B0099P0003{S A19?`el"Aa _' /6-1 ,1 7/3.87' '15 /02 $ °o reo' 0 v 4 �•6.a5' t N3� cvao�' :• r?a0 ' /O/ � � o �•k /00 BQ 80 S=O 9 9soo C = C./a, rI .-t,�__. `= I a I I 0 � I � Ilh I I I 09' % , Jli � 99 > N I r e• � icy~ � � $ V �� , SCOTT, �.'-- sissy' ® si . `. . E I»- L ANE anon • r , 9/.OD' t4 �a I 95 1 4 0 97 § I •,. .3' w. C.E, -=9l40_'��_ - JOQ' V33O4100'�' i E415T/iVG 1 -54f9.79' Larrp's 0/7 Cv,Oerr`rrro Ur7i0/7 School /Jisfr/c� NOT5 .4// dicnen scores area' c//sfarices are shOW,-7 /ri fief ancr' >herey/' The blue borA'er errc/aces fhe lane' str611ivra'eOl 6y Phis neap. ,vor REQ6l/.4E_ L2 k o I 4 I h I I I I I I I I I I , , I CE2T/FlC,9TE OF C0a,,V77Y /1F00A9E/2 ,4ceep/`ed df .page _'+ /rr fheIpice op fhe Courtly recorder of Sar/fa C/era COM17fy, Califorriia af3�G rr/1f7ufe s ,oa sy`_�*pliPhis SYL C. T!./LL Y, Couryfy .Pecorder I I I I , I 1 I , 134J-1 S OF /3EA/2/1W The 6ear117y S5T'S900 E ors fh'e eenler //ne of Sf. Joseph Avenue as showri o17 >`ire rr7sp or' Trecl /769 "The fi`rgh/arras oT Los ,4/f47s 'ors ,-eco,, ved /rr %3o4k 7/ O/'/y1d,Os of page /67 r17 r`he o/>ice of fhe Courrfy �eevro'er o/' Bartle Card Cou17fy tarns fd7ken as fhe basis o/' hearrr/gs shown err fhrs wrap L'5GE/v/J • - lndreeles ;V.' -/ton prise /Oour761 - /r/o'icafes Sr`arrdarcr' Gr`v /lrio/7urrre/rf set al 6 ' of sell tram Sfreef reviler litres, . rxeeal dos slrorv� /�C/�: -public Ufi/if{i Easemer/f S. !J E. - Sforrr/ �r-arrrage haserner7f • `s 5,�:-Sarrifary Sewer Easernerrl Oyer -harry Easerveal CE2T/F/C,�ITE DF Obfiif/E/2 fYe hereby cerJiFy thaf we a� fhe owners or hale AMA- rrghf fife rn ;WA, fhe real ,aroperfy rr�/vded /rr fhe sa6 - drr�rsrorr shown on fhrs rvaa; thaf we are fhe only persons whose corrsenf fs nec�ssdry to pass a c%ar >`it/e fD said red/ property : rmr we here6V corrsenf fo fhe making 91- Sara wrap al7a' subdiyrsion ds shown wrthirr fhe 6/Me border lines ena' Me a/so hereby dedicafe r`aPa6/ic us�a/%rr,�P/s��,l��rm��/�r�ub/ic Ufi/i�`ies Uno'er, drr or aver Phase cerfain sfr/ps o/' !arid lyirrqq f>e>wepv. fhe rear /fines and/or Sra'e . litres o/' lots arrd fide dashe4' /rues, each desigvaled as " pUbfc Ufi/r1v Easerrrerrf " or` '/� U :E ; easerr>erifs urra'er, Orr or dyer cerfa�rr strips of /a/ro' ae/irreafed arrd des�g/Tatea' as "�Jrrchar .Easerrrerrf or ",9� ', arrd easerrle�fs' for were c%ararrce pr✓rposes only over (hose cerfarrr areas de/i�c�ateq' arrd a'esrgrrar�p' as "ly/re C/sararrce EBseitrerrf ° or "l�lfCE " /��rG/ic �/fi/rfy Ease/r�enfs to 6e A! '�f c%ar of fai/dings or sfr�cf�/res ors arty ,find, eXcepl . ur`f/if�r eorr�parr{i structures arrd /a�vfu/ %74 es% moire c%aiartce ,Easerrrenfs to 62 /irrrited to f✓vi/Oirrgs; structures ar app�rterrar7ces fherefo which have a rrrarrrrrUrn . heighf of Prffeer7 /set above the grade at the graurro' litre o� po%s CdL /F N/,4 .4�'/F T1TL E /N,SUT�.4NCE" CO/14/�ANY ,4 Corporafrorr vice /�reside/yf fissisfarrf Seerefary 3-TATE 4F CAL/FO/2/t//A C&.VTY AWrTEO Orr Phis 23'�da0/7 _S, Cr_- //f _F8ir/ ad/fis� /a/iera C041171y anti Sfafe �ersorid/y appeared �a�/ L _✓a_h�seh _ arra'!