B0112P0018j ,CURVE DE TA RAOIZZO!I T NT 9 4G •/O" eo. 00 3/. 34 -Pff a 90° /3 1.50 " 20.00 .37. 50 20.06 C 13Z°58 :5'o - 20. ao 46. 42 4l5. 98 4 45032• oo - W.00 /5. 80 8. 39 .E 21132150" '030.00 360.00 F 4•/7'50- 830.00 eoZ•Z5 Z-Z7'00'• 770.00 &1.56 044 -s0 • 300.00 0.99 //°so •3a • 300.00 62. 00 7' A•t?J' .:1� ;"..rT: .;Ert«.:7ier!'.;:•:?fti� I i 0AYNER S' C,ERT/F/CQTA=. Me hereby CerfiIy 7'17a yWeAre the OW1ers ot"orhat e some ri, yhAle ari/7 -- feres� in and7Lo fhereA/prolver/y roc/udedPvl';fhin fhesubd%uision shown u�von ie hereon /nra7a,'7�hGl7`drre Are lie orf/y/oersorss whose Gonserrf %s necessary fv pass Ac%ar h /e, fa saidrea//vro�per y fha; we, hereby conse,71 fo ffie 17aki 7y ol- sraic�rrrap r.rr7a/.subdivisran a s ,,-h0AV17 wrfhi� fhe b/ue borderline 4i7d;ha;rv& het-ebyo�fcr�oru'eo'ica;iorr 7topu611cusecr//sfreefsarrdparfiar7sa/sfrce% no -1Mere fo pnr-e ekistiny as 5;40W17 0/7 ;he /iereon mrap wl fhir7 ,raidsudairiis - ior7 ar7dA/so deallea7e ;,'4,rtaub/ic use ease177e17f5 for al7y AndaIIPVblic uses under, upon and 7&s al7d.60idpar7"1 fhere67' We also herebydeelleafe fopablie use easernenfforawyanda/lpuh/%c service f ci/i1ies inc/udi79po%s �Yires, cor7da%>`s,,s forrr7sewe/-.s, s4r�/igry�setvers c�i7d�.s-7�t�rafer Anca'hea/ir7airrs�r7da// vd/ic ufi/r'fiesd7no�A//A7o�our�er7a�ces fo 1he abotle under, orr orover ff7ose cerla717 sfrps o{/Ar7d/ying,6efA,eer7 74he reQr9nea exAc limes aiIII fs pr7a';he4'ashea�/i/7e.� each c�'esr jria�edAs 'Ps"� :(Pa6/cserYice �g5ernerrfJ eA.re - IMIVIIs t7/7o/r, or/ oroverf/iose cer/airrs�rips ors`/anddesiynAfec�as !!l. F rXr7chor zAserner7f,�>�r7ov/e arichorpur�vases,or7/y ; ar7deg5emenfs �orWire c%Ar-crnGe �r os&s o/�/y over >�0.5'G G�'r�arr7 AreAs �s�nafedArro�v'e/r7era�edAs'!�1/C..� " /re C/eArArrce zgsemerr><.�. The AboYe rrea fianedpub/rc service easemer� �s fo ,6e ,�epf open a77d�ee f7-r7m bur/dn9s andsfruc7�ures o�gr7y kir�o�excep fpub�7a service sfruc fvres, rrri afiarr s s7�ecns, Gi77dq ur/engnces �ere� Arrd law - �u/ fences. The `v%re dea Once e4 erner77s fo 6e ifed76 6tYi/�i7ysarrds ruc/ores 11 dAiaq eIae noes /iierefo which hAYeA�nAx�mu/n he/9hf o/ f'>�eerr�5,��ee�gc�ve 9 ie,grourro /tee a/po%s. Me pur/herdea11Ca7e �rpub/c use eas-ernen�s far/,i�hfAndAiron Drover those cer>�Ain s7Zri,ns of/rar7d/yin9 