E-317 GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES, CUPERTINO RD : 1''-; ~7 )---~!"':" I)' ~ j-'.C:C::nDf,f'lCE "\~~tj~~.'~~~ {0(}V C-'::.,\.:)L 6103 L 584 PA GE I 263 t=-~/7 10769099 0.,/1 ,~ ' Ii ~j ,. ,ih II ':-~7' ~NO ."~~ NO V".,-~ l....!.l . ,,,,~~,,,- lit. i\-~~ t-!"LD fOUR RE(;vf~:J :,T REQUEST OF C~~~\1"l) JAN ~ to 54 A~ .91 Rc cr '''. ~ GP-Al~T OF EASEl-lENT ~.: FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES l~j::;OG {O:"':.:: -,;:;";~nue C.C>-"''''','':;.;n'''' CA 95014 \Oo..-.I~~~j . I 't.,?', BOZO MARGARETICH CONSTRUCTION. INC.. a OFFIC,'\!. f' E c~c" " SANTA CLA.R/', (C',:l< r LflUR!L e, " ~,' California c~~~~ration grant(s) to the CITY OF CUPERTINO. for publi.c roadway purposes. together wi.th the right to construct. repair. operate. and maintain any and all public utilities and improvements which shall be or become necessary for preservation of the public safety. welfare or convenience. the hereinafter described property which is situated in the City of Cupertino. County of Santa Clara. State of California. and as described as follows: (Description attached) IN WITNESS lfrlEREOF. executed this /4+"'- day 0 f r\i OV-E't'I\Ver 19~. flD========~====C><: ~ " _" OFFle L SEAL ~ ~ ~_ JENNY JACKSON ~ ~ NOTARY PUB IC CALIfORNIA ~ ~ . SANTA C RA COUNTY ~ ~, My Commlss , Expirps Jan. 2, 1991 ~ lIG)<:1===Gl<:I~ =~=(''>'-'JGl<:I=Gl<:I(:) j:::.s\.vL ~ /;3o~~~ /kA-K6-~RL-;?'e~ , C? (;/ /1/cf.-Y' R 4? c -/ / 0 ~/ / ,...rye'::' J /.9? ~:.-/J/,Qr-J'2f:/- kl-o~ )u7ft~/i;j be attached) (";ORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT NO. 202 ~ Onth:sth~aY~f ~, 19~.befo'.me ~r _u ,__/{U~-^----" the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared / ~~ ~~/lr-A"a~'~ o pers;nallY kno n to me p1... proved to me on the basis (If satisfactory evidence to be ~ persoCl(st who ~xecuted the within instrument as y.~~~ or on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it. WITNESS my~ and official seal. ~~, ~ ~~ k/~Ul^ Notary's ignature State-of (~ /. d. . -' } County of ~ &tJ-..c..A- 55. /' r~5;S-:;~~J,;?1~~f',;:?;,~;':"'~' ~ '~/ S/\. ~.';..\ ~~_'L-.;;../\. C\.j,)~'~.i / ~~ Z; A1y Cc.mmi'S>'.)n L'>,dC ;,.','-' Ii ,,/'<3 ~ 1~~GJ",G;''::'; 1..>}.:.t~J<'G":_ (,,;:-<..;G},-, c~~ "".L~'~.. ;"""'--'-';"':"_);~GJ~U~ NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATlON . 23012 Ventura Blvd. . P.O. Box 4625 . Woodland Hills. CA 91364 7120 122 L 584 Pit GE I 264 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF DEDICATION FOR PUBLIC HOADWAY PURPOSES All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being portions of Sections 6 and 14-A of "MAP O}4' INSPIRATION POINT, MONTA VISTA", filed in Book P of Maps at J'age 18, Santa Glara County Records, described as follows: . Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of Cupertino Road (formerly Stevens Creek Road), 40 feet wide, distant thereon Easterly 5.00 feet from the Northwest corner of said Section 6; thence along said line Easterly 100.12 feet; thence leaving said line Southerly 10000 feet; thence along a line which is parallel with the centerline of Cupertino Road and distant therefrom 30 feet, right angle measure, Westerly 100.12 feet; thence parallel with the Westerly line of said Section 6, Northerly 10.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1,001 square feet, more or less. Date: September 5,1990 Prepared by: Edward J. Hahamian .~ ;..... ..~;' r l 584 Pil GE , 266 "NO FEE" City of CUpertino CERI'IFICATE OF ACCEPrANCE is hereby given in order to c::onq;>ly with the provisions of section 27281 of the Goverrnnent COde. 