B0110P0033A Thane certain edse"iris 6WI•cial /fecvrds, ,a ge .W,, and irl Bcok 1440Ba r i�9idal Records, page Wd,, Ile afire/( wtihle Me wia'elring a/ Blaney Af mmP 1, John EF/ernin9 Cify Enyimoraf fhe Cifyof fuperf/na, hereby cert/fy that The lvifhil�flna/map of 7racl No.x370 has been mxammea'byme; tholfhesilMv/sion shown Avemasebstorr1Wa fhemmo as/f appeam m the appramd Imlellye map and any approyedo/leraflons lhereof-thato//provisions offihe C4 P// lam1a 5u6divlsionMapAcf as arnelyded, andanylaca/ardbmce ap vab/eal fhe llmeofapprovWaffhe ferlfaliye map have been compled wl* and fhal lam mliM ed lhat sa/dmap is fechnica//y correct,` fLEMINS, Q.41 Enylmeer, CITY CLERKS CERTIFICATE I, PalsyA.All, City ClerkPm•Tem of the Ofyof Cuperlino hereby cerf/fythallh/smap, designatedas Tract No, 237B was approved by fhe City Council of the C/ty of Ceperl/no at a meeky o,;m d Council held an fhe g%ay 059, and Mat sad Council did, atsaid meeting, aceepllhe dedicationof all sfreefs andportions of slreets and ehor certain "Mo4m y"and ail easemmn s offered far°dedcatian and shown oo said map w!Mm said sadd'vision. 0"r, pl. � PRO- CIrrCZMANa E7=ofFV0C1FRNOA'T//E C17Y r"am of r#,F COY OF amommq. C/YIC,,,,,,,ENGINEErg'S CERTIFICATE 1, Oearge $, Nolte hereby certify That lam a Registered Civil Engineer of Me Stole of Callkmla; Thal this map consisfiyof one sheet mwd/y representsa smemymade mtdero supervisiaiduring Ainh, IM, fhafthe survey is true and mmplele asshem; lhaf of/Imuffenfs Avy"I hereonacfually eat orwil/beplaced upon complefimW fhe sfreelimprovemm/ nark andlhsl said lrlanammb aresufflaW /o enable Me surveylohe retraced Jane M, 1959 OArB 660.1414rE•••KC.f..vCUM', 7M 0 K 4 ' JOHN DRIVE NOTES & 1EM0 The blue6order%nekeleafes 1heh011#00Myof/nndsu6dir�idedbyfhisrnap. All ASIO ces Old d/rnells/onsOre SbMl in fectarld decimals thereof. • Indicates!"lranPipemonumenlfaundunlessatherwisesfafed. o Indicates l"Iron Pipe monument set unless otherwise slated ® lndicales City of Cupertina standard city momIxenl set BASIS OF BEARINGS 7heMrll7gN.B94GOiE,o{'rer�11 r1i�ofJalrr�l7rit�r asshon'nonfhal`certoinmapentifled"Tract�l°Zd�l Country L/fe Y//laye &0110,1,"recorded/n book B oMips alpaye46 /ti the offlce of fhe County Recorder Santa Coro Cavnty, California, w0SAIR n as fhe 6as/s of bearings shawnon Phis mop, COU TY RECORDERS CERTIFICATE File No, C,--7 ,X-7-0 Fee, FrveOallars, Pa/d, accepted farrecard andreevrdedinBookl�Qaf plops alga e �inlhe office offihe CauntyRecardero>4 Santa Clara County, Stale of Ca%forrtia, on/hisL.2"yy of ,1959, otl/_rninulespast o'clock inthe�M. --o o SYL C TULI Y, County Recorder. 6y— � r AS9/9TANrREtaROER. OWNERS CERTIFICATE We hereby rerlify that we are the owners of orhaye some riyht fifle ormleresl /n and fo *e malproperly included within The vision shown upon this map; that we orelheanlypersons whoseconsenfisnecessoryfoMssaclearfifle fasaid realproperfyand weherebyconsentlothemaking oflhisnlapand subdivision os shownwithinlheUveborder lines and tO therecoldillg ff�reaf and>tial wehereby Air fardedlcallm to avhlk usea//slreets mdporlbisafsfreels no/ here/afore ex/sf/ny os prrbl/cslreels os shown an sa/dmap withinsaid suivision. We also hereby dedicofe tapublicuse bulreserve exclus/ve/ybrfhe owners of lots irllh/s mhdlylslan, Most cerkmsklps of /ond across fhe ends of sfreels designotedas 1Reserve"andindirnied by o dolledline, vellsuch lime asaddilioilal load adjainingis occepledfarsfreetpurposes 6ylhe prapergoverning body, of which fimethisreserrotlon shal/ter mutate ond he m&Hher effeef. 