MCA-2015-02b - WELO Ordinance � � ����1�T1�1�I�lE l�T�e �L����.9�� Al� �]IZ��1�I�l�T�� �IE '�'�33[]E cC��'�f �C�1Ul�TcCglL ��'�'IH][]E �g'�'�( �lE ���1[�'�'�llT� 7['� ][�IE]�lE1�lL �IH[�l�'�']E][���o�� �lE ']Cl�l[lE ��Jl����'gl�T� I@/d�J�T���1�1�]L ���IE ]El�'��'�'IL]E� si1L,�l�t JL1�����ll1'�I� �JL'sll�'1L1�1�1'CI�ll��� t]ll'ol IL�' �II�JL JL1-�l�L.11.,' JL� IY a�L ll�Lll t�1�I1G 1Y� ��1-��JL ll.,'1La �yto�:l �1�11�L��L��� 6��1'i11Q1���1"llll� �JLO��1Vttjll�l���� �1'CI ��L\���L'6 JL� ��JL JL��U'� �����]��]L�'��f�1�T� '�'� �C�l�/[�]L�' 1V�Tg'�'�-3[ �'�'�'�']E�l��l�T��'�]E� �J��A�']E� '�� '�']E-3[lE I�1[���]L�l�'IC����]F]E���]E1�T'�' lLA1�T��cCA�� �R��l@T�l�T��e �T�3[IE]LZ]E1��, this Ordinance is determined to be categorically exempt from the requirements of the California C,�uality Act of 1970, together with related State CEQA Guidelines (collectively, "CEQA") in that it is action taken by a regulatory agency, as authorized by state or local ordinance, to assure the maintenance, restoration, enhancement, or protection of the environment (Section 15308) or is exempt under CEQA Guidelines section 15061(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty to have no possibility of a significant effect on the environment; and 1U�I]H[]ERlE1��, the City Council is the decision-making body for this Ordinance; and �T]E��l[�]E��, the City Council before taking action on this Ordinance has reviewed the exemptions, and using its independent judgment, determines the Ordinance to be exempt from CEQA as stated above; 1�I�1V�T, '�']]E��][ZIE]E�l[�lE, '�'I�]E tC��S[ ���.TI�Tc��]L �IE '�`�]E �]E �C�'�'�f �� �C�.TI��][�'�'�l�T� ���E� �l[]EI[Z]E��[ �lL����l�T A� lE�]]L,]L�l�l�o �e���.��a�Lo Statement o Pu��pose. This ordinance establishes new water-efficient landscaping and irrigation requirements as State-mandated. �e��i�� �. Code Amendment. Chapter 14.15 of Title 14 of the Cupertino Municipal Code entitled "Landscaping Ordinance" is repealed in its entirety and replaced with Chapter 14.15 entitled "Landscape Ordinance" of the Cupertino Municipal Code to be numbered and entitled to read as shown in Attachment A. �e�����3e Seve�abilit�. Should any provision of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance,be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful, unenforceable or otherwise void, that determination sha11 have no effect on any other provision of this Ordinance or the application of this Ordinance to any other person or circumstance and, to that end, the provisions hereof are severable. �est�o�4e E�fective Date. This Oidinance shall take effect thirty days after adoption as provided by Government Code Section 36937. Ordinance No. 16-2142 � � Page 2 of 26 �e��i��5e Certi 'cation. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall give notice of its adoption as required by law. Pursuant to Government Code Section 36933, a summary of this Ordinance may be published and posted in lieu of publication and posting of the entire text. �l�T'�'R���J�]E� at a regular meeting of the Cupertino City Council the 15th day of March, 2016 and �1�T1���'�� at a regular meeting of the Cupertino City Council on this 5th of April, 2016 by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Chang, Vaidhyanathan, Paul, Sinks, Wong NOES: 1Vone ASSElVT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: APPROVED: /s/Grace Schmidt /s/Barry Chang Grace Schmidt, City Clerk Barry Chang, Mayor, City of Cupertino Ordinance No. 16-2142 � � Page 3 of 26 A'�'�'A�]]E�il��l�'g',���, ' Chapter 14.15 ]LAlii���A�� ��Z��l�TAIV�]E Section ll4eIl�.�ll�e Yntea�t. �4efl�o���0 1�pplicability. g�1,��,�3�e �efi�itions. ��oll�a�4�e ��'��Cpll3fl.i7� CO%11�911�11Ce ��t10fl1. Il4.��.O��e �a�d.scape�ocumentatio��ackage. ��a��e�60o VoTater-Efficien��esig� �lements. ll4e��e���, �Iater�udge��alculataon. �4,��°O��o Soil Analysis. ��,��>�9�a �ecycled.�later. gq�ofl�,ll�mo �ray�vate�Systexyas. �4.11�.fl��e Y�rigation �chedule. g�&ell�.���, lLa�clscape as�cl I�rigatYoa�l�aintena�ce Scheclule. ll4,ll�.�3�e lLanclscape and�rrygation�nstal�ation�Zeport. ll4e��.�4�e lLandscape IiRaintenance Ag�eement. Il�4.Il�°Il��e �udi�of Existing�and�capes lLarger�'han�ne Acre. ll�4,ll�.�6�, �ublic�clucatio�. ��e��.�`��o ]Loca�Agency�epo�tang. ll4.11�e���o �e�alties. Ordinance No. 16-2142 � � Page 4 of 26 �q�o��o���o �nfento ' The ultent of this chapter is to reduce water waste in landscaping by promoting the use of ' region-appropriate plants that require minimal supplemental irrigation, and by establishing standards for irrigation efficiency. �q�oll�o���o A�p�i�a��lifyo A. The provisions of this chapter sllall apply to: 1. Projects that require a building permit, or planning permit, or grading permit, as identi_fied in Table 14.15.020. '�'able 14.�.5.020 Total Ty�e of 1'roject Require�nent Landsca e As�ea Building Permits Prescriptive Compliance Application <500 s.f. (A endix A)-Informational onl New home in R1,RHS, Prescriptive Compliance Application(Appendix A) or A1 or R2 Zones 500 s.f.-2,500 s.f. Landscape Documentation Package(Sec. 14.15.050) >2,500 s.f. Landscape Documentation Package(Sec.14.15.050) Planning Permit or Grading Permit Prescriptive Compliance Application <500 s.f. (A pendix A)-Informational only New home in R1,RHS, Prescriptive Compliance Application(Appendix A) or A1 or IZ2 Zones 500 s.f.-2,500 s.f. Landscape Documentation Pacl<age(Sec. 14.15.050) >2,500 s.f. Landscape Documentation Package(Sec. 14.15.050) Commercial,industrial, Prescriptive Compliance Application(Appendix A) or <_2 500 s.f. office,mulfi-family � Landsca e Documentation Packa e(Sec. 14.15.050) residential,public and �2�500 s.f. Landscape Documentation Package(Sec.14.15.050) institutional projects Any landscape Prescriptive Compliance Application <_2,500 s.f. A endix A Re uired installation or ( pp )- g rehabilitation project >2,500 s.f. Landscape Documentation Package(Sec. 14.15.050) Water Budget Worksheet(Appendix B) New and rehabilitated �0 s.f. Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Schedule(Sec. ceineteries 14.15.120) Landscape Installation Report(Sec.14.15.130) Existing and established Water Budget Worksheet(Appendix B) landscapes,including >1 acre Audit of Established Landscapes(Sec. 14.15.150) cemeteries 2. Projects with landscape areas less than 2,500 square feet using graywater or on-site raulwater capture to entirely meet the landscape water requirement(Estimated Total Ordulance No. 16-2142 � �� Page 5 of 26 Water Use) of the lot is subject only to the irrigation system requirements in the Prescriptive Compliance Option(Appendix A). 3. The City may require a Landscape Documentation Package and/or other documents deemed necessary for any project,regardless of total landscape area, that is determined to have an impact due to a unique geographical or enviroi�unentally sensitive location, including but not limited to,projects proposed on slopes greater than 30%,in geo- hazard areas near riparian corridors, creeks and or/waterways. B. