E-313 GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC SERVICES AND STORM DRAIN Nt) ~Er- ,a,' ..~CORDANeE WIT'H o0v CODE 6tOS " ';0 .' ~ '.1 IJ ", \~" h \il . r:i' E- 3/2. tf( <0 fO, R RECORD E: r: lC L..:u f., ",. "'U . ST OF f' \;;. C. E -3/3 ! ." "; ,. '"' t:. "..,_., ,~... ''''''''''"DTIHO ~. ~ ~ ~~ r L ti: ~ I t n t : iJ 8 S'J ~.~ '91 r- ....., N ...... -0 b c;-, ("'1'1 Re.turn to: CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 , 091~095 GRANT OF FASEMENl' 11)- SANTI7\RY~~~ DRAIN ~<f~ b,.A,:,.,i":r~Yl:TY ~. ? l RfCOROER an unmarried woman,~ UO Glory Arme Bratton ;hereinafter called Grantor, hereby grant (s) to the C fcq, CJI CITY' OF aJPERI'INO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called Grantee, an Ease- the right to excavate for, install, maintain an use Public Services, sanitary Sewer am stenn Drain as Grantee shall fran tine to tine elect within the hereinafter described property of certain premises which are situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, state of California, am described as follows: ment and (Description Attached) Grantor hereby further grants to Grantee the right am privilege to enter up:>n his larDs contiguous to am alon;J the line of said hereinabove described strip for the purpose of locatin;J, constructin;J, repairing or maintaining said Public Services, sanitary Sewer am stenn Drain for the purpose of doin;J any necessary or lawful act in connection with the construction or maintenance of said Public Services, sanitary Sewer am stenn Drain; there is also granted the right of the use of sufficient lam contiguous to said strip on either or both sides thereof for the purposes of excavation of am deposit of earth am necessary b.1ilding material during the time of constructin;J said Public Services, sanitary Sewer am stenn Drain am any repair thereof. The foregoin;J is subject to the followin;J express corrlitions: The Grantee agrees to restore the grClUIrl surface am any improvements thereon to its original grade or corrlition insofar as it is practicable am reasonable to do so. IN WI'lNESS WHEREOF, said paJ:ties have executed this Grant of Easernel1t this d ;3 ('rf day of 4f./) ~ P , 19 C}L. .----:> r; ('hi) '1-'1 y~/ fya~ (NOtary acknowledgment to be attached.) l 72 7 P 11 GE' f 96 ~ ":f 1/22/90 '~ "I ~j !1 ,-~ DESCRIPTION OF LANDS TO BE OFFERED BY GLORY ANNE BRATTON TO THE CITY OF {UPERTINO FOR USE AS PUBLIC SERVICE, SANITARY AND STORM EASEMENTS " BEGINNING AT A POINT AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF MIRAMONTE ROAD WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 44 AS SAID ROAD AND LOT ARE SHOWN UPON THE "MAP OF 9TH ADDITION MONTA VISTA", A MAP WHICH IS RECORDED IN BOOK "P" OF MAPS, PAGE 16, SANTA ~LARA COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF MIRAMONTE ROAD, S 39 12' 11" E 18.57 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT, CON~AVED NORTHEASTERL Y, HAVING A RADIUS OF ,30 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 26 25 I 28" FOR AN ARC LENGTH OF 13.84 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING WESTERLY ALONG A COMPOUND CU~VE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 37.