6Ye also herebydedcale fopublic use easrnenls forpublicufi/lies under, onarovPr thosecerfairr strips of /and/yiag between fhe rear and/orsideMes of lots andthelrokealines eachdesi9nafedas'PU,E."�PablicUfi%fyEasemenlJ, ond/ar�SO,E,"(StormOroiriEaseme4OMOr'S,S,f.'(saailOrySeWerEasemeal� easements under, onora rfhw ce1*17 slripsof /ond de/inealeda�o'designaf�'asQE"�gncdorEasemenl) and msemmisforwire clealancepurposeson/y overlhase cer>�in areas delinentedand designated as "11!CE, "��reG/earance Evsernenf� PuNic llhY/fyfQ,�meals, Storm Fewer6psemen1s ond SanifarySewPrEosemenfs /shehepffreea&clevOf6ui/dngs andsfrucfures of any kind excep� /awful fences Ut//ilyCOX ponystruclmes perm/hWx Public 111111 (Easements only. Wre C/earanm Easemmis /n be limi*b buildings, e vctllmm ondappurtmanms thmelo which hove a maximum helghf of fifteen feet above the gmde a/lhegroundline ofpoles We also deaicd* to fhe public Ysr rrse as 4 f0*lh only 4ai certain ID' slr�p of land, dasigmkv, °WQLKyUQY; lying datween Lafa 59 and �9. CITY THE INWIUNCE COMPANY, a cor,vmlloh, Owner. ASS15r4N7 SiCfiMA AS ANr SECRETARY CITY T/TEE INSOWNC'E COMPANY, a carpardlion, Trvs/ee: AsslsrArVr SEC817mY As ! rANr sECRErARr STATE Of ULIFORIVIA CLI COUNTY OF SANT,4 AR,4 On AmAayd_--zame _,1959, befamme, amo". 4&aw, a11ole Pub//cinandforMle State ond Counfy, residing #0110M, duly comm/ssloned and swarnper9onallyaparedsPa ar�dt.PE'v 8v�6�,r eochlrnown fo meta deanAssisfanl Secrsfary of Cily Mlelnsurrme Company, thecarparafionlhalexeculed the within /nstrurnml and a/soknown Tome to be lhepenvns who execuled/l onbeha/f of fhecorpomt/oa named Arm and they acknowledged to me that such corporal/on exemled fhe someas Owner. INW/TNESS WHEREOF, Mate hereunto selmyhand and affedmy offlcia/seal the dayond yearinthis certificate frstabove wrilr`ca. My commlmlon NOTARYAMICINAV AMTHE COUNTY aFSANTA CIARA,STArEoFCA�lPa�4iV/A. STATE OF C41IFORNIA�S� COUNTYOFSANTA CIARA Onlhis�o'jdayof�rvLlC� ,.,... � ,i959, beforcme,�e€d.c��, aNatQ�Publicinor�'forsaid State and County, resldinyfhereln du/ycomm/ssi0ned and swornpersono//yaprrso'! ¢`,fs, andrREv $aAMFR each bow fo me/akmAss/stant Seclrtory of 01y Title lnsavice Company, thecorpal�lr fh4fexecwo'1he within instrument ond o/so lrnown fa me to be the,oersms who execelpdifan 6eh0of the corporation named thcreln Qndf/reyaclrnowledgen'to me lhalsuch cogamlion executed thesarne as Trustee, /NWITNESS WNEREOn, /have hereanlosef rnyhand and affixedm offlcia/sue/the da andycorin ffiis certificate first above written. ,(� M comm/sslon expires. 4 -3d -�� "* y NOURYP!I&IClNANDFOR UFMINTY Of AM4 CUM, STNE'OF MIXORN14, TRACT NO. 2378 COUNTRY LIFE VILLAGE UNIT NO. 2 SE196 A PORTION OF THE MOR79VAST QBARM, SECTION 24, T,1t.,A1W, M.C,5.&M.- - WITRIN WE CITY OF CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA, SCALE'. V=100' ARRIL,1959, GEORGE S. NOLTE CIVIL ENGINEER --LAND SURVEYOR PALO ALTO- SANTA CLARA••WALNUT CRt:EK••SAN RAFAEL 110 33 ':�3 SWEET ONE OF ORE SKEET