E-326 GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES, ALCAZAR AVE . .' NO FEE IN ACtO'RDANCE WITH 60V CODE 6103 R.eturn to: . CITY OF CUPERTINO If)300 Tone Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 .."... L 8 I. 7 "'A '"'r: n ^ n 8 (5 , It 114t,1i...i",',jo ." m m OF rilmlENT r-3:2-~ 11044639 Fll CD t OK t"'ct:Oku :.)L:'LL~r (:c SEP 04 1991 CITY OF (>1"'''''''~''''''P''' .... ~ ~ . ~~ I;,........ ~G ~ .}~. ~ ......1: LdIIH\,i,.' Gl~UT ~f:P ~ ~ 01 .Y '9/ FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES '. ...' '-:.' " J 5 SM. T .. i~ 4 t.:iOUNTY JOHN P. DOZIER AND PEGGY A DOZIER, Cd-TRUSTEE'S OF TYE JOHN~~~i;OO~~ AND PEGGY A DOZIER INTER VIVOS TRUST DATED 1-10-84 AND JAME~H~OoOt~R AND VIRGINIA P. DOZIER, CO-TRUSTEES OF THE JAMES H. DOZIER AND VIRGINIA P. DOZIER INTER VIVOS TRUST AGREEMENT DATED MARCH 30, 1984, AS THEIR RESPEc'rIVE INTERES'l' MAY APPEAR. grant(s) to the CITY OF CUPEIITINO, for public roadway purposes, together with the right to construct, repair, operate, and maintain any and all public utilities and improvements which shall be or become necessary for preservation of the public safety, welfare or convenience, the hereinafter described property which is situated in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and as described as follows: (Description attached) IN WITNESS WHEP,EOF, executed this 29th day of July 19 91 . / ..ihnu---- # James H. Dozier, '~ ' 'T:~ ~~ /~ '- (Notary acknowledgment to be -.,-- ) -"'j>- ~ / / < tiS ( ~ ,-- 2000 YDfll<SHlfll: WAY, MOUNTAIN VICW,CALlFORNIA 9f1040 PHONE (.'115) ~),;7-50(;O FAX (415) ~57.151S' M08lLE (:"t 15) 279-62':l8 marvin vv. ,^', ,- LFF CIVIL - ENGINEER c:o &"'. ....s -~,) :::lilf l0 \11 (::.> c..) \J':> o July 19, 1991 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ALCAZAR AVENUE O~DICATION TO CITY OF CUPERTINO The real property in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California; described as follows: A port~on of Section 125 as shown on tna-~ certain "lap ~ntitled 1I~'ap of Subctivi,on 'A' r~onta Vistall, filed in nook P of Maps at page 20, ,Santa Ciara County Records, and more particularly described as follO\"s: Beginnin~ at the southwesterly corner of abovesaid Section 125, at the centerline of Alcazar Avenue, as ~hown on abovesaiG map, thence, along the westerly line of said Section 125, North 25.00 feet; thence, parallel to centerline of Alcazar Avenue, East 50.075 feet; thonce South 25.00 feet to the centerline of Alcazar Avenue; and thence, alorl said centerline of Alcazar Avenue, l'lest 50.075 feet to the point of.beginninn. RECORDER'S MEMO . FAINT WRITING. TYPING. CARBOft COPIES OR DOT MATRtX PRINTERS "MAKE POOR PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORB DESIGN SURVEYS SUBDIVISIONR SOIL I1EPORTS L d 4 7? tl r.c- n ':1 q I ..... -- 1) \.J -' ~ -& SCo.(e: I" -::. 2.0' It) ~ .c l1i :> ~ --- --,---------.., Sec. \2..5"" ------~ Q) ~I Lo.nds of t)o'Z-.\er ::>' f\pN 35"(- \5-D1/ West en I -~~ I !~2.Z0.30 I 25 5"0.0-,5 De.d lcntion ~ ~ Ii) ;s l\l 0 CI) --S:: -f- 0 ~ 0 ioJ "2 \,,; (\J '~ 5"0,0, C , o N o N ~ -bD.~r5 E-QsT <t A \cC\ ZQr AV~hLAe. o N , o (\I P L A T fD r t)(~_d \ CG\t,oh cf AlcQ'Z.o.r AveV\\Ae ,2..5 Feet WidE . , ge\Vl<j POY"'. Sect\o~ \2.5", \ M<<l' , II , o-t- ~~ '^ b. A Mo hto.. VI sta.. P' M 2-0 eu pert\no) Co.lifornlQ L 8 4 7 Pi' G: n ':1 Q ? - ,~-' "" - "WFEE" City of CUpertino CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPrANCE is hereby given in order to amply with the provisions of Section 27281 of the Govermne11t COOe. '!his is to certify that the interest in real property oonveyed by the deed or grant dated July 29, 1991, frcm JOHN P. OOZIER AND ~ A. OOZIER AND ~ A. OOZIER INTER VIVOS TRUST DA'lE 1-10-84 AND JAMES H. OOZIER AND VIRGINIA P. OOZIER, CD-TRUSTEES OF THE JAMES H. OOZIER AND VIRGINIA P. OOZIER INTER VIVOS TRUST AGREEMENT DATED MAROI 30, 1984 to City of Cupertino, a gwernnental agency, is hereby accepted by order of the City council on August 19, 1991, and the grantee ronsents to reex>rdation thereof by its duly authorized officer. ; I ~ Dated: August 23. 