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to: 1. New or rehabilitated landscapes that do not require a building permit or plaruling permit; 2. New landscapes that require a building or platvling permit with areas less than five hundred square feet; 3. Registered local, state or federal historical sites where landscaping establishes a historical landscape style, as determined by the City Council; 4. Surface mine reclamation projects that do not require a permanent irrigation system; 5. Ecological restoration projects that do not require a permanent irrigation system; 6. Community gardens or plant collections, as part of botanical gardens and arboretums open to the public; or 7. Any commercial cultivation of agricultural products;including,but not limited to products of farms, orchards,production nurseries and forests. ��o]1�e�3�o �efgn�t��n�o For the purposes of this chapter, the followulg definitions apply,unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is intended. l�pplieci vvate�, The portion of water supplied by the irrigation system to the landscape. A�tomatic irx�gation cont�oller. A tunulg device used to remotely control valves that operate an irrigation system. Automatic irrigation controllers are able to self-adjust and sclledule irrigation events using either evapotranspiration(weather-based) or soil moisture data. �ackflodv px�eventioaa d.evace: A safety device used to prevent pollution or contamuzation of fhe water supply due to d1e reverse flow of water from tlle irrigation system. �ertificate of�Con�pletion. The document required as part of tlle Landscape Documentation Package,Prescriptive Compliance Option, and listed as Appendix C. �ertrfYecl irrigatior� designe�, A person certified to design irrigation systems by an accredited academic institution, a professional trade organization or other program such as the US Environmental Protection Agency's WaterSense irrigation designer certification program and Irrigation Associatiori s Certified Irrigation Designer program. �ertifiect lan�dscape irrigation audifor: A person certified to perform landscape irrigation audits by an accredited academic ulstitution, a professional trade organization or other program, sucll as tlle US Environinental Protection Agency's WaterSense irrigation auditor Ordinance No. 16-2142 � � Page 6 of 26 certification program and Irrigation Associatiori s Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor program. Certifged p�ofessio�al: A certified irrigation designer, certified la�.zdscape irrigation auditor, licensed Iandscape architect,licensed landscape contractor,licensed professional engineer, or any other person authorized by the state to design a landscape, ai1 irrigation system, or authorized to complete a water budget. �ompost:The safe and stable product of controlled biologic decomposition of organic materials that is beneficial to plant growth. c�o�ve�s�o�factor: The number (0.62) that converts acre-inches per acre per year to gallons per square foot per year. �1StY'I�DYI�IOTfl tirilfOY'�TAlt�e The measure of the wliformity of irrigation water a defined area. �cologgcal restorat�on p�ojec�: A project where the site is intentionally altered to establish a defined, indigenous,historic ecosystem. �ffectave p�ecip�tat�o� (Eppt) or usable rainfall: The portion of total precipitation which becomes available for plant growth. lEstablished➢.andscape:The point at which pla�lts in the landscape have developed significant root growth ulto the soil.Typically,most plants are established after one or two years of growth. �stabl�shxne�t pe�iod of�la�ts:The first year after ulstalling the plant in the landscape or the first two years if irrigation will be terminated after establishment. Typically,most plants are established after one or two years of growth. Native habitat mitigation areas and trees may need three to five years for establishment. �stixnated.�'otal�Tater�Jse(ETWU): The total water used for the landscape as described in Appendix B. �vapo�ran�piration acljustinenf factor(ETAF): A factor of 0.55 for residential areas and 0.45 for non-residential areas, d1at,when applied to reference evapotranspiration, adjusts for plant factors and irrigation efficiency. The ETAF for new and existing (non-rellabilitated) Special Landscape Areas shall not exceed 1.0. The ETAF for existing non-rehabilifated landscapes is 0.8. �E�T1�➢OtY'111S�9YYdtlOfll%'1te: The quantity of water evaporated from adjacent soil and other surfaces and franspired by plants during a specified tune. �lovv sensor:An inlule device installed at the supply point of the irrigation system dzat produces a repeatable signal proportional to flow rate. Flow sensors inust be coi�ulecfed to an automatic irrigation controller, or flow inonitor capable of receiving flow signals aild operating inaster valves. This combination flow sensor/controller may also function as a la�ldscape water ineter or suUmeter. lEriable:A soil condition tllat is easily crumbled or Ioosely compacted do�m to a mulimum depth per plantulg material requirements,whereby tlle root structure of newly planted material will be allowed to spread ununpeded. Ordinance No. 16-2142 � � Page 7 of 26 lEtael l�✓l[odificatgon�Yan�ugcYeline:The guidelines from a local fire authority to assist residents and businesses that are developing land or building structures in a fire hazard severity zone. �ra�rater:A wltreated wastewater that has not been containulated by any toilet discharge,has not been affected by ulfectious, contaminated, or unhealthy bodily wastes, and does not present a tllreat from contamination by unhealthful processing,manufacturing, or operatulg wastes. Graywater includes,but is not limited to,wastewater from bathtubs, showers, bathroom washbasins, clothes washing machules, and Iaundry tubs,but does not ulclude wastewater from kitchen suzlcs or dishwashers. Refer to Health and Safety Code Section 17922.12. �l[ardscapee Any constructed feature in a landscape built of concrete, stone,wood, or otller such non-pervious or pervious durable material, including,but not limited to,patios,wallcways, and retaining walls. �igh vvater u�e p�ant: A plant species whose demonstrated water needs are incoinpatible with local climate and soil conditions such that regular suppleinental irrigation is required. Species classified "high water use"by"Water Use Classification of Landscape Species" (WUCOLS),having a regionally adjusted plant factor of 0.7 through 1.0, shall be considered high water use plants.High water use plants are prohibited in street medians. �yclrozone: A portion of the landscaped area having plants with sunilar water needs and rootuzg depth. A hydrozone may be irrigated or non-irrigated. �a�vasive plant spe�iese Species of plants, listed in the invasive plant inventory of the California Invasive Plant Council(IPC) and the USDA invasive and noxious weeds database that have been identified as uzvasive to areas within the IPC-delineated Central West(CW) region. �Y'�'1��t101b alYC�Y$: An in-depth evaluation of d1e performance of an irrigation system conducted by a certified landscape irrigation auditor. An irrigation audit includes,but is not limited to: ulspection, system tLu1e-up, system test with distribution uniformity or emission uniformity,reportulg overspray or runoff that causes overland flow, and preparation of an irrigation schedule. The audit must be conducted uz a manner consistent with the Irrigation Associatiori s Landscape Irrigation Auditor Certification program or other U.S. Environmental Protection Agency"WaterSense" labeled auditing program. ��r�gatio�effyci.ency(IE): The measurement of the amount of water beneficially used divided by the ainoLult of water applied. The irrigation efficiency for purposes of this Cllapter is 75%for overhead spray devices and 81%for drip systems. �rrigation survey: An evaluation of an irrigation systein tllat is