E-333 GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES, HOMESTEAD RD, N. DE ANZA BLVD L 911 PAGE I 7 I 8 .r" ,-?-.. . ,~ ,.. ' '.. CCORDANCE NO FUE 1N A 610fl WITH 60V COO&: B w W LL o Z ,."..- f! ,y ~ G _ ',1. :'. ~.'" ., """" '," .' \~ ..-'. ')" . """ ~' . (\,. ~;, '!, :]. ~ i~~ ~ ~ ; ~~ '(ri6i GRANT OF F.ASEMI!Hr t':.,.. :.!. ~ ',. ~>" ~ u' ,~, b ;~)" 1r~ .....;: ~~ .^ {.i \.~r~ R'R lU\DiAY ~ ~"'" ' " po ,'" " " . ': ; ",' rOt ",.,,~; r '''~ ,'1 '-_ ::~( (:') ~? ~. a 4 ~f:~...~~~i;:i G:.. ~..., .;'CIlli &. J V 11170085 E-33~ 1'1( f.,p rUj~ tlt.U\JHtJ .'. Ii (';,.UEST or- r- ~ /'_(Pc::.~',J(,' vi"1 0 \"' lP DEe 18 II 03 ~M '9\ u'; , r i~,:(,EJS ~M. T 'u; '~OUNTV i..'~, I: 1<:.NE /)Ee f'f('()"f1FP I 8 1991 JOSEPH P F.RANCD AND FIDRENCE E. F.RANCD, or their successor (s), Trustees under R~vocable Trust Agreement dated August 3, 1982, as amended grant(s) to the CITY OF CUPERl'INO, for public roadway purposes, together with t-.he right to construct, repair, operate, and maintain any and all public utilities and improvements which shall be or become necessary for preservation of the public safety, welfare or convenience, the hereinafter described property which is situated in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and as described as follows: (Description attached) JJ IN WI'INESS WHEREDF, executed this ./ a day of 19&. ('di;n~,-- ~ wrTl~ r-' . j)~~ . '':~/,:f/h4?z-~) / "7 /J ;,--? "'? f_/ Eo -u.rlt_~ 2: ./1,..,.Ll1-C::: (~ (Notary acknov1ledgment to be attached) L 9 7 I i"' i\ '.;:- I i,c u ~ HOMESTEAD RD. I,-/'POINT OF COMMENCEMENT -@ ~ tf) N PM BK 589 M P018'~R ~ PARCEL I rYOt-Wt OF ~ IBEGINNING ~ I 0 N89049'21"E 5.00' I g ~ N 89057'08"W (/) ::i "'S - -60~O-;- - - ~ ~ 0 w _<l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z -1 ~ -I : = STREET ~ PLAT OF DESCRIPTION w u ~ DEDICATION U :z ~I ~ 0.015!AC. STREET DEDICATION 0:: ~ ~ I !;O 667 SQ. FT. Cf:. ~ g ~ J. FRANCO ET AL 89047' 00" 6 38;Z: g TO S w. \ :J' CITY OF CUPERTINO ( ') L{) <..9 to IN 0.... to I~ a:> (X) 0 0 . 0 ff') ff') o~ U1 >~ 0.... <I: ---lw ~ m<l > ~ >- <( z N z ~ :::I r- m laJ en I N :r: ~ -1 (.) C) w :> 0 y: <(!;( OJ U 0 N~ 0:: a Cf:. > z(l) ~ -:i <(~ 0.... 0:: W w~ o~ -N- 3= W N rn to r;., N it I;' o 10 o 10 "7 ,,, S89047'~;',W IO~~; I ROS BK 152M PG 10 I ~o~o@~ 2285 Martin Ave. Suite A-1. Santa Clara. Calif 95050 (408) 727-8262 ~~@O~~~[R3~~ D~<Go Results SCALE ,"= 50' DATE 6-14-89 JOB NO. 89330 DWG. NO. SL~ l Q 7 I D~ (";;:' 'J?, I " IH\.:';.. _ ~o~~o@~ ~~@O~~~~~~ O~~O Results PHIL AUGER Civil Engineer DON NUNES Civil Engineer June 16, 1989 89330 LffiAL DESCRlPTIOO STREEl' DIDICATIOO - DE ANZA IUULEVARD J. FRl\RX), ET AL TO CITY OF CUPERl'INO (Mission Engineers, Inc. Drawing Number SL-9378) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All that certain real property situate in the city of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, state of California, described as follows: Being a portion of Parcel A as it appears on Parcel Map filed on August 20, 1970 in Book 272 of Maps at Page 5, Santa Clara County Records, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the centerline of Homestead Road and the centerline of