between (fie /rr7es o/S7 -eefs And f/ie d?Iled lines dwchde.5,, 7 7'�edas B sl �Bo�/4'ir�.Sef,6ack Line�us sfiawrr or7 &hereon rrrAp ofsaidsubdivisivr� such Jrfrrps op/andfobekep/open And/ree A'om hui/di�gsarrc.1 sfrucfures uny�indexcep//ovb/c .service sfruc�ures ir-r'a /rar7 sysferrrs Ar/a/ appur enances 7�7erek. C/TY //-LE /N5U,�2A/VCE" COMPAN!% O4�an/X�11I �rporn on . os owr/er �' fr�7sf . �y c-Z,4 e president �y ,�ss7s7�ana� Sccryefct� y RACT NO.2294 III IEW WIES T " PORTION OF FAST Yt SECTION 24.T.7S..R.2w.M.D.M. WITHIN THE CITY OF SAN J O SE , CALIFORNIA CREEGAN 4r WANGELO CIVIL ENGINEERS SG^t.E . l : 100 CONSISTING OF ONE SHEET JULY, ! 959 v, V ti. .i» �r } �� r r'.. i. •'t: i >' i :'..„. �,• YZ :'i �:f Oy 5 -- ti _ AAIYL L /S AVENUE 2a /Q G o 4 4xc � z�oQ r",e;r o f 0"r- m 40n44 o r�5E7' .._-�I L? �o„Go.oa �o.00 �p.00 Go.oa Go.o • ^ 2FrisEr 3' � . ° V42 q ° 43 3' 44 3 45 46 'IN o 6� ►Y/. %, 0 4 .� 0 a s _O\ 7O�— r� `GGi OGS Z Ga. fJrO iO.0I0 as oo �s0 OG o GO. oa Too. o0 6o.Oq J' 6p.00 G, 13 . 4T � 48 u 49 q" 5O � a 0 0 0 e V 4�� � ��� , 943. � /G 4 2 20 ' .. `: i' + i« : r: •� r: . Cis i �' i• i �: �.• .•'•'r �+1r' 4.: L. s ::�.e' ACKNOWLED6MENT: Stale. 471'Ca/%fornia Gounfy 01 SAnIa do lh— l . ?day o f�� ,.,/959, ,before me,Gro , A NoLary Pabh 5 i77 And�ors�aidCourr�yA/ra✓SfAa�e,fversana//yA�pear• ed T /for/.'�_ __anon �" �•- �r , k1ZOW27 7`o be fhe yce- Ores dery and AssiS t eP efQ/, l/ 1-y /lle ar71vari, ,, //iea�poofiw 71ha / e,eeealed fhe Zvi thin /as4-4IMeI7f,WOW 0 kno wn fo rr�e /a be the er- ,sM5 "ho erecv7�edi1,0,7 hehA/1ofsuch corporAfi©rr Ar7d They a,5�7 4vg - ed 7v me #wf 5-41ch corporahiov7 e,+rec,vled fhe same gas owne, -,E /,ewlee. 1 l ndfar the Coun/y af.5a/r eland,STAhCa/,� 41 i4a,mia C,ei?TIFICATE OF TyE CITY CLERK I o/f/7e Chie><reby cer✓/oiisrye q7h/AAfrr7heiestn9A a dsrapidCound ,,erfve-viervkye.5 9olor7esfieel,i-vasaprodcira/hysheTfrh%aeicoGn/f/NyhoCe.o2zl2v9a4i/ f,a fhaf.�'ArdCourrci/raidACcep�77e dedca/ion of a//s;re TS DI�C�/CJOr]�%OrI.S ff7e/'�°d7�A�7dA//PIJ.�BrTJBrl7�s 4�7�eru��7�Dr` ded ca/io/7 And .shoW17• or/ saidr77a wi75hr77 saidsuf drvisior/. Ci Clerk ,y-O/ , io Clerk q.,r#e C ' l 41,7ci/ of he C�fya/,�irJose 11 IF A BASIS aFB4aRIs D o :�'"�� IKCs •4N 1V TES The heAringg,S. 0 °035D'�.,111id een/er/ne af'SUrrnyva/e q ,PaadgssAiv��l�oAdisshown o'17 Aalcer;aia n7ap enfif/ed';Pecordo surveyit�1Ap,'i-ecora'edin Book 72oFilrJaps a/ age /7/,7 fhe 0/f �e a171ha Courr�y/PecorderafSArrfa C/ura Cour�;y,G'A/ryorrria,`vA,s�A,FerzAS�ie6asis D�,ber.