E-373 GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE, MIRAMONTE STREET NO FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 60V CODE 6103 12663244 c-.373 , FilED FOR RECORD AT REOUEST OF CITY OF CUPERTINO Str 23 II 35 AM '9~ Return to: CITY Of CUPERTINO 10300 TfJrre Avenue CupertiriO, CA 95014 NO FEE Ql OFFICIAL RECOIDS SAHT A C LARA COVill BRENDA DAVIS RECORDER '% C7' o ~ -0 :t:1Il C"> rrl N N .:;:- W QWf1' OF FASaBrl' PRJ:Wa'E S'ltIII r&AIlWZ FASEMfJfr PARVIZ I.. IWIVAR grant (s) a private storm drainage easement for the use of Lots 36 & 37 for the installatial and maintenance of private storm drainage facilities, which shall be kept cpm and free iran tuil~ and structures of any ki.n1 except private utility structures, irrigatioo systems an:! ~ thereto, lawful fences an:! all lawful unsupported roof overhan;Js. '!he mai..ntenance, repair and/or replacement of private storm drainage facilities shall be the sole respollsibility of the owner(s), S1~sor(s) and heir(s) of IDts 36 and 37, the hereinafter described pl'q)erty which is situated in the City of OJpertino, County of santa Clara, state of california, and as described as follows: (~~'JUf ~) in witness whereof, executed this i\~ day at A\.)6 19 9 t-. ~~~ (Notary adcnowledt]ment to be attached) N 601 PA GE 2 244 All-Purpose Acknowledgement GRANT OF EA.SEMENT PRIVATE S'IDRM DRAIN.n.GE EASEMENT State of California } County of Santa Clara On 8/4/94 , before me, Brian C. Upton, Notary Public personally appeared Parviz I. Namvar o personally known to me - or . IX] proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. %1'U.)'W:ll:" ~..~.. ...... iI'.....l...~1 OFFICIAL SEAL BR\tI,N C. UPlON S-0260 (Rev, 4/94) I Brian Kangas Foulk N 6 01 PA GE 224 5 August 19, 1993 BKF Job No. 910309.10 r~~,:.1,7 ~ r : Q. ..-. ~ ~ " , ~ 10' PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT OVER PORTION OF LOT 38 Consulting Engineers 540 Puce Avenue Redwood City, CA 94063 415/365-0412 FAX 415/365-1260 SITUATE in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: BEING a portion of Lot 38 as said lot is shown on the Record of Survey filed_ V~70'1",!:JI"""" /y, ,1993 in Book <05'2- of Maps at Page 17 ,Santa Clara County Records, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the most northerly corner of said Lot 38; THENCE, leaving said POINT OF BEGINNING, South 42004' 07" East 84.97 feet along the northeasterly line of said lot to a point of non-tangent curvature lying at its most easterly corner; THENCE southwesterly along a curve to the left, whose radius point bears South 390 29' 34" East for 24,00 feet, along an arc length of 10.22 feet and through a central angle of 240 23' 53", along the southeasterly line of said lot to a point of non-tangent line that is parallel to and distant 10.00 feet southwesterly by perpendicular measurement from aforecalled course having a bearing and distance of South 420 04' 07" East 84.97 feet; THENCE North 420 04' 07" West 84.67 feet along last said parallel line to a point to a point of non-tangent curvature lying on the northwesterly line of said lot; THENCE northeasterly along a curve to the left, whose radius point bears North 410 06' 44" West for 24.00 feet, along an arc length of 10.28 feet and through a central angle of 240 31' 59" returning to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 841 square feet of land more or less. 0 ,("2 o..c.x-~,{ (\'tel'"( t:.. le(<: Exhibit "A" Page 1 of 2 910309_3 Professional Services Since 1915 6 0 7 PA GE ~\ I ~ / ./ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1- 3: ........ :D > 3:- o :z. -t rTl, :D o )> o STEVENS CANYON ROAD 1 37 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT I \ ,6.-24023' 53 \ A-24.00 L-10.22 LOTI M200 :p / I I I I I I EXISTING \ I LOT LINE l-i- FUTURE I I LOT LINE I I \ r------- I I 20' I \ \ \ ~5.00' \ '_10.00' I \ M178 20' \ \ \ I \ I ,6.-24031' 59" " A-24.00 L-10.28 p.o.a. . PRIVATE ~~ORM ORA INAGE (/) (/) EASEMENT ..,.,~: 641 s.F. N 0"_ <.f'; N: B 39 . ..,., l.O" l.O .w" -..lOA" ~ ~.: O. R. 1 494 36 % A: --:"$ 0:- Ol " -- - .... ..,., : '" .b. " .. 