De Anza Boulevard shown as SaratogaSunnyvale ~oad on aforementioned Parcel Map; Thence, S. 000 02' 52" W., 232.38 feet along the centerline of De Anza Boulevard; Thence, at right angles, N. 890 57' 08" W., 60.00 feet to a point in the westerly sideline of De Anza Boulevard, said point being the northeast corner of Parcel A on the aforementioned Parcel Map also being the True point of Beginning; Thence, from said True Point of Beginning along said westerly sideline of De Anza Boulevard, S. 000 02' 52" W., 117.30 feet to a southeast corner of said Parcel A and the northeast corner of parcel B as shown on said map; Thence, along the southerly line of said Parcel A and the northerly line of said Parcel B., S. 890 47' 00 W., 6.38 feet; Thence, N. 000 43' 13" E., 117.32 feet to a point in the northerly line of said Parcel A and the southeast corner of Parcel 1 as shown on parcel Map filed July 28, 1988 in Book 589 of Maps at Pages 18 and 19, Santa Clara County Records; Thence, N. 890 49' 21" E., 5DO feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 667 square feet (0.015 acres~), more or less. AAD:PA:sc 2285 Martin Avenue, Suite A Santa Clara, California 95050 (408) 727-8262 l 97 I Pl\ GE I 722 "NO FEE" City of Cupertino CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPI'ANCE is hereby given in order to c::arply with the provisions of Section 27281 of the Government Code. This is to certify that the interest in real property oonveyed by the deed or grant dated November 13, 1991, frcm JOSEPH P. FRAN<Xl AND FIDRENCE E. FRAN<Xl OR THEIR SUCCESSOR ( S), TRUSTEES UNDER REVOCABLE TRUST AGREEMENT DATED Au;QST 3, 1982, AS AMENDED to City of CUpertino, a g:>vernmental agency, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council on Decerrber 2, 1991, and the grantee oonsents to reex>rdation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated DeceIIlber 3, 1991 c ( c, , , d t 1~~';1';;>(, By DePU~'~tyJbi~i- /I~;~:~~_\ :~~'i.-~. ' City of ~}Ild ,;; .-,/;/ \ .' ~ ~ ~. ",~ 'Y \.. ,I - .. (.; :>./ . ..~. C)-:~/ \ <,,"t;:-) / / j: l it " /... f ......, ," ~". \. .. -. y' " -. ,., () \ ) J.-~, ' {' .....! _~" ~ ~ \~~.'_..i ,', },_ i L '!",,' }', , " ,~:'>.j~, 1--;....l.; "'). )' J (\ \ V .......~-.4 " . j . J ). ~ j ~ ., >' ... '. . . . ~: , l 9 7 I Pt\ GE j -, 2 3 RESOWI'ICN 00. 8552 A RESOllJrICN OF '!HE CITY CXXJNCIL OF 'IRE CITY OF CUPERTIOO ACCEPTnc GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR ~Y PURPOSES FRCM JOSEPH P. FRANOO AND FI.DRENCE E. FRANOO, OR '!HEm SUCCESSOR( S}, '!RUS'IEES UNDER REVOCABIE '!RUST AGREEMENT DA'lED AU;UST 3, 1982, AS AMENDED, cm8ISTnc OF APPRQXIMA'lELY 0.015 ACRES, :ux:A'lED AT '!HE samiWEST CDRNER OF lD1ES'lEAD ROAD AND ,lUmI DE'ANZA OOJI.EVARD WHEREAS, JOseph P. Franoo and Florence E. Franoo, or '!heir successor ( s} , TrUStees Under RevoCable TrUSt AyLeE!ItSlt Dated August 3, 1982, As Anended, have executed a Grant of Easement for Roadway PurpC>SeS which is in g:x:xi and sufficient fOml granting to the City of eupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, easement over certain real property for roadway purposes, situate in the City of eupertino, IlDre particularly