B0234P0030CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE I, A. R. TURTURICI, Hexeby cett.ijy that this map, designated as "TRACT NO. 4377 " has been examined by me; that .the 376_— div.is.ion shown thereon .is substant.iatty .the same a4 it appeared on the approved tentative map and any approved attexa- t.ions theteo j; that att pxov•is.ions of the Cat.i6axnia Subdivision Map Act, as amended, and of any toeat otdinancea appt.icabte at the time o6 apptovat o6 the tentative map, have been eompt.ied with and I am s at.is 6.L ed that said map .is techn.icatty connect. A. R. TURTURICI City En neex JcnzjGrLj Z91968 a e PLANNING COMMISSION'S CERTIFICATE Apptoved by .the City Ptanning Comm- .is4.ion o6 the City o j San Jose at a tegutat mee.t�ing o6 4a.id Commission hetd on the Zls• day of MAXcc1 ,1967. ecte dry of San Jose Ptann.ing Commission CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I heneby cextijy that the heteon 6.inat map of TRACT NO. 4377 , was approved by the City Council FT_7 a City o j San Jose at a xegutax meeting o j said Counc.i.t hetd on the 2 day of , 196P , and a said Councit. did a 6"d mee .cng accept the dedication o6 att s meets and portions o6 s treet4 and eas e - ments o 6 Sexed jot dedication and shown on said map within said subd.ivi4.ion. FRANCIS L. GREINER, City Ctetk and Ex-066.icio Ctenk o6 ,the City Council 06 San ose, Cat.ijoxn.ia by nTr,yr rrr�yrrr•rn In nr•rsr•r TTn Ary I, DONALD G. MACKAY, hereby certijy that I am a Regis.teted C.iv.it Engineer o j the State o6 Cat.i jonn.ia, .that this map, con- a.ib Ling o6 1 sheet (s ), coxneetty repxe4en-ts a 60xvey made under my 4upe4- v.is.ion dut.ing .N0VEM8ER , 1965 , that the survey i4_ rue an3 camp e e as shown, and that att monuments shown hereon actuatty exist or w.itt be ptaeed by ,Decem ,ee 196 9 , and that said monuments ate su6TZFienZ7to enabte .the suxvey to be tettaeed and that the.ix po4.itions ate eotrectty shown. DONALD G. MACKAY, Reg.i6 texed C.iv.it E ng•cneer, No. 7184 COUNTY RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE`33P! 9� 9 Fite NoFee $off co dottau pay. . Accepted jot xecoxd and jited .in Book Z3 4 o j Maps at Page .30 an a Ctata County Recoxd6, this day o6 8 1961. Z : 03 Pm. County Recotdex ►� a vepu.ty 4.J', D; dvvzo SOIL NOTE A soil report war prepared by SOIL MECHAN/CS and FOUNDAT/4N ,6N61NE"S, Inc., for this subdivision da*d 14pril,,1966. BASIS OF BEARIN65 ]he beariny N82°59'30°W a/ony the centerline of bollinger Road as shown v,7 Me asap of Tract IVE 43X , rQancho Rp iel3 - Unit Nei, likd I n Buck 229 of Maps, peye 16, Sanla Clara Camgyf ,records, rs }fie basis o e6ej,-i,7 .fs sfwwo Breen. TjRA C T NO 6 irn m mr.r-���rn m�av rni. �n m NOTES All distances are ylven in fief end decimals 1*1e#1 The blue 6ader delirleales the f ovndary a}' Ihe /ands�bdr�idtd6y,f map. •O Indicates sT`a�darr/ rriFJ. afJanTase mrowrrxnf faun,. O lndicalnr s ndard &t ,offan Tase inonum"I set • lndieafes u r/e U 170hi Otherwise. rr�rAr7 ��r11�Jr�) f�J�Jl�f r)r�4,,j,11r1�J� �. r ANWO i OSI l I 1 lt• OF O)VE SHEET C,` lug; l /iUN/ ! RECORDS AND LYING WITH-INWITH-IN 1:1CITY OF.SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA - ,� ifs Lis 30 try � � • } ::: at BO nd RR fov k 1�lU� fry , �� f�jv r�falvr rJ. 0_w %�.