CC Resolution 15-187 r � , , ; • , . . . ¶� �+ �+'p' t� € : A�.�t����jL JL����a��"Q��f � . �T g g�`�T �-q �T ... • . , ����������1'� ����� �Jl��-���:11���� ����� ���������g���1'�f�; ,: ;. „ ; : �+�T ��'y'y�'�'�T �(' �(' . ; ; i.�11`�11.�.�������1f',1'���.�������1G1�������� ���1@'.g ik.J 1�����JL�JL������ , �r r�^+ '�/ : ;,��.�i��������l.�� ���31��p�������;,9.'���J����.��k;,t�.�1.������ ���.�.���� �:t�`��J,.I��,a.��.IL� � �3E1L�1���:�;���� ��1.'�����.1C;1��1�! ��1�� �.1����k �� ����l�d������������ JE.�'����1'�������� �1'�����Jt���.II. 1���������:. .. .._ , �T �/ � , �,.,T �T �,7 /� I, ,������< ���1'41�A ���"F����i��.�.J�������������1���.L���� � , ������'�:���I��I����.��.�.L1�.1�������`��� + ..:... ::...... ........ ........ .............. .: � _ , .............. ............... � �ECT'I�I�T Ie P�C�JECT'I�ESCI�:�P`TI��T � � . ..����ica.�.c�n 1'�0� �I'�..-�a15-01. � � � � � �. � ��1��::can�a �z��f Cu�e�t�no :. :. .. . - L��atit�n:e �it�y���e�.n+d 10950 I�To ��a�.�y�,.�v�riue �:�.Pl\TD 316 03 �41) � : : �E�TIC�I�T��e EN'�II�C�►1�T1V.[El'`�T�L I�.���E'(�T PR.�CESS , - ._ , . _ _ �I=IEI�E.�1 i pursuant t� ���y Co�.ncil d.��ec�.on ta in�:tia�e a p�o�ect t� p�epa�e �. . . : ��a�n.�ar�so�. of`fh� goals; �c��xcxes :a-�d st��.te,g�es of �h� �en�ral P�ari (20�0 = 202Q) : _ �.do -��c1 �n �005 {j`2a�� G��.era1 Plan") a�:d 2040 Co�m�m.�:nr-ty �T�sian and �v��°Ic �vifh I'� > , �: , . c��n�i�:tznity m.en�.b�x�s`and�.ntereste�. cc�mrr�u��:�r g�raups;'artd. _ : : �/1TH�I�::E�Sy ��.12 SCtO�'32 �� �`le 2�C2I°CIS2 1S C�.1Y�C�2C� I�� �1.2 �1�y �C}U.1'1�CII �Wa� �C? _ , �:c�e�.tify �e�c-� �f�onm t�:e 20Q5 �ene�al �Ian th.a� could be incorporate�. �o ensiire . . : ' co�:sistency�v�:th th� goals, po�cies"a�.d;stra�eg�.es X.r�:�omn�un�l;y VYsion.2040; pzov�ded, hovveve�, tha-� the scope of �he'cha��.ges d.zd nof include, rev���on.s �a po���zes ��elatecl tc�` ; _ . . � t�.� 20�4�2Q2�`�-Iou:sz�g Ele�.nenf, revisro�c�is ta'd.e�.sitie�,��eYghts �.nc� I�n�. use ado�ted as � par� of Con�.�nunit�y V�sio�. 2�4�, �.ev�s�ons ��o ex�st�ng policies and strateg�es wh�ch a�e . zn�on��stent w�th the polz�z�s or s-���.-��g�es �n the 2005 Gene�al.I�lan, or addif�.on� af neur . . , pc��%c�es an:d st�af�g�es which w�r�not,a�a�t of the��D5 Gene�al�Ian, a�d : , ' ��EIZEAS, �n. �cco�ci.ance w��h Cc��.ncr1 �.i�ect�on; the p�°apc�sed pro�ect ccin.sr��s : of t�.e follow�.�.g �e�e��I Plan Amendzilen-�s ��xt ec�.�ts �o re-inse�t'2005` Gene�°�� Plan.` te�t,. polic�es o�° strategles, reo�ganz�atxon af s�ra�egxes �n �.e Infrastructu�e El�ment, . : �c���e�tian �� �y�og�aphica� �r�c�rs, �x°a�a�rria�ieal e�rors, �nd ce��a�n headings, . ; � . � � . CI'c11�.����.�1C}� �� t'X].S�II1�,�70�.ICIt S �.11(� S��1�C�1�S �t7 C�.111.��' ��l2 7.�.���1�, revxs�on� to ensure � � : �r�:fe�nal �c�n.s�st�ncy, c�ar�f�catians a��.d co�rec-��ons��a Gene�al �'Ian �zguresr ar�din� nevv f�gu�es �°e�ate�. t� �pec�al A.�ea� a�d. 1`�Iozse� a��.d am.e�d�n� the �an�. use desi�a�ion �c�� 1 , � r , ; 10950 N. Blaney Avenue from Industrial/Residential to Tndustrial/Com.mercial/Residential and a�.dii�g the new clesignation as a new Iaricl use category W.�TEREAS, t�e General Plari Americ�ment text edifs, as shown iri Exli.ibit 1 h�rett�, which invoive reinsfating, reformatting, anc� revising references to 2�05 General PIan text, were either fully described and analyzed in th� General PIan Amendment, Housing Element Update, and Associated Rezoning Praject Environmental Impact Reporf (State Clearinghous� No. 2014032007) certi.fied on December 4, 2014 ("Final EIR") or involve only clarifications, amplifications or mi.nor �revisions to the text and fzgures of the General Plan that do not alter the meaning of the revised text or figures and would not result in new adverse physical effects; and : WHEREAS, the n�cessary publi� nc�tices w�re given. as required by the . _ procedural ordinances t�f the City of Cupertino and the Goverriment Code, and the Planning Cammission .held at least ane public hearing on Sep�ember 22, 2015 to consider the project; and : WHEREAS, on September 22, 241.5, the Planning Commission reviewed and . consid�red fhe infc�rm�tion in the administrative record, staff report, arid all oral and. �vritten testimony presented to Planning Commission including fhe Final EIR and the Addendum and on a 5-0 vote recommended adoption of the A�.dendum and the General Plan Amendments related to the approval of the proposed policy, text and figure edits. On the issue of �the change of the Iand use designa�ion of the properfy located at 10950 N. Blaney Ave (APN: 316 03 �41}, the Planning �ommission recommended appro�ral on a 4-1 