906i� LANDS OF K/DD r�/S 9f199 P6. 39 N. '.J2.4477"9. 259 N. /5V6 4rE. V5.Z3' LANDS Of9ALLARD LOT i TRACT 476 SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE Thrs map correctly represents a survey made by me or vm,r my direction in confbrmance with the requirements 010th, .,Land Se�rveyans Act otF ffxe° 5-tote of::Ca/ifnrnia ,at the request of G/err Herrick during themc th of Sep teml er, 1963. Howard 0. Kinysto , 45.2714 8A 5 / S OF 8E A R/ N G S The bearing 5.. //10/"//"C. oT the centerline of Arrowhead iane as shaurn on a Record of Survey filed for Record in Book 144 of Maps at page 2/, Santa Clara County Records, caas.taken as the basis of bearings shown upon this map. 50, LANDS OF VALLEY T/TLE COMPANY OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY R/s BK 135 pG. 22 RR Ep C�W, 0 RD OF SU RV)EY� Of A PORTION OF LOT 5 OF r1ff FA R R RANCH SUBDIVISION, SANTA CLARA COUNTY , CA L IFORNIA . SCALE- /"s /00' SEPTBMBLrR,1963 MAS TIN & KINGSTON CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING 40 WOODHAMS ROAD- SANTA CLARA,CALIF, Z h J P�OSPECTCj qy fYyfgp PR05•PECT A vE � a cyl � V/c/Al/ 7-Y /VfAP NO SCAM NO TE • _ _.. _Denotes 1. P. found unless otherwise noted COUNTY SURVEYORS C,ERrIFICATE This rn.7,0 has kaeen examined rot- confbrmance with the require- ments of the ,Land Surveyors Act of the Stag of Ca /i Fornio, this_ day af--4&ety don ' , /963. James T. Port, County Surveyor ay Deputy COUNTY RECORDERS CERTIFICATE File No. Fee f 6.00 (Five) id. Filed fo record this day of !- at o M.,rn Bookngsof Maps at Page�A,at the regve5 of Howarta' G. Kiton Paul R. Teilh , County Recorder 4� rJ1 _(A 21 i