14-001 South Valley Endurance OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE• CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 TELEPHONE: (408)777-:4223•FAX: (408)777-3366 C U P E RT I N O W EBSITE:www.cupertino.org April 9, 2014 Re: Agreement for Contract Services Enclosed is a fully executed copy of the above stated agreement with the City of Cupertino. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the Parks and Recreation department at 408-777-3120. Sincerely, Andrea Sanders Senior Office Assistant City Clerk's Office Enclosure cc: Parks & Recreation CITY,QFr_ AGREI=MENT PTY:PF:CUP.ERTINO ' 10300'To►reFAvenue Cupergno ck9501'4 1 C, "° ERTJ'NO 408:777 3200.. NO'. ..�� � TH . NT, made a"nd entered;ii to"this d2th.dayof'February is'.byiand hetween,the CITY OF.COPERTINQ (Hereinafter "C.ITY"),and , :Hereinafter"-CQINTR•ACTOR"),In consideration 'of'theirmutua[ covenants, the pa.rties:agree:�as•follows: shall provide or furnish the.following specified.services and/or mateeials:, CONTRACTOR Electronic Chip'.Timing:_'Services for�B g Bunny SK. Check box;,ifrservices-:are further described in an Exhibit. EXHIBITS:' The'>,followingattached exlifjits hereby are made part o;f this•Agreemenf A:, TERM Tf 'e services.and/orxmaterials furnished undery;this Agreeinent'shall;commence on February 12 2014 and sha;llbe corrmplefed no, later than Ap�i1.:30`, 20,14. COMPENSATION For'the. full performance of this.Agreement,`CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR:,' $1:9;6.0°,00'f6r7u'0. t6,1*0 5K Participan"t A 30% deposit will be rriade.Within- 15 business days ofthe,,execution of this.agreement:,-The Consultantshall`:prp "deAhe City with an .invoice:within;5 business.days'of'the events.,conclusion of the;rerriaining JrnounVoWed and C.ity,will;haVea`15 IDu'siness days#rom;the.;receipt;of the inuoiceto send.pa..yinent-'tai the Consultant: GENERAL.TERMS AND CONDITIONS . Hold Harmless;. Contractor.shall, to the:fullest ex�ent:allowed,by-,I' indemnify; defend„and hold harmless the City,,,6nd -its,o,"ffiders,,.officials ag'ent's,'iemployees:and:'volunteers against any and aif liability, claims, ;stop notiees, actions, causes of`-action' or deMpgds'whatso6er,from and'against any of them, including:any injury to or de:a'th.of_any,person,:or d"amage'V property or'°other liability. of.:any:nature, arising.•out of', pertaining to; :or related to''the performance.of?this„Agreement- by Contractor or C,onfractor's° employees,. :officers officials, agents or ,independent confractocs:. Cdntractor'=shall :not b.e ob;ligated' under 'this Agreement,to' indemnify Gity°to the. extent that.the damage is::caused by;the sole of actwe <negligenee or willful, m_iscond'uct;of City; 'its agents:or employees: Such costs;and�exp•ensesshall include. reason8ble:attorneys'fees of counsel:of:.City's eh_oice,expert,,"fees and'=alhbth-er, bb§1:8 and fees-of Ilitigatio.rr, Sub'contradbint ,Cbh iidto•r'has been retained'due to'their unique kills';and Contractor may"not subsl tute,anpther, assign b'Vansfer'any rights.or libligations-:under is,Agreement:. Unless:prior written consent fror`n City is obtained;phiy,thos -IOE.opie whbse`names'are listed#hi's Agreement shall'be used'in;the performance of'fhis Ag", emenih: Ass'ignnnObt. Contractor'may not assign or transfer this:Agreement,` without prior wntfen consent Insurance.:_ Co"ntract"r'shali'file with CiCy a Cert 6cate':of Insurance:"consistent,.,i the following, requirements. Coves e Co"ntractor hall maintain the-following 'insurance, kwith the if'',as an addifional: nairre"d insured. 