vote (Lee:no); ancl ,. ; WHEREAS, the n�cessary public notices were giveri a� �equired by the procedural ordinarices of the City of Cupe�riino arid the Goverriment Code, and the Environmental Review Committee held a public hearing on Octob�r 1, 2015 to consider the Addendum; and WHEREAS, on COctober 1; 2015, the Enviranmental ne�rze�r �omrriittee reviewed � and considered th� Addendum �nd recommended fhat the Council find that the Final EIR and the Addendum, together comply with the requirements of CEQA and ado�t the Addendum on a 3-�vofe �2 absent); and WHERE�S, the n�cessary pul�7ic notices have been given as required by the pracedural ordinan�es of the City of Cupertino and the Government Code, and the City Cauncil held at Ieast one pubZzc hearing on October 20, 2015 to consider�he project, and 2 . . . ' � . � � � . . � . . � � � � . . � . . � I .. . . ......... ........:... .. ... �. . .. .� . � . . ... .. '. . . . . .. ... . -. . . . .. . �� .. �ill-��T�.E1��r ��1£ ���T� �t�t1.11:�I�.. �L1a.S i�e�e�m�ec�. ���at t�� �roposec� ��neral Plari _ :. .. . : -..�.x�i�e�:��en�do�s�.o���et��he crx�er��:fo�p�°eparrng a si�bs�qu�nt o� s�.�ppleri�.en��.�.EII�. . ; _ undex P�b1�c :�.eso-u�ces �c�de 5ee�lor�. 211d� �and �EC,��. Guxdel�.es 5e�tions:151G2 �..n.d. : 151�3j �.nd., : . . .. ... . .. . . .... .: . .. V�T�EI�.��.�,. azz �.�.cleri�un�i. ��� tki.�. �Inal. EI�. has �I�ere�oxRe beez�.. r� �ared ; : � � . . . , .. �u�sua.x�f �a ��E�A:G�.��.elrnes Secti�n 151�� fo�° t��ie �en.el�a� I�Iam �nz�ndrnen��ri c��d��° I tc� a�-�al��e the�xo�a��cl. �e�1ez aI Plan���c�a�d�.ap r�vzsic�ns; and �h. �T�EI�Z�.�.S, -t�.e �:�c�end�m�z��z�les a�i.a7yszs ar�.d c���s substa�.�ial e��.dence�th�a� � ... .:............ . p . . s�.pp�rts th.e �ifiy s d������.ina�.on �ia-� the ��ner�l T'Ian �.n�:endmen� does no-�mee-��hh.e c�r�er�a fa?r p�°�pa��.g a �ubsequerit or sup�Iement�.1 ETI�.und�� I'u�bl�c�I�:csau�°c�s Cc�d.e .. . , _ . �ec�zon. ..211G6 ar�d �E(�.�` G�.id.el��.es �ectzons 151�� �,nd 15�.b3 �nc�uding fh.at �he ; ; : x�visroris and �e�nstati.�.g �°e.�ere�.��s �� �1�.� 2005 Gen�r�I P1an text d� �at have an�r , �hys�ca� ��n.pa�� on ��.� en�i�o�.m.ent, �nc�udzm.g no �.z�►.c�eases rn ��eenho�.s� ��as _ , , - . � �exnxss�o�.s, nc�.i�1�r�as�d �r.�.�a�cts to ��t�Iogical I�.esou��e�, no imp�.��s to �.est�iet�cs, does : �at �esul:� in the gene�ation c�f add�t��nal cr�-����a po11u��� emrss�.��.s f�orri` stat�a�:a��r .a�.d �.n.ab�le svu.�°ces, n.o x�du�-�rons rn wa�e� qtxality, no xmpacts tc� m�ne�ral xesaurces o� . : � mo �iew ad��r�se impacfs relatec� �o nozse arid vzb�at�.o�:, mo ��,.pac-�s -�o pu�ilic s�rv�ces : . and �ia im.pacts -�o �u1�1�c u��1����sd`The changes rela�ed. �a the �e-r�se�t�on o� Iang�age , ���a-��d. to LC�i t�.r`esh��cls xn �h� 11/�t�b��zt-�r :�Ie�nent we�� m��°�cs. -used �o anai�-�� , ��te�t�al p�o�ec�impacfs�.r�th��'�rial EII�., and ��.�mc�difrcatYans do nc��result in�.mpacts , � ' ` .` �a t�e c��c�1a-�rc��.syst�m;an�. . . . . : VtTK�I�E��,: �hc �i�o�ased �ene�°a1 Plari Ame�.dzn.�nt, w�u.Id. no�� rec�ui�e rria�or ; . r�viszans ta the; Fin�1 ETI� d.u.� to �i�w or subs-�ant���Iy �nc�°eas�c� sigx��f��ant env��c��.�►enta� ef�ectse �'.�exe hav� be�n no subs�ar�.�.al cllanges with re�pect to th� �i�cums-�ances:�xnde�-�nrhxch�eneral..I'Ian Am�ndxnent��uld:be under�aken�ha�wou�d .requ��e m�j�r re�Ysi�ns of �he �`�na� EIT� �ue -�a neuT or� s�.l�stant�ally �.c�eased signific�.�.1-� envi�onmen-�a1 ��fects, and ther� has,b�en nc� dxscc��rer� of ne� xnformation. : �f subs��nt�.al�mportance ��.1at would �rigge� or��qu�re ma�or �ev�.sYo�.s ta ��e Final EII�. du�to new c��subs�ar�t.�al�.y�.r►.cxeas�d s��nxf�:can�environm.en�al�f�ects� and I���f T�ET�E�C�I�E9 .: ,�fte� ca�:e�ixl. considexa�z�n �af f�ie, r��:a�s, fac�sr ��hi�it�s; tes�imony �.n�. �-��1er evid�nce subm�ttecl�n:th�s��:atte�;:th�Ci�y�otzncs��e���y finds. a � ... 1 e The�e��e��1�'1a�.x�.ne�essa�°�to prescr��e.reas�anab�e corit�ois ai�i.�. s�ancla���Is�fa� �ff��ted Iand uses�c�ens�.�e compa���bi�ity and integ��ty o.