B0102P0012B.MSIS 0,reVR/NGS The hearing,SO°0m;0 .,arlhecenfer/reWS1117JAa/e-Sar1a1'ogaRoodossaidRoad isshawno/r/hafcerfairrmap en/i//ed'AecordafSurYeyll/ap; recordedinBook i2 of Maps a/Faye /7in the Office a,r1he CounfyRecarder ofSanfoC/araCounfy, Cart wasfalsenaslhe basis of beariaysshowa oalhlsmop NOTES Thy harder%neindicafes,dieh0l7daryaf/andsubdiyidea'hi smap. dllaislances al7ddinensrons areshawninfeelanddecimc/sfhcreof. RAINBOW DRIVE - /ndicafes *"/ran lndicola 01/Iron0 TRACT NO, 2276 too CONSISTING OF ONE SHEET BEING A PORTION OF THE SE.Y4 OF SECTION 24, Y 7 St R.2 W., M.©.M., Sr PAAT,OF THE QUITO RANCHO LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. SCALE: I"=000' rl70171Medsel{ rr0n11me7lf vnd, ur7less ofheryrse slated. GEORGE S. NOLT.E MIL ENGINEER ••• LAND SURVEYOR PALL ALTO} SANTA CLARA••WALNUT CREEX-SAN RAFAEL DECEM BER0958 r,47f 0f CV/fORN/,4 City and Courrfy o� $air Francisco } s s. Onffl/soMo/ayPr/d/V andfar saidSfa/eaadCounfyresidir9ffi�ei�dalycommissionedandswarrr,persona//yaapeared Dasmond G. ('ell}• arc/ C. zlehard Lange, ' nmwa /a ins to he Me,,versaN whAse nome5 ore Sv6scri6ed fa the within instrument and They fa me Thal they executed the vm As Trasfenr /N bY/TNESS JY, ybRfOf /hare hereunto set my handdaffE d my ofFeia/sea/the day oad year/dsf a, eve wrilfer� /107ARYPVai/ NANDfoRIH�'Cr7Y aND COUXiYOF My 5AN rAOAAWSM, STQ7E Or CA41A A114. ti.89°42`20" b87,00 •-•• •-- • N.89°42`ZO`E. 94 .51 2900 MOD __ 634b===r += �==: -=5504-= ==5r•�-= =5ROV- =--5 .W.7-- Lands o� 1 jepdva ��; �N� s l �1�. • %5frrp•Cifyo/$co./ose '� Q Z 3 4 E 5 °� N 8 N 9 N xD !2 ui !3 `= 14 g .•o'SYr�p• CifyviSanJase•. �� � ' �� � _ w .N 20' Fj,L• _ y Q� 5500 5560 5504 5500 ;'•• toil �� �'`! �+ 43.91 554D �i 5500 �;100 55D0 55.00 5500 5500 45.46 South line Section 24 715,A ..gQT3.&M. CITYL"NOINVRS CERT1f/c,4Tf 1, F/annery hmie ,certify* fhis/nap, desiynafedaV AMINI 2276 ,Bwchwaad, hoAvnaxami dhyme; ilfof/hesu,6d �isionshown/hereon issubslanfiolly//re same os if a�Opeared on iha appro�d r'enlafiYe map ondanya�prowd a/feraflms Ameaf; thela//proyislims oflhe Calfarnia $LlhAisian Mapflclandany/aca/orainarke app/icdb/a offhe lime of approYa/afffiafenfafivamao haiebeen gamed wit/ ondffiaf/amsafisFedfha>rsardmap isfechnica//ycarred e s M c/rro, 0,441Ss C/TY CLERKS CER7/F/C,4T,E a` ' i ma f' racf lYa 22T& Birch od as r eo',6 he Cif avn rla Ihare yce lily wrhn Malma, a T �vo , w pp av yf yC c f Me, /Ose, S/ale of wmami0 Ofsaid CmxilhPldanlhe_gl day df 6�r ,/958, and/hal soidCounci/ddof9aidmaalmq accept/he dedcahvnofal/skaafs andpolhol7of s/raefs anda/laasemeafs asshawn onsaidwifhin saiarsu6diyisian infhe orderaffhe affend'Ihe dedication • r C17r CLM.411DEX•aFF/C10 tMlf Af MF CiTYCGUNC/L TH�'C/T!