1t 'Workers Compensation: Statutory:coverageias required b.wthe,St4te of California Not,'requ red forsole: proprietors',, (2) Iia'b lity Coinmercial general,li'abi(hty;coverage"in the following i inlmum kn its; Bodily Injury: 1$500.,000 each occurrence; ' $1,000,000, aggregate. all other Property D.ama;ge: $100",OOq each4occurrencey $250'.000,a g g'reg ate; If supmitted°, combined'single limit policywith aggregafe3tlimiCs in tle;harriounts ou 1,000,000°will be consldered equivalept to tf a required minimum lim'ifs shown.abov.e: 5-y 3 Automotive; Gornpreh'en'save:autorriotive.labihtycovecage in the following.mimmum limits: Bodily Injury: $SO,O,000�each;occurrence, PropeftyD;arriage: $1,00,000`reach,occurcerice: Combined Single.•Limit •$5O'O;OOpeach oceurre:r%ce" ,Subrogation!Waiver,C,ontractor agrees that in tithe evert of foss due-to any of the,perils for which it-has.:agreed_to prov',ide comprehensive general-and automotive liability insurance; Contractor shall " looks, fely!°tb°its,insurance for recovery C:ontracfor hereby grants to City;,on behalfyo{f`any insur er -providing•cornprehernsive'.general and=.8iut6mdtive liability,insu,rance,fo-.either�Contractor or City!:with respecttoJhe services of Contractor herein,,a waver,.of'any right to<, ubrogationc, which any such' linsurer of said Contractor may acq.ui..e against City by'uirtue of the payment of`any�loss,u,nder,such insb"ranca. Termination of Agreement. The City{rese,rves.the nght;to terrriinate_this Agreerrient with or without cause-with a thirty (30) day:no'tice,'The Contractor may#erminate this Agreement with,'.or' With o.ut'cause',with a tf irty.(30,)'day wfitte'.n'dtice.. Non-Discrimination. N'b, discrimination shall be,made,,;in the employment zof persons under ah s; Agreement because :of` the ,race;, color, 'nafional Songin, ancestry' religion, gender:' or sexuah orientation:of`such,person , Ih6rest-of''Contractof, It Is:understood,and agreeid that this Agreement is not a contract of" employment a ndahat.Contractoris an indepen'dent`cgntracfo:r At9all times, Contractor shall';be deemed to:be anIndependent contractor,and Contractor it1,.authorized to bind thel�Clty'to;any contractsor"otherobltgations in ezecuting;this:Agn_errient. `C.ont�a'tdr,�certifiesahat no one,who, has or will.:ha vefany fihancial. nterest under this:Acireementis'an�offcer�orernployeey-of Cityr., City shall have,no right of control;as to�the manner Coritraetor performs the services to be performed: Neverth'el,ess,`C.ity'may, a,-`any time;;;observe the:manner in,which such service%,are,being: performed by the contractor. The C;ont_ractor'shalf comply{with-all applicable,Federal, State; and:`I`ocal.laws•and ordinances rneluding,'but'not,lirriited'to, unemployment insurance,benefits,.FICA.Iaws; and the City'businessr license ordinance; Changes ;No ehanges:or �ariafions of any kintl.are;authorized,Witho.Ut the.written:consen.t.of f City: CONTRACT CQ-ORD:INA3TOR and representative forG,ITY shall°b'e; NAME Jeff Ordway,.Recreation"Coordinator° DEPARTMENT. ft*ek'941.Red reation Tliis Agreement shall become:effective upon its execution by CITY;,in witness?.thei=eof; the,' ies have'executed th'isAgreeme,nf the<day;and:year:`;fir�tw,ritten;above. CON1RACTOR CITY.OF CUPERTfNO By.! By Jeff'Ordwav Title Y;D.ance,lnstruct6t, Title: Recreatio'n.C:oordinafor ..APPROVA"LS- E:'1CPENDITURE;DISTRIBUTION' DEP HEAD' _D TE _.�=QUNT NUMBER- AMOUNT '�80=6449-7014:: $196000 �,CITWA NEY P - ED AS's 0 FORM t -,CITY; LERK AlT ._JQATE