�tho��uses v�rith other use�; � , � , _ 2. The�er�eral Plan ravides reason�ble ro er devel� men�ri hts while rate�tiri ` p p l� �Y p g � g environmenfally sensitive land uses and species; : 3: The General Plan identifies standards and policies for use througl�out t11e City;a:nd. 4: The General Plan is necessary to protect the general public health, safe�ty, or welfare of the community as a whole. NOW, THEREF�I�Ey BE IT RESC�LVED: - After car�f�.il consideration af t��, maps; faets, �z�ubits, t�stimony and ofi�ier eviderice submitted in this matter, fhe City Council hereby: : _ 1. Ad�pt� �� Addendum to the Fina1 EIR for the General Plari Amendment, which reflects the in�.ep�ndent judgment and analysis o€ the City of ; Cupertino, and , 2: Adopts an amendment to t�te Gener�l Plari ta r�ange the Ti�Ie frorri "Communi�ty Vision 2040" to "General Plan (Community Vision 2015 — 2040};" and : 3: Adopts the arr�endments to �ie Gene�al Plar� (Applicafion �To. GPA-2015-�1), text and figures, as shown in Exhibit GPA-1, which is incorporafed herein by : reference as part of this resolution, and authorizes the staff to make ' grammatical, typographical; numbering, and formatti.ng changes ne�essary to assist in prodtzction of the final published General Plan; _ ' � 4� Adopts a change to Policy RPC-6.2 shown in Exhibi� GPA-1 to read (underlin�shows inse�rtion and strikeout shows deletion}: � : "Pol.iCy�PC-6.2: I'artrierships. Enllance the cit-y�'s re�reafi�onal programs attd Yibrary service through partnerships with other agencies a�d non-p�rofif organizations. 1Vlaintain and strengthen exis�in� a,�reement� wit�i a e� ncies and non-�rofit or�anizations, includin�� Library District, to ensure �ro�ressive excellence in the facilities, �aro rams, and services�rovided to the diverse and r� owin�Cu�ertino�o�ulation. T��";a'�^r'^���-�-����-�e�� , nn�mnc��n rnrrttirn� // ��t£��k��, - - ��r r -- �`_ 5: A�iop�s a ��arrge to the G�neral Plan Land tJse� Map as it relates to APN: 316 03 041 t�+� ailow a change in land use from Indus�rial/Resi�lenti.al fo Industrzal/Comm�rci�I/Residential as shown in Exhibit GPA-2, which is _ incorporated herein by reference as part af this resolution. 4 , , , � : I�.�S��I� 1�I'�� �I��I'T'EL) �-� �. �°e�u�a�4 �e��c�,� o� -��:� ��t� Cc��umexl �� t�h.e "��.��r'�.f � ��.per�.na�t1i.�s 20��.�.�.��f���o�be�°,�Q1.5,by--�e follc�w��-���ro�e. ` . I �c��� l��n�b��s of�he�z���ourieil . : I . . . . d .. . . . . �... . �: �. �.: ' � ' � , .:. . _ • .:� � . � '- . . .:, �.�'E�o Sz��, P�.uI, �T��d�.�rana.-�1an,�on�{I���i.s 1,-�� _ : . _ S�:nlcs, �h�.g,l��u�; ��.i�h�a.���ha�,V�Tong (�-��rrts�-5� , - ; ' l�I���a �h.an� (I��ms 1�3) \ :` 'I , , , �.�5�1�ITe �Ton� . 1���T�:.��e l�Tc��:� } .:. .. ' �'T'I'EST; .��I�I�����o = � - �. �� � .� ... ., . a .: , _ - _ � ,� . .,. �. � ��;���e��,�� : Gr��e Schrni�:t, �aty�1��� I�od�i�.�s� �ayor, .. � . _ City c�f�-����t�no �� - EX�IIBI'�' GPA-1 �l'ote that some re-num�ering mi�i�occur dui�ing, na1,oYtnatting o{the t�ocument. +CHAPTER 1 Introduc�Eion Guidin�Pr�nci�Ies: #2:Im rove Public�eal�i arid Safe Promote ublic liealtll b increasiri communi wit�e access p � p y g �- . �o heal#hy faods;ensure an adequafe amount of safe,well-designed parks,open space,trails and pathways,and improve safety by ensuring all areas af the community are protected firom natural hazards ar�d fully served by disaster�lannin�and nei,�hborhood watch�xograms,police,fire, paramedic and health services. � : . #3:Improve Con.necfivity Cx�ate a well-cannec�ed a�d safe system of trails,pedestriari ancl bicycle paths,sidewalks and streets with traffic calmin�measures that weave the c�ommunifiy together, enhance neighborhood pride and identity, and create access to interesting routes to different destinations. ; #4:Enhance 1VIobility Ensure the ef�icient and safe movement��cars;frucks,transit;p�destriaris� bicyclists and disabled persons thxoughout Cupertino in order to fully accommodate Cupertino's residents,workers,visitors and students of all ages and,abilities.Streets,�edestrian�aths and bike �aths should com�rise an integrated svstem of fullv connected and interestin�routes to all d���inations. #7:Ensure Attractive Com�nuriity Design Ensu:re that builcii�gs,landsca�es��streets aricl�arks . are attractively designed and well maintained so they can complement the overall community fabric by framulg.��aj-e�streets and offering �a varietv of active,reiaxing and intimate pedestri.an spaces. - ' #9:Su ort Education Preserve arid su ort���r���-���'��v��j�v���::���^ uali communi , Pl� Pp r r -� �' �-' : ' education s��by partnering wi.th local schooi districts,community colle�es,libr�ries and-�e : - ���� r'�"^a^other organizations to improve ' ' ' ' , ' ��-facilities and programs that enhance Iearning, and expand�g communi�y-wide access�s �-�n�r�n�r.rres ivt�s+nc+�-sfr�n�-+t�+� . �--------�J �.,_.._�.,r---'--^--.. ` C�-IAPTER 3 Land�.1�se and Communif�Design '�TO BE NUMBERED: . ` Policv LU-1.X: TabslHo�szng Balance.Strive fo�a more balanced r�tit�of�obs and housuz�units: Strate�v LU-3.3.X: Multiple-Storv Buildings and Resi.dential Districts.Allow canstruction of �. _ , mulfiple-storv b�uildings if it is found that nearb�xesiden�ial districts wi�l not suffer fram�rivacy = a a intrusion or be ovexwl�.el.med bti,.,the scale of a building or grou�a of bui.lc�.z.n�s. . . . . . . . _ _ , . , . . �. 