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 83 42' 06" FOR AN ARC LENGTH OF 54.05 FEET TO THf; TRUE A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 390 12' 11" E 110.03 FEET; THENCE S 56 46' 27" E 24.77 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 44; THENCE S 00 39' 20" E 28.05 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION OF THE PROLONGATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF LgT 44 WITH THE PROLONGATION OF THE CENTER LINE OF MIRAMONTE ROAD; THENCE N 39 12' 11" W 151.09 FEET TO A POINT ON THE CURVED EASTERLY LINE OF MIRAMONTE ROAD HAVING A RADIAL BEARING OF S 540 53' 16" E AND A 37.00 FEET RADIUS FROM THE CENTER OF THE MIRAMONTE ROAD CUL DE SAC BULB; THENCt ALONG THE CURVED EASTERLY LI NE OF M I RAMONTE ROAD THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 17 02' 17" FOR AN ARC LENGTH OF 11.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ; ~ Containing ~ .037 acre. .~:F-~.--~~'~-~ -.'..... /' ;' .' , '....., ,/ ' .' '''- /{/Jed~' \ - T;'~~ Prepared By: Civil & Construction Cons~Jtants, I~C.(;V/r/ ' 1376 North Fourth Street \ / San Jose, California 95112 ~/ ? ......, -~ . I , -':' '" ~ ,,}I (' - ".- , ;~:....-,;, ,U i,~-;, l)}:a 1;I1t1~-' ,~", _: ,; '.' t1 ~}'.-\ iii" t"n, " '.. " , ,; ~'~ i,:-\~ :;:' i."," \ 'i 'j j"~ Ie ,"" ,.),~ 'J" . ~.'~ 's:. ilL ~ ,~:1 EXH/13 I T A.4 ~ ~~ f ~ ~. l'~ l.l . \ ."': '~,. ~ t'.. ~ , 0 (\J '- \ -\ \ · '-J I. tl v I. '"J .... .. '. ,~ yO \'~" .. .... ~ (7"" . _ 'bV nOt' ,_1.' ... .' ~v \ .e" ..::, <\ " - "'... o:? · :.. (\ 0 '.. ~ \..; I ..' , ~ ,oo~ ()~ ~o\ \.\, ." ,~~ I r\,.. ~ v.'''' 13 I' ~~e;, .:'. ,\'4' ~ CC ~ .: ~ _ p.O. ': ~':.\ \ ~ ~ ,,' ......--- " ,:- -\ It /;0' ~ IV SO-:;;'4'" -;-:_...L- --- q -- -- \ I '\..". I 'tl'~ .':' .-: '" \" "9\) 1 .t~ ". ";" .:.~. "" - \ ~(({) ?'~& ':. ' " ~ ....~...\ .,/,'1, C':" /;;" o. ' .. 1\"" t ~ " I " ~, ' - Uo !o 4- .. .... \ ..... " ~ fl.~ 1",.8 , 0:......' ---- t\l fO. "j ,. ~ ".' '. '^ ~ CI :-f.-- ~ , ~ -: (\ .'. ,. ,,0 2.~ ,I'.. \ .., .... ":I ~ ~ \ \ '~ . " It) I!S.e: ~', .{. ..'\ \ - "': " .... c:::J --oJ ('. \ ! '~.r ' , '. -l '':'.' ~Q\ '- ~ .. "-I ." _\\. ~~'" \ \ v~. ; ~," 0' <~:/OO.44'e3'" \~) \ ft " '- i.~ '- / R:37' ('1' -<\-( ,.of ' " - - ;\ ~- '. .. \. _\ ~ L.... ' ..... -I -z-, L :6505 ~ :" ~,\' \' 'J '-'___I :;. -=..: ~ (TOTAl.) ~ ~ ~ 'Vt ~",'?- --- ..1 ~~ I,O,J;. , I ' , I .s-. 0 -.; '".1 ~ v\~ ':', , ~,'C!' ~Q Yt~tt~~~ ':~~ \~<l {) I :-'1' ~ {.J~\C ~ t G\ . : I ~f) ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ I ~ ',,' ~ VJ~ 4:J GJ" ~., . ~ t. (i :.!. I ~I:" ',I~ 0 ~v'\ ~~ ~~ :' I~ " V ~ ,.<.. \>- I ~:,:..... ~~~~ ~~ ~ /1'~ . ',t'. ''b'\ ...c - ;;' , ." · ~" :- r (j\ , . ,,\) A.. , /.. ~ ',' "~'} I!I~ "'" ~ -? < ~':.