B0409P0008q1 N 5CALE:'1"=200' r'.84e$7' 0 PARCEL A 34.7Zi Acres -Gross 33.314, Acres -Net PARCEL -MAP BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST 4 OF SECTION Z9T7S. R ZW, M.O.B. & M, IN THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, CARIFDRNIA.. C3 # f 0 3 0. N. P. 5 91 . ,'S 890'Z9'2.5"E 670.00, b • V4,?g. (6 o, Z_ wa N•aa R i, of M�ti KN a� Cr Qj VL R.+SQdd'' � o K� SCHfI17BR/ �RDAA� -�'—°,.. 0 ^"�� fo MpAt rE o E 2178. 00 4G0.00 �- 57961 a . �pD•1 g` SCHE/YIBR/ �DAD� ��-- b0 segpz8:s�p�' OWNERS CERTIFICATE, Ale here y certiT•y 11?o f we, are fire owners of, or have some rl9hl title, or 1lveresf in and to the real properly lnclualed wiFhtn /,he Ju6dtYrston shown upon th,;r Xvp ; and lha/ we are t/7e only person s wh ose entis necessary t'o pass a clear tz'Tle to .S4ldproper tt, qnd we conse4l to the lvoht' q oFs'a!`d Map, 0r7d-Fab divi sian .showp Wilhm l/ie d4fintlVe hor•der. Cuflrer/nr� Mc CG� Char/es W. IrlcCert y y 4 5, PARCEL _5 F- 20.0,18 Acres- Gross. 19.055Acres- Net. o .. Parcel sub fec/ to fur fher approvo/{.tee note) 14 890128, S 4 vhp %,p o tF r: i3.48 0 �NQ � X_ v 9s-1 i_ROAU j_�l;#�bl O l N854t5r p4sy°q/�. %4 3 9.?' 14. o 670. 0 . p ;1611 W w 1479.58' \ KB, 330 P, z9 0 z t- 0 z COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This mop conforms wi/h the re9uire,a,entr of the fuDdirisioR XOP Acf and ,Coca/ ordh?'?#Ce Dv fed' 0ZA N P. L A RJ"dN Co nt�r rarveyor. p,PE i 4a. Vbf, E Z�0 I 670.00' / 29 wa �4Q II 110 PARCEL 'X; 20.00 Ac res - Gross 19.096 Acres Net ParlPl subiecl o rurfher opprovo/rsrt•,ofe1 Z 1 7-^T r� r.. I h 670.00 �t I 600.8Z - S SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE Thismap was prepared by me or under 77 y 411reclion and !s based uovrra field survey rn confarmoncv xrlth the re?airemen'fs oT'The .f'a6diil; IP7 Acf a f The regaesl of Charles #/ Mc'Carty on Oelober 19 76 . I hereby syta> e that fhe, porce1,-mop pro Cedares of the loco/agenCy hove beep Co�pl/ed with And Thal >`h/s parcel map conforms fa fhe voR oyed feniaM-e rn ap a,7d The eonditiohf o f ?,o o ra va/ /here of Which were, req'v' C-ed 1/0 6e /a//filled pr/Or he fi/iny of fhe Borcel rr7op Signed ; ...... _ t. RECORDERS CERTIFICATE Filed Phis _LJriJi-_ Day of 977, A/, z-AoM In Book _ a1 Z_--- df XOP-5 of Page _ _ _ __ , yT The request of Glen a Alagey. File No 5e 7.2 6 36 j�e e ,S oD cc i d GEORGE A- lilfl NN, Co wnf y Fleeo rder. Oepu Ty BA51S OF BEARINGS LEGEND The bearing of 5 89°Z8'5"6'?. 6einq fhe nor-fherly line as .shou-17 an a Parcel Map, Filed irr Book 330 of Xaps, at Page, Z9 .fanta Clara Coun7 y Records, WAS ureda.s The Qafi.s of 0earinq for fh!'s lrrgp b - o t ) S B 9 °93'00 IPS 13,3R� P, X. O ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sfo le of C'a/ifarnio CtYv or'. Paln -Alto 55 On Ah!s ^ -_dda y o{_ /'71� 4, 1977, he Fore the the ur7derrigne01, a notary pu6//r rn and for .r01c' Cow1i/y and f1.0 ,oerxv17 y appeared Cingrles Arld CaTherine hl0Carty, /rlr Wn to ?»e:to be fheperlvns Whose names rub- scribea' to the whin inj/rvrr,W, 10n0' 4eIfnOWle0"q,+4' A0n7,P olhof they eyerdfed Th e-A?1nP ��leGB98A6AeA0E@8A9EAaaaas¢AeoAe3anaeAAAAAftA!lABA�18A Cnmm,rri�o�n]exp,pre��jJQ —, D. S. WILLIAMS �L�, NQTAiiY PLOP S • CALIFORNIACLA u y `. _= M.1 Comm iss n ax es d gut 29 1171 @�A9AAA�AASAAAAA89aABAR!.fA09@aAARF9PAAAAACARA90CQfAAAtIR68� 11 Inclicofes % Iron Pia,- found or as 7,oled I/7d!C0fes ;4v,JrO/1 "Pip. J'e>< I/,d/ear`es f?ecord Da fa. Indicates 9 j11nfiV& Border NOTES Any parcel indicated 041-cce1subjeC1 to 140-lher q,Pprorel",shall 6e eor7•• dilianed by fOnta Clara County land Deye/oprrle?f Carrrrr/i'ffee as per DIYI.PIDh C 12, Chap ler T t,hrif V11 of Santa C14ra Cour,l'y Ordirnanee Code; These Conditions fa /•rtrlude, Out not fi;W 'led to road de 0t1e0ti0r7 androaor;mprovements, wafer supply,.rexrer dl,rvosa✓ 4nd FiiP protection A geologi•e re,*or/ orer`a!tlirz9 eo /Ywj'9'-opertty dated,_ Jul_^?7 _077 and prepared by R• ,8urfar7 Rose is en ,Abe County �•de (F'.!e - - 1-ff Parcel Ow'?d>,71 7eve/oper,s shsu/dreview Y'ht.s report pr/ar to submi tT/%�q pans for .rite develapen,en / and buildtng C017.rIr4,e tion. GLEN D. HAGEY CIVIL ENGINEERING MOUNTAM ,VAF_Vi/_, CA1�1P0F`kW1A SCALE 1" zoo` DATED: APK.Z0,1977 ■® �o� rm 0-