5 ;. , a... ..... . .: ., . . , ;:. � �� � A e P e�. j '. . . ;. . .. . .: , - i� ., .. �� � . . ,� � . . . r . . ..�. . . . . .. ..�. "�'� o a�'.. � •� ,v. + ',. ; : � :a .:"' i.. . . '. � . .. . . , .; . . 6 . , . . .. �� � � . o T o . : 's. . . .. �. b . : b , . .: „ � b '. : „ , � ,. . � ..: : , ��:�.���JP�a Ensuxe�.a��ro�ec-�.srt�plarir�.�rig ari�bu.�lc��i�g des�:gz��enhance t1�:e publzc:��aln1:� �t�;�-n�-,;.,�.,,T;:;��; �,�,.,,;��,��,�;�-�,h����.�a�througl-a a h� h„� s�nse o���i.er�ti � a.nd�con7.lect�� : ����.�y���T�3a2o Bu�1�I�r�i�H�hts and Setback IZat�os. Max�m.�m he�ghts�.�setback r�.ticis a�re : s�ec�fied in�h�Communi.t��'c���n Dxa��am{Figur�LU--1)o As znd7�a�ed`�n f.Il�.e figu��,�all.�� , ' �.e�ghts�r�focused on�xia�a�corrrdors;gatew��s and nodesa Setback r���.as are established:tci , : ensu.re�ha�t�.e desired relationsh�p of biulc�ings to the s-�eet�s a�h�.eved.�nr�,,,w�...a,a;-t-,�,-..,�; , , ' .. ., ������g���.Jm3>3o�o St��et Intexface: Ensure deve�.opme�.-�ex��iances�ec��str�:an ac�i�ty�y p�av�.d�z�.g active uses w�.t�ii.n mi�ced�use areas a3.�d�.p��riafe desi�n featu.res wifh�n : �esic�ex�.�ial are�s alc�ng a major�ty of the bLt�.ding ff�ron-�age fac�.�.g fi��e s-�iree�e IV�ixed-use � � d�velopmeY�,�shoul.d inch�de r�ta�,rest�urax�t,ou�door d�n�:�g,�m.au�e�.�.trze�s,etc.R:PSI�I�].1t1�� . deve�o�men-�should i.ncl.uci�mai.�.-�en�iances,Iobbies,frc,nt stc�c�ps aa�.d porches,c�pen space and oth�r s�.milar fealC�xres. � S-���te�y I;�J��a�e1: Frsc�Im�acts: Eval�:ate fi�cal:�zr�.p�:c�s of cci�z�e�tiiig�ffice/co�rirrierc�.�I �zses to�esidential use,wl�xile er�s�:�ing-��a��he czty m�e�s regzax��I I�:ousix�.g requzremen�s. . , ������r��JJ��,�a���i��c�Ilal�aratxon w�-��..Busir�.ess Cc��:nm�.u��.-�vtl ��-+-„�.:�;��.�,,.,.�,,,�,-�„�.�;�; �;. -�- , • • ° Collabo�r�.te w�.�h-��e business coixununzt to�-� ����TT�+;^�, � . y , ���. � facilita-�e r� c���th, deve�o�m.ent and�.�fras�ruc-�ure im�xovelnen�s tha�benefit residen-�s and vusu�esses.` � � , ... ...� : ���°at� ��J-����1��o Par�zersl+u� so ��eate�art��e�sl�r.i�s�betwe�n-Fh.e C�.-�y���d c���.e�pub�ic;. , ����.v�te ar�d.z�.oxz-.�z~ofit ax�a��i��.�io�.�s-�� �ovfde u���oven.zen�s and servic�s�.�.at ber�.efrt the co�.�.z�uni-t�_ . • . , � • b ..... ��_ nr�� �t�c+�r��nr��n 4• Pvlicy LU-12.3: Rural Im�irbvement Standards in Hill.side Areas: Require rural improv�ment standards in hiliside areas to preserve the rural character of the�.ill.sides.Improvement standards should balance the need to furnish adequate utility and emergency services agairist the need to.�rotect the hillside,vegetation and animals. ,, Policy LU-12.4: Hillside Views. The Montebello foothil7s at th�soutl�arid west bouridary�f t�e valley floor pravide a scenic backdrop,adding to the Ci�s scale and variety.W`hile it is nof possible to guarantee an unobstructed view of the hills from every vantage poant,an attempt should be made ta�v� reserve views of fhe foo�I.ulls#� ���^-^�-��r��^�n'��^� �---- E� -�---------a r-�___. Policy LU-�.3.4: Neighborh��d Ceriters�n�t A�tivit,y Areas. A majority of the commercia�. develapment allocation should b�devoted to rehabilitating neighborhood centers and major activity centers with a focus on creating pedesfrian-ariented,walkable and bikeable areas wit11. inviting community gathering places.Land uses between the activity centers should help focus and support activa�ty in the centers. Neighborhood centers should be�etrofitted and redeveloped using the"neighborhood commercial centers"concept discussed earlier in this Element. , Strategy LU-13.�.3: Coririect��: Properties wit�iin a block should be inter-coririected with shared access drives.Pravide pedes�Erian paths to en�ance public access to and through the development.New development,particularly on corner lots, should provi�te pedestrzan and bicycle improvements along side si�eets to enhance connections to surrounding neighborhoods. : Strategy LU-13.7.5: �Tei�hborhoo�t buffers. Consi+�er buffers such as setbacks;Iandscapirig and/or building�ransitions to buffer abut-ting singie-family residential areas from visual an�.. noise impacts. . . . .' . i' . ... ... . ,, Pc�liry LU-14.5: O�ks Gafewa�1Vode: This is a gateway retail and shopping node.New residential�r €�r�-�:�^�,if allowed, �houid be designed on the"mixed-use village" concept discussed earlier in this Element. ; Strategy LU-15.1.3: Building form. Buildings should be m�derat�ly-scaled wi�kh high- quality,pedestrian-oriented scaled,ac�ive uses along the street. Stra�egy LU-I5,T:5: De Anza Boulevard/Stevens Cre�k B�ulevard landmark: Secure permanent landscape easements as a condition of develo�ment�om properties at the intersection of De Anza and Stevens Creek Boulevards for construction of a future - landmark.The Iandmark may include open space,landscaping and other design eT�ments at the corners�Land at the southeasfi corner will remain a publicly accessible park. _g_ ,. _:..:,. .. . '.... ,.. ... _.. ... : . ; ����.t���IG1CT��.