described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit liB", attached hereto and made a part hereof, which is as follows: All that certain real property situate in the City of eupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, oonsisting of approxi- mately 0.015 acres at the northwest ex>mer of HaneStead Road and North DeAnZa Boulevard. lO'l, THEREEURE, BE IT REOOLVED, that the City of eupertino accept said grant so tendered; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to reex>rd said dedication and this Resolution. PASSED AND AOOPIED at a regular Ireeting of the City Council of the City of eupertino this 2nd day of nec.emher , 1991, by the following vote: Vote ~s of the City Council AYES: Dean, Goldman, Koppel, Szabo, Sorensen A'l'I'EST : APPROVED: " . . ~ I C, ('\ l:j '11, , ' ,"'>"\"\'\/',"/L-. /,/' ~ ' TH I 5 15 TO C CFTI c:{l,iy~"~:r _1 ': ~- :.t,:'",'_r:;.' . " INSTRU"Af7NT 15~' T.~t:!": i\N~" L:r::I~.' .j.... , OF THE' O~~IGil'\.",,-- W:j nU,: It} I~'~ "';7;" " At j ',;f~': >:~'\ \'1}' 1/ ATTE'3T_-~~--~",.---~-r',::'" :-:- CITY CLE.RK [rf .f.f;'E i:rl~ .So"CiJpE~':i-":,C /) 11,0.1( ,--4 -:;'(~), (J-..-u-<- j,"", ~ S. BY CI'f.V (~~ItR,K;\~ ,~I'() .' J 1 -: c! J !~) j . . . , , . . I"~ '" NES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk /s/ Lauralee Sorensen Mayor, City of eupertino ,. · 97 I r;.. "'- L rt:l !.;c 724 GWf1' OF EASEJIIiN1' Em RlmiAY POREOOES P FRANCO AND FI.DRENCE E. FRANCO, or their successor (s), Trustees ~= R~vocable Trust Agreement dated August 3, 1982, as amerxied grant (s) to the CITY OF aJPERrINO, for p,Iblic roadway ~, together with the right to construct, repair; operate, ani maintain any ani all public utilities ani ilrprovenents whiell shall be or becane necessary for preservation of the p,Iblic safety, welfare or convenience, the hereinafter described ~ whiell is situated in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, state of California, ani as described as follows: (Description attached) m WI'INESS WHEREOF, executed this 19lLL . .'aJt day of JJ~~ t cfun~~ ~ --7 (WiUle:lll1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA :--c) j 155. Santa Clara COUNTY OF bel Nancy Dawson . On November 13. 1991 . ;reD~e'Vanderlaan xpliiiKdiH~~ilIX a Notary l'ublic inland lur ~~id Stale: per:;ona~l~i~~=r: be . the perlOn whose name it 8ubllCribed to the WIth an In8U'U- tor pro~ed to me on the b...lJI of lla~..f"ctory d I worn depoee8 and saY8: . t . a WiUlell. thereto, who beang by me u y s , nd that he was present and saw men. II> . .' Santa Clara County ,a him . That--1J..~re'ld".an d Florence E. Franco ,penonallyknownto Joseph P. Fran.co an s are subllCribed to the within and annexed Inltrumental . . th me penon..LdellCribed in and whose name ;es thereto. execule and deliver w~ ella p~~ they acknowledged to said affiant that the ...me, IInd - ibed they executed the same; and that said affiant lub~' his name thereto as a W1Uless. WITNESS my hand and oUicialseal. S.~'"'. ,/47~~ Form 3214 (eA 12,82) ] . Official Seal ; NANCY DAWSON .. Notary Public. California. . Santa Clara County ,.' My COmm. Ex . A r. 12. 1995 L91lPl\GE1125 ~D~~D@[f!] ~[f!]@O[f!]~~~~9 O[f!]