`%e�G��r� _ _ krropva fo ore /o ,he fhe 4==& yioo �residen/ arrcJ fJssislan/ Se�crary 2esoee/roe/V ar Ca/rforrrid AvIl c rf/e /rsvrarrce CaIZ�Ool7V /he Corpara/`i©/7 lhaf eXeCl/fed fhe WIIII/r7 //7,3I,, /We/7l and a/so known to rr/e fo 6e fhe ,oensorrs who execufed r>` on beha/f of saran Corporafiorr area They ack7okvIedged fhaf sudr corpar tor/ exeeuhd fhe serve. GY1frress rrry hand and sea/ fhe ofoy and year /r/ Phis lWy oerfirieafe I/X_�'afioye wrrtf r� /l/afdry public CE2T/F/GATE-" Or~` Ei(/G/NEETI /, h'er6erf �r�hrn, a registered Cirri/ E791r7eer- orn fhe Stale oT Oerfiffi fhaf fhls wrap corrsis ny o!n or/e sheet eorrecf/y represents a survey rrr'aae .irr fhaf fhe survey / - le'ae ar7d corrrpI as shortrrr., fhaf a// o/ 7 fhe 77orrl/rrlenf3 shown fhereorr acfUa//y exist ¢heir posrfior7y ,being eorrec//Y show,7 arrd fhaf .such rrronaMerrfs are sUIrIelerrt fo enable fhe .sarvey fo .he ref/~aced. s . - A1211Y Jere ' Civr/ E/7yir�eer Cerfifrca>`e /% 74158 CENT/F/GATE Of C/TY r1l"A" / hereby certify fhe/ fhe City Courrcr/ 'of ahe City of Las ,rl/fos, Sy`ar`e of Ca/iorrTia, ar` /fs reg�//ar rr/eef/rrg he%' Orr ffie_ l�'_day aPZAl�-� /95'B, a'u/y gpProvec�' the rnap a� Tract ?/ 'The Hiyh/aads of Los Altos, Urr/f Ala ,5 " aa7hor/7ed /fs recarq'afion �vnca' aceeoted Orr beha/f' of fhe ,ov6/�a ell ��.s Pm err /.s o���r�or fOr- did/capon �r/d ds nog% ac'c-ep/ flip .drrd' o�1l�r�d fr dc�c� cn 'vs sfrawn pn ses'/o' rrlt9p /i� s�ic� .�'ubd vi sio�. .raid .®,vprpv�v/ b�ir�y for �r�boii�r S�or� yur/oos �i� .cord�raale■ wr Corrdi�ion8/ dvpprova/ /r/e o. City C/et�-1� nd Ex O�c�o - ,/r /he. 61'Ay CENT/F/C,4TE OF C/TY ZIW671rt/EEl0 1-2exfov - A/grew, Oly Z17g1l7eer o/`' /`iTe Cfy 671" Las WllQs, her y cerfity fhaf / have exam1r/ed fhe w/fhrn 47,iV rrraa; fhaf fhe XZ1b �iPIscow sho�rf Aereorr /s' . v'a s arrfia!/y fhe .same as rf aooeared orl fhe ferrr/afive rnao ar,�' aporo�eo' a/fer-ar`/ores fhereoT: than` a// fire 4V_ae1sio17s or`'>`fie Ca/iforrrra J5 ,6d/v/.sio/7 ti1ao .4Cf a/7d arty local ordir7arrce �,00/ica6/e of fhe lime a," ac�,orvva/ o� fereiafi�e o have 6eeri Como%o` 'W/fh aid lam car`/s ew Ihdf sa/d wrap /s f /ca!/y corr�ect-� C�fy Erryiireer, C�fy o� Los TRACT NO. 219T THE HIGHLANDS OF LOS ALTOS UNIT FIVE BEING A PORTION OF THE GRANGER SUBDIVISION AND THE SAN ANTONIO RANCHO WITHIN THE CITY OR LOS ALTOS - SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIF. SCALE I" = 1001 JULY, 1958 HERBE RT F R AH M CIVIL ENGINEER REDWOOD CITY I d