'Ibis is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated November 14, 1990, from OOZO MARGAREI'ICH OONSTRUCrION, INC. to City of CUpertino, a goverrnnental agency, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council on December 17, 1990, am the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: December 21. 1990 /,\;\(\/\/1 /;. 1 hi" '.1, ,.....\....' r,' J I( \_1 'f.r 1'.,\/ , ': (. f I \- ,.1,<' I,:" (-, ! x'~ ~14~~-I/, By Deputy;Ci~cfer~-! ~ "; City"of ~in.d; i::: "r~ ~ , ...... .." _\.. "\. .': ' i \ i -\. .-~ '.........__....../ ~... " , ,.,-\\~ j:'. , .,/ I , ), 'V !~'\ (' I' j'..J. ',,> _ \ " : ' 0 ".\ I : \ . L 58 4 p~ GE , 26 7 RESOwrICN NO. 8291 A RESOwrION OF '!HE CITY CXXJNCIL OF '!HE CITY OF aJPERTINO A~ ~'.il1G GRANT OF EASEMENT PUR ROAIJiAY R.JmOSES FRCM OOZO MARGAREI'ICH CX>NSTRUCI'ION, mc., A CALIFORNIA OORroRATION, <X>NSISTING OF APP.ROXIMATELY .022 ACRES, LOCATED CIJPERrINO ROAD WHEREAS, Bozo Margaretich Construction, Inc. , a California Corporation, has executed a Grant of Ea~ for Roadway Purposes which is in good am sufficient fonn grantin;J to the City of CUpertino, Camty of Santa Clara, State of California, ea~nt CNer certain real property for roadway p.u:poses, situate in the City of CUpertino, IOOre particularly described in Exhibit "A" am Exhibit "B", attached hereto am made a part hereof, which is as follows: All that certain real property situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, consistirq of approximately .022 acres on CUpertino Road. NCM, 'IHEREroRE, BE IT RESOLVED that said the City of CUpertino accept said grant so temered; IT IS FURIHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said dedication am this Resolution. PASSED AND AOOPI'ED at a regular meetirq of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this 17th day of December , 1990, by the followirq vote: vote Members of the city Council AYES: Goldman, Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, Koppel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATl'EST : APPR:NED: Isl Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk Isl Barb Koppel Mayor, City of CUpertino , r J I,!'J' '\'\''\'1/1 "', "......'.....-n-r-IFy TH^'Tf "",.,r ' I :~ t \ ....... 1_ r< , 1-\ 1-:-1' _~. , " ' . ,,,:'~ 1;0; ";",fiTRl0E'iIl(N 0 ~r ','" -" ,',~\ ":i~L ON FILIt-.lN>1:I~' ~,. " .", '> 1l) ,,',,;( ~:, /,,,:,,:,'::~(JA~~LA 'I.!~; 911 ,'" I I'" ..-' '";a" '".... -:. c:-rv CLE~ OFi~I1~J:ri't.Y~I:W;;t:;.-::,:, ,I,i'.-II::I ~]y ~U~:.;S/Z}0)VI~_ ~"Cltv-tfLE~!<:'" \ " L 5 8 4 ?l\ GE ! 2 6 8 ~ EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF DEDICATIOK FOR PUBLIC HOADWAY PURPOSES All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being portions of Sections 6 and 14-A of "MAP O}' INSPIRATION POINT, MONTA VISTA", filed in Book P of Maps at I'age 18, Santa Clara County Records, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of Cupertino Road (formerly Stevens Creek Road), 40 feet wide, distant thereon Easterly 5.00 feet from the Northwest corner of said Section 6; thence along said line Easterly 100.12 feet; thence leaving said line Southerly 10000 feet; thEnce along a line which is parallel with the centerline of Cupertino Road and distant therefrom 30 feet, right angle measure, Westerly 100.12 feet; thence parallel with the Westerly line of said Section 6, Northerly 10.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1,001 square feet, more or leSB. Date: September 5,1990 Prepared by: Edward J. Hahamian . ...., ;, '; .~ I ~ ~ ;~ '~l " , lb~ to: -:,,] \II ., ~C,\':'-:-,~ f;)!!If :i~.: ~" A' 11 . ,~ . ""~'~:. ~.... .:~.r j .