less detailed tha�z an irrigation audit. An irrigation survey ulcludes,but is not limited to: inspection, system test, and written recommendations to improve performance of the irrigation systein. lLandscape architecte A person who holds a license to practice landscape architecture in California as further defined by the California Busuless a11d Professions Code Section 5615. �andscape area: All the plantulg areas, turf areas, and water features u1 a Iandscape ulstallation. The landscape area does not ulclude footprults of buildulgs or structures, sidewallcs, driveways,parking Iots, decks,patios, gravel or stone wallcs, other pervious or Ordinance No. 16-2142 � �:/ Page 8 of 26 '' non-pervious hardscapes, and other non-irrigated areas designated for non-development (e.g., open spaces and existing wildland or native vegetation). lLa�d.sca�e co��act��: A person licensed by the State of California to construct,maintain, repair,install, or subcontract the development of landscape systems. ]Laa�dscape project: An undertaking of landscape design and installation on a particular area of land. A landscape project may be associated with an individual lot, a building project, or a multi-phased development. It may also be a larger, comprehensive landscape scheme that is not coupled with an individual building project. lLandscape�ocun�entatio��ackage:The documents required iulder Section 14.15.050. ]La�d.scape vvater�ete�: An i_nline device installed at the irrigation supply point that measures ' the flow of water into the irrigation system a�.zd is connected to a totalizer to record water use.A landscape water meter may either be a customer service meter dedicated to landscape use provided by the local water purveyor or a privately owned meter or submeter. ]Laterallia�e: The water delivery pipeline that supplies water to the emitters or sprinklers from the valve. lLow�nrate�use plant: A plant species whose demonstrated water needs are compatible with local climate and soil conditions such that regular supplemental irrigation is nof required to sustaul the plant after it has become established. Species classified as "very low water use" and "low water use" by"Water Use Classification of Landscape Species" (WUCOLS), 1laving a regionally adjusted plant factor of 0.0 through 0.3, shall be considered low water use plants. lLo�r-vol�e irriga�ion. The application of irrigation water through a system of tubing or Iateral 1v.1es a�1d low-volume emitters such as drip, drip lines and bubblers specifically designed to apply small volumes of water slowly at or near the root zone of plants. Certain rotary emit-ters designed to provide higl�ly efficient water distribution inay also be included in this definition, at the discretion of the Director of Community Development. l�[aste�shut-off valve: An automatic valve installed at the irrigation supply point which controls water flow into the irrigation system.When this valve is closed water will not be supplied to the irrigation sysEem. A master valve will greatly reduce any water loss due to a leaky station valve. I�aximum Appliecl�later A1lowance (MAWA): The upper limit of arinual applied water for tlze established landscaped area calculated using tlle formula specified in Appendix B. 1l�Yned-lanc�reclamation projects: Any surface mining operation with a reclamation plan approved in accordance with t11e Surface Minulg and Reclamation Act of 1975. I@�ulch: Any organic material sucll as leaves,bark, straw, compost, or inorganic muleral inaterials such as rocks,gravel, or decomposed granite,left loose and applied to the soil surface for the beneficial purposes of reducing evaporation, suppressing weeds,inoderating soil temperature, and preventulg soil erosion. Ordinance No. 16-2142 � � Page 9 of 26 l�Tative pla��e A plant indigenous to a specific area of consideration. For the purpose of this Chapter,the term refers to plants indigenous to the coastal ranges of central and nortllern California, and more specifically to such plants that are suited to the ecology of the present or historic natural community in the project's vicinity. l�Tevv constructgon:A new building with a landscape or other new landscape, such as a park, playground, or greenbelt without an associated building,for the purpose of this ordinance. l�Ton-�e�ic�ential lancl�eape: Landscapes in coizunercial,institutional, industrial or public settings that may have areas designated for recreation or public safety assembly.It also includes portions of common areas of common ulterest developments with designated recreational areas. �pegata�ag presstare: The pressure at which the parts of an irrigation sysfein are designed by the manufacturer to operate. �ve�head�prYnkler irriga�aon systexn or overhead spray irrigatyon system: A system that delivers water through the air(e.g., spray heads and rotors). �verspray: Irrigation water that is delivered beyond the target area. �lanning fl�e��it: Any permit as defined in Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 19.08,for the purpose of this ordulance. �'la�t facfore A number,whieh,when multiplied by reference evapotranspiration(ETo), estunates the amount of water needed by plants. The plant factor ranges from 0.0 to 0.1 for very Iow water use�Iants, 0.1 to 0.3 for low water use plants,from 0.4 to 0.6 for moderate water use plants, and from 0.7 to 1.0 for high water use plants. Plant factors are based on t11e "Water Use Classification of Landscape Species" (WUCOLS)publicaEion. Plant factors may also be obtauled from horticultural researchers from academic institutions or professional associations as approved by the California Departrnent of Water Resources (DWR). Rai�sensor or rain sensia�g sh�xtof�slevice: A coinponent that automatically suspends an irrigation event when it rains. �ecycYed�rater: Treated wastewater,including reclauned water or treated sewage effluent water of a quality suitable for non-potable uses ulcluding landscape irrigation and water features. �Zefer�nce evapotraa�spi�afion(ETo):A standard measurement of environmental parameters that affect the water use of plants. IZe�iabilitated lanclscape: Any re-landscaping project that requires an architectural and site approval, design review, grading permit,use permit, or a discretionary permit of any sort, or requires a new or expanded water service application. �unoff:Water that is not absorbed by tlle soil or landscape to which it is applied and flows from the Iandscape area. Soi�moisttare sex�so�:A device that measures tlle amount of water in t11e soil. The device inay also initiaEe or suspend irrigation. Specgal landscape are�(SLA): Ai1 area of tlle landscape dedicated solely to edible plants, recreation areas, areas irrigated with recycled water, or water features usulg recycled water. Ordinance No. 16-2142 �-,;�,J "�/ Page 10 of 26 5prinlcler head or sp�ay head: A device that delivers water througll a nozzle. Sta�non: An area served by one valve or by a set of valves that operate simultaneously. �axb�eter:A metering device to measure water applied to the landscape that is installed after the primary utility water meter. 