B0193P0043XI-RJ74C T mom 39s4 L/ U/�/T 118A.VrflflK Conslghi g of T�vo She -,-Is Bev2g d ,00rfion of fhe A1110 fdncho dnd /yir?g within/he Cll� of sflAff jflsr) eflilfflRAMB Adreh, /96.5 ®�1�EiQ'S CsL•�7'"/F/Csf TE' jYe hereby cerfif fii,�f we are tfie Werr of D/-A;ye fv/re r�frr` fit/e ori/�fvresf in a�ta file rya/Arv���y iric/dd i ii� die svbdivisrv/2 ffio �,00ri �5e fiereen �a,0; that �e are e ate/ perfvrrr ivfrvre eo/�fenf is necesrar fv oarraC/ear trf/e fo .raiv'rea/ ra f t/ar` Me /iere6 e0Wrer/f t0 file /nakr/�' cf sa/d �n>,dyar�'.rd�i�iriD� of .rhD�n �itfiin f�P �/ae 6ord�r %e; ��d fhaf �e erryeller for d ao�fion fc pu6/ic aft ar! J11,eels IW0 rfi017r of .fleets not herefof re ar Aw V041 fie hereon �a .raid rv.6v'idrr/a/J, -Vd also o'2dreaf� fo,ve6/rc dlr easelventr fDr do c��Jdd//,GYib/c vles dDder, �Or� aadDver fail sfr �tr a�dfaio'/oorl`/vnr thereof. y Ye also hmleby o%r'eafP Aq Pel /ic elreeare/nex7* fara�ya/7o'a�6/rc .�ryr�e fa��/rfi ��d41ilh a?/es, moires, MM111i*, A0r07 I2W,°lf ,sa//itary ,red�err and yar, afe� a�v' heap` maiof ar�o'a// appa�fPi�ar�ces r� fife a6ovp, dr�o'�-r, 4 p or over tfivse cPrfa�/� sf�iar of /aid !721, ewi�irear ar�4/arsi"Ie Airesov1grid ffieofe/i7or each o'errgnateoras :°l�('ev6/re �rrrcc �arc�er�f%; earaIMe76- Dr arer r/ivv eerfaio sfr ar of /aid de/i�eateda�d 4YIPrl rrafed f At. ''h��'frvrfafe�e9t), /OrPD/ea/refior avroDses ��; aid eaf"I'711ts for �Y/re elmlwce #/ 70ref 04i (0�er tfi0le eerfdIrr are,°aS d/iieai`eo'aeda` igrraf�o'as %1!C'E' (f�!rc° C/ear��ec° 1`�fe��irf� . life a6cye 47enfic/Je v6/rc .ki"wee rare/rie176. tD 6s�P,00t o � aid >ree Ao/v tllel�zl er�drfrvcfa��s 0f ar�yonlctvres1e �iie e%ara.�ce easfiner0fs' fol�e�rrr/feo'ry bd•�rri9r aoc' ffru,fara�arid dop/-/' Xd a r ��e� �hic/f Kaye a rnax/r�urr� fie�ghf of �ffeerr (rsi feetaeaw ibe grove of f!e yror✓�dsire of ao�er, �e farffiar hele6 deorcate fo ' ure c°afemfs r /r9f�f �/rd air 0/7 arx/ over / ofe cerr5ly ffrps of /anon e /lies of sfrefs and the o/ed /nef eaCfi a'el/ Haled as " s� t4vi%4r�'q fefbac� l��e) of r/�a�� ar/ r /i�°reo/� /�aoffaia'✓v6drv�r�o� ,did ,rtli'.t of /a/�o' fa fe,F�f o n and /see, from 4ui/d� s amd rfracfdres o/1%y ,�iirv' av6/rc fer�ice sfrvefvro�', /�r�afio� rfem �ard�pdrte/rancej �ra�o � SEA'/NSI�L� M,9Sr,ER �I�/LDE.Ps 6EiYEi?,4L D,q,Pr*AFZf///O; 40"4W-.Q 4AP;10/oLEf DEYELD�MEirr Co,�i,��.ry .