�rrr7y sflos'rirr an 7�lis rnAp . The b/veborderline /i7d7cATcs 77iicboundary o,-/Andsu6d �idedby Phis map. Al/ d57,ol7ee5land d7rne,,7sions ArB shown iri /ee]�ano�oreci7rrA/s fherco o rndicAfess/�"irorjp/�e se/ 3/¢'iron pipe sdt an a// /07�G4r�'ners `Curve e1(1reo7if1(?s, • indica Aes %ran pie found IVYCOMMI.ssior7 I/S 'o-Jot Web i Aw"W Be°rinq t d•3°OS:S4" y Je " y7o FAG/NEER S C4eRTIRCAT.E I, ,E/rj�er �.1. D�Qnye%,hereby certify fhaT I QmA �C'eyis red Cirri/ Fnyi; of fhe.S ale of Ca/� rnia : that;his Ma.0, carrsis1rng of'arreshee, correct/ re�vres e177s a survey n7�rde ur�rderrnysupervrsior� c/urrr7� Oc7<aher, /958 : W/ /�s survey is /rL/e cer cvmmp/e�e as shown: sfio"whereor7 ac7'voll ex- is� orh i//;he p/Aced upon comp/&/ion orslreef iwyp-ovewemL work ornd /�f (heir pasif/ons ares4f1cien4 7`oenab/e 7hesurvey 7�be refrAced. /Pe�is�eredCYi/fnyineer, Cer�i�c�►�e � B290 CITY ENGINEERS' CERTIFICATE I hereby cer f ify fhAf I hAve exq�ined fhe hereon rirra/rr�ap of Trac f No. 2294, Yiew byes/ "fhaf7�7e. vOIM%Y%s%ona 5diOW,7 (hereon 7e s14Az Flanfia//y 7�esdrne ras if 410 - peArGPa'onshe en/Af/verngio AndArryA�orvraveda/ferA7�ions 7�herea�': 7'J�iA�a//prveimo,75 O� /!/�° . JUbVr//S/D!9 /I�A�ACI AsamendeY, a w1ofgny /oca/ordw7a we Appv/7ca6/e al/he, hale o/Ap,P�rov1!/a,- he 7�err�afi've mAp hAve beer7 com`o/red w�/h andlarn .sa}is flied ZhAf f0-141 I1,P %s 7'echn7ca/ly correct ,4awyasl" 3, /95"9 nyw7met- &t�- of he CiCITYPLANNING COMMISSION CERTTE : Iherebycerfify7{hat fhe�enfA�i�e tnA7vo�TrAcfll/o.2294"Yiew/�es�;.s'/�ot�I�r7 hcreo17, ,vASAPvrOvia 6y fheP/anni77g Car>yfnission op/he Gify of✓ar7y✓ose sfAfe of CA/�rr7iA,a/ore ulArAndc/u/yQuftiori,3edmeefi79f�eloi©rr/h�``dcty a� j u .Secre Aryo e Ci��rofSar7Jose P/Ar�nin9Ca7n�ni.�sion APECORDER:F CERTIFICA Tr ' File No . /' `/ , ,. 9,6 Fees Pain/ Accep/ed �orrecord andfled /r7 Boak /�z o/'Maps97`pAye /8 ,SArfA C/raraea, n?7/ Pecords, Phis Aya�s_ ,�1959, d��' 3 Pm . sYG. G . � G Y, Recorder �y I o GO. oa Too. o0 6o.Oq J' 6p.00 G, 13 . 