'd'urf: A ground cover surface consistulg of non-native grass species that is customarily mowed. Annual bluegrass,Kentucky bluegrass,perennial ryegrass,red fescue, and tall fescue are examples of cool-season turf grasses. Bermuda grass, Kikuyu grass, seashore paspalum, St. Augustule grass, zoysia grass, and buffalo grass are warm-season turf grasses. �Talve: A device used to control the flow of water in the irrigation system. �ate�feature: A landscape design element where open water performs an aesthetic or recreational function. Water features include ponds,fountains,lakes,waterfalls, artificial streams and any design elements where water is supplied artificially. Spas a�.zd swimming pools that are ancillary to single-family, two-fainily and multi-family residential uses also are considered water features. �le��tt�face a�ea: The surface area of that portion of a water feature that fixnctions to contain water, such as the water surface of a swimining pool, spa, or garden pond. For a fountain or other feature wifh flowing water, wet surface area shall be measured as a two dimensional plane bounded by the perimeter of the area where water has been designed to flow. �j1Y�Y1Y1Cl�,1%'�1TE.1fl1teT�aCe: A geographic area identified by Chapter 16.74 of this Code to be at a significant risk froin wildfires. W�T�O]LS: The publication"Water Use Classification of Landscape Species" published by the Uruversity of California Cooperative Extension, and tlle Department of Water Resources 2014. ��o��a���o ]�re�ergp��.ve ��mpliance �ptione Unless otherwise specified,the following prescriptive requirements shall be submitted to the Director of Community Development when a landscape project is subject to tlze requirements of the prescriptive compliance option,prior to final perinit issuance. A. Wafer-Efficient Landscape Checklist(Appendix A) B. Landscape Design Plans C. Irrigation Plans The following items sllall be subinitted to the Director of CommLulity Development when a landscape project is subject to the requirements of the prescriptive compliance option,prior to final inspection D. Certificate of Completion and Certificate of�ilstallation, followuzg ulstallation of landscaping maferials and irrigation hardware (Appendix C) E. Irrigation Sclledule (Section 14.15. 110) F. Landscape and Irrigation Maultenance Schedule (Section 14.15.120) G. Landscape Maintenance Agreement(Section 14.15.140) Ordinance No. 16-2142 � �-1 Page 11 of 26 ��.a��,���o ]Lan��cap� ��cumen�a�i��a�'ac�Cageo Unless otherwise specified,the followulg items shall be submitted to the Director of Community Development when a landscape project is subject to the requirements of this chapter,prior to final permit issuance. A. Water-Efficient Landscape Checklist(Appendix A) B. Water Budget Calculations (Appendix B) completed by a certified landscape professional C. Landscape,Irrigation, and Grading Design Plans (Appendix D) completed by a certified professional D. Soil Management Report(Section 14.15.080),if necessary The following items shall be submitted to the Director of Community Development when a landscape project is subject to the requirements of this chapter, prior to final inspection E. Certificate of Completion and Certificate of Installation, following uzstallation of landscap�ng materials and irrigation hardware (Appendix C) F. Irrigation Schedule (Section 14.15. 110) G. Lalldscape and Irrigation Maintenance Schedule (Section 14.15.120) H. Landscape and Irrigation Installafion Report(Section 14.15.130) I. Landscape Maintenance Agreement(Section 14.15.140) ��o��o���o �Iat��-�f�i��enf�esign��ement�o Projects set forth in Section 14.15.020 requiring a Landscape Documentation Package shall comply with all applicable criteria of dlis section. A. �lant li�ate�ial: All plant material shall be chosen and arranged per requirements in Table 14.15.060(A). '�'ab�e�4.�5.060(A� 1 O tions to dernonsfrate water efficaenc a. i:Total turf area shall not U. Prepare a water budget exceed 25% of the landscape �� calculation,per the provisions of area,or 1,250 square feet, Section 14.15.070. whichever is lesser in area and ii.At least 80% of the plants within non-furf areas shall be native or low water-use ��� 2 'I'urf�Zestrictions a. Turf s11a11 not be lanted on slo es reater than 25%. b. Turf areas shall not be less than ten(10) feet wide. 3 IVon-furf IZestrictions a. Plants shall be arranged appropriately based upon the site's climate, slopes,sun exposure, soil characteristics,wildfire susceptibility and other site conditions a ro riate for the selected lants. Ordinance No. 16-2142 � `:�' Page 12 of 26 b. The horticultural attributes of plant species (e.g.,mature plant size,invasive roots, and � structural attributes) shall be considered,in order to minimize the potential for damage to ro ert or infrastructure(e. .,buildin s, se tic s stems,sidewalks, ower lines). c. Fire-prone plant materials and highly flammable mulches are strongly discouraged. In areas designated wildland urban interface by Chapter 16.74 of this Code,plants shall be selected,arranged and maintained to provide defensible space for wildfire protection,in conformance with Public Resources Code Section 4291. d. Invasive plant species/noxious weeds: i.Installation shall be rohibited. ii.Existing within or adjacent to the proposed landscape area shall be removed prior to installation of new landsca in . The architectural guidelines,conditions,covenants or restrictions of a common interest 4 development shall not supersede this chapter by either prohibiting low water use plants,or including conditions that have the effect of restricting the use of low water use plants. B. ]E�ydrozones: 1. Plant materials of similar water use shall be grouped in hydrozones. 2. Mixed plant materials &hydrozoning: If plant materials of differing water uses are mixed,for purposes of preparing a water budget use Table 14:15.060(B). �'a�le 14.g5.060 (�) 1Vgixed plant materials IZequirements Low and moderate water use plants Allowed.All plants classified as moderate water use for MAWA calculations. High water use plants with low and Not allowed in any hydrozone. moderate water use lants C. �rrigaf�on�ystexn: The irrigation system proposed for a�1y project shall meet the requireinents outluled in Table 14.15.060 (C) 7Cab�e 14.15.060 (�� �a$�g�� RequireYnents Shall meet all requirements per manufacturer's specifications and this Irri ation S stem table. Irrigation system and its related components shall be planned and Desi desi ned to allow for ro er installation,mana ement and maintenance. Required for: Declicated Landscape a) All non-residential irrigated landscapes>_1,000 s.f. Water Meter b) All residential irrigated landscapes>_5,000 s.f. Automatic Irrigation Required for irrigation scheduling,utilizing evapotranspiration or soil Controllers moisture sensor data utilizing non-volatile memory Pressure re ulator A ressure re latin device is re uired if the water ressure is below Ordinance No. 16-2142 �� � Page 13 of 26 , or exceeds the recommended ressure of the s ecified irri ation devices. a) Integral or auxiliary,required to suspend or alter irrigation operation du.ring unfavorable weather conditions. b) Flow sensors that detect high flow conditions due to system damage or malfunction are required:for all non-residential Sensors landscapes and residential landscapes>_5,000 s.f. Required for each hydrozone.Where feasible,trees shall be placed on Separate Valve separate valves from shrubs,groundcovers and turf. Irrigation system shall be designed to prevent runoff,low head Water Waste drainage, overspray,or other similar conditions. Sprinkler heads shall be selected based on a distribution uniformity low quarter of 0.65 or higher using the protocol defined in American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers'/International Code Council's Type of Irrigation (ASABE/ICC)802-2014"Landscaped Irrigation Sprinkler and Emitter hardware Standard. Required in mulched areas Re uired in areas with slo e>25% Low-volume Irrigation Required within 24 inches of a non- ermeable surface Required in any narrow or irreb larly shaped areas that are less than ten (10)feet in width in any direction. Average Irrigation Systems shall be designed,maintained and managed to meet or exceed Efficiency average landscape Irrigation efficiency of 70%. Limited to between 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.,unless unfavorable weather prevents it or renders irrigation unnecessary. Irrigation Times Irrigation outside the normal designated window is allowed for auditing and s stem maintenance only. D. Soil Preparafion: The proposed project shall incorporate soil preparation to meet the requirements outlined in Table 14.15.060 (D) '�'able�4.