�► Cv,P/oO,0,, ,r%OAV; MA; r*" By; _ vice Presoden/ By; Serrela y Y.Q[LEf' r/rLE COWOWW5Y', A 41,W0,PA►r/Pik/; rX0.,rrZr �FO.PME.f'�f' IVIOVieY r/rL�' L'O o,4iY!' O�'S.4rYl� CLA'.?4 CV*r))l Uce -Presider/ STi0,ne O�C.4L/fO�PA'/!I � CD4.YfY 0� SAiYf.4 CLA�F� On fhrs l--_-day af_ A.dr; / __ -- , /PO ,, before m e , d //o;'y Pub/ic, a17d for fhe Coun y of S6nb C`/drd Sf of Col/r oroia, residing fhorein, dla/y comrnlssioned &nd swor1,per,�or?a appeared �/��,� /�//_ e�a� . ,aa�� v /1/. .yam kwowr7 fo me fo f>e fhe ice Presiden7� oy/�o� S�crelary, r�soecfvc�/ , o/'1he corpor6fron ffid/ execrrled Me wifhir? /175*vrnen/, did Mow17 fo ire fo he the versans �vho eXecvfed fhe wi in /i/s �ine� ors 6ehd//' O,, sd/o� mr,�rdfon fherel� rldrneo! (wd fhey �n�G o�/ed�q� fo rr/e fhd/ sack co/,04r&11017 execvfed the .5eme aarsaaaf fo ifs 6y h&6 ord reso%fon o/ifs Board o1 IJirec'hors o��d saiQ' mroord�oa being a/so mows/ to me /b he one of fhe ,oarfners o/'�ie �dr/hership Iha--1 execelfed lho OiA/7 rasfi-o,We1?/, 3W01, f saro'o1K'ers of said corporation, {orarn'onbeha/f o�sa/d rnryordfion, ac,�nv,w/edged lo me lhdf seidodrf�ersho erc�/rfed fhe sd/ne &s ���er. $l qr� Di CAL/FOX"I COUNrt` Of .01$74 Cli4� ss an lhis Ho dd d P�/G/965 bolo e �e C..9.POL �iL �cE �fdry 1oaldc rn did for .sdrd Coej/fy d/7d dale, ,oersowa Zy( dvv o e/c , �Yno�n /o /oe fo 6e the 1/rce -/oresidenl of flee coroordfio� fhdf erec�/ed r�ie wiir/ /nsfrar776raf, did d/so fo mefo be fhe person w�o exeeofed // on behd//' ofs h cos,00rdfoR awd he a�c�naw/edged / me Ay such corporafon oa'cc�led e su�nc ds Tres e ENS/�E�R� Gf�QT/f/G�l T� ooly, helm�70 f'fe dale 0/ Ca/rfa11 V, cD�l/sfii� of t�v f�e�fs varre�`r/�y re rerenfr ��e Made �/rder /n sG,oerrision dv�in9 ✓dr/ody/9�} trial` the fvr�e /r free tad co��/are as f�c�v�; oaf a// nID/Jli/lJen/`exirf ara ,r,Z, el wi//6eo/eea' 0/7 o r 6 efore Apl-i/, 1967, a%' Olaf rfiv�,t are 401lCient fa eDa6/�° the ,rdrrey fD 6e rPfivr°ed. C/TN jherei eerf/� (fiat Ihare AJ1111nedfhe f�areorr 111VIrna/0 of Awl ,r/o.3s6¢; ffiaf the ra�riif�an ar JfIDl�'n hereon /f ra�ffdofia//q he / edr v� 1fie ilfafid8 /rya ar,�'a/� a Dved a/ferafiD�s ereaff AW a/I PrD1%l%Dnr of rye !a��/;!/On Rap �"i`, f f 7e as f ar0 �4' y p, 1 ar a�a�sdev; aoo''�f a/rq /ova/ oldha/�c'e apo/r�6/e of �i` rfirJe of �prvya/ vrrtfie �e/�tar`ive �a�O have 6ee� r'o�,o/%°s��flr a d a� safirf eQ' oaf said f>'ap /f tac�i�rea//y cvrreet. A.R rU�Prl/,PiC/ C., f ErY01*25 ,74 fgG M/or C/Tf Of JAi / ✓DBE, C4L tDR�i� OdtD AM40144 �3f' 7*e Cir V AZA,uuIivP- 44044013s1041 oroved 41 lye e17114,101,1171717 C,017kr-M oif/ie �i Df/ar� ./ofP, ffafe of la/ rr�/a of its �e�v/a/• /�eefin� fse/v/ G6 rual-u__�19c5' SECRETAR',/ Of 7,Me C/rSl Or $54AI ✓0%e pLANa//�/!r