~o Results PHIL AUGER Civil Engineer DON NUNES Civil Engineer June 16, 1989 89330 LFI;AL DESCRlPl'IOO STREET DEDlCATIOO - DE ANZA OOULEVARD J. FRNC), ET AL 10 CITY OF CUPERTlOO (Mission Engineers, Inc. Drawing Number SL-9378) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All that certain real property situate in the city of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Being a portion of Parcel A as it appears on parcel Map filed on August 20, 1970 in Book 272 of Maps at Page 5, Santa Clara County Records, more particularly described as follows: Corrrrencing at the intersection of the center line of Homestead Road and the centerline of De Anza Boulevard shown as SaratogaSunnyvale ~oad on aforementioned parce 1 Map; Thence, S. 000 02' 52" W., 232.38 feet along the centerline of De Anza Boulevard; Thence, at right angles, N. 890 57' 08" W., 60.00 feet to a point in the westerly sideline of De Anza Boulevard, said point being the northeast corner of Parcel A on the aforementioned Parcel Map also being the True point of Beginning; Thence, from said True Point of Beginning along said westerly sideline of De Anza Boulevard, S. 000 02' 52" W., 117.30 feet to a southeast corner of said Parcel A and the northeast corner of Parcel B as shown on said map; Thence, along the southerly line of said Parcel A and the northerly line of said Parcel B., S. 890 47' 00 W., 6.38 feet; Thence, N. 000 43' 13" E., 117.32 feet to a point in the nc.rtherly line of said Parcel A and the southeast corner of Parcel 1 as shown on Parcel Map filed July 28, 1988 in Book 589 of Maps at Pages 18 and 19, Santa Clara County Records; Thence, N. 890 49.' 21" E., 5DO feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 667 square feet (0.015 acres~), more or less. "Exul~gl'A' " ,rJ.,~~~' f .' '{', ~ ~ ~iL;!:{? j' ;J AAD:PA:sc 2285 Martin Avenue. Suite A Santa Clara, California 95050 (408) 727-8262 HOMESTEAD RD. I,rPOINT OF COMMENCEMENT -~ ~ t q7/ IAJ! / 7rJ5-j -, I I . J. PM BK 589 M PO 18, I~R ~ PARCEL I EYotlFt OF ~ , 'BEGINNING ~ I 0 N89049'21"E 5.00' I g ~ N89057'08"W Vl :J ~--601>o-;--- ~ o w ff') :.E . ::J l'- Z l= STREET ~ PLAT OF DESCRIPTION DEDICATION ~ 0.015!AC. STREET DEDICATION 10 667 sa. FT. ~ J. FRANCO ET AL o g TO l' CITY OF CUPERTINO '\ ...J <(ct , I- ~w WO u~ a:::ct <(0:: a..U- -:i w ~I it> I v o o o z 589047' OO"W 6.38' \ t L() (.!) to IN to 0.. cO I~ OJ - 0 0 . 0 ff') ff') Ool (j) >~ 0.. <( ...JL&.I ~ m~ -N- > ...J I )0- ct z z (\J CD I- :J I'- W (J) I (\J .-15 ol Cl ~w> 0 <t~ rouo N~ 0::0 <(> ZVl ~Q... <t~ 0.. .., a: I&J w~ o~ - ~ W N ff') 10 ;;, N v 10 o 0 o 10 ~ I~ ~I S89047'~~'W 10.00'> I I ROS BK 152M PG 10 \ rMln~@n(())~ ~fM@nrM~~@@. n~ "EXHIBIT B' 1 Fel~L"\', ~~"'!k~',';l C~ :~r: ",~"~.f ~. ,'\, '. ," ~ ~ '.:;..i l.i !i RESOI11l'ICN 00. 