E-344 GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES, 11366 BUBB RD ~;. <t- "". -,J/"ft ,.., r""~ r-:. r\"': /1 c" -,.", '"'. <.) '!f,.2'~,....; I '~i' .::;; ~ ! ;~.. .,'~;:.", ""'-. '\ #.. ' "~I GlWIr OF FASEMI!Nl' Em ~ PURPOSES E - S"fL. 11589023 I R'lED if-iQ-ko( t&'.E~ AT -.lIESI' OF C 'n, O'j::: '1 \~~~ C \)~E::(2.Tl~6 <;J~\ \ Ocr i9 8 28 AH '92 OFFjr.;t.L fi""'" . " SAIi . ~-\."JJ.~ TA CLARA COUNTY LAURIE KANE ftEcmUifw \. \. HO FEE IN ACCORDANCE Wl"iH 60V CODE 6103 ~-?~e~~~~~~rft t.g: ,,,. _r",' /..,.. iT' If' ~ ~ '1"". t: r."'\ '.r ~ ~' ~ r, \.1 ~.1ll j ~J k- ~1 i-~J ~->y t; tt ~ ~ ~ \~ ,~~~ 1"\ -.~ ~ . ,j:!!..~ {.-..' ~'-'. . '<. "',';;,:": If''''~'~ '':~ t :=~ ~:, ~ .':J ~'~ Ii . ~ :i"l,~.' \;;;.. ~ J. U .~., NO FEE til aIEH-YlHi aDJ AND SW>-BlR\. Y. aDJ, 11366 IIJ88 lU\D grant(s) to the crIY OF CUPn<<.u<<> for plblic :roadway p.aLPOOeS, together with the ricpt to <DbLLuct, repair, upt:Lat:e, ani maintain any ani all pmlic utilities am ilIproveDeIIts lIbi..cb shall be or berYmIP- ~~ for preservatia1 of the plblic safety, lIIel.fare or ~, the herei.na:fter described p(~ lIbi..cb is situated in the city of 0Jpert:iID, county of Santa Clara, state of california, ani as described as follows: (Descripticn att.adled) IN wrImSS ltinm>F, exeaIted this II J. day of }(f ii?otJL- I , 1992. ~~r /~ "- ,I' C:, j //(',c .,;.c~- . L ~ y~,/Olcu /1 . '. _// .> //,,1 ,....--i.....- (NotalY adaDlI1~!t to be att~) H ~ 3 3 PA GE 220 I EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF ROADWAY DEDICATION OF A PART OF BUBB ROAD GRANTORS: CHEN-YUNG CHOU AND SHAO-HUA Y. CHOU GRANTEE: CITY OF CUPERTINO. CALIFORNIA *************************************************************** All that certain real property situated in the City of Cupertino. County of Santa Clara. state of California. being a portion of lands of Grantors' as described in Grant Deed recorded on August 27. 1985 in Book J439 at Page 1876. Official Records of said County. described as follows: ;,., Beginning at the most Northwesterly corner of said lands of Grantors'on the centerline of Bubb Road (formerly Regnart); thence from said point of beginning along Grantors' Northerly line N89. 45' E 30.00 feet; thence along a line which is parallel with the centerline of Bubb Road and distant therefrom 30.00 feet. right angle measure. SO.05'E 73,00 feet; thence along Grantors' Southerly line S89.45'W 30.00 feet; thence along the centerline of Boob Road NO.05'W 73.00 feet to the point of beginning. containing 2.190 square feet. more or less. Date: September 3. 1992 prepared by: E.J. Hahamian. RCE 13.318 Expires: March 31. 1993 City File: 51.983 #j?~ .' I ~I " ~ "'k ~\J ~ '-.J \ xl" / /8. 9/ /' !:"J ~o L' ~or SCALE. ~ jI/=30' ~z Traci ;1/0. 469~ 8 U 88 RD. ~ <) () t'f) .. "tv ?f. or .8es;nl'7i"$ c. ~ ~ ~ \) ~ \) ~ LANDS 0;=: ~ C\) ""-l ~ c Y: t s. J-I, '( "- (\) '-'" ~ ' , ~ 4) <<.) CHOU ~ C\j ~ g APIv'3('2-//-58 I:) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :T 4 39CJ,R. /870 ~ \1) ~' ~ I'<) 0' '':<: ~ ~ ' ~ \J ~ \r) ~ ~ ~ :t C r l" l" C ~f' ~ ~I < ,<2, V) \tJ ~ '1 ~ J 73,00 50t:J05'E \ ,rOct NCL 325! \ ! ! EXHIBIT 8 PLAT OF ROADWAY DEf)/CAT/( CHOU TO CITY' O~ CUPERTINO AUGUST /2J/992 ElJWA,RD J h'AH,4M/AN SAN J{)S~ CA. /"\ -:'". ell :.=, r-i CiR-::i.: ___/ I I' /L,- . J/;Jv-.-' M 4 3 3 P/1 GE 2 203 RESOI.IJTIOO NO. 8750 A RESOllJTIOO OF THE CITY CXXJNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO .ACCEPT~ GRANT OF EASEMENT FUR RQAfMAY PURPOSES FRGf CHEN- YUNG CHaJ AND SHAO-HUA Y. CHAO, a:NSIST~ OF APPROXIMATELY 0.05 ACRES, I.DCATED M 11366 BUBB ROAD WHEREAS, Chen- Yung Chou and Shao-Hua Y. Chao, have executed a Grant of Easercent for Roadway Purposes which is <pOd and sufficient fonn, granting to the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, easercent over certain real property for roadway purposes, situate in the City of Copyrighting, nore particularly described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof, which