4T � 48 u 49 q" 5O � a 0 0 0 e V 4�� � ��� , 943. � /G 4 2 20 ' .. `: i' + i« : r: •� r: . Cis i �' i• i �: �.• .•'•'r �+1r' 4.: L. s ::�.e' ACKNOWLED6MENT: Stale. 471'Ca/%fornia Gounfy 01 SAnIa do lh— l . ?day o f�� ,.,/959, ,before me,Gro , A NoLary Pabh 5 i77 And�ors�aidCourr�yA/ra✓SfAa�e,fversana//yA�pear• ed T /for/.'�_ __anon �" �•- �r , k1ZOW27 7`o be fhe yce- Ores dery and AssiS t eP efQ/, l/ 1-y /lle ar71vari, ,, //iea�poofiw 71ha / e,eeealed fhe Zvi thin /as4-4IMeI7f,WOW 0 kno wn fo rr�e /a be the er- ,sM5 "ho erecv7�edi1,0,7 hehA/1ofsuch corporAfi©rr Ar7d They a,5�7 4vg - ed 7v me #wf 5-41ch corporahiov7 e,+rec,vled fhe same gas owne, -,E /,ewlee. 1 l ndfar the Coun/y af.5a/r eland,STAhCa/,� 41 i4a,mia C,ei?TIFICATE OF TyE CITY CLERK I o/f/7e Chie><reby cer✓/oiisrye q7h/AAfrr7heiestn9A a dsrapidCound ,,erfve-viervkye.5 9olor7esfieel,i-vasaprodcira/hysheTfrh%aeicoGn/f/NyhoCe.o2zl2v9a4i/ f,a fhaf.�'ArdCourrci/raidACcep�77e dedca/ion of a//s;re TS DI�C�/CJOr]�%OrI.S ff7e/'�°d7�A�7dA//PIJ.�BrTJBrl7�s 4�7�eru��7�Dr` ded ca/io/7 And .shoW17• or/ saidr77a wi75hr77 saidsuf drvisior/. Ci Clerk ,y-O/ , io Clerk q.,r#e C ' l 41,7ci/ of he C�fya/,�irJose 11 IF A BASIS aFB4aRIs D o :�'"�� IKCs •4N 1V TES The heAringg,S. 0 °035D'�.,111id een/er/ne af'SUrrnyva/e q ,PaadgssAiv��l�oAdisshown o'17 Aalcer;aia n7ap enfif/ed';Pecordo surveyit�1Ap,'i-ecora'edin Book 72oFilrJaps a/ age /7/,7 fhe 0/f �e a171ha Courr�y/PecorderafSArrfa C/ura Cour�;y,G'A/ryorrria,`vA,s�A,FerzAS�ie6asis D�,ber.�rrr7y sflos'rirr an 7�lis rnAp . The b/veborderline /i7d7cATcs 77iicboundary o,-/Andsu6d �idedby Phis map. Al/ d57,ol7ee5land d7rne,,7sions ArB shown iri /ee]�ano�oreci7rrA/s fherco o rndicAfess/�"irorjp/�e se/ 3/¢'iron pipe sdt an a// /07�G4r�'ners `Curve e1(1reo7if1(?s, • indica Aes %ran pie found IVYCOMMI.ssior7 I/S 'o-Jot Web i Aw"W Be°rinq t d•3°OS:S4" y Je " y7o FAG/NEER S C4eRTIRCAT.E I, ,E/rj�er �.1. D�Qnye%,hereby certify fhaT I QmA �C'eyis red Cirri/ Fnyi; of fhe.S ale of Ca/� rnia : that;his Ma.0, carrsis1rng of'arreshee, correct/ re�vres e177s a survey n7�rde ur�rderrnysupervrsior� c/urrr7� Oc7<aher, /958 : W/ /�s survey is /rL/e cer cvmmp/e�e as shown: sfio"whereor7 ac7'voll ex- is� orh i//;he p/Aced upon comp/&/ion orslreef iwyp-ovewemL work ornd /�f (heir pasif/ons ares4f1cien4 7`oenab/e 7hesurvey 