8552 A RESOlllTICN OF '!HE CITY CXlJNCIL OF '!HE CITY OF CUPER!'lN) ACCEPTIN; GRANT OF EASE}1EN'I' FOR ~y PURPOSES ~ JOSEPH P. FRANCX> AND FIDRENCE E. FRANCX>, OR '!HEm SUCCESSOR{ S), TRUS'IEES UNDER REVOCABIE TRUST AGREEMENT DATED AU;UST 3, 1982, AS AMENDED, CXNSISTnc OF APPROXIMATELy 0.015 ACRES, IOCA'lED AT '!HE samIWEST CORNER OF HCMES'lEAD ROAD AND 00Rm DFANZA WJIEVARD WHEREAS, Joseph P. Franoo and Florence E. Franoo, or '!heir SUccessor { s) , Trustees Under RevoCable Trust AgreEment Dated August 3, 1982, As Ane1ded, have executed a Grant of Easement for Roadway Pul:p08es which is in gxxi and sufficient fODn granting to the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, easement over certain real property for roadway pw:p:>ses, situate in the City of CUpertino, mre particularly described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof, which is as follows: All that certain real property situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, oonsisting of approxi- mately 0.015 acres at the no:rt:.hwest oomer of Hanestead Road and North DeAnza Boulevard. lU'l, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of CUpertino accept said grant so tendered; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to reex>rd said dedication and this Resolution. PASSED AND AOOPIED at a regular neeting of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this 2nd day of nec~rnher , 1991, by the following vote: Vote Matbers of the City Council AYES: Dean, Goldman, Koppel, Szabo, Sorensen OOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATIEST : APPROVED: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk /s/ Lauralee Sorensen Mayor, City of CUpertino ,- QWf.l' OF EASEJIEHr FCR~~ JOSEPH P mANCD AND F'I.ORmCE E. mANCD, or their successor (s), Trustees under R~vocable Trust Agreement dated August 3, 1982, as amerrled grant (s) to the CI'lY OF COPERl'INO, for pJblic roadway purposes, ta;Jether with the right to COl'll:.b.uct, repair, operate, am maintain any am all public utilities am inprovements which shall be or becane ~ for preservation of the public safety, welfare or convenience, the hereinafter described prqlerty which is situated in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, state of Califomia, am as described as follows: (Description attached) IN WI'lNESS WHEREOF, executed this 19-1.L. , aJt day of j)~~ , ~~~ ~ -7 (Witne.lll STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~) I l55. Santa Clara COUNTY OF before me, Nancy Dawson , On November 13. 1991 . J.D. Vanderlaan ~~~~~x N t.1ry Public inllnd for llllid Slale. tJenonallY'dllPpelllred be the person whose name is subscribed to the wlthm Instru II U th b . f ..ti fllctory eVI enee to I ro.'ed 10 me on e a.18 O. d I deposes IInd says: o~ ~ a W illle... th"relo. who being by me u y sworn, nd that he was present and saw men. a. ., Santa Clara County ,a him ' Thal~r""ld""1D d Florence E. Franco ,penonallyknownto Joseph P. Franco an s are ubacribedtothewithioandannexedlnstrumentas 10 be the ..me penon-Ldeacribed in and whose name Part ies8 thereto, execule and deliver they acknowledged to said affiant that the ume, and ub ibed they executed the same; and that said affiant s a:: his name lhereto as a Witness. WITNESS my hand and official lIell!. ~~O=-- SitI/1.dture / Form 3214 (eA 12,82) . Official Seal ; NANCY DAWSON -. Notary Public. California. , Santa Clar. County .' MyCOmm. Ex I A .12.1995 ~D@@D@~ ~~@JD~~~~@~ D~~o Results PHIL AUGER Civil Engineer DON NUNES Civil Engineer June 16, 1989 89330 IHiAL DESCRlPl'IOO