\.... .., '\ .' . : '\ " , " . .,~ ',' ,. 0 . ." o~ . '" \ ' 'lJf6' . fl:,C) ." ~o 1 I 1 , . ~ . ~ ..... " ,., . , '..., ~" .:.::; '. '.. :...;'" ..,~ . " , ~ -~ :-,..: ". --. ....... - . . . -.: " >--.... ~ '.1 :- .... , -.: /'-..... "'... , ....~ / ~ .. , '-.' ..,. I , . \ . - '\ '.- , . . I ,~ . \,.~ . \ "" .....'.L' \. .t, , , . ," . .' , . . "''to\'.} . .' , ... .. , .,..,,'~.' .. ' I ". t ~[,~-': . '," k'.c' ,j ,', ," ;' _ /~:::;;' '":\.. ..~, ,i lI.:iL...;.i,.G.,. .J ;~::,,: :~ ~ ~. ':~ .; Ii L',~ Ii.- EXH/8IT 8,4- / CIVIL & CONSTRUCTlON CONSULTANTS. INC, 1376 No. 4th St. (408) 437- 1858 San Jose. California 951 12 LANDS OF TRt./MAN RANSOM 8RATTON and GLoRY liNN I3R A TrON) er /J~ A.AN. 35~-OI-OJ3 PLAT it) ACCOMP,.tlNY tJESC/?IPT/ON OF 12;t1SEI1E"NTS TO 8E CR/1NrEO SCALE: J"" "H)' DATE; OEC.f989 os NO. 89185-/ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA CY7 On , 1991 before me, / /1 ~i~J (name, title of officer), pe rially peared r.LORY ANNE BRATTON , !X personally known to me--OR-- 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and aCknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hiS/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature (s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. /J2",~~ ~'b,,-~,,--) S gn' ture (/ OFFICIAL SEAL ? MARilYN J. SODERGREN NOTARY PllBLlC . CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA CCUNTY My Comm, Expires April 25. 199~ ' l 727P~GE J '98 CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER ~ INDIVIDUAL(S) SIGNING FOR ONESELF/THEMSELVES o CORPORATE OFFICER(S) Title(s) COMPANY 0 PARTNER(S) Partnership 0 ATTORNEY- IN-FACT Principal(s) 0 TRUSTEE(S) Trust 0 OTHER Title(s) Title(s) Entity(ies) Represented Entity(ies) Represented L 7 21 p~ GE , I 99 "NO FEE" City of CUpertino CERrIFICATE OF ACCEPI'ANCE is hereby given in order to comply with the provisions of Section 27281 of the Government COde. '!his is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated April 23, 1991, from GIDRY ANNE BRATroN, AN UNMARRIED ~ to City of CUpertino, a governmental agency, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council on May 6, 1991, am the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: Mav 17, 1991 , \..'~..." . I... ~ < "i , C, ,<\;' f\ \;l~, 'l../, r ,>'~ ' ' L/...-, -z.' /) ',- '/ . ,// I~~:/ '\ >" ,7~,~~.., X/. rl:;.~.r . ~' - > , . '- or: .. -. "~ r-- 0, By .. ,< ~,." - . ..' . ~ ""' ~ .s. -/ Deputy City'Clerk\ '. -, 'i 5,,' ,-: City of ~J;"f1p,- J~'\:\ ...~ . ,....:,/, I'-l,....!.... \~ -{ , V"V'.j'-J'< , I j . ..' / ., 1'. l' ~ '"J < "j'J ""/ / ..I ~' L 721 PA GE I 200 RESOIlJ'I'ION NO. 8391 A RESOIlJ'I'ION OF '!HE CITY CXXJNCIL OF '!HE CITY OF aJPERrINO ACCEPrING A GRAN!' OF EASEMENT FOR roBLIC SERVICES, SANITARy SEWER AND sromt DRAIN, FRCM GIDRY ANNE BRATl'ON, AN UNMARRIED ~, MIRAK)NTE ROAD AT ITS sc:mHEASTERLY TERMINUS WHEREAS, Glory Anne Bratton, an unmarried wanan, Grantor, has executed a Grant of Easement which