is as follows: All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, consisting of approxi- mately 0.05 acres at 11366 Bubb Road. NO'l, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Cupertino accept said grant so tendered; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said dedication and this Resolution. PASSED AND AOOPIED at a regular neeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 21st day of Septariler , 1992, by the following vote: vote Members of the City Council AYES: Dean, Goldman, Koppel, Szabo, Sorensen NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: /s/ Lauralee Sorensen Mayor, City of Cupertino ATlEST: /s/ Roberta v<<>lfe Deputy City Clerk THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE WITHIN iI'15TRUMENT 15 A TRUE AND CORRECT coPY OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE !N THIS OFFICE. ATTEST l..lJ-p/1'?'Z}J-UL.I.;?9. 192 CITY cz: TH~RTIN: gy ~. crtv OL.. R~ fi 4 3 3 PA GE 2 204 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF ROADWAY DEDICATION OF A PART OF BUBB ROAD GRANTORS: CHEN-YUNG CHOU AND SHAO-HUA Y. CHOU GRANTEE: CITY OF CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA *********...*************************************************** All ~hat cer~ain real property situated in the City of cuper~ino. Coun~y of San~a Clara, S~ate of California, being a por~ion of lands of Grantors' as described in Gran~ Deed recorded on August 27, 1985 in Book J439 at Page 1876, Official Records of said Coun~y, described as follows: Beginning at the most Northwesterly corner of said lands of Grantors'on the centerline of Bubb Road (formerly Regnart); thence from said point of beginning along Grantors' Northerly line N89-45'E 30.00 feet; thence along a line which is parallel wi th the centerline of Boob Road and distant ~herefrom 30.00 feet, right angle measure, SO-05'E 73,00 feet; thence along Grantors' Southerly line S89-45'W 30,00 feet; thence along the centerline of Boob Road NC'05'W 73.00 feet to the point of beginning. con~aining 2,190 square feet, more or less. Da~e: Sep~ember 3, 1992 Prepared by: E.J. Hahamian, RCE 13,318 Expires: March 31, 1993 City File: 51,983 _ , - -, . --u .~'} \ ?\ b.;; -~'.. u~..J" J ~ ~ # .y4? ~ .. .., I 3t.1 -.....: ~ ~k ~\J 'J '--J Traci iVo,469S- I, 0 r SCALE; jI'=30' ~z / /8. 9/ ;..j 00 Os'w 73,00"...... a ,,"...... , C) DE D leA T/ON ." '" " ~ "/\/{:)4)05 '11(/ 73,00 ~ <) () t"f) B U B B RD. '. ~, xl" .:>/ ~o~ j"tv ,Pf. or ~eg;nl'7ins ~ '\]I ~ \) ~ Q ~ LANDS o~: ~ ~ ~ ~ c Y: t .s. 1-1. '( "- [\J .........'" ~ ' I ~ 4) Q\) CHOU { C\ ~ g APA/3~2-//-58 \) ~ l'() () Cl ~ ~ ~ cO J439C)R./87~ <ti~ ~ ~ ~ '< IT) '1... ~ ~ \.J ~ V) ~ ~ ~ <:! 4.J1 < ,<2. v, ~ ~ "'l ~ "7.3, 00 50~OS'c 7rOct No. .3251 I EXHIBIT 8 PLAT OF ROADWAY DEfJ/CAT/o'" CHOU TO CITY O,c CUPERTINO AUGUST /2" /992 ElJWA.RO J JlAH.4M/AN SAN J()S~ CA, "E'((11811 8" i,hl I r -;, ell;:' r-I aD=< -' I I I , /~ _ . ...:..;/. ~ ~ Ii 4 3 3 p~ GE 2 206 "00 FEE" City of CUpertino CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPI'ANCE is hereby given in order to c:xxrply with the provisions of Section 27281 of the Government Code. '!his is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated September 11, 1992, fran CHEN- ~ CHOO AND SHAO-HUA Y. CHaJ to City of CUpertino, a governmental agency, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council on September 8, 1992, and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: September 29. 1992 , \. .. '" i ~ ~ By . ckul ,S~ ' ~Puty 9i~t4~rk CitYf-,?f }iu~1nb ..... ,/ > \ . \ ~ \ -';' -, ;-~; '!~ . , . . . :' ~ ~~.~'~~'/; /\'.': Ilj . . . 'JII"" ""'" '" ",~ ".l.. Uj I' 1 1'.1l i' . L : ti 4 U;;:l::f.'::s (i;~~. '~.'