Sl'REET DIDlCATIOO - DE ANZA OOULEVARD J. ~, ET AI.. TO CITY OF CUPERl'IOO (Mission Engineers, Inc. Drawing Number SL-9378) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, state of California, described as follows: Being a portion of Parcel A as it appears on Parcel Map filed on August 20, 1970 in Book 272 of Maps at Page 5, Santa Clara County Records, more particularly described as follows: Comnencing at the intersection of the center 1 ine of Homestead Road and the centerline of De Anza Boulevard shown as SaratogaSunnyvale ~oad on aforementioned Parcel Map; Thence, S. 000 02' 52" W., 232.38 feet along the centerline of De Anza Boulevard; Thence, at right angles, N. 890 57' 08" W., 60.00 feet to a point in the westerly sideline of De Anza Boulevard, said point being the northeast corner of Parcel A on the aforementioned Parcel Map also being the True point of Beginning; Thence, from said True Point of Beginning along said westerly sideline of De Anza Boulevard, S. 000 02' 52" W., 117.30 feet to a southeast corner of said Parcel A and the northeast corner of Parcel B as shown on said map; Thence, along the southerly line of said Parcel A and the northerly line of said Parcel B., S. 890 47' 00 W., 6.38 feet; Thence, N. 000 43' 13" E., 117.32 feet to a point in the J"lortherly line of said Parcel A and the southeast corner of Parcel 1 as shown on Parcel Map filed July 28, 1988 in Book 589 of Maps at Pages 18 and 19, Santa Clara County Records; Thence, N. 890 4.9' 21" E., 5DO feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 667 square feet (0.015 acres~), more or less. "EXI! ~;~,~ BT, A" ~~}~~ ~ ,,' ~ ~ .'J ri ..~ t~ f I., ,;, l.'ol 5i II ~ ~::,l :.J 1jJ AAD:PA:sc 2285 Martin Avenue, Suite A Santa Clara, California 95050 (408) 727-8262 PM BK 589 M p~ 18'~R ~ PARCEL I ~O~ OF ~ . 'BEGINNING ~ I 0 N89049'21"E 5.00' I g ~ N89057'08"W lJ) :J ~--60~ry-- ~ .1 C\J 0 w I'f) I'f) ::E r--: ~ ~ ~= STREET ~ PLAT OF DESCRIPTION DEDICATION ~ 06~~~t~T. STREET DEDICATION ~ J. FRANCO ET AL g TO :t CITY OF CUPERTINO '\ . .... HOMESTEAD -l <(<l t- .-Jw WO u~ O::<l <(0: CLU- -; If) lJJ f21 ftll v o o o Z S89047'OO"W 6.38\ I RD. I"... POINT OF COMMENCEMENT -~ ~ r<l C\l (9 to IN a... to I~ ex:) aJ .... 0 0 .0 I'f) I'f) Oel (f) >~ a... <! ..JLLI ~ CD~ -N- > ..J )0- <l z C'Jmt- z ~ I'- W en C'J :J: I el .-JO C) ~W> 0 <(~ roUO N~ 0::0 <(> Zen ~CL. <(~ a... -:) a:: LLI W~ O~ ~ lJJ N iO I() if) N v 10 o 0 o 10 ~ I~ S89047'O;"W IO.~~; ROS BK 152M PG 10 I 41XHiBIT B' 1 , fNiln@@n(()')~ rs~@nf0Ilrsrs~' n~ !f'-"' ~ ',' ,,' .,~ _\It .&:' 3 ~ il ~~ . ;... ,;1 ;' ~ ,t :'~ .~"~': ,J;{' ''l: . \~ ,I- ., '7 I' ,':tl 'I I, -, " , ,c " " '~ --~:J l.o\,:. ~, '; S. ;' $1"1 I~ if !l< I,",. L.. ~~h RESOI11l'ICN 00. 