is in good am sufficient form, conveying to the City of CUpertino, Grantee, an easement for public services, sanitary sewer ani storm drain, over the property situate in the City of CUpertino, eounty of santa Clara, state of california, lOOre particularly described in Exhibit "A" ani Exhibit liB", attached hereto ani made a part hereof: All that certain real property situate in the city of CUpertino, eounty of santa Clara, state of california, consistirq of approxi- mately .037 acre, located along MiraIoonte Road at its southeasterly terminus . NCM, 'niEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of CUpertino accept said Grant so terrlered; ani IT IS FURl'HER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said Grant of Easement ani this Resolution. PASSED AND AOOPl'ED at a regular meeting of the City council of the city of CUpertino this 6th day of May , 1991, by the followirq vote: Vote MeInbers of the city eouncil AYES: Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, Koppel NOES: None ABSENT: Goldman ~: None A'lTFST: APPROVED: Isl Dorothy Cornelius city Clerk Isl Barb Koppel Mayor, City of CUpertino ,__ ~.. ,=:::.ll,j ':':;~rQ'IFY 1 :-, ,; 'd: WIYMlN Ii'-: 5, .<l.'~~ .~~'T ,1-9 A IR'Ue'AND OO.RRECT cop," OF ,.....E:: QRIGl,N~L ON FIL'tt'J,N TfiiS DF'F'ICE. . ~,... '''. -; '/ . ^ ,.,~ ~ ' -;.. ,,,-.,r . -, / ....T1l7CST----:---- ' ','L7 '-;~ -;;.19E env ~~R?JF. -r.'HE;;p:.~~ OF ~UP~RTINC .,~G:t..,~ ~ e~ ',' :r:-..:.'!-;, .'';1'', _.';' J-----" I /()~JI/t!l?7-C'TY CL RK\~ ' r-r-r- r"'r/::'vv' ,--l" ~', '~ v VV\"I\'.J'< .' "i-I L 127 PA GE f ? 0 f _ I 1/22/90 ,. DESCRIPTION OF LANDS TO BE OFFERED BY GLORY ANNE BRATTON TO THE CITY OF 'CUPERTINO FOR USE AS PUBLIC SERVICE, SANITARY AND STORM EASEMENTS i ' 1 i BEGINNING AT A POINT AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF MIRAMONTE ROAD WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 44 AS SAID ROAD AND LOT ARE SHOWN UPON THE "MAP OF 9TH ADDITION MONTA VISTA", A MAP WHICH IS RECORDED IN BOOK "P" OF MAPS, PAGE 16, SANTA SLARA COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF MIRAMONTE ROAD,S 39 12' 11" E 18.57 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT, CONSAVED NORTHEASTERL Y, HAVING A RADIUS OF, 30 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 26 25' 28" FOR AN ARC LENGTH OF 13.84 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING WESTERLY ALONG A COMPOUND CU~VE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 37.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 83 42' 06" FOR AN ARC LENGTH OF 54.05 FEET TO TH~ TRUE A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE 5 390 12' 11" E 110.03 FEET; THENCE 5 56 46' 27" ,E'"24.77 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 44; THENCE S 00 39' 20" E 28.05 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION OF THE PROLONGATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF LgT 44 WITH THE PROLONGATION OF THE CENTER LINE OF MIRAMONTE ROAD; THENCE N 39 12' 11" W 151. 