7�be refrAced. /Pe�is�eredCYi/fnyineer, Cer�i�c�►�e � B290 CITY ENGINEERS' CERTIFICATE I hereby cer f ify fhAf I hAve exq�ined fhe hereon rirra/rr�ap of Trac f No. 2294, Yiew byes/ "fhaf7�7e. vOIM%Y%s%ona 5diOW,7 (hereon 7e s14Az Flanfia//y 7�esdrne ras if 410 - peArGPa'onshe en/Af/verngio AndArryA�orvraveda/ferA7�ions 7�herea�': 7'J�iA�a//prveimo,75 O� /!/�° . JUbVr//S/D!9 /I�A�ACI AsamendeY, a w1ofgny /oca/ordw7a we Appv/7ca6/e al/he, hale o/Ap,P�rov1!/a,- he 7�err�afi've mAp hAve beer7 com`o/red w�/h andlarn .sa}is flied ZhAf f0-141 I1,P %s 7'echn7ca/ly correct ,4awyasl" 3, /95"9 nyw7met- &t�- of he CiCITYPLANNING COMMISSION CERTTE : Iherebycerfify7{hat fhe�enfA�i�e tnA7vo�TrAcfll/o.2294"Yiew/�es�;.s'/�ot�I�r7 hcreo17, ,vASAPvrOvia 6y fheP/anni77g Car>yfnission op/he Gify of✓ar7y✓ose sfAfe of CA/�rr7iA,a/ore ulArAndc/u/yQuftiori,3edmeefi79f�eloi©rr/h�``dcty a� j u .Secre Aryo e Ci��rofSar7Jose P/Ar�nin9Ca7n�ni.�sion APECORDER:F CERTIFICA Tr ' File No . /' `/ , ,. 9,6 Fees Pain/ Accep/ed �orrecord andfled /r7 Boak /�z o/'Maps97`pAye /8 ,SArfA C/raraea, n?7/ Pecords, Phis Aya�s_ ,�1959, d��' 3 Pm . sYG. G . � G Y, Recorder �y I 943. � /G 4 2 20 ' .. `: i' + i« : r: •� r: . Cis i �' i• i �: �.• .•'•'r �+1r' 4.: L. s ::�.e' ACKNOWLED6MENT: Stale. 471'Ca/%fornia Gounfy 01 SAnIa do lh— l . ?day o f�� ,.,/959, ,before me,Gro , A NoLary Pabh 5 i77 And�ors�aidCourr�yA/ra✓SfAa�e,fversana//yA�pear• ed T /for/.'�_ __anon �" �•- �r , k1ZOW27 7`o be fhe yce- Ores dery and AssiS t eP efQ/, l/ 1-y /lle ar71vari, ,, //iea�poofiw 71ha / e,eeealed fhe Zvi thin /as4-4IMeI7f,WOW 0 kno wn fo rr�e /a be the er- ,sM5 "ho erecv7�edi1,0,7 hehA/1ofsuch corporAfi©rr Ar7d They a,5�7 4vg - ed 7v me #wf 5-41ch corporahiov7 e,+rec,vled fhe same gas owne, -,E /,ewlee. 1 l ndfar the Coun/y af.5a/r eland,STAhCa/,� 41 i4a,mia C,ei?TIFICATE OF TyE CITY CLERK I o/f/7e Chie><reby cer✓/oiisrye q7h/AAfrr7heiestn9A a dsrapidCound ,,erfve-viervkye.5 9olor7esfieel,i-vasaprodcira/hysheTfrh%aeicoGn/f/NyhoCe.o2zl2v9a4i/ f,a fhaf.�'ArdCourrci/raidACcep�77e dedca/ion of a//s;re TS DI�C�/CJOr]�%OrI.S ff7e/'�°d7�A�7dA//PIJ.