�n1a3o B��xlc��.3r�g.fo�rm.. Buzldu�gs�s�.i:auTc�;��e�nod.��a�ely-�s�aled�o�a�-isxtio�i � c from.existrng taller build�.�.gs���h�scale of the s�.�rr�a-c.ulci�ng ar�aa n.�.�T:�:-�^-x,^'�,^;�.�,�-^;�,nYr o _ � aa , � . - o ,; : _ . �, .Ta�I.e� b�.�.��.�ngs slzould pro�ride app�ap�xat��r�1s�t�or�s tQ f�.��x�.to�he sur�our�.d�.ng area.. ; : ���.�.����JJ��.�'o�.e: ��i�r:d T..Tsea .��.�w a mz�of uses?�r�.��u�d�g comme�c�.�;�e�ai.l:�.commercla�'��fice � and 1u�-�ec��es°ide��ai use�e The g�o�x:n.c�.floor of b-u:�Id�ng�along the�-t�r�et should be ac�.vated. _ : wz�h pec�estrian-or:zented, ac�ive uses�x�.c�udzr�.g re�azl,r�stauran�s,en-�°ies,�tc>l�Te�.ghborhood . _ c�x�texs shall be�emodel.ed or xede�reloped�su�g�I.�.e"neighbo�°hood cammerczal c�nters'f �-��once t clesc�bed ea��er i�:�.th�s Elemen.t.��e��:g�.r�LU�1 fo�res�.den�.al densrties���d �` � cr�tex�'xa, .. . .. :, ���1�:���r�,�:T�-��<�:o L�and iCJses Allovv regir�i�ial can�merc��I:vvr�re-�ail;�oinn�.e�cral,office:arid. _ . hot�Is as�he pri�n.ary-usesf�1�h�.��sz'dential mzx�d-�.se as a su��ort�.n.g usea 1Ze�ai�,res�au.rarit� , and o�.zer act�ves uses a�e�ighly e�.�oux aged an�h�grauncl floo�facxn.g the s�reete In'case c�f . . off�.c�:complexes,ac�v+�uses such'a�en-��es,Iobb�.es c���laz�s-shoul�d be p�ov�d�cl on�he � _ � roun:d floor alort �he s�ee�:Nei hl�o�hc�od eente�s sl�.all`be-remodele�:ar�edevelo ed.usin� : .� � � �' g the'��.�.e�.�h�orhood comxnercial centers"��a�conce�t c�escrxbed ea�Ize�in�us�Iemen�to Se� _ ��:g-ure�U-1�or reszdez2tial d�ns���.�s and exiter�.a. , ; . : : ��x°��� ]L�J��:9a�:e�o Bux1.t��.n forn�.: Bu�d�n s s1�ou��:I�ave'�.i Ii ualz .archi:tectu:re1 arid an. : . �� � � � �: � em��.aszs on a�sthe�:cs,human seale,and��eate a sense of place> n_a a�+7�.-�,.���„�Y��;�-�.ti�,.,JT�.n : . � , b ,Ta11.ex buxldings �,shvulc��rovzde apprcipria�e tx�nsi�'xons to fit�ri�o the su��ounding a:�ea. ��Ii� ��JJ�2�o�,< � �, ° :Land:Use.. Z'his a�ea zs a.majo�em�loyment nod�wx1��offi�e;�rid:r�search:ancl : devel�opzn���.t uses.Retail a�.-td I�otel us�s are allaw�d on�1-�.e dvest side of UVolfe.R��:ds I�edevelopment c�f the ret�.zl s�.-�e a��ze co�nex of V�To1�e az�.d�J[omes�ead.�Roads sh�uld be b�secl. o��f�z�"ne�.bhborhood commercial centers"coz�ce�t described earlie�r in-�I�is Ele�nenfa.Retai�.uses ar�.riot xequ�xet�on�.�e I�am�.�tons site:�e�Figure LIJ-1 fc��r r�sideniial densz�ies and criter�a. : �'o��.�.���,�J���<3> �L1.I�C�ll"i�FC}I171.: Bi�i�c�.ii�igs.u��.�.e re����.ai�:�.hotel ax�a sho�Id��ov�.de active, � p�destrian-o�°iented uses along�he stree�.Bu�dings sll�.ould t�°ansi�ion to fit�I�e scale o:f�he s�zrrounding a.�ea. � ° b . . . ` : , . Taller�u�Id.ii�gs`sl�.Quld p�ov�.de�:p�rr���i�te�cansrtions�c�fYt�nto tl�e ' su�raux�.d�:g area.In addi�zon�to���heigh-�1�.�.n�.ts established��.����anvn�,u�rity Form azagranm� buzld�ngs abutting�.ie campu�shall�ncorpor�.te appxa�z�.ate�se-�backs,Iandseape�I i�-ufferu�g, ax��:�uil�.u��1�.e�ghf fransz�:ions-�o r.r�i�iinuze pr��ra�y and.security im.�actsa �c��:icy��.T-20a4d . ` . I��dest�iaz�.�nc��ic�r��.e�onnectioz�is= I'edes�i�z�.- ��ien-�;ed�et�.il�z1c�hotel develo�me��t w�II su��o�t a r�iv���s��apulation af��axkers��.c� ; �.` zMesi�ez��s��.t�.�e a�ea,Tra.i.1 xR�u�es,and��f��n.a-�e�r�i�.�au-�es�o addxess secu�i-�y��.d pr�v�cy ; _ : _g._ � ; concerris of majo�r employers,shal�be deve�ap�d to provide pedes�rian and bicycle conneC�ions � to other destinations. Polic LU-22.7: Conce ti�al Plan:�r-�ea#�Ivlai�tain.and.im Iement e� � Y � �` -�����. ^�����^�the exis#xng Sou�h De Anza and Su.nnyvale-Saratoga Conceptual Plans,'T'�^�^��-^� Policy LU-22,2: Land Us�. General commercial and retail uses with Iimited commercial office, office and residential uses.Neighborhood centers should he redeveloped in the"neighborhood commercial centers"���conce.