09 FEET TO A POINT O~ THE CURVED EASTERLY LINE OF MIRAMONTE ROAD HAVING A RADIAL BEARING OF 5 54 53' 16" E AND A 37.00 FEET RADIUS FROM THE CENTER OF THE MIRAMONTE ROAD CUL DE SAC BULB; THENCb ALONG THE CURVED EASTERLY LINE OF MIRAMONTE ROAD THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 17 02 I 17" FOR AN ARC LENGTH OF 11.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing :! .037 acre. Prepared By: /':/~~> , ' .,-.. ", ' ,'" ii" ):~~t~;~ 1 . , \ . ..J i - -- -' . Civil & Construction ConsSltants, 'I~~.~0-!fy,,1 :,,'/ 1376 North Fourth Street \, " ," ...,. /<, " San Jose, Ca 1 Horni a 95112 "'''-" . ~' ---:>' ~'~":"''':':''...' . ,-' 11m!!S"'''~ t.1 ~'i",~ k~' a, III Iii ~ \,' f . 4 . a '1 I r~ ~~: ~,: ,',; ';'~i ~,il L~ ~(~ .,.;.;.:J:J '-1 EXH/13/T A.4 4J ~o ~-\ ~ h. ~~ - 0 ,', " \v , _~ ;i,er ' \ .. ~,. ~~. ~~ ~~ ^ ~ ~ ~ , 0 QJ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ' ~ ~ <r ' . 'b'ft rl'J~ /r;' .::. ::.~ v <" \ .'"'. \,::. i " . ~... O'~ ' ... (~ 0 -,. '^' \-.; I h' , C -<OO~ ()~ ~O\ '" , .. .~ '" I ~ ~ V. \... r3 I' ~~~. .:'. \ \'::4 ' ~ Cc: ~ .: ~ . foo. .,' ~.: \ ~~ ,~ ~_., , :---\ II /~~. ~~ NSO:;;'49..~-L---- q -. -- \: ~ SI) I .titl':Y.. . " .J ~~~ ~z& ':: .\ (/'t (', '. 1'. :~ ~~"", -- - ~;...Z.'I~:&4- . \';~~:.. ~A, '(' ____ C\J 10' \ j ~ :J ".' '. ',,", () 0 :-f.-- ~ , \.. ~ r\ '.' ~ ~ 2. ~ ~ . ,... , . '., . I. '. . -.. ~ ~ \ \ '~ . .. la I! s. e: ~'. 'r" ...:, \ . '..: '~:"". c::::J.... c;.~\ ..j... '~." \ '. -{ .:- \ VW. ,,"-.: ' ,"'. \ _\ ...,:", \ , ~. . ~ ~ '-/1:/00.44 Z3H \'.: fl " ,_ _t:\ ,_ _.j R:37' _ ...5) - ~~\I( '!,1- " .... ~ \Z-', L :1J5,O!i '.... ~ ~b.ioJ '.....""-1 : ~. ~ (TOTAL) i ~ -f'o f.~~,. --- ..1 ~"!> .oJ;. \ I ' , I J'o_ 0 ~ '? ~ v\'\' ': '. , ~,'~ ~'J ~~tt~~~ ,. 10 ~ '( ~ ~ 0 I ::.r ~ {.J~\C ~ ~ 0\ . : I ~~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ I ~', ," ~ VJ~ 6.J ro-<' "'l,.. IlI\ ~ 4. I ~I'<I~ 0 ~\f.l~Q-~~O :. 'I~ -< v:~~\-<. {' I ~:'....... ~~~ ~~ ~ J'~ . '.f' .'1J'\,' _/ ;'" .~" ~ Q\ '. '1 f,1J ~. , ........ 1"'""\ ~ ',' . ~ Ilj " '- .:-.; < '., :.\/ ,., .~ " . : '\ .' , '. . .' , .\ . . . i' '.' : 0 , ." o~ . 'Ii ~ ' ifJ'6. .~q .' ~o . '. . r '; I s j ....... !" . 'I ~.." :.:.; ". ".. :~ ''': "" . .,~ --. ....... :-. . --: ". r -..I N ....,J -0 :t'..:ila C") Pl :- .... , ..: :/ /. f".) .0 N .., ~ ., " '---. ...:.... . . , .. " , '-' ..... , . . \ . - '. ".- , , . ~ ,~ . \,,~ ' \ ..~. .' '\. ," '".:t , . ,.. . .. . . . ':'..' ...' ..... ..., , .1.',.-',' .. . " . '~t:''';', . ,'-'>'," il~ '~:' :(1' :, ; i .::I \... :.l W ~ 001 :,j ~'" \ I. ., J ~ D EXH/8IT 8,4- / CIVil & CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS. INC. 1376 No. 4th St. (408) 431.1 SSS San Jose, California 95112 LANDS OF TRL/MAN RANSOM !3~ArroN and GLOR.Y flNN 8/?ATTON) er JI~ A.~ N. 35~ - 01 - 0/3 PLAT TtJ ACCOMPANY PESC/fIPT/ON OF ~~SE/'1E"NrS TO B& OR/1NrE[) SCALE: I"- *1' DATE: [)EC. /989 NO. 89185-/