CDitft/sf/4N on 14,re 9 Ceg7 XiiCArf OF 7wW e/r/eaCC I'mre,ifl ceifi141 Tfr t 1 `�i%r /I?aip, del/�%lafc°a'af Tr�cf �0, 39� CO/1l/lf//� cjf 0 .s/�eetr, �Yds ��rOr4 by t�1P C'; y �U/re,�Of �le �fy a/ San Ike of h a /rIPe1`ii7 0 rd�o' CaGnci/ e%' 0/7)Oe / da of / , a��' of ra�o� !ovvel oev' accgf I* 4,eeilalliv o a/exr Aw" moll-Il0 r AemoA a�da//ot�t�i/lc°�fr Dff�ri°� for O'Po%�ar`i of fi�v�/1 ov fog/v`�7� wi�i� fB/c'fa v/f/D� f AvAwf L, Crol",Q, C/T/ CLEF affiCw Caw or 7W4F ciri cvvWci,4 of rHE C/ry OF AV ✓Of�a��--- ��CDR1,.�E-Q CMr1,F/C474e f% A1.4, � 35 -57 _ Foe f 4o- /d/4;1 Acc�fed f r recor4' /�a'f/ed�ir � � v/�1�f P4414 R, TZ/L,#Y, X&0,60" MAIr i Ci*& Co,(1A/r/o C4L/WXA/1*- atId bra eomn 'em rds, Ar 9 �y' 1oeputy ® CivrL "U-1,V6EQs CAROL c E /r3o W, tVEL ya .4vAvve+ COIL r4?t/ir¢ Santa Clara County, Calif. �:3S3i3:6CS,; Sa �++rWis3acDYJ�(i�E�3eoe4� Shy,fET / of Z-r%e4ETS �o parcels %9 , B did C""dre /�lendod �r f��ire !'&,M//c Service fasefr?en/5 04dr�clarc de rated e.5 AOSe A01-CeIS ol° /and /y/may Oafside fhe 6/le border or" die hereon map, lying 6o�n the frac� hoandary awdfhe dashed Ines, a*d farlher lidreel,9;' Pdree/" and ,R(free/ C- The parcels ere shoer �U�enfifiC�fio/) /�UrQosas an� RECOROEo A4S/S OFSEARAWS /vTES 46 LEGEND The bearing /1!g3'19;35 W, d/oly fhe cenre-r/i�o of.9o//r�,ger lfodo; e5 sh0`v/7 On f/l'e /nd,O of Td l * 34.5% L1,v&o&4 d/J// it/o. /, }i/ed for record /h 96V.�- /6/of'/lildps, of pd'ye /, Sdnfo C/arm Comm- Aecolvs, �vds .fen as fhe bas1s d be&rir7gs shopn hereon The f /tre border/ripe ir>dca s f1e 6oUr�ery d'/dr2dser6dlvideo� ,by Phis Inep. A//drsfdnoos ar10/ drr�errsiarrs �rP yr�Pr� iin fc�f dndd�riind/serPd' The 4'PS.�s lie epd//y 2'aneach silo of'fhe /of /ir7es Unless wled ofi5er�lse 0 Ir�drev/os -�Y4"ir0,17,oioe 10Ur9d Unless Wdcd dfiermrse o Ir>di�d/es 3/�'irorr,oipe set o Ind���s Ci�y Sfanddrd�nonarnenl fond. o Indreales Ci y Sfdndard �n�menl sef � Indicdfes dng/r° ,ao/�� P..�'f: = Pvb/rc Service EdSerrrer�l YYCE= ��e C/edrdnce f�se�ner�� B. L. &xi/ding Sefhdr* Line Avhor Easem&12/ �/oars..�r•.,. P.9,7 CE.L � �. . � • yBB°sasY�' �� . P.rPO.4C• t` ,Q,E..• •,�, ,�,• ':4•E. ''�'20iJ9EA5.FiYOMPSE 1 Own- = rrp/CAt 2.k.F"AL MASACr (IYa scdle) /-Nmcl- NO_ 34YE4 I-1VFffJ7K IlAfll- NO_ 4 F/LE NO. ,BOOS Y-50or MARS, PASES�J ' Consisfin9 ol- & Sheefs Being a porfion of fhe 01110 iPdncho dnd lying mydfiiw fhe Ci�d' rfl/ //-&AIt//ll Seek : /'�=AD' March, IRKS nac Ci�i/ Ei�9ineers //30 �YEve/yn.9verwe S��nyvd/�; Cd/rforn�a S11EEr 2 OF2SNEETS /00.4Y MI`S /759-¢ 193 4f w.