E-351 GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES, WEST HILL CT i<O ::. ':.L" h'./ t\c.;CORDAhl~t::: "11TH 60V CODE 6109 1 221 2201 E -3SI "':::a Return to: CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 FIl [0 t=OH ~t;;COR{) GRANr OF ~ ~ '.kCo;Uf:ST or RIl~~ !M;~ ~ ~ '- NOli j 5 II 5; ~ U '93 ~ :z: NO FEE ffi1 . SMj'( ;;A COUNTY L'~ '"r KANE :::f onr;rp !. ,~,;;\._, S c..J .s::- -0 :0- G"') rrJ w en Fa{ aIEN IFE & wmr FARi IFE, grant(s) to the CITY OF aJPERI'INO for public roadway purposes, together with the right to construct, repair, operate, am maintain any am all public utilities am improvements which shall be or l:::leCOIOe necessary for preservation of the public safety , welfare or convenience, the hereinafter described property which is situated in the city of CUpertino, eounty of santa Clara, State of california, am as described as follows: (DesCription attached) rn WITNFSS WHEREOF, executed this 4- day of ~!r.,~ V j , 199~. ;t.~~ Fa{ aIFN IFE ;/ {~,/" I ~~ WHEI FANG LEE (Notary acknOWeldgment to be attached) H , 3 4 PI\ GE 1 3 , 1 .: EXHIBIT b. LEGAL DESCR~PTIOli ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL ~RO~ERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF CU~ERTINO, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A ~OINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 7 OF TRACT NO. 3850 AS SHOWN ON THE TRACT MA~ RECORDED IN BOOK 187 OF MA~S, ~AGE 44, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS, A DISTANCE THEREON NORTH O. 01' 30" WEST 20.04 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT FROM A TANGENT LINE OF NORTH O. 01' 30" WEST HAVING A RADIUS OF130.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 150 08' 42" FOR AN ARC LENGTH OF 34.36 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 7 SOUTH 89. 58' 00" EAST 4.52 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 7 SOUTH 0 01' 30" EAST 33.96 FEET TO THE ~OINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING A~~ROXIMATELY 50 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS, 0.0012 ACRES MORE OR LESS MAY 19, 1993 APN 362-27-032 !":"J!l~ M" m~r'( .., ''', f , 1 '" ' "r, I (,', t, \ ,i J ~U ' '\" i-t", .~:J\~~\" k\ L-' ,_~.. if' ~~~ te. ~O.~~ tf) (.) V r m I' - : 1\ - o. ~ c::.u 60\\1 \c;;. ,0 \-J ~ Jl1 J\ -I \,\ ~-\ ::e. - r ,- . J z 0 () ('I 0 jl1 0 0 ~ C ~ - "" ]0 C- O -1 z. . jII ~ l...' ~ 4I(J ~ . &AI o . ..-, &It N I 3 ~ Pit GE I 3 I 8 )'... ~ -f'~ Q() c:')- " ..s~ ~ ? ;> ~ p CiS "1 (; C' ~~~ N Bq" r 0 ...l r jt:. .' .J vi 0 -:Y 0 ~ '" 0 - ~o' vJ o~ {I Z ~ 'Y' ...p. -= /J r-> 9 0 -+- -Q '" 0 -<:> lh ~ Q;\-f r 0 ;0 i o r cr. " n -t I ().) Z- 0 ...J ...j ... 0 ~ (p )7 u.I CJ' ():) (T\ tJl -r 0 + t.=..)(.~ \ ~ \\ ~ v\- ~ \" "^ ~ 'P TO "'-C c.. 0 tJ\ 'P ,,\-.,) '( '-.Gb?o,. L :DE:'50Q~'\~\t~~ ro~ "'Qo~'D\J.j~Y ~\CH"',-'\\O~ " C;:/J UJ ,: :J ~' \~.