�'�j��4NJQS'f C/TY PLANN/M COMMISSIONS 0,F97/FIC,47f Iheredycerfifylhaffhe%nfafiysmalo of Aacl& ZZ76,,Birchwood, ,sham7hiemon, wasapprovedlryfhe P/annin9 Commission offhe Cif.wSaln Jose, Sfafeaf Ca%�rnia, alareyu/orand drr/y aulhOMeo�meaIN af'said Commission held onlhe 18 Lt dayof Nv c rn 3 r--P— ,/9 Sft ARV, s C/rYpIANNINl1 CoMMlSS/aN Car0noda 5747f OfCAIlFOr4N/A County ofS�an/oC/ara ss 0nf 3 dayaf D ,/9S� �e/orer%��y t�. �L�� aNaf yPvb%inand rsoidSfafe andG'ourrfy, rasidin9fherein, du/ycorrrmissior�daad sworn, rsono%yappearedEdwinC,JohnsMWOW,M.Slorre knajrnfnMe%bathe Presidsnfand�ssisfanfSa+cre/Qry respedlYe/y, of Zro/anConshwelimCc, Meeq,71afioa/ha/exocu1W*wilhi,7iollilmenf a/rdl�nown/ame>bde fhPpersarlswfio erecufedifan fiof�/fafsaid caroV1V1oa andlhPyarkr�awled edfame fhaisuch carp• arafioneracufoa'//sesame asDwncr lNI�Y/TNF.b'SINHfRfOf/haYehereunlOsefn�yhandandaflixodmy019rc471$edlhsdayandym,lasfakrewrillo7 My cammissiarrexoMes— n C---c. , F7l� NarRRYPUBI/cIN fOR rlrscaUNrY arSAVACLARA, EaPMIKIRN1A. S7,4Tf 01C4Z11r0KX,4 Coa17 y,dSarlfa Clara Onfhis��q°dayaf_ ?. •.. _,1958,,fmfarerrm.ANN C • JoNFS a/Yofarypv6%inandfarsaidS>¢fear�dCoun , rrsidng/herein, duly cammissioncd andsworn, psrsanally Appearad �//bmH. Gray, Jr andJohnh: �rc�lss, known/omefabe the PrPsidalrfondycePresidenfresaecfiyely,aFirc�lyiifledndGuatanfy Company, fhecorparafionfhafexecufadffwifhin inslru1l2'nl07dls1l0iM/0 mefabefhelWYms whoeenailedifan 6ehvlf so%dcorporafian and><fieyacknol�/edgedlame lhalsvd corparaliorr execuledlhesame as Trusfea. INX77YESS MIRMIcIhme*M97fasefmyhandaadaffxedmyaf>icia/sea/ ayandyearlas cra wriffen: My C0,077rlliSS1,1/1 expires. s,� �2_ NOTARY PV6L1C I D AaR T11E COUNTY oRMh7,'4 VAR , rAMOFCAL1,fORN1/J. Pr"operfies, C/{r/L ENG/NEER'S CERTIF/C,47S /OeargeS.Naha, hore6ycerhfythaf/amdRcgis/aradCiyi/Eayi17e&rot/heSkleofCa/1rnia,fhaffhismap, C0Mfis1Mj'o1*a17eshml, corrocf/yreprascnfs asur�eyrnaaeeundermy su�rvisiQn daring fhemanh oflYavembe� /958; fhaffhc suryeyishL+e and colnp/efa asshawn; fhafa//monummissfmwn haraonacluo//yexis/arwil/bop/acedupen comp/elionoffhe9freelimpraremeltfwads; that saidmanun�en/sarPsufficieaffoanah/e/hesvrveylabarc/recedandfheirposiliarrsare