8576 A RESOI11l'ICN OF '!HE CITY CXXJNCIL OF '!HE CITY OF aJPER1'nI) ~nc GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR ROArMAY PURPOSES FRCM PACIFIC GAS AND EIECIRIC c:x::MPANY, A CALIFamIA CXJRPORATICN, crNSISTn<<; OF J\PPROXIMA'IELY 0.59 ACRES, I.OC'A'IED CN HCJ.1ES'lEAD ROAD, SClJ'IHSIDE, EAST OF BlANEY AVENUE WHEREAS, Pacific Gas and Electric Carpany, a California Corporation, has executed a Grant of Easement for Roadway Purposes which is in gxxi and sufficient fonn granting to the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara" State of California, easement over certain real property for roadway purposes, situate in the City of Cupertino, mre particularly described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and nade a part hereof, which is as follows: All that certain real property situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara" State of California, cxmsisting of awroxi-- mately 0.59 acres on the sough side of Hc:IIestead Road, east of Blaney Avenue. 101, 'lHEREFCIm, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Clerk accept said grant so tendered; and IT IS FURIHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to reex>rd said dedication and this Resolution. PASSED AND .AOOPIED at a regular neeting of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this 21st day of January , 1992, by the following vote: vote MenDers of the City Council AYES: Dean, Goldman, Koppel, Szabo, Sorensen NJES: None ABSENT: None .ABSTAIN : None APPROVED: /s/ Lauralee Sorensen Mayor, City of Cupertino A'l'lEST: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk GRAHT OF EASEl.1ENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES CALIFORNIA CORPORATION D ELECTRIC COMPANY. A together PACIFIC GAS AN roadway purposes, public OF CUPERr~O, for nd all ( ) to the CITY and maintain any a grant S ir operate, t repa , ry for to construe , become necessa with the right h 11 be or d improvements which s a the hereinafter utilities an r convenience, , public lic safety, welfare 0 County of of the pub f Cupertino, din the City 0 situate ibed as follows: descr preservation property which is of California, and as described State Santa Clara, iption attached) (Descr d this WHEREOF, execute IN WITNESS ZIo..J'&> .DEc.E'.H.a E:'2e. day of 19~. L.ECTRIC co. PACIFIC GAS AND E ~ ~c[JevD ~--"'''''."{PA. "!~~V1CU~_. 62-4203 (CO,po,ellon) Ref. 1/83 J ~:~;,: ~..~~~~~~.~.!"~~.........J u. 0. Ihis ..?!>!.~....... ""YO/..t;!.f;.~~..~ in I'" )'eI1r 19..'1..'.... "-f- _. .!".!;;:!?~~.~....~.,....!;&!,.l,..~.!'......_......_........., a NOlary Public for I'" SIal< of Clliifom;", ",rSOllilIi)' "PPeare<I....~~.I.~.!,,!.~......~..,...~.~!.~.~..................................._................ . persl>>lQll, kno... 10 - (or lNo"'d 10"" on ,''' bosis of Si1J4faclory 'vi<k= 10 "- I'" ",r_(I) who '-'''d I'" widUn iIw",,",ni OS ""'6 I ..U '- 6 ~...... '- """''' '<..eo; , ...............~!!:.~.~.~.~.........._........._.._............................ or on "-holf of.e"'~!.t:!.~.......<!.!i...!.=g?:~S,...~.!h.................. . Official Seal a lor{JOrQlUm. ond acknowkdg'" 10 _ Ihtu IhuOrptJTalion 'X<<III'" II _110 ill by-laws or a resolution of its board of dil't'ctors. '" ....... ................ ...... ...... . ..... ................. ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ........ ........ ....... ........ .... . . ~I--.