�.5:060(�) �ype of soil amendment/conditioning 1Zequirements Minimum eight(8)inches,non-compacted topsoil shall be available for water absor tion and root rowth in lanted areas. Minimum may be waived where a landscaped professional Topsoil determines that practical limitations(e.g.,slope and other geotechnical factors),necessitate a lesser soil depth that is viable for the chosen lant materials Compacted soils shall be transformed to a friable condition prior to Compacted soils the planting of any materials.On engineered slopes,only amended planting holes need to meet this requirement. Compost needs to be applied at a rate of a minimum of.four cubic Compost yards per 1,000 square feet of permeable area to a deptll of six inches into the soil.Soils with reater t11an 6%or anic matter in the to 6 Ordinance No. 16-2142 �:J � � Page 14 of 26 inches of soil are exempt from adding compost and tilling. Compost,fertilizer or other materials,shall be added according to the Other amendments soil conditions at the project site and based on what is appropriate for the chosen plant materials. Minimum three(3)inch layer of mulch shall be applied on all exposed soil surfaces of lanting areas. Mulch Organic mulch materials made from recycled or post-consumer shall take precedence over inorganic materials or virgin forest products Not needed in areas of direct seeding application(e.g.hydro-seed) Stabilizing mulching Required for use on slopes. products E. V11ate�]E'eatttt�es: 1. Recirculating water systems shall be used for all water features. 2. All pools and spas shall have covers. 3. Water features are limited to 10% of the landscaped area unless a water budget is prepared. 4. If water budget is prepared or required,use Table 14.15.070(E) for MAWA calculations. '�'able�4.15.060(�) %of landscape area �ATater usage for IVII�TNl�calculation Water features(includin ools and s as)<_10% Mediux�t Water features(includin ools and s as)>10% Hi h ��o��o���o Wate��u�ge� �a����afi��, Project applicant may elect to submit a water budget calculation for the landscape project. A water budget must be completed by a certified professional who is authorized by the State of California to complete a water budget. Water budget calculations shall adhere to the following requirements: A. All special landscape areas shall be identified and their water use ulcluded in the water budget calculations (Appendix B). B. All other factors are as defined u1 Sections 14.15.030, 14.15.070, and Appendix B. C. Maximum applied water allowance shall be calculated for each project usulg tlle formulae outlined in Table 14.15.070: MAWA Calculation. '�'abYe 14.15.070:Il�A�TA�alculatio�a 1.For existing non-rehabilitated landscapes>1 acre that 11ave dedicated MAWA=(ETo) (0.62) (LA) (0.8) irri ation meters 2.For all new and rehabilitated MAWA=(ETo) (0.62) [(ETAF x LA) + ((1- landscapes ETAF)x SLA)] Ordinance No. 16-2142 � � Page 15 of 26 Where: MAWA=Maximum Applied Water Allowance (gallons per year) ETo =Reference Evapotranspiration(inches per year) 0.62 =Conversion Factor(acre-inches to gallons) LA =Landscape Area(square feet) 0.55 =Reference Evapotranspiration Adjustment Factor (ETAF) for residenfial areas 0.45 =Reference Evapotranspiration Adjustment Factor (ETAF) for non-residential areas 1-ETAF =Additional Water Allowance for SLA SLA =Special Landscape Area(square feet) D. Estunated total water use (ETWU) shall be calculated for each hydrozone using tlle equation below. The sum of the ETWU calculated for all hydrozones shall not exceed the MAWA calculated using the formula above. ETWU=(ETo)(0.62)(ETAF)(Area) Where: ETWU =Estimated Total Water Use per year (gallons) ETo =Reference Evapotranspiration(inches) 0.62 =Conversion Factor Area =Total Landscape Area. (sq-uare feet) ]1�4m��o���o ��i� �na�ysi�a The Director of Community Development or his/her designee shall have discretion to require soil analysis as a condition of approval for any plaru�ulg permits, grading permit, or any type of discretionary permit, especially where Iarge mass scale grading is anticipated. In projects with multiple landscape ulstallations (i.e.production home developments) a soil sampling at a rate of 1 in 7 lots or approximately 15%wili satisfy this requirement. A soil analysis report shall docuinent the various characteristics of the soil(e.g. soil texture, infiltration rate,pH, soluble salt content,percent organic matter, etc.), and provide recommendations for amendinents as appropriate to optimize the productivity and water- efficiency of the soil. The soil analysis report shall be made available to tlle professionals preparulg the landscape and irrigafion design plans in a timely manner either before or durulg the desig�.z process. A copy of the soils a�lalysis report shall be submitted to the Director of Community Development as part of the Landscape Documentation Package. ��>��009�o Recyclecl�Tate�o A. The ulstallation of recycled water irrigation systems shall allow for tlle current and future use of recycled water. � Ordinance No. 16-2142 �� �L� Page 16 of 26 S. All recycled water irrigations systems shall be designed and operated in accordance with all applicable local and State laws. C. Landscapes using recycled water are considered Special Landscape Areas. The ET Adjustment Factor for new and existing (non-rehabilitated) Special Landscape Areas shall not exceed 1.0. ��0ll�0ll0�0 �ra�rara�e�° �y�te�s, A. Graywater systems promote the efficient use of water and are encouraged to assist in on-site landscape irrigation. All graywater systems shall conform to the California Plumbing Code (Title 24,Part 5, Chapter 16) and any applicable local ordinance standards.Refer to Section 14.15.020 for the applicability of this ordinance to landscape areas less than 2,500 square feet with the Estimated Total Water Use met entirely by graywater. g4�efl�ollfl�o ��'�'��1���11L �Cg1�C�g11�, A. For tlle efficient use of water, all irrigation schedules shall be developed,managed, and evaluated to utilize the minimum amount of water required to maintain plant health. Irrigation schedules shall meet the following criteria: 1. Irrigation scheduling shall be regulated by automatic irrigation controllers. 2. Operation of the irrigation systein outside the normal watering wuldow is allowed for auditing and system maintenance. 