�J � ��r�r ✓ J 93 dc;t 288.12 v OWNER'S CERTIFICATE We heneby eettijy that we ate .the owners of on have some tight, titte of intete4t in and to .the &eat property .inetuded within .the 4ubd.iv.i4ion shown upon .the hereon map; that we ate the onty petsons whose consent .is necessary to pass a dear titte to said teat ptopetty; .that we hereby consent to the making o6 4aid map and 4ubd.ivision as shown within .the btue bk&i, dine axd goat the hetehy o$je . dccatim to pubtic use att streets and pottions o j ameets not hereto6oxe ex.i.ating as shown on the hereon map with- in said subdt.v.i4ion, and we atso dedicate easements d tt bt ' d d Sot any an a pu cc uses un et, upon an oven said streets and said pont.ion4 theteoj. We ats o heteb y dedicate Son pubtic use ea4 emen=t4 Got tight and a,i.t on on oven those eextain 4txip4 o6 .land tying between •the tines o j 4tree.t4 and the dashed tines each dea.ignated ad "S.S.L." l "BUILDING SETBACK LINE", as shown on 4aid map w.ithtn 4aid 4ub- d.ivis.ion, such 6t&ipz to be kept open and Sxee jnom bu.i.td.ings and attuctutu o6 any kind except pubtic sexvice 6tnuctute4, i4.tigat•ion 4 y4tem46 and apput.ten- anees .theneJto and tawju.t eave ovethanga . We atso heneby dedicate to pubtic use easements Got any and att pubtic 4etvice jac.it.it.ies .inctud.ing pote6, w.ixe4, conduits, 6.totm 6ewens, 6an.tta4y 6ewens and gas, water and heal m4ns and att pubtic u.t.it.iti.e4 and att apputtenanee4 to the above under, 30 l�1 on and over those eentai.n 4trip4 o6 Land tying be- tween the tines of tots and the dashed tines each ' designated as "P.S.E." / "PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENTS% z,� said Pubt.ie Setv.ice Easements to be kept 64ee and ct.eax o6 bu.i.td.i.ng6 and 4tnuctuxe6 of any kind except taw6ut 6enee.6, C4x.i anion systems, pubtic utility s txuctute4 , and &w fue uneir VALLEY TITLE CDMAAAlY, a ccrporafrnn, ONIVER Dice Presid'enf IIALL EY TITLE COMPANY, a c0rooratlav, MSTZ6 �,- `p riuv r-rcwazrrr C r 'j ° V. I CAROL FILICE NOTARY PURL IC Santa Clara County, Calif. ® STATE OF CALIFORNIA � SS. 00000000ea • COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) 0n .this Z P-.!` day o 6 ,�-- 196�, be 6 oae me the undeutgned, a Notary FutrUc in and7or 6aid County and State, peas onatty appe axed ..iw� known to me to be the known to atZon aexecuted ue within una nd to meto whoexecuted o6 said Cotpoxat.ion, and acknowledged to me that such Corpoxat.ion executed the dame pursuant to .its by-laws of a 4e4otati.on o6 .its Saawd of Ditec.t- ots , as Ownet. Notaxy Pubtic: STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 SS. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) On th414�day o6 ,�-- 196z3, bejote me, .the .tgne Undexspexsona y ap-peared, ,known to me to be the o j the Coitpoka on at executed e Wthin Znatrument and known to me to be the pet6on who executed .it on behat6 of th 3o. said Corporation and acknowledged to me that such Cotpoxa.tion executed the dame as Ttus.tee. Notaky Pubtt.c: f CAROL FILICE NOTARY PUPAIC Seta Clara county, Calfi. CIVIL ENGINEERS 347 COMMERCIAL STREET SAN JOSE CALIFORNIA Z6a■GO-■4i 00