~ '- ,,' l ... MIl N I 3 4 PA GE I 3 I 9 RESOLUTION NO. 8896 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ACCEPTING GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES FROM FON CHEN LEE AND WHEI FANG LEE, CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 0.0012 ACRES, LOCATED ON WEST lllLL COURT WHEREAS, Fon Chen Lee and Whei Fang Lee have executed a Grant of Easement for Roadway Purposes which is in good and sufficient form granting to the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, easement over certain real property for roadway purposes, situate in the City of Cupertino, more particularly described in Exhibit " A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a p811 hereof, which is as follows: All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, consisting of approximately 0.0012 acres on West Hill Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Cupertino accept said grant so tendered; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said dedication and this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 7th day of June , 1993, by the following vote: V ote Members of the City Council A)1ES: Goldman, Sorensen, Szabo NOES: None AUBSElff: Dean, Koppel AUBSTAIN: None THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT 15 A TRUE AND CORRECT COpy OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE, ATTEST ~Jz..L /1 19 P3 erN eLER; .~ THE e~ eU~ER;';;-e BY LL-~ _u~ M. CIT:" CLERK .. N I 3 4 PA GE f 32 I GWll' OF FASIIBfl' RR II:WJiAY ~ 1Qf amf ID , 1mBI FAIC IBB, grant(s) to the Cl'lY OF aJPERl'INO for PJblic roadway pnp:lSeS, together with the right to construct, repair , qmate, ard maintain any ard all PJblic utilities ard iJrprovements which shall be or ~ neoessary for preservatia'l of the PJblic safety, \Velfare or convenience, the hereinafter described ptq)erty which is situated in the City of 0Jpertinc, camty of santa Clara, state of california, ard as described as follows: (Desc:riptia'l attached) 1 m WI'INE$ WHEmDF, executed ~ ~ 7 day of ~!r-- V -7- # , 199~. ;z:.~4... KIf amf IBB I,,~~/~~ WHEI FAt<<; LEE (Notary acknoweldgment to be attadled) STATE OF C.A.LiFOR:-'IA COLNTY OF .... -':-<<:"'~~-<:~<:~~~~~~~~a;?,,?~~~~~~~~~~..e.~&2. On OS/27/93 r S,:,;\\: rl '"" I .". - .. '.... _;"i~(.I-' :.r;FiJN i(^'IICCL~ E:~EN LEE OFR:w. IfAt NK:Oli 8AOM4 ~A.'I\'1'UlIJC .~~ PAiNCH'AL OFR:E . ~TA. ClNlA()(l.IIfTv CIIlI b..~.&p...._ This cenificale musl be attached to the document described at right. D<:h.:m.: m~, [he und.:rslgn~J, J nour) public lur I~': ,(.1(,:, I \; [, T \ I T r.1 i ,.., L personally appeared""~ . , . ~ ~ r-I p~rsonally known 10 me -or- S ROw N * proven to me on [he oath of /iND W:~EI F'r:~~sP.:r~~lIyknownlOme 10 be the per~W1!",h9~,l\A;,IIJ\<; (J,jlJk}cribed to the within in~lrUmenl. as ....Hne" lhen:to, who. being IYl1'lIlJU~r'A,~'Jup<lo.t:s and says {hat he/she was pres<:nr and 'a.... lhe sam.: person des.:nbcd in .Iud whose name I> subscribed 10 [he wHh," and Jnn.:~.:d ,"strument as a pan} thert:lo, eJlCt'Ule the ~allle. and (hat saId affiJnt ,ub,.:ribeJ hI>, h<:r namt: 10 lhe Within Instrument as a witnt:s\ at the requesl uf 1 i ) '\ '\ " " ~ ~ Witness my hand and official seal. Signature of Nul;iry: Vrfl~ ,~/l~ Tille or Type of Document Number of Pages Signerls) Other Than Named Above GRANT OF ~~SEMENT 3 Date oilSocumenr OS/27/93 NONE: SUBSCRIBING.WITNESS ACKNOWLEDGMENT (UWITNESS .JURAT") N N C"'? w c.:J c:r: 0- ;.:;t ('W') % ;. , , ,./ ,,-.--...."".. :\"...,. ~ r H I 3 4 PA GE I 323 .. EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 7 OF TRACT NO. 3850 AS SHOWN ON THE TRACT MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 187 OF MAPS, PAGE 44, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS, A DISTANCE THEREON NORTH O. 01' 30" WEST 20.04 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT FROM A TANGENT LINE OF,NORTH O. 01' 30" WEST HAVING A RADIUS OF130.