1991 . ; 'I' . l'fA' " '.' , ", ' '(" ,,' '-'\ ,,' .;., :; vi !'. "i"J'~!>" .At:,.,. -" J 'J -.\~\' ~\ j, / '" '.--,-' --; ~(,. "? > , Pi ~_? %/-' -.~ ty City Cl~rk City of ~-,.. ~ ) ': . \ " '\.' l 8 to 7 P{l. Gf= n '{Q 3 "9- ! -r1: v'- .~. \.,.,.." ....I RESOLUTICN 00. 8472 A RESOWTICN OF '!HE CITY a:mrcIL OF '!HE CITY OF 0JPE:RrIN) ~rJ.llG GRANT OF E'ASEH!:NT FOR. ~Y PURPOSES F'R(M JaiN P. DOZIER AND ~ A. DOZIER, ~'lRUS'.lEES OF '!HE JaiN P. DOZIER AND PEQ;Y A. DOZIER IN'1ER VIVOS '!RUST DATED JANUARY 10, 1984, AND JAMES H. DOZIER AND VIRGINIA P. DOZIER, ~'lRUS'.lEES OF '!HE J'1.\MES H. DOZIER AND VIRGINIA P. DOZIER IN'1ER VIVOS 'lRIJST AGRE>>fENT DATED MARaI 30, 1984, AS '!HEIR RESPEC'I'IVE INlEREST MAY APPEAR, CXHUSTnG OF APPROXIMATELY 0.0287 ACRES, IDC'A'IED CN AU'AZAR AVENUE WHEREAS, John P. ]):)zier and Peg;w A. ]):)zier, Co-Trustees of the John P. ]):)zier and Peg;w A. ]):)zier Inter Vivos Trost and James H. ]):)zier and Virginia P. ]):)zier, Co-Trustees of the James H. ]):)zier and Virginia P. ]):)zier Inter Vivos Trust Agreement have executed a Grant of Easement for Roadway Purposes which is in 9XXi and sufficient fonn, granting to the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, easement over certain real property for roadway purposes, situate in the City of CUpertino, mre particularly described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a ,part hereof, which is as follows: All that certain real property situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, oonsisting of awraxi- mately 0.0287 acres, located on Alcazar Avenue. lDl, 'lHEREFURE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of CUpertino accept said grant so tendered; and IT IS FURlHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to reex>rd said dedication and this Resolution. PASSED AND A001"'.1mJ at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this 19th day of August , 1991, by the follCMing vote: Vote AYES: MeJ'It)ers of the City Council Goldman, Rogers, Sorensen, Koppel lomS: None ABSENT: Szabo ABSTAIN: None ATIEST: APPROVED: /s/ Dorothv Cornelius City Clerk /s/ Barb Koppel Mayor, City of CUpertino "i, 2000 YOIlI<Sl-Ilrll- WAY, MOUNTAIN VIC:W. CAUFORNIA :.J"'\U"-IU 1-10'-'1''''-- ,-, ,~, - F~ t41S) tlS7.1S1!f MOBilE (;i (5) 279-6~ ~8 marvin w. W~ f LFF CIVIL ENGINEER r- oo :- -.I -0 pili July 19, 1991 ~~ (::> LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ALCAZAR AVENUE Ol:DICATION TO CITY OF ClIPERTINO u,) ,-0 The real property in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, .:::- State of California', described as follows: A port'on of Section 125 as snown on tna"; certii,i n ,.Iap enti tl ed 1I~1ap of Subc1i vi.on I A I Honta Vistall, filed in nook P of Maps at page 20, ,Santa Ciard County Records, and more particularly described as follO\"s: Beginnin9 at the southwesterly corner of abovesaid Section 125t - . . at the centerline of Alcazar Avenuet as shown on abovesaic map. thence, along the westerly line of said Section 125. North 25.00 feet; thence, parallel to centerline of Alcazar Avenue, East 50.075 feet; thence South 25.00 feet to the centerline of Alcazar Avenue; and thence, alor1 said centerline of Alcazar Avenue, Yest 50.075 feet to the point of.be~innino. DESIGN SURVEYS SUBDIVISION~ SOIL f1EPORTS "EX"lBlT A" ""5 L841Pf\GE039,' ~ -& Sco./e : I"-=- 2.0' qJ ~ .c Qj ::> <. ~ See. \ a.S'" ------~ cr~~ -Y l I !~zo."o Lo.nd.S of \)o'Z-ler f\ p N 35"'7- \ 5 - D11 \Nest 5"0.0,5 25' De.dicCl.tion ~ t I II) ~ \ (\j ~ ~ 5"O,o..,C , o N Q) ~I ::>' ... o (IJ +=0 ..\.. 0 i.J , '2 l'l (\J S"o. ~rS ~ E.a.st <t A\cG"l.or AVehue- ... o N o ~ . -....--....-- ..... .-------' P L A T For t) e.o \ C~ t 10 h of A\cQ'Z-o.r Avevw,e,2..S FeetW\( .' \ ' Be\V'ltJ for. Sect\o'i\ \2.5", MlIp ~ ,. , o-t- ':"~\Ab. A MOflto.. Vl sta. P'M 2..0 ell pert\no, Co.lifornlQ f~::::ifllJllr (I"