~~~ , NrHn,..,. D..1 ,. - STREET DEDICATION TO THE CITY OF CUPERTINO THAT PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND DECRIBED IN THE DEED FROM CARL P. BECKER AND EMMA BECKER TO PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY DATED JULY 7, 1953 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 2680 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS A PAGE 315, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS DESCRIBED AS FOL- LOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON THE CENTER LINE OF THE CITY STREET CURRENTLY KNOWN AS HOMESTEAD ROAD, ' THENCE ALONG THE MOST NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND SOUTH 890 42' WEST 468.9 FEET TO A POINT IN THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE, SOUTH 00 01 1/2' EAST 55.0 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE, NORTH 890 42' EAST 468.9 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID PAR- CEL; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE, NORTH 00 01' EAST 55.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CJ.5qi "EXHIBIT A" ~~", L , .. , '.1' I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I 40 -,-- I' ~ f QI . ~I~ <~ I ~~ . t _ ~ ..,', ~:~ , , , , Q ~ C) t\c "* ,,'* sh ~11.l ~I" ~~ ~I' ()I" ~I~ ~I~ ~I.. ,II ~I~ , Ib QI^ t,il~ ~I~ , I, ~I~ ...,. ~:~ I I I ,; , -: -.,,f' , , -- Cd!l /..",,,1# ....... ~~ , ~c;) <:~ TRACTl TRACT U N / T N9 / - 5 U ~"j l"j Y V )-\ - - Fd f+ .Iro" Ptp. willi li:Ig, (l11',;/"'~) I Ciiy . ~. , : . ..! . ': l'. . (' -- J', --r . . '. .,' y ..~' " .~. ~ ~ ~~ ~ '~I:'~' '~ ~ . ... : . . . .. ~ ~.. ....i.:, r," ;'~~"< ; . "c r "> :' ,. . . . _ . , . . ~ .'. 'of.. ' .-': . . ~. ..' .". ;, . ': t :.. ' . ' . ..... i. l' ;;"':' '; -, ~ :. .t. ~- (j.~ .~>:. : . " , : ;' " l' ~ ~t.,.~~.\'.!' ~~':','(,. t -; ... " . .. 'r r' ~ . . .. ft. ~ I ~ .. "",. .' - . ~ ~ :.., ,:". ~ ',' AREA = ZI.S", (Exclud/ng O. "'as' Ac.;" ,I, (I "'v" ,~"r no''',ng $.'- , S,'sliTr., Mkel. 'Pr. NO.O~. <I'W. -~/1.~7'(M'tT.J NO'I,J'/,]'e' -~/i.itl'(,f',c.' .::III': 62...203 (Corporation) Rev. 1/83 H 06 0 Pt~ GE n 3 8 4 ~~~~t~ ~!__~;;~~.~_~~_~~~.....__J 5S. On this __e.~.~_______ day of-::Q.~-~~.~ in the year /9..?-'-.., before me, .~_~g_'Y.~_,!?:Q___-'~..:..__~.!5:J..t,..,...~.!...........__............... a Notary Public for the State of California, personally appeared ...~_':!..~_~~_~!:!.......!!r.:....~~_~.~~......._............................................. , fJe..rsonallv known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(j) who executed the within instrument as ~E"G t O~4 L 6E:1Ue..e....L- St;"'R..\t Ic..ES . ..._....__.___tt~.~.~.~.~........................._.................--.._-_....., or on behalf of.e~~~.~!.~...~.~.~...'-..t;;k~~.~..f:g.:...................- , Official Seal a corporation. and acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it pursUQnt to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. LEONARD A. GRILLI , NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIfORNIA " . ,'_ " Pl'lI:::C!~AL OF!'iCE IN THE "" '~,y COUNH OF S.'NTA CLARA ':o:i;:~ My Commissilm ,",:Piras Dee, 9, 1994 {' I' (1\)...\'1 ,{ ,--~r/ X" ,.....~, "'--^ .x--.-/ "- 'U./<._^_.'>....JLA...../ ........-............................................-..............................................................................................- Notary Public for the State of California