. ~.. \\~. M :-11-' '~!SJ \~~ ~~".' J' 1 " , . W' RESOllJTICN W. 8750 A RESOllJTICN OF THE CITY aJUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTIOO ACCEPl'ING GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR ~Y PURPOSES FRCM CHEN-YUNG CHoo AND SHAQ-HUA Y. CHoo, exNSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 0,05 ACRES, lOCATED AT 11366 BUBB ROAD WHEREAS, Chen-Yung Chou and Shao-Hua Y. Chou, have executed a Grant of Easement for Roadway PurpOses which is gxxi and sufficient fOI:In, granting to the city of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, easement over certain real property for roadway purposes, situate in the City of Copyrighting, nore particularly described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof, which is as follows: All that certain real property situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, oonsisting of approxi- mately 0.05 acres at 11366 Bubb Road. NOV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of CUpertino accept said grant so tendered; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said dedication and this Resolution. PASSED AND AOOPl'ED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this 21st day of September , 1992, by the following vote: Vote Mati:lers of the City Council AYES: Dean, Goldman, Koppel, Szabo, Sorensen WES: None ABSENT : None ABSTAIN: None APPROVED : /s/ Lauralee Sorensen Mayor, City of CUpertino ATl'EST: 1st Roberta WJlfe Deputy City Clerk EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF ROADWAY DEDICATION OF A PART OF BUBB ROAD GRANTORS: CHEN-YUNG CHOU AND SHAO-HUA y, CHOU GRANTEE: CITY OF CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA *************************************************************** All that certain real property situated in the City of cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being a portion of lands of Grantors' as described in Grant Deed recorded on August 27, 1985 in Book J439 at Page 1876, Official Records of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the most Northwesterly corner of said lands of Grantors'on the centerline of Bubb Road (formerly Regnart); thence from said point of beginning along Grantors' Northerly line N89. 45 I E 30.00 feet; thence along a line which is parallel wi th the centerline of Bubb Road and distant therefrom 30.00 feet, right angle measure, SO.05'E 73,00 feet; thence along Grantors' Southerly line S89'45'W 30,00 feet; thence along the centerline of Bubb Road NO.05'W 73.00 feet to the point of beginning, Containing 2,190 square feet, more or less. Date: September 3, 1992 Prepared by: E.J. Hahamian, RCE 13,318 Expires: March 31, 1993 City File: 51,983 . , - -, -~!lI :"'I J J 1 ' \ I.', L.:.-,~- u_J" j ~. # .\"1 ~ B U B8 RD. L ~ 0 I SC4LE: ;"=30' ~ <) () tl") ~z I ~I -.....: ~ "\k ~\J ~ Tract #0, 469S- lit- - xl" / / 8. 9/ ./.6' ~o(' IV ODOS'W 73,oo~ g DEO/CAT/ON .", " "- ~ "'NO~05'V..l, 73,00 /?v ?f. o( ~e3;nrJ;n.5' 'ljl \) Q LANDS o~.. ~ C,y. f .5.1-1. Y. " ~ CHOU ~ ~ ~ g APIv'3t,2-//-58 ~ ~ '<. ~ '~m :T4390,R. /870 ~ m ~ """ b:' ~~ IT) ~ " ~ ~ 't ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \-.::: ~ 'ijt ~ ~ ~ ~ '-"' ~ Q\) C\. l'r) CJ( ~ ~I < 1<2. V) It,J ~ ""'J ~ 73.00 50~05'c -rroct /\/0. .32Sf I EXHIBIT 8 PLAT DF ROADWAY DEO/cAT/OJ CHOU TO CITY O,c CUPERTINO AUGUST /2,,/992 EpWA,RO J h'AH,4M/AN SAN JOS~ CA, "E~lHID9T B" iU tiu; i .1'"' -; ( e/I .=, r-/ a a =< __ I , I , I~ _ . ...:.,,;/. ,..I c:........... .... (Single form) Effective 1/1/91 STATE OF CALIFORNIA Santa Clara } SS. COUNTY OF On October 7, 1992 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared GRACE LIN. presi dent of Charsi'm 11evp-lopmPnt-. Tnr.. I a California coq;oratio~rC'"P-neral Pi'lrt-npr of Charsan Properties, a California Limited Partnership personally known to me (drllfll'V!lf"'(lS"1\ttOil-uieoworSatiSfacrOfy'CViOCiic"e) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/ her/their authorized capacity(ies). and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity.upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Signatu Name (typed or printed) FTG.3191 -~-"':.t:~~,;;:;::c..~:~"A"~':;' -.:.:J (This area (or official nol&rialocal)