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 150 08' 42" FOR AN ARC LENGTH OF 34.36 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF, SAID LOT 7 S'OUTH 89. 58' 00" EAST 4.52 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 7 SOUTH 0 01' 30" EAST 33.96 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 50 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS, 0.0012 ACRES MORE OR LESS APN 362-27-032 MAY 19, 1993 c~~ c.. ~O.~~ / /" 'f: ~ r m .. ... . 1\ , o. C' .....60\'4\~'O\J ~ (11 Jt ...j j:: ... r (" () o c: "P ~ , 1J f" . Uf o . .. &} H I 3 4 PA GE I 324 r:\ l\ ~o' , J; I' I . ~ 0 .. ' ~ .JI r 0 i. · (I I ~ E..'}(..~I~\T ;-. ~ {'-'1 <:)0 ~.,.. ~ -s-~ ~ '1.) 'p e ;q Ja ~~ :j~ N r .. ~ oJ' r' ~ o . o .... ~, I!$Gl ~ ~ Of .p.~'JY to! 9 o .. ~ ... o "0 III . ..t ,.. f II> ~ y\..~\ tJ\ c:...~ TO ....Cc.'o ""f' f\~'( 'u;D~L :De:~(!a.\~\OW ro~ ~~t)~~'( 'I~S)\C"'\\oJ ~,f o JO o , f. ('I ,..f - ..~ Z- o ~ y 1)1 .. (J) II' ,)I .fO + r o .ol .J '----- r o ..j CP ! ' ., "J I ~ : , , t. l.._.::::....::: , r, '<...' ...., J RESOLUTION NO. 8896 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ACCEPTING GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES FROM FON CHEN LEE AND WHEI FANG LEE, CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 0.0012 ACRES, LOCATED ON WEST HILL COURT WHEREAS, Fon Chen Lee and Whei Fang Lee have executed a Grant of Easement for Roadway Purposes which is in good and sufficient form granting to the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, S tate of California, easement over certain real property for roadway purposes, situate in the City of Cupertino, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof, which is as follows: All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, consisting of approximately 0.0012 acres on West Hill Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Cupertino accept said grant so tendered; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk: is hereby authorized to record said dedication and this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 7th day of June , 1993, by the following vote: V ote Members of the City Council A)1ES: Goldman, Sorensen, Szabo NOES: None AUBSE1fT: Dean, Koppel AUBST~: None ( QWl1' ~ F.ASamfr RR RlADiAY POREOOES lUf QII!B UZ 5: lEE[ F>>G UZ, grant (s) to the Cl'lY OF aJPmI'IID for pmlic roadway pu:poses, together with the right to oonstruct, repair, c:perate, ani maintain any ani all p.Jblic utilities ani i1tprovement:s which shall be or ~ neoessary for preservation of the p.Jblic safety, ~are or convenience, the hereinafter described ptq)erty whidl is situated in the City of 0Jpertin0, Camty of santa Clara, state of california, ani as described as foll<::7NS: (Description attadled) I , m WI'INESS WHEmDF, executed ~ ~ 7 day of t-~- V -7- tf , 199~. ;z:.~4.. KIf QII!B UZ It~~/~J? WHEI FANG LEE (Notary ackncweldgment to be attadlecl) ,- ----- ...."