industrial - 6". 2. One-half pound of dispersing black shall be mixed with each cubic yard of concrete at the batch plant. 3. Sidewalks, curbs and gutters shall be Class" 8" (5 sacks per cubic yard) as per Standard Specification and shall attain a strength of 3,000 p.s.i. in 28 days. 4. Sidewalk finish shall be coarse brush type. SIDEWALK DETAIL CITY OF CUPERTINO 5T ANDARD DETAILS APPROVED BY, 1-19