3. For implementation of the irrigation schedule,particular attention must be paid to irrigation run times,emission device, flow rate, and current reference evapotranspiration, so that applied water meets the Estimated Total Water Use. Total annual applied water shall be less than or equal to Maximum Applied Water Allowance (MAWA). Actual irrigation schedules shall be regulated by automatic irrigation controllers using current reference evapotranspira�ion data(e.g., CIMIS) or soil moisture sensor data. 4. Parameters used to set the automatic controller shall be developed and submitted for each of the following: a. the plant establishment period; b. the established la�ldscape; and c. temporarily irrigated areas. 5. Eacl1 irrigation schedule shall consider for each station all of the following that apply: a. irrigation interval(days between irrigation); b. irrigation run times (hours or minutes per irrigation event to avoid rLuloff); c. number of cycle starts required for each irrigation event to avoid runoff; d. ainount of applied wafer sclleduled to be applied on a monthly basis; e. application rate setting; f. root deptll settulg; g. plant type settulg; h. soil type; Ordinance No. 16-2142 � � Page 17 of 26 i. slope factor setting; j. shade factor settulg; and k. irrigation uniformity or efficiency setting. gq�o��o���o �Ldfl1�S���� �11L�g%'�'g��$l�lll IV1L�fllCl��flls'�11C� �C����.fl��o Landscapes shall be maintained to ensure successful establishment following installation, and to ensure water use efficiency consistent with this chapter. A inaintenance schedule s11a11 be established and submitted fo the Director of Community Development or his/her designee, either with the Landscape Documentation Package,wit11 the landscape installation report, or any time before the landscape installation report is submitted. A. Schedules should take into account water requirements for the p1a�1t establishment period and water requirements for established landscapes. B. Repair of all irrigation equipment shall be done with the origulally installed components or their equivalents or with components witll greater efficiency. C. Maintenance shall include,but not be limited to the following:routule inspection;pressure testing, adjustment and repair of the irrigation systein; aeratulg and de-thatclling turf areas; replenishing mulch;fertilizing;pruning;replanting of failed plants;weeding;pest control; and removing obstructions to emission devices. D. Failed plants shall be replaced with the same or ftulctionally equivalent plants that may be size-adjusted as appropriate for the stage of growth of the overall installation. Failing plants shall either be replaced,or be revived througll appropriate adjustments in water,nutrients, pest control or other factors as recommended by a landscaping professional. fl�e��oll3�a �LdII�SCd�3� c'�Tl�.�7C�'fl�d�IOT� gY1S�d��dt��1����0�'$0 Landscape installation audit for new or rehabilitated landscapes shall be conducted by a certified Iandscape professional after the landscaping a�.1d irrigation system have been installed. The findings of the assessment shall be consolidated i�1to a landscape installation report. A. T`he landscape installation report sllall include,but is not limited to: inspection to confirm that the landscaping and irrigation system are installed as specified in the landscape and irrigation design plan, system tune-up, systein test with distribution uniformity,reporting overspray or run off that causes overland flow, and preparation of an irrigation schedule. B. The landscape ulstallation report shall include the followuzg statement: T`he landscape a�.zd ., irrigation system have been installed as specified 'uz the la�zdscape and irrigafion design plan and coinplies with the criteria of the ordinance and the permit." ll4�<fl�a��4�a ILands�a�� I@/�aintenance �gre�n�aent. A. Prior to final ulspections and fulal occupancy, the owner(s) of the property shall enter ulto a formal writfen landscape maintenance agreement with the City. Tl1e City shall record f.his agreement, against the property or properties ulvolved,with the County of Santa Clara Ordinance No. 16-2142 � � Page 18 of 26 Recorder's Office and it shall be binding on all subsequent owners of land served by the proposed landscape. B. The landscape maintenance agreeinent shall require that the installed landscape not be modified and that maintenance activities not alter the level of water efficiency of the landscape from its original design,unless approved by the City prior to the commencement of the proposed modification or maintenance activity. �q�e��o���a A�,1�1$���X15t1%1�IL�YIC�SC���S �C,����g�'�9� ��11� A�Y'�e The Director of Public Works may require audits to evaluate wafer use on existing landscapes larger than one acre (installed prior to January 1,2010). TI1e City shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations on the process for determining what constitutes existing Iandscaping larger than one acre. Such audits may aiso be initiated as a coordinated effort between the City and, the Santa Clara Valley Water District or the City's water purveyors. This audit must be completed by a certified landscape irrigation auditor. Following the findings and recommendations of the certified landscape irrigation auditor,the Director of Public Works may require adjustments to irrigation usage,irrigation hardware, and/or landscape materials to reduce irrigation water use. Landscape renovation or rehabilitation resulting from an audit shall Ue considered a Iandscape project, and shall be subject to Section 14.15.050 and Table 14.15.070(C)(1). ��a��ag��o ��ablis �d�eat�one A. The City may provide information,with assistance from the Santa Clara Valley Wafer District and its water purveyors, to all applicants regardulg the design,installation, management and maintenance of water-efficient landscapes and irrigation systems. B. All model homes that are landscaped shall have signs installed that provide information on the principles of water-efficient landscaping. ��,��o���e ]L�call l�gency Rep�rk�ng. Local agencies responsible for adininisterulg individual ordinances shall report on their updated ordinance to the Department of Water Resources.Annual reports will be due by January 31St of each year and shall address the requirements as listed in California Code of Regulations Title 23,Division 2, Chapter 2.7, Section 495. ��o��o���o �enalties, Non-compliance with any applicable provision of this chapter shall be subject to enforcement action, as provided u1 Chapter 1.10 and/or Chapter 1.12 of this Code. � � �PPEIVDIX A- �@1ATEIt-�F�ICIEIV`T�A1VI�SCAPE CgIECKI,IST ' ' ��.�'������������' ������� ������.,���' Comsreu�iit�De�elo�m.eiif Depr�rtrn�:at 10300 Torre Aveitue 403.777.3303/Fax 405.777.3333 • Cupertino, C!i 95014 plaiuung�cu�ertino.org CtAPERTINQ http://cupert'vza.arg/Ptanivno PART 1.CERT'IFIEDJLICENSEI7 PiZflFES9IflIVAL INFORMATIOIV COMPAId1&CO_I�fPAAIY ADDRE55 .. . . . . NA� IJC/CERT.# E_.,vSAIL PHO�IE PPOF'L�'Sf0\ALSEAL PAR'F 2:PRQPERTY&PIZOPEI2TY OjNNER IIVFOitMATION PFOPE1iTY OW:VBR NAME g�;i" PFOPEKTY OYV:VI.R ADDFESS PHO.�IE pfZOjECT ADDRFSS �'�' PROJECTT1PE�u�cr.ae�c4e�� WAT'ERSQURCS p New CI Potal,le TOTAL LA.'��SCAPH ARE.� TLrRP PLANT AP.EA ❑ Rehabilitated (-1 Recycled ❑ Non-Residential �I Oi�-si#ec�pturedrau�x�ater ..................._.........................................s5z.sr. _._........................._sa.Fr. ❑ Gra�nvaEer WATER PU�VEYOF VOA-TLRF PLAI�T AREA SPEQAL IA�IDSC.�PS ARFA ...__..._....:...__...._......__._.__...