-""""'~<<::<:-"=<::.c<~~~~~~~~~~~er~~~~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA On berore me::. the unde::rsigne::d. a nOlary public fur lh.: "tate. ~ ,P'I1Ti)Ir,Li'~i '~ COUNTY OF SANT~I CL.AP,I:: personally appeare::d'"" '. ~rl_ : pe:rsonally known to me -or- ~ *f'.iI CCLE BROWN* proven to meon the oath of ~ *FON CHEN LEE AND WHE I F'I':~~s Il:f~~lIy known to me ::v to be the per~\'Jl,,\I'h9~,c;,A<,IIJ\<;~J~~cribed to the within instrument. as witness thc:reto, ,~ who. bemg bY'nw4U~nt,~troPOse:s and says that he/she was pres.:nt and "aw ~ \ the: same person de:snibcd in alld whose name IS subscribed to the: wllhin and ann.:x.:d instrument as a pany there:to. e:xe:cute the same:. and that said affiant subsl:r1be:d hls/ her ,~ name: to the: within instrument as a witnes~ at the reque"t of :IJ OS/27/93 ~w. WAl NICOli 1ROM4 I(nAnV Pul!UC . ~""" PAlNQ',1AL Of Fa . UHTA Cl.NlA 00lIn'f C1IIIIL,&p.._.. Witne:ss my hand and official seal. Signature of Notary: ~/}~ \~/lL/Jf.J This cenificate must be attached to the: document described at righl. Title or Type of Documenl Number of Pages Signer(s) Other Than Named Above GRANT OF c~SEMENT 3 Dale: oi uocumenr NONE: OS/27/93 SUBSCRIBING.WITNESS ACKNOWLEDGMENT ("WITNESS JURAT") d :1 dU,~11 ;. , .", .... ~ .' ./ ~_.."".." . EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 7 OF TRACT NO. 3850 AS SHOWN ON THE TRACT MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 187 OF HAPS, PAGE 44, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS, A DISTANCE THEREON NORTH O. 01' 30" WEST 20.04 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT FROM A TANGENT LINE OF,NORTH O. 01' 30" WEST HAVING A RADIUS OF130.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 150 08' 42" FOR AN ARC LENGTH OF 34.36 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 7 SOUTH 890 58' 00" EAST 4.52 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 7 SOUTH 0 01' 30" EAST 33.96 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 50 SQUARE FEET HORE OR LESS, 0.0012 ACRES HORE OR LESS APN 362-27-032 MAY 19, 1993 c~~ ~.~O.~~ / / 1: v . r III .' .- , 1\ o. " "'''60\'l1'S..OIJ ~ ro Jt ...J ';t: ... r r () o C "fJ ...j , "0 ~ . W o . .. ~ \.\ %_\ ~o' , J~ " 5 0 ~ o)J r 0 i · jII I ~ E.~I4'~\\ i' ~ -<='-4 Qo ~..,.. -t ~.s ~ '1 . > I P Ss ;q '" <3 ~~~ N r ,I \J of' .)J " ~ 14~ ~ ~ ..., ..pC'.Y t.l 9 o .:. ~ '" o ... III . ~ r i II' ~ y\.."", N\ ~~ TO ....Cc..o ~~ jl,,\.)'( \..t=&?o.1.. :DE~(!~\~\l)W r()~ "'QoPo.'i:)~"'''( ~\C"'\\oJ ~ o . o ...., tP...f o ~ o }' " " ..oj - ..~ Z- o ~ VI fl' (J) IT' lJI T 0 of- r o ,oj .J '~ r o ~ CP ................................................................... 6 2 N 3 r 6 Pit GE 026 2 CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California On I - J.., - , I :,,1 . I (date) before me, ..-- ~ I :' I t11/17 ',I L r; Ie: /.~ (iN 0 tary) C f ':). (' '1+" ,I I . ounty 0 ' \(, 'l,' (, /i (i ',1- } SS personally appeared .1('11 1 T V I (i C\ I ': I, i' i j / ' r--(i-tii~, ,-:-,i~.'IYot: ~l r'\'I~\ i .Il~G Vi,k~viJ) ,Ii!:! ,/vIIc1J'II' I 4. \,rI!L'I,,!' \ personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within " instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. f/')/,) ii' J ! ,"":: ;J; { 'J' - '7 II, ." '.,' ~ c ~ "I ,/ _ ,L', /, Notary's Signatuff. J ...........................................................................................................................