��t discussed earlier in this Element, See Figure LU-1 for reszdential densities and criteria. . _ : rolicy LU-22.6: Buil�Iing Desi�n. Loca�e�buildings and comme�cial pacis along�the street wi�.i paxking areas ta the side and rear.Provide pedes�tri.an-scaled elements and active uses including retail,restaurants,and entries along the street.C�utdoor plaza and activity�.reas can be located along the street with sidevvallc and street trees to buffer them from through traffic. , � Policy LU-23,1: Conce�tual Plan: Create a conceptual pIan f�r the Homestead R�ad e�-�� Special Area with a cohesive s�t of land use and streetscape regulations and guidelines#��t�e ���n� ��,�� �r��. Policy LU-23.4: Bui.l�in�Design: Buildings�vi11 be Iacated cic�ser to t�e street with parking mostly to the side and rear.In the case of Iarger sites,Iarge buildings may be placed behind parking;however a substantial portion of the front of the site should be Iined wi�h active uses such as retail/restaurant pads, and plazas.Buildings should include pedestrian-oriented elements with en�ries,retail,lobbies,and active uses along the street.Parking areas along the street will be screened with street trees.Residential buiidings vvill provide stoops and porches along�tli.e street and side streefs.��-c-��;*��„�'�"^;�'���w,��,�,^ ��.rr.�T,^a ;r rn^^;�;^^�.^^�kt,�.k^ --a----- ---� --r r-- - =j--------- -� �����-�e���g�{�i��e-�-�}Taller buildings should provide appropriate transi�ions fo fit into�khe surrounding area. ' Policy LU-26.1: Land Use. Retrofit or redeveiop neighborhood centers using the "neighborhood commercial centers" concept discussed earlier in this Element.Areas-Eha�are no�designated as='neighborhood centers'—' are encouraged to provide comme�cial uses with active uses such as entries,Iobbies,seating areas ar retail along the street.See Figure LU-1 f�r residential densities and criteria. Strafegy LU-27.1.2: Neighbarhood Guideliines.ldentify neigl-�borhoods that have a uriique architectural style,historical background or Iocation and develop plans that preserve and enhance their character.Support and budget for special zoning or design guidelines(e.g., the Fairgrove Eichler neighborhaod) and single-story overlay zones in neighborhoods, where there zs strong neighborhood support. �10� i . .('.7..'.ry..�... ./'.'.y..{ .. �$ ¢� 7�" ,yM.�@�/�tllrj �'$ �( ��z��E�r�° P�o�ri�ici��.c�f C�iz�dc�or:A.��as��.-�� ,{T y� � .. ���. .✓�A�.�14�9�y...�'L.�R6s�P1FPSQ "ffflT.7a I...,'. . a..(S�1'9'1� �hC"�C'�Y'[7`!1' . .. . � .. 0.Jar � . �. , . ,. . �. . .. :. ... ... . . �. . . .�- � .. `: . .. .. . . .. � _ ... . '.�.. ' � . ...: � . . a � e��c��.�.e c��tdc��� a���s �b�t�: �.s�z�r��:�.���.�r�.`a��. . ��.����:s.��.nd���. � ������c���s�.��c�uu�.:��.�n s�����i:�t����.������:���sn�.�.c�w pul��.c� � ' , �- _ � . . . . . . . .. � � TATF"t!]9'*l1T�7f'i'i� ..._ ... . �. ... . '�� . �, . : a�cess to�e-cammox�.ou�clor��areas whez��ve�possz�Iea , ���n afi��zlit�c�.f L��sa Ensure tha��onin ,su�d�vxsion.an�1.c�t-l�iie . ; ��la�y���J-��a��o � , g . � � , �c���s��.��fi x�e�u�s�s��la�ed-tc�I.ot s�.ze or Iot d.es�.gn cc�nszde�°-�he need�r�p�es��ve��exg�.�.�orhooc�. � 1ot p�.t�e�rns: . , _ , , . .. . . . , .: ���°��e��r�L�J-2�e��m�.e� �ot`�zze��. Ensu.re��i:a�subd�vxsio�i an�.I�t-lu�.e acijiustrrie�.��°�quests : �°espect th�m�e1�l�.bo�l�ood�.o-�si�e�atter�lso C�ns�der�ev�s�ons�o lo�size�eq�.�r�mex�-�s z�tl�:e ` nea.gh���haod Iot pa��e�.is d�fferent froxn�I�.e zon�ng requ.xr�mentso . : ����.������J��7"o�7o2m Fla�'Lo�sa'A.11o�fl�b Iats�xx�I.y iz�'cases whe�e�l�e�a����e�sole ; � alterna�z�r�tc,a��egrate subc�ivzsic�ns vv��1�.�I�.e s�ucrounc��.�g neig�.bo�hooda _ � _ . . : Ii .ht; Iare,� :. : .. . ' ����.�r�lU���a��o _Pro�ec�zoz�.; P�a�ec�r���cl.eii..i.-�.�I z�.eighbc�rlic�o�s,fror�.�.rt€�i�e;�raffic,-.g----.�- : �. . �:,.. - : , ��. . .� . �.� ... . . . �. �� . . .�. : . � . �. �. ' � :. . . e ���. �oci:ors and vgsua:l.�.y�.ii.�rusx�e�ff�cts f�o�.more infense develc�pment wz-Eh Ia�ldsc�pe buff�rs, szt� an�.b�:�I�Iim�desxgn,s�tbacks and.ot�.er�ppro�riate�neasureso . .�������.�J�Z�a��:1��en.i.��s�d,���°vicesa Improve eq�-table clistr�b�.tr�an c�f ccimz�ri.u�'ty � .ameni�.es such as pa�ks and ac��ss t�sh��p�ng vvxthin walk�.g�nd b7cyclir�.g d�stance tif . ; . . ,_ _ neigh�o��ac�c�s. , ' , ... . ���.�`7��IL�.5����.��-��r �7["���.�T��1��3L���a .. . .. Tr�.ffic�aliriin� �ons7der��he ui� lementa�zon����est�ractices on.st��eefis to��d.uce ` I�a������-�e�o � .... ... ' s eeds ax�d make them user-f��end.1 fo�alte�native modes of trans arta-�ion includin. edes�rzans � and�xc��I�s-�ss � ; . .. ... ;��1����-�„���TaI1c�Sh:a��i:ii�D�.s-trict'I'ra�:�sf�r�Sta-h.on.:Wo�k wit�.�.V'T.A.ai�i.d�o�o-�.�.�r -�rans,�o�t�a�ion.service argax�.rzatia�.s to st-�.clv and�.evelo�p a trans�.t transfer stafi.on�I:�a-��icor�or�-�es �hub for altexna�.i�e i:ra�zs�ortati�n services s�.zch as,car shariri.�,b�ke sha�in�and/or o�he�s.er�xces. �c�1�.