2: --' % , .b. , NOli 0..,." O. I ..,., Ol' o -..I, ~ , 2: , " " I / ---- 38 MERGER R. 1912 / SANTA CLARA COUNTY BAlAN KANGAS FOULK CONSULTING ENGINEERS 540 PRICE AVENUE REDWOOD CITY. CALIF. 94063 TELEPHONE (415) 365-0412 I I \ I \ \ \ I \ , \ I \ \ \ I I I 41 \~~/~ , / ? 40 ~ EX H , B 'T "B" 10' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT PORTION OF LOT 38 CALIFORNIA Date: 4/26/93 Scale: 1"=50' By: A,F,M, Sheet 1 Proj.No. A-910309,10 F ~PLOT~ PLAT FOR DESCRIPTIONS - 602[0, 12]PF: 910309 5411 2B-Apr-93 OB: 03 AM / 910309.10-465 \ STORM OVER CITY OF CUPERTINO N 6 0 7 p~ GE 2 248 RESOLUTION NO. 9174 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR PRIV ATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT FROM PARVIZ I. NAMV AR, LOCATED MIRAMONTE STREET, 10 FOOT PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT OVER PORTION OF LOT 38 WHEREAS, Parviz I. Namvar, Grantor, has executed a Grant of Easement which is in good and sufficient form, conveying to the City of Cupertino, Grantee, an easement for Private Storm Drainage and Sanitary Sewer purposes over the property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof: All certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, consisting of approximately 0.02 acre, located on Miramonte Street, 10 foot private storm drain- age easement over portion of Lot 38. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Cupertino accept said Grant so tendered; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said Grant of Easement and this Resolution, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6th day of September , 1994, by the following vote: ~ Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Burnett, Dean, Sorensen, Koppel None Bautista None APPROVED: /s/ Barb Koppel Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: F THAT THE WITHIN THIS 15 TO CERTI Y AND CORRECT COP'Y INSTRUMENTG l':';AALToR~EFILE IN THIS OFFICE. OF THE oRI "" A{l-C'- nC!4 ,U 11 . 19..!f. ATTE"ST CITY CLERK OF TI"!E ~ITY OF CUPERTINO eA.~-t JAp~J-~ - J'.^ crry CLERK /'-V- (l' BY /s/ Roberta Wolfe Deputy City Clerk N 6 0 7 pn GE 2 249 GRAlfl' OF FASI!HENl' PRIVATE SltH( ~ FASI!HENl' PARVIZ I.. lWNAR grant(s) a private stann drainage easement for the use of lDts 36 & 37 for the installation ani maintenance of private stann drainage facilities, which shall be kept open ani free fran l:uilcli.n:Js ani stJ:uctures of any kin:l except private utility structures, irrigation systems ani appurtenances thereto, lawful fences ani all lawful unsupported roof overhangs. '!he maintenance, repair ani/or replacement of private stann drainage facilities shall be the sole responsibility of the owner(s) , suocessor(s) ani heir(s) of Lots 36 ani 37, the hereinafter described property which is situated in the City of OJpertino, County of Santa Clara, state of California, ani as described as follows: (~.....faf ATrN:HI!D) in witness whereof, executed this ~~ day of A ~ G- 19 <1 4-. Sb-~~ (Notary acknowledgment to be attached) N 6 0 7 p~ GE 2 2 5 0 AII.Purpose Acknowledgement GRAN!' OF ElISF}I1ENT PRIVATE S'IORM DRAINl-.GE EASEMENT State of California } County of Santa Clara On 8/4/94 , before me, Brian C. Doton , Notarv Public personally appeared parviz I. Namvar o personally known to me - or - GJ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persDn(s) whose name(s) islare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. e'. OFFICIAL SEAL ....:'. BRIAN C. UPTON .' .' NOTARV PUBLlL.CAlIFORNIA ..# I'fIINCIPAL OfFICE IN n~E . /J "'OllN'" Of SANTA CLAIlA '" ~~~ com;,s.;,cn E,plres ~ug 4, \995 S-0260 (Rev, 4194) I Brian Kangas Foulk H 6 0 7 p~ GE 2 2 5 I August 19, 1993 BKF Job No. 910309.10 .,.....-",. "~l-r ~ ~', ' . , ~ ~\ ~. ~~i :.....,...... ',. .1.-.. 10' PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT OVER PORTION OF LOT 38 Consulllng Engmeers 540 Pnce Avenue Redwood City, CA 94063 415/365-0412 FAX 415/365-1260 SITUATE in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: BEING a portion of Lot 38 as said lot is shown on the Record of Survey filed_ V~~(PI"'-~t"/ I ~ ,1993 in Book <u5'"2- of Maps at Page 17 . Santa Clara County Records, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the most northerly corner of said Lot 38; THENCE, leaving said POINT OF BEGINNING, South 420 04' 07" East 84.97 feet along the northeasterly line of said lot to a point of non-tangent curvature lying at its most easterly corner; THENCE southwesterly along a curve to the left, whose radius point bears South 390 29' 34" East for 24.00 feet, along an arc length of 10.22 feet and through a central angle of 240 23' 53", along the southeasterly line of said lot to a point of non-tangent line that is parallel to and distant 10.00 feet southwesterly by perpendicular measurement from aforecalled course having a bearing and distance of South 420 04' 07" East 84.97 feet; THENCE North 420 04' 07" West 84.67 feet along last said parallel line to a point to a point of non-tangent curvature lying on the northwesterly line of said lot; THENCE northeasterly along a curve to the left, whose radius point bears North 410 06' 44" West for 24.00 feet, along an arc length of 10.28 feet and through a central angle of 240 31' 59" returning to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 841 square feet of land more or less. 0 .C1 CL<:Y~( r'tten Cr 'e(~ Exhibit "A" Page 1 of 2 910309.3 Professional Services Since 1915 N 6 0 7 PA GE 2 2 5 3 I) '\ '- I / \~~/~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1- STEVENS CANYON ROAD , I \ I I I I EXISTING \ I LOT LINE \--l- FUTURE I I LOT LINE I \ I t"------- I \ I \ \ \ I U5,OO' \ '_10,00' ~ M17S \ , LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 36 1,:,0<9 ~+' ? 37 % X l-4 :0 ~ X o Z -4 "'I :0 o ~ o Ja,: ~.i:i 0:...... m, ,,;: -..... 6-24031'59- ;' ...... '\ . , R-24.00 L-10.28 p.o,e. 10' PRIVATE E STORM ORAINAG CI) (II, EASEMENT ~~: 841S.F. N 0'_ If 0 N.]:l , ~ co:- 39 co 'w' ~o Ja,' ~rtl: O. R. 1494 "' . .' 20' 38 ~ % . Ja, . NCJ)I 0Ja,' 0, I Ja, m' o~. ~ . s: . ..... \ I / ..- I I , 40 I I \ \ , 6-24023'53 , R-2".00 i' MERGER I \ L-10.22 LO 1912 \ I 41 M200 }J R, \ I , \ / / I I - - --- - - \ I -- -- " ;Z EXHIBIT "B/ 10' PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT OVER PORTION OF LOT 38 CITY OF CUPERTINO SANTA CLARA COUNTY CALIFORNIA SAIAN KANGAS FOULK CONSlL lING ENGIrEERS 540 PRICE AVENUE REDWOOD CITY. CALIF. 94063 TELEPHONE (415) 365-0412 Oate: 4/26/93 Scale: 1"=50 By: A,F,M Sheet 1 Proj.NO. A-910309,10 F MPLOTM PLAT FOA DESCRIPTIONS - 602[0. 12]PF: 9103095411 28-Apr-93 08: 03 AM / 910309_10-45' RESOLUTION NO. 9174 IltE ~ . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF CUPERTINOrJPy ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR PRIV ATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT FROM P ARVIZ I. NAMV AR, LOCATED MIRAMONTE STREET, 10 FOOT PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT OVER PORTION OF LOT 38 WHEREAS, Parviz I. Namvar, Grantor, has executed a Grant of Easement which is in good and sufficient form, conveying to the City of Cupertino, Grantee, an easement for Private Storm Drainage and Sanitary Sewer purposes over the property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof: All certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, consisting of approximately 0.02 acre, located on Miramonte Street, 10 foot private storm drain- age easement over portion of Lot 38. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Cupertino accept said Grant so tendered; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said Grant of Easement and this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6th day of September , 1994, by the following vote: ~ Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Burnett, Dean, Sorensen, Koppel None Bautista None APPROVED: /s/ Barb Koppel Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: /s/ Roberta Wolfe Deputy City Clerk GlWft' OF FASEMENr mIVATE S'ltH( ~ FASEMENr PARVIZ Ie lWtVAR grant(s) a private stann drainage easement for the use of LDts 36 & 37 for the installation ani maintenance of private storm drainage facilities, which shall be kept open ani free, fran l:lli.ld.i.n;s