831- �u --jos S, 68° 26' E, Ar Po% Line ,e. /74 Acres 41 9� ,y\ N \ o \ BASIS OF BEARINGS d NOTES ��''o.,Q0/ �- \ The bearing of /he .southerly //ne 0P /o/ 70 76 L- J �' of The 'Amended Ua o the Suh ivi 10n oifhe Farr RQncho,'recorded in Book r o/'bi'aps a/ Page 9O Sonia CYara Counfy R,-COrds, OW05 used as the basis a//>earings \ 1 Q/I distonces and dimensions are shown in 1°eet and decirnols /herPoP • Indicates Iron Pipe 10ynd Indico/es Iron Pipe Set OF LA ND OF BEING A PORTION OF L0T.5-OF THE 4RENOEO MAP OF THE SUBDIII15ION OF THE FARR RANCHO SA NTA CLARA COUNTY, CAL/FORK/4 0CTOBER, /,956 SCA LE, l" 60' SURPEYORS CERT/FIC,4 TE / hereby cer/ity /hal /his Is a Prue and correct mop oP a survey made by me during Oclohor, 1956, ©f /he request 0/ L E. Riper, h f Licensed Surveyor o� e S/ate oT Cc//lorrria L.LS dlej COUNTY ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE This map has been e rommed in Como/lance wi/h fhe provisions ol5ec/ion 9766 0/ fhe Business and Professions Code and /0017d sa/isfacfory. L EONARD BUSHNELL , Counfy Engineer COUNTY RECORDERS CERTIFICATE File No / 7�9? C, 3 f Paid gr Filed o/ fhe reques/ of P. l?! McRi/ian ol;!Le#on fhe day of , /956, in BOo17,i�- o/d?aos' of Page -a —I , Santa Cfara Coun/y Records SYL C, TULLY, Counfy Recorder y: Deputy r A Reso/u/ion of /he Board of Supervisors aoprovi 79 map recorded , I-U6. Recorder-S Fi/e No. -2, 72 16 r