__�.F['. ............................................................sS2.r�'. PAP�T 3:COIVIPLIANCE CHECKLIST Landscape Parameter 12equixen�ents CompIiance T€JRF AREA Tu�sliall not exceed S%of the landseape area or 1,�50 sq.ft,wlucttevei is Iesser'nz area � YES ] no Yuif (I�o turf innml-residential uea) Tiu�f shall not be planfed on slopes more tltiui 25%. � �� �..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... AIl orE�ons of hu'f aa•eas shali be��rider tl�an ten{IO)feet(tu�less iurigated�vith ❑ ��5 subsiuface urigation a�Iocr voluaie irrigaiion sSrstem). pLA,T�^I'L�TG p,P.EA At least 80%(100%frn�non-residential area)of non-tuxf u�a shall consist of � �,� natiz�e or locv cvater use�aTants. __.... _. _ _. No uzvasive aztd/or no�ous plant species sliali be plantect ❑ �S .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Plants with sinular�+•atex needs sltalt Ue grouped cvitlun Iiydrozones.F�ch � Y�c hydrozane shall Ue crn�krolled by a separate zralve. �II.�t��pi�'i'��,."'�� AtIC'd5E4ClLj'dS.OfCOIl1�)OSf�9.K{G}i17CIl�;C�5I7dIIIE�IL2L"I�J3'Z�DOSi'R[tf]rE![�L4'7F72A�. � �r'J .. _..._. _._.....__._ .. __........... .....__._. .. .._............ _._........ .__._...... ........_.._........._...__ .___.........._... t1 muuutum three(3}uich layer of utuldl shall be ap�liaci on all ex�osed so�I suxfaces of planting areas,e�cept ixi areas of direct seecFutg apphcatioi�(e.o. � �5 hpdro-seeding}. �....................................�..........................,.................................................................................................................................................................................................... GradinP shall be desi ed to ntuuntize soil erosi�n,run-off,and�ti�ater zvaste. ❑ ��� g�sGr,��r;��� rluto�u�ti�urio tion controllers are ieuvired and�nust nse evapotcanspiration or � ] �� � no in�igation soii moishue sensor data azid utiIize a xain sensor. �....................................................... s5�stem &•aYgation controllers sha111�e a type whicl�dces not lose progcamnzul�data in � y� the event the p�iniaiy pawer sotu•ce is i��te�Tupted. j Prrge��f 2 � � �����_��������' �.,.�.������ ���������' Coirumaiih�Deueloprrteazt L3epm'tmetet 10300 Torre Avenue 408_777.330SJFa.�405977.3333 Cugertuio, CA 95014 pla:uuiig�cupertino.org httji://cupertuio.o�g/Planning CtJPERTDTyC9 Landscape Parauieter Re.quiYements Compliance IRRIGATIOI�:SYSTEIvI Pressure iegulators sUatl Ue instalted on the irriga�ion spsteni to ensure the dynauuc piessiue o£the system is ta3tltin flte manufacturer s iecommended � YE5 pressuxe iai�ge. 1vlazival shut-�ff calves(such as a gate�alve,bali valve,or truEEertlp valve)shall � .YES be installed as ciose to passiUle to the point of coruixlirnt of tha wate�:supply. ................................................................................................................................................................................................. All inigation enussian devices mcast meet tlae i�ecnvremenEs set in tlie AI�SI stanctazd,ASABE/ICC 802-2Q14"Landscape In7d fion S�ntinller and Eauttes Stazid�rci."Ail s�ninl;ler heads installed in the landscape must dacument a ❑ �'� clistritnition mliformiEy law quarter of O.bS or Iug�er using the prat«oI defu�eci in SSABE/ICC 502-2D14. ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Declicate3 ierigation meters are requ'v:ed for non-residential projects u�ith uiore � Y� than 1,OOD sq.ft.of Iandscape area. WATER FEAT'LR2E5 Pool and spa cotrers si�ll be installe�_ � Y� ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... � �O°� Recirculatsng z+ater systems sl�all be used 2or all wates feafiures. � � � other:..................................... ❑no�vater features T�zaier feahzres are limited to 1Q46 of Ehe landscapecl aiea. � y�g I am aw�e of available inforniationat resoui�ces regarcling na�ive and Iow s�*ater use plants,itrid tion efficiency,and othe�aspects of water-efficie�.lt iandscaguip.I cer#ify Pl�at Ehe'viforniation provided on fltis checkIist is crnxect axui tl�e insfatted landscape compIies crriHi the xequisemenis of Qiapter 14.25 and/or flie requiremenks af Et�e Presn.iptic�e Con�pliance Ophion.I�Iso understand �{�j>�p����fo fl�project�vs�l necessitate a ne�v cliecldist. SIGI�;ATLTFtE OF PROI'EICTY OINN'EP OR ALTHO1ZiZED REPRPS�"TATiVL' - DATE SIGI�ATL'RE QP LIt..Er7SEDf CEPTII'IED LA�USC2.PE FFOPESSSONAL DATE Applic��#Commei�ts T;ce n�.i ziaraI�:.:rr i>r,zce;sa:}: St�€f Evaluation Staff Conunents •. ApP�•oc-eci = ' �� ! ;� 1Vot Approved ; Pecuait# scc�;nzvr.E nATE P�zge 2 of 2 \� � � l�i'PEIVDIX�—�A'I'�IZ�iJDGET�VOIZICSHEE'�" ���������������.����� Contna2trait?f Dauetopnie�zt Depnrtrttetat z 10300 Torre Aveitue 403.�7.3308/Faa 408.777.3333 CaperHno, CA 95014 planning(�cupertino.org hEtp://cupertino.org/}�lanxiixlg C€.IPERTl7+lt7 PART 1:PROPEItTY iIVFORMATION PFOJECT ADDFFLS p'��. REFERL�:\TCE Efo TOTAi,LAiVD5CAPE AREA NO\-TU�I2F PLtL�TI'AREA SPECIAL LAI�TDSCAPR AFEA �rJ.� _.s4.er. ..................................._................._........sq.ac: ........................................._................_...�2-sr. _....._..._.._�............__._.____.._. PART 2:SAMPLE HYDR�ZONE TABLE P.EGULAR LAIv"DSCAPE AREA _ _.. _._.------- -_._---...____...�_..___._._.__.__..._._.�___._.----._____._.._____.__.__..-------___._._____.___.___--- .. � HYDROZOhTE PI..9IdT II2RIGATION II2P.IGATION El'9� LATM�DSCAPE ETAFXLEv\�- ETVr'U PACTQR(PPj A3P.THOD EPFICI£..NCY(IE) {r�/rsy �AREA(SLI.FT.) SCAPE AIZEA � I E � I i � TOTALS ;�Aj i�) m SPECIAL L_ANDSCAPE AREA 1 i 1 TOTALS E(C} (D) �Z) PART 3:WATER BUDGET CALCULATLt�NS DE��Tr�o`'-s �IYDP.OZO�B:Put in ltydraznne#,letter,oz planfu�g {Y)+(Z} �gj'[rVj T}< tVIAINA} � desn7ption(e,g.1,2 3•A,P,C:itont porch,adjacznt to c9rivez��ay, front lawn,eta}� PART 4:ETAF CALCULAT'IONS • PLA��tT FACTOR{PF�:L�se VtiI3COLS to detemiuie Pkutt Factor. Planf factors aze 0-03 frn veiy low ivater use ytazzfs,0.1-�.3 foi low AveYage ETA�faP Regillat'LaltdsCapes=(B}=(A� x•ater use plants,0.�0.6 for utoderate tirater use plants,aztd 0.7-2.0 for high water use y2anfs. (ETAF}<(0.55 fnr resideniial) e �GATtOAr METT-IOD:Overliead spray or drip IRRIGATION EFFIC��7C1'{I�:0.75 for spray and O.S1 for dxip < 0.45 for non-residential ET?,F:3he maximum average EvapoTranspirafiion Adjusfntent �E��� � � s Factor for zesidential yroperties,exchuive of Special Landseape fueas,is 0.55 and for non-residential properties is 0.45;ETAF for SiYe-wide ETAP=(B+D)=(A+C) neiv and eaistutg 5pecial Landsca��e Areas shall not exceefl 1.0. • ETo=ee apoh•anspiration rate nleans the quantity of cvaier SIEe-Wit�e BTAF eva}�orated from adjacent soil and oHaer surfaces and transpu•ed bf plants dvrina a specified time • 0.62 is a mnversion factot tilat cunverts acre-inehes/acveJyeaz�to FY)rvI[�ZAS �allmis/sq.ft./j-eaz. ET'iNU=ETo x fl.b2 x(ETAF x Landscape Area} Es�iut=:te�'Fotal'!:�ter L'se MAVI'A=ETo x 0.62 x j(ETAF x Landscape Area)+{(1-ET?F}x SLA)� iv�:xinra_n_��:}3li�ct t��:ztex�.Uat-ea.nce Page�of I � � 1��'PEIVI3IX�—�EIL��OMPL3AIVCE�ERTiFICA'I'E ���,� ��������� tC���'����.�� Conznsur�zttJ Develo}�tne�xt De�nrtrtcetet 10300 Torre AveF�ue 403.77i.330S/Fati 405.777.3333 Cupertino, CA 95014 plannixtgC�9cupertino.org CUPEFdT1AlQ htty:/JcuperEino.oxg�Piannulb PROJECT ADDRESS&A.P.N CERTIFICA'TE t3F C(?MPLETI(3N �Pr•orB:rY otnmmaz haME E"`� PfiOPEC:'FY OWl�ERADDFS'SS �O`�� I cei�iify fliat I receic�ed co�ies of all Ehe docuuients required in the Landscape Or.d"u�ance(CMC C1laptar 14.15).I understand it is my responsiUilit}*to record a maui4ei�ice a�eement sEating E11at t13e sut�ject iandsage is�rotected anct to see that EI7e pioject is auintained in accoxduue wifli 8ie Iarijation Sclfedule and the Ian�Gcape anii In•ieation hfaintenance Schedt�le provided. SIGtiATUREAF Pi20PEKTY OLN�iER � DATE CERTIFICATE OF INSTALLATI�i�T co:�a.