corrocf/yshawn. MISTINP M11 dMINMR-• MR71AI M No. 7S96. LQlds Jose OIyJYfRSCERTIF/C,4Tf � YehPrebycer/iyfha/waretfieo#,RersoforfioYesamerghf tillsorinferes/iirondfal</iereo/prop&-1jbdvds'otx1A1,71hesvi- di�isiansfiawnu�lr/hismo�; tl a/sreorefhean/ypersa�s�hoseconsentisnacassarylapassac/earfif/e%saidroa/properfy; !fiat >hereicaasenffot/�mokiafsaidlrrapandsuddiYision ossfiarrawiffiin//�6/cre,l�ider%ne and►reherebyofr>ordedreafov to pub%usea/IsIZZPrsandoor%rls afsfreefsnaf/%refoisre axis}in9 assf>awn orlfhe rrifhinmap willinsaidsuYision arwe a/so�re6yd�caleeasamealslcranyarlda//pv�cusesunder, Uponandaysrsaids�'feefsarrdsoiaiOarfiarlsr<lreraol.' alsoherebydedicafafor,�/b/cuseeasarnan>sir/r9b/andaironarayerffiosccerfains/rpsaf/and/yrvyMMM7 AeAM4rfsfreets andffiehrohen%naseochdesiyna/adGcr,"B,SC.(�lii/dn9Sofbx�rLri1)assho�rnarJrhe wi/hi/lmap �ilhii�saidsvh�yision, Bch sfr kheAeplopemandfise fro/ndvi/aia9savdsfrucfuresofarlyl�ir�doxceaf/awfu/fences andiir9afion andsprink/ersysfems andapprl/fenonces/heraaf Weo/salmr 4ad' cafefopub%useeasernenfslxr %Se Ykefaci%fresinc/adnypa/m; wires, mdvifs Awse, wets, sdnilorysewers andya, waferandheafrrrains amlal/public v, X/ am, li7, ndo//appurfenances /a the ahays, ovk,, orroraverhie certain slrpsaf/and/yinQbafrreen f/ierc�orand/orsidc/hes of/ofsaadlhe dasf�d%nes eochdes9nofPa'os'P,£E'�pub/icServicefase- menfJ, aasaman/s unda<onoraverfhase ccr/ainsfrps of/ard de%Healed anddesgnafedas",4,f'"(,4richor,�asemen}) ardeasemenfs forwiroc%rarrGcpufpasasan/yoYerfhosecerlaiparaasde%naafedando'esignaledas IME"(WreClearoncOAMMea),R41iicS$fYi-O Easamerrfs fabe,4cpfc/Paraf6uilain9s andsfrucfr/ras a}'anykindexc�o/%wfa/fcncas aA,Ydilify companyslrucfures Wrre Clearance fosemenfsfaba%mifedfobui/ar'lrgs, slrucfuresdrappurfenances/heiefa whichhaream4,rimumhe�h/offffeenfeefa�ve the grade affhe yraundlirle ofpo/es 7ROJAN CONSTRUCTION CO. corps ion, Owner. 4: PRce!'IOFNT �^ �53� `1 � EC13ET�i' sly8f7Y T/;rZF G gANTY COI 24#Y, agar ration, Trustee: Pf1ES1 �� Wei PMS1,007 DESblD G. ,('ELZSY 4$ C: VCMAV l.4NGh', Trustees f_U0N4' a. AT44 y C. iAR'leh�'Z�eZ17NGE COUNTYRECORDfRSCERT/F/C,4TE Ile No Fed FiveDa//ars Paid. 4ccapr`edfrrecardaaa'r�rdedinf�ookl.Q�,ofMaps afPagel.,2.ir�/r�OfJice of the Caur�fyRecorderof/he County of SanfaC/era�rifhinlheSlafeofCa%farnia,fhis,,�'�a'ayof.�"� �.,I95S��iaflZ'minvfespasf.�Loc/ock,,�,M SYL C, TI/LLY, CaunfyRecarder: , AssrsraNrREzoRasR. 102 32 JR, SHEE7I Ole/ MEF7 72h58