�BrTJBrl7�s 4�7�eru��7�Dr` ded ca/io/7 And .shoW17• or/ saidr77a wi75hr77 saidsuf drvisior/. Ci Clerk ,y-O/ , io Clerk q.,r#e C ' l 41,7ci/ of he C�fya/,�irJose 11 IF A BASIS aFB4aRIs D o :�'"�� IKCs •4N 1V TES The heAringg,S. 0 °035D'�.,111id een/er/ne af'SUrrnyva/e q ,PaadgssAiv��l�oAdisshown o'17 Aalcer;aia n7ap enfif/ed';Pecordo surveyit�1Ap,'i-ecora'edin Book 72oFilrJaps a/ age /7/,7 fhe 0/f �e a171ha Courr�y/PecorderafSArrfa C/ura Cour�;y,G'A/ryorrria,`vA,s�A,FerzAS�ie6asis D�,ber.�rrr7y sflos'rirr an 7�lis rnAp . The b/veborderline /i7d7cATcs 77iicboundary o,-/Andsu6d �idedby Phis map. Al/ d57,ol7ee5land d7rne,,7sions ArB shown iri /ee]�ano�oreci7rrA/s fherco o rndicAfess/�"irorjp/�e se/ 3/¢'iron pipe sdt an a// /07�G4r�'ners `Curve e1(1reo7if1(?s, • indica Aes %ran pie found IVYCOMMI.ssior7 I/S 'o-Jot Web i Aw"W Be°rinq t d•3°OS:S4" y Je " y7o FAG/NEER S C4eRTIRCAT.E I, ,E/rj�er �.1. D�Qnye%,hereby certify fhaT I QmA �C'eyis red Cirri/ Fnyi; of fhe.S ale of Ca/� rnia : that;his Ma.0, carrsis1rng of'arreshee, correct/ re�vres e177s a survey n7�rde ur�rderrnysupervrsior� c/urrr7� Oc7<aher, /958 : W/ /�s survey is /rL/e cer cvmmp/e�e as shown: sfio"whereor7 ac7'voll ex- is� orh i//;he p/Aced upon comp/&/ion orslreef iwyp-ovewemL work ornd /�f (heir pasif/ons ares4f1cien4 7`oenab/e 7hesurvey 7�be refrAced. /Pe�is�eredCYi/fnyineer, Cer�i�c�►�e � B290 CITY ENGINEERS' CERTIFICATE I hereby cer f ify fhAf I hAve exq�ined fhe hereon rirra/rr�ap of Trac f No. 2294, Yiew byes/ "fhaf7�7e. vOIM%Y%s%ona 5diOW,7 (hereon 7e s14Az Flanfia//y 7�esdrne ras if 410 - peArGPa'onshe en/Af/verngio AndArryA�orvraveda/ferA7�ions 7�herea�': 7'J�iA�a//prveimo,75 O� /!/�° . JUbVr//S/D!9 /I�A�ACI AsamendeY, a w1ofgny /oca/ordw7a we Appv/7ca6/e al/he, hale o/Ap,P�rov1!/a,- he 7�err�afi've mAp hAve beer7 com`o/red w�/h andlarn .sa}is flied ZhAf f0-141 I1,P %s 7'echn7ca/ly correct ,4awyasl" 3, /95"9 nyw7met- &t�- of he CiCITYPLANNING COMMISSION CERTTE : Iherebycerfify7{hat fhe�enfA�i�e tnA7vo�TrAcfll/o.2294"Yiew/�es�;.s'/�ot�I�r7 hcreo17, ,vASAPvrOvia 6y fheP/anni77g Car>yfnission op/he Gify of✓ar7y✓ose sfAfe of CA/�rr7iA,a/ore ulArAndc/u/yQuftiori,3edmeefi79f�eloi©rr/h�``dcty a� j u .Secre Aryo e Ci��rofSar7Jose P/Ar�nin9Ca7n�ni.�sion APECORDER:F CERTIFICA Tr ' File No . /' `/ , ,. 9,6 Fees Pain/ Accep/ed �orrecord andfled /r7 Boak /�z o/'Maps97`pAye /8 ,SArfA C/raraea, n?7/ Pecords, Phis Aya�s_ ,�1959, d��' 3 Pm . sYG. G . � G Y, Recorder �y I