�rr ----�_�..^ ______ ADDP355 . .._.. . . .. . . .... _ . NlaMS ,�� LIG(CETT.'� E_MAIL � PHONE � � � PFOPESSIONALSFCT. I cectify that�iased upon peiiodic site oUseivations,flie landscape pIanting and inigation installation has been completed in accordance with the Lazi3scape Or.ciin=-�nce(C�'�SC Cliaptez 14.15}.I undersEand tltat it is nty responsil�ility to�o�zde tl7e I�rigation 5chedule and flie Landsca�e and Irtigation titaixttenance Scltedule Eo flie subject ap��IicaxitJ propeiiy oc��ner. SIGdvATURE OF LiCENSED/CEP.TIF3ID LAh`DSCAI'E YP.OFESSIONAL DATE . --'--'--..____.-'-�.____..._...._.__...__.._.�.._._.____..__...........__.__.___.._.___.�.�.__.______._._..�__.__...._-------- t._..�._._._.._...._._.._.__---..— S��g T,Tp'j'�g: Z. P�'escrzptiue CrnrrylinticeAypIientiori 6. U�'igation Seliedule ;prs>rr:xt.;s,;sr;;:�e,:xicr; ❑ YES � Not Req�ured � YES � Not Required Cf:tfL� 2. b1Tat��Efftciertt Inn�3scnueTNorksheet 7. Larulscape mtd Irrigntiori Mnirate�Tatace ScFcedazle ❑ YES CI Not Rec�vired � �ES p Not Rec�uired 3. Lartdscn�e Plmrs 8. SaiI Mrtringemettt R��art ❑ YES [7 Not Reqnired � YES L7 Not Requued 4. I:ri�ntiori Pti2rts 9. Z1-r'i,gnfion Audit Report ❑ YES � I�Tot Required ❑ �` � �ot Required 5. Grrzdirt�Pla�vs p YES ❑ Not Req�iired na��1 flfi � � 1�PPENDIX�-lLA1VI�SCAP]E A1VD�IZIZIGATIOIV�LA1VS�TA1VlJAR]�S The landscape and irrigation design pIan shall be prepared as follows: A. The landscape and irrigation design plans shall incorporate aIl applicable elements � of Section 14.15.060 of Chapter 14.15 of the Cupertino Municipal Code. B. The landscape design portion shall be prepared by, and bear the signature of, a licensed landscape architect,licensed landscape contractor, or any other person authorized by the State of California to design a landscape. C. The irrigation design portion shall be prepared by, and bear the signature of, a Iicensed landscape architect, certified irrigation designer, licensed landscape contractor, or any other person authorized by the State of California to design an irrigation system. D. �a�clscape�'lans. The landscape design portion of the landscape and irrigation design plan, at a minimum, shall: 1. Provide basic project information, such as applicant name, site address, total landscape area and turf area(square feet),irrigation water source (e.g. municipal, well,recycled),retail water purveyor(if applicable), and project contacts; 2. Identify, in tabular form, all plants to be installed as part of the project. The table shall include the following: a. Symbol(representing the plant on the plan). b. Cornmon name. c. Botanical name. d. Container size. e. Quanfity. f. Type (e.g. grass, forb, succulent,vine, sllrub, tree, etc.). g. Water-efficient species identification. All"native" and "low water use" plant species (defuled in Section 14.15.030) shall be so Iabeled. h. Unique physical specifications of plants (e.g.,bare-root,field-potted,multi- trunk,etc.),if applicable; 3. Include the followulg: a. General notes, planting notes,plant layout based on size at maturity, species, and symbol legend. b. Spacing of proposed plantings. c. Topography d. Trunk diameter of aIl existuzg Protected Trees as defined in Cllapter 14.18 of the Cupertino Municipal Code. e. Existing features to remain, such as trees, fencing,hardscape, etc. f. Existing features to be removed. g. Identification of pertinent site factors such as stul exposure,microclunate, property Iines,buildings,underground/above-ground utilities, existing draulage features, etc. � � . h. Proposed grading. See Section 16.08 of the Cupertino Municipal Code for the requirements of when a grading perxnit is required. i. Seed mix,if applicable. j. All planted landscape areas are required to have friable soil to maximize water retention and infiltration; 4. Delineate and label each hydrozone; 5: Identify each hydrozone as low water,moderate water,high water, or mixed (low/moderate) water use, as defined by WUCOLS; 6. Identify special landscape areas (areas permanently and solely dedicated to edible plants, areas irrigated with recycled water; 7. Identify type of mulcll and application depth; 8. Identify type and wet surface area of water features; 9. Identify hardscapes (pervious and non-pervious);a�1d 10. Contain the following statement: "I have complied with the criteria of the Water Conservation in Landscaping Ordinance and applied them for the efficient use of water in the landscape design plan." E. ���igati.�n�lans. The irrigation design portion of the landscape and irrigation design plan, at a minimum, shall contain: 1. Locat�on, type and size of all components of the irrigation system,including controllers,main and lateral lines,valves, sprinlcler heads,moisture sensing devices,rain switches, quick couplers,pressure regulators, a�.zd backflow prevention device�; 2. Static water pressure at the point of connection to the publi�water supply; 3. Flow rate (gallons per minute), application rate (uzches per hour), and design operating pressure (pressure per square ulch) for each station; 4. Irrigation sclledule; 5. Location and size of separate water ineters for landscape (if applicable); a�1d, 6. The following statement: I have complied with the criteria of tlle Water „ Conservation uz Lalldscaping Ordinance and applied them accordingly for the efficient use of water u1 the irrigation design plan." F. �racling. If the landscape project area will be graded,then, at a muzimum, gradulg contours and quantities shall be shown on the landscape design plan. Grading shall meet all applicable requirements of Chapter 16.08 of the Cupertino MLulicipal Code, including permittuig requirements for grading u1 excess of established permit tllresholds. A geotechnical engineer should be consulted prior to the installation of landscaping materials and irrigation hardware on slopes greater tllan 30%, or in any areas where � slope stability may be compromised. G. b�Tildfire 1�[anagement. Plant list shall exclude pla�lt types that increase wildfire susceptibility. In areas designated wildland urban interface,by Chapter 16.74 of the a � Cupertino Municipal Code,the plan shall demonstrate that plants have been selected and arranged to provide defensible space for wildfire protection,in conformance with Public Resources Code Section 4291. H. Sto�m Water l�anagexnent. Storm water best management practices shall be incorporated as appropriate into the landscape installation,the details of which shall be shown on the landscape design plan. Installation shall be subject to the San Francisco Say Region s National Pollutant Discharge Elunulation System(NPDES) storm water discharge permit requirements and Chapter 9.18 of the Cupertino Municipal Code. It is strongly recomrnended that landscape areas be designed for capture and ulfiltration capacity that is sufficient to prevent runoff from impervious surfaces (i.e. roof and paved areas) from either: the one inch, 24-hour rain event or (2) the 85th percentile,24-hour rain event, and/or additional capacity as required by any applicable local,regional, state or federal regulation.