��1�a�.d�.a IZe�ional`Tra�t��o�°fat�ox�:Pla�.u�u�.�a I'articipate in reg�.oi�.al t�anspo�tatio�t I7z-ini�n rocesses to develo �a rams cc�z-�srs�e�.�wi�h�h€� aals and �I�ci�s.of Cu er�ino's � �p �.� �. � � p �enezal PIa�.and to n���m:�ze adve���e i�n�ac��o���e Ci�y's c�cu]:a-�on s, s�tem:�Vo�k�wX.t�.�. �.��ighbor.�-�g c�-�ies to ad.�.ress�egional tx�a�sportatian and Iar�d use�ssues of z�utuala��exest: ` ��1���I����2n 'T��s�t�r�a�io�i Ln�.�ac�Ax�.al�se Pa��zcz�a�e in�h.�c�ev�lo�n���.�t of new n�.-u��% : � m.c��.�1 a.�.�.alysis zne�.�ods and impact t�uesho�ds�.s��qui�ec��y,.Sex�.a�e B�I.74�n�Ic�weve�,�.rnti1 � such im�a�ct.-�hxesho�ds a�e d�evel��ed,cant�i��.xe�o��tim.r�e�nc�bilit�for al�:�nades of ��°�or�atia�� v�T��e strivu� ��o ma'�.-�a��i-�he fallo�ing�n�eYs�c�iar�Levels of Se�vice�LOS��a� : �'" `` a.m. a��d�.z�.�'��I��iaffic hou�s. ; � ... .. :. . -�11.�- • IVla�or iritersections=L<4S D; • Stevens Creek Boulevard and De Ariza Boulevard—LOS E+; � S�evens Creek Boulevard and Stelling Road—L�S E+ • De Anza Boulevard and Bollinger Road—L4S E+. _ Policy M-2.2: Adja��nt L�nd Use, Design roadway ali�rurients,Iane widtlls,medians,parking and bicycle lanes,crosswalks and sidewalks to complement adjacent l�nd uses#-e in keeping wi-th the�e���vision of the Planning Area.Strive to minimize adverse impacts and expand alternative trans�ortation o�fions for aIl Plannin A� reas(S�ecial Areas and Nei�hborhoods.) Improvement standards shall also consider the urban,suburban and rural environments found within the city. Strategy M-2.2:4: Suburbari Road Irn�rovement Sfaridards: nevelop suburban road im�rovement standards for aII streets not desi�nated as rural,semi-rural or in the Crossroads Area. Policy M-2.4: Communit�r Im�acts: Reduce fraffic impac�s and supporf altetnative modes of transportation ' , rather than constructing barriers to mobility.Do not close streets unless there is a demonstrated safety or overwhelming through traffic problem and there are no acceptable alternatives since street closures move the problem from one street to another. Policy M-3.8:Bic�cle Parkin�.Re�uire n�w development and redevelo�menf to provzde public and private bicycle parking. Policy M-3.10:Quarr,y Oper�tions. ' I�rioritize enforcement of truck fraffic speeds from Stevens Cxeek and the Lehigh Cement Plant on Stevens Canyon Road,and Stevens Creek and Foothill Boulevards. y Connectin,��,�4'�Special�4reas. Identify and implemenf new or enhanced Polic M-4.3: ; transit services to connect��alI Special A�eas as idenfi.fied in Figure PA-1 �Cha�ter 2: • P axulin Areas). ' , , , � � n n �i�-c���r���+ nt^s� �ii�i��r.v�1-vv.l c—r7'fl,_f.'rX`A.`t-(�:i ---,� ,�'--_ _�_� �__�_.. �.`.--�- � Policy M-4.4:Transit Facilities with New Develo�m�nt. Work wi�tl-�VT�arid%or major developments to ensure aII new deve�opment projects irtclude amenities to support public transit including bus stop shelters,space for transit vehicles as approprzate and attractive amenities such as trash receptacles,si�ge=seating and Iighting. Pali�cy M-7,2:Pro�ected Intersections. Consider adopting a Protected�ritersection policy which would identify intersectioris wl-�ere improvements would not be considered which would degrade levels of service for non-vehicular modes af transportat�on.Poten�ial lacations include ulfersections in Priority Development Areas(PDAs) and ofher areas where non-vehicular transporfation is a key conszderation;such as,near sl1o���n�districts,schools,�arks and senior citizen develo�ments. _�;2_. . . �; ....:t a .:. .. ��... .-..- �... .. :. � . ... ,, � .. ;_� . :. .� , � . � . .� � � � . � ' ����.��I���a�a L�a��d..LTsee Su:�apor�cl.e�eiop�rrieri�and.t�ansportat��iri iii�t.��o�ez�.e�its-��iai�i.e1p : ' r`educ�greex-rhouse gas exnzssi�n���reducu�.g per cap�.ta VelV.cle�al�s'Txa�eT��.{�1�T)p ' �°e�.uc�.�-:i�� ac�'s o�.�.the C�.� 's-��ns c�rta��on ne�war�C an�.��azn�a�.v.n .the desired Ie�els::of - � , . , , .. ` sex-vi��for alI modes of-����s•�orta-�c�no ,, i ' ,. ; .' � T��-�s o�ta-�ion De�n��.c��ana� e�nent�TD��.l'ro �an�i.so Re �ui�e�.a� e�zxi ��c� ers � .. .. . .. :������ '���o�e � � �-.. ..... . . � , � � �----- q � �' �'.... , � . , : u�c��.d�n�,ca�.eges ar�.d schc�ol�j.-�a d�v�Io��x�d iria�.-�az��l���og��s�o�educ�v�hic�e�i�s .. �e�.���a�ec��iy�he�°emplo�ees and.�f�.�.denfs and develt�p a f�acl�ing metl�.od���nrirutt��°r�sul�s.. ����.��r��b�; I��duced fi�ave�.Dern�-rd.a ° . . . . a , ` Pxomote eff�ctive'TDM�ro�,�axns fo��x�s�t�n.�and new dev�lo�men�e " .� ����-���1�49a3a�o 5�ie�-�seape I�esign.�hen reV�ew7ng the"widen�n�b�f an e�isting:stre�t; : � cons�.de�°�e aes-�he�.ca��I�asing en�a.r�cemen�s�nd.ameniti�s�o�:m��ove fh.e safe : ' .rric�vexn�nt of�ed�s�h°zans and b�.cvcl�sts u�.�ee���.wxth�he v�s�:on mf�he Plai�ilzng 1�.�ea a� ���.�.��;.���0a3a�u�.fi.-14�od�1 Im��c�ve�ner�tsa Lnteg���e t��.e,financzz�.g,d�sign and�ons�ru.c�it�n cif `' �d�s�1a�.�.an��ic cle facil��es wz�hh s�reet ro`ectse�uti�.d ec�est�za�� an�.�ic cIe�.m rc�vern:ei�.ts � , y �' 1 p Y ` I� ��the same��tne as improvemen�s far vehi�ula.�e��culafi.c�n to enable tx�avelers to transition f�o�n. ` , �ne mod�c�f trans�o�ta�ian to ano-�he�,�,�.bic�cle tv bus; ; , � , ���A�7['��.`�o�x^��ri��n��mta1��s��.������.���xs���.�.a�i.�.�� : . ���.JL 1E��3o Imp�cive bu�Id.arig effic�enc�r axi.c�e�.ie���,co�serva-Eroz1: ��°���g�r���3-0�.�2a ���.ff"Tra�nin�; �on�zr�.ue tc�tra�n app�opri.ate�ity staff�:n tl�.e cteszgn -�r�nciples,cos-ts anc1.�enef��s o�sus�ainable bu�.d�x1.g anc�landsc��e c1.es�gne Encourage C�.ty ; s-�aff to a�ten:d ex���xxca�[�za�n.�x�:gs ox-i-�h�se t�pzcs a�.�d�ttall.z�xelevant pre�;g�am.ce��ificat�c�ns : . (eag.,��ee��.Pc�int I��-E�r,Leadexsl�u��n Ener��8�Envirc�n�.�.ental.I�esrgn:{LEET�)Accr.ectited.. Prc�fess�oxial). .. .... /� (� , . ������e���S�-�Ada9i�e I�ax�e Qc�u�a�ions: :IZeview�a.�.d.cci�isicleY expanclu�g't1�ie alloiva�le hon.m:e-based�usin.esses�e�:��--��in�~esici�x�.t%�11y zonecl��opert�es-�a�educe the reeecl.to co�cn�.�.�u�e;to worl�. .. .. .. _ � ���°�:�E�������-0�o�q �Trh�ri �'^YRry��Tree Plaii.tzn.�xn Pr�:vate D�__e��Iopxzient: R.evxew a�.�:i�.. - �enh�ce tl-�e�i 's-�°ee laz��r.n .ax�.d Iandsca xn: ro�-��nn artd x�e uixe�nex�ts fo� r�vat� �Y �' g P� g�' � q p � d:e�elapxn�i�.t fo re�.uce a�r�ollutioz�levels. {I',ga E�-21} : ���+�::�Y�: �'iii�rnn'�- i ����:t�gy���=51.:1a L,�dsc�:�i��.gd Ensu�e th�:-�,�-�1�.e Cit�r's t�e�p�:a��itr�i.g; _ ; .. �a.r�.�.seap�.lb and opez�.space po�icies e�.i.l��nce,;�he u���an ecos�stem.by e���au�,agin.g�ecT��ris; .: , , : . �e�:es-��z�.n-crossing curb-e�tensic�ns�I�n�i��g t��afi�s a�a�ive, dxough�-tol�r�.�.-�,-�reats � ' � � � � � - . : . �����_ ` stormwater arid enhances urban plant; aquatic aild animal resaurces in bot�l;�rivate and ` public developmenfi. _ GaAL ES-7; �risure pro�ection a�c���fi�i�n�use of aII water resources. � Policy E�►-7.1: Natu�ral Water Badies and Drain��e S,ystems. In p�blic ancT private development,use L�ow I�mpact D�evelopmenfi(LID)�ririciples to mana�e stormwafer b� mimic�na�Eural hydrology,IT1I1112Tt1Zll1 e grading, and protecting or restoringe nai-wral drainage sysferns. ' Policy ES�-7,3: Pollution arid F1i�w Im�acts: Ensure�at surface and groundwater quality impacts are re�uced through development review and sT^'„��^^�voluntarv efforts. = - CHAPTER 7 Health an�Safetv Add to text under Floods Hazards: The Citv�artici�ates in the Communit�r I�ating S�ste�n (�RS)�aro�rari�t which is a voluntary - incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management activities that exceed minimum NFIP requirements. Flood insurance premium rates for property owners within the city may be discounted to reflect the reduced flood risk resulting from community actions meeting the three goals of the CRS,which are to:(1)reduce flood damage to insurable property;(2) strengthen and support the i.nsurance aspects of the NFIP;and(3)encourage a comprehensive approach to floodplain management. ; ; Strate � HS-5.1.3: Geolo zc Review.Continue to un Iement and u dafe eolo ic review gY �� p � g g. procedures for Geologic Reports requi.red by the Municipal Code through the develapment review process. , Policy HS-6.2: P�oximitv o�Residents to Hazardous�.VIaterials. Assess future residents'exposure. � to haza�dous materials when new residential development or sensi�ive �o�ulations are proposed in existing industrial and inanufacfuring areas. Do not allow residenfial. development or ' sensitive�o�ulafians i�such hazardous conditi.ons cannot be mitigated to an acceptable Ievel of rzsk. - ; S�r�fegy HS-7.4.3:l�Ta�ional Flood Insurar�ce Program Community IZatirig System: Continue to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program{NFIP}Community Rating System (CIZS). , . , ; ; �a���� . -14- . , . , . � � � . � � � . . . �. �. ..� . �. : � . ..; . i .,; . :. ... . . .. . . . . .:�. .. . ,.' .. . - � . . . . . . �][�C�:�"1["��..����f��s°t�°��f��e _ � . �'�`1�"���l�Jl����lE�� : . .... Cori:tulue to r�auzre�� ��ecvcl�r�. azld�ncoura e ���a�Ee ���'���.�� ° Co�.�s�rizct�.o��'(�Taste; -,-�,,,-.,,�.,, � � � :. , ..:��....'.;, . , �. . .. .. .: � ... . . . . . .. :,.. . �... . � . .� . G ..... .�� :�.. �th��euse of Uu�.d�n�ma�e��a1s dur�.�n.�c�em�Ti�.on and ec���structian of�i� ,agenc�r and�rzva�e