B0056P001919 5` Found 1 1 S a4 ° 26' E. 711. 02' O. S62 i4c • �O. 0. 444 Mel h ,N z . 09/ .4c. Grass .029 Rood = Z. o62 Ne B4'3920"E. 4 ,l �y G _;, 30' 13� k-7/0 - Found 9,45/5 OF 9E,4RIN65 & N©TES The bearing 0/' fhe 174r117erly /ine of that certain 2 655 ocre trac/ of land conveyed by Robert C. Persch6ach el u r fo ,4rfhur ;V Sfoggs as recorded in Vo/urne2137of Off/cio/ Records, page 2a6 Records o/' Sarlfa C/ora Courliy, C0/110r1710, NOS /aken as fhe basis of ,6eorings show17 on Phis snap. Al/ distances cad dirnerlsiolu are sho wl7 /17 feet arld decimcr/s thereof' lndicofes 414"/ran Pipe set o/ a// corners unless 0//7e1-W1,5e 170fed. 1 "Pipe found 'ft N� 1 "Pi!>e Found Resolution o' fhe Board 0/ Supervisors, approving mop recorded Iq e, J f r /955 Recorders File No. ol o 7f 7•S-7 OF LAND OF ARTHUR W. STAGGS SIT UA TED /N RANCHO R/NCONA DA DE L OS GA T05 SANTA CL A PA COUNTY CALIFORNIA SCALE,' /"=/00' COUNTY ENRNEERS CERT/F/C,97E This mop hos been e rornined in complionce Wilh The provisions of Section 8766 0/ 117e Business and ProLessi©ns Code, arld found salisfocfory. LEONARD M511NELL coun/y Engineer by,' Deputy SURVEYORS CERT/F/CATE / hereby cerlify fho/ /his is o lrue orld correct map of a survey MOO', - ,by me durinq !March, 1955, of fhe request of Arthur W S/oggs G License Sury yor o / e SW& 0f California L. L..S 823 /0 717,5-8 COUNTY RECOR©ERS CERT/F/CATE Filed a/ fhe reques f of P. W MLlW l/on, af� 1 rninufes past f filed P 4,11 o1L*rL, 1955, and recorded /n Book 6-of d�lap, page, .Records of Sono C/ara County, Ca/if'ornio YL C. TUL L Y County Recorder