ani structures of any k..in:i except private utility structures, irrigation systems ani app.1rtenances thereto, lawful fences ani all lawful ~ roof overhan;Js. '!he maintenance, repair ani/or replacement of private stann drainage facilities shall be the sole responsibility of the owner(s), successar(s) ani heir(s) of Lots 36 ani 37, the hereinafter deseribed property which is situated in the City of CUpertino, county of santa Clara, state of california, ani as described as follows: (lmiU(11'~'Iai ATDJ:mD) in witness whereof, executed this -4~ day of A\.)6- 1994-. ~~~ (Notary acknowledgment to be attached) All-Purpose Acknowledgement ~RANr OF El-SFPENT PRIVATE S'IDRM DRAINl'-.GE EASEMENT State of California } County of Santa Clara On 8/4/94 , before me, Brian C. UPton , Notarv Public personally appeared Parviz I. Namvar o personally known to me - or - IX] proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) isfare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. OFFICIAL SEAL BRtAN C. UPTON NOTARV PUSLlC-CAlIFORIIII" -.; PRINCIPAL Of~ICE 111I TI-iE r, /- "'OUN"'" ()~ SANTA CLAflA '" ~~y COIT1;'S;lcn tlp"es Aug 4, 1995 S-0260 (Rev. 4194) I Urian Kangas Foulk August 19, 1993 BKF Job No. 910309.10 ~.., r~ If!: f. \\, :.,- "1., L.-.. \. · .....,.- 1\ :.: \ \ 1"\ Consultmg Engineers 540 Pllce Avenue Redwood Cuy. CA 94063 10' PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT OVER PORTION OF LOT 38 415/365-0412 FAX 415/365-1260 SITUATE in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: BEING a portion of Lot 38 as said lot is shown on the Record of Survey filed_ V~~ ((' I"'-~ t"/ I ~ , 1993 in Book tu 5'"2- of Maps at Page 17 . Santa Clara County Records, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the most northerly corner of said Lot 38; THENCE, leaving said POINT OF BEGINNING, South 420 04' 07" East 84.97 feet along the northeasterly line of said lot to a point of non-tangent curvature lying at its most easterly corner; THENCE southwesterly along a curve to the left, whose radius point bears South 390 29' 34" East for 24.00 feet, along an arc length of 10,22 feet and through a central angle of 240 23' 53", along the southeasterly line of said lot to a point of non-tangent line that is parallel to and distant 10.00 feet southwesterly by perpendicular measurement from aforecalled course having a bearing and distance of South 420 04' 07" East 84.97 feet; THENCE North 420 04' 07" West 84.67 feet along last said parallel line to a point to a point of non-tangent curvature lying on the northwesterly line of said lot; THENCE northeasterly along a curve to the left, whose radius point bears North 410 06' 44" West for 24.00 feet, along an arc length of 10.28 feet and through a central angle of 240 31' 59" returning to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 841 square feet of land more or less. 0 .C1 CL<:Y~ r'ttcrc Cr Ie(~ Exhibit "A" Page 1 of 2 910309.3 Professional Services Since 1915 I) \ '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1- STEVENS CANYON ROAD , 37 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 6-24031'59- \ R-24.00 L-10.28 I' .0,8. , pRIV~TE i~ORM OR~lN~GE (/) (/), E~SEMENT Ja,~: 841 S.F. 'f~ ~: S , ~ 10:- 39 ID 'w' ....0 Ja,' ~!1i: O. R, 1494 "' .., 36 % Ja,: ~~$ 0:..... m, " 4'. -...... ...- Ja, , Ja" . , -t % , Ja, , I\) CJl , 0Ja, o. , Ja,m 0...., ~ , 2: , " \ --- SANTA CLARA COUNTY SRIAN KANGAS FOULK CONSlL lING ENGINEERS 540 PRICE AVENUE REDWOOD CITY. CALIF. 94063 TELEPHONE (4151 365-0412 X l-4 :0 ~ X o Z -4 "'I :0 o ~ o I \ I I I I EXISTING I I LOT LINE \--l- FUTURE 'I LOT LINE I I I t"------- I \ I 20' I I I I U5.00' \ '_10.00' ~ M17S I , \ I \ I \ I \ I \ , \ I \ I \ I , I I I 6-24023' 53 I R-24.00 ERGER L-10.22 LOil M 912 M200 P R, i / / I / 40 EXH I BIT "B" 10' PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT OVER PORTION OF LOT 38 .' /~ 1 /A::; ----' ^ CALIFORNIA By: A , F , M , Date: 4/26/93 Sea Ie: Sheet 1 1"-50 Proj.No. A-910309,10 F "PLOT" PLAT FOR DESCRIPTIONS - 602[0. 121PF: 9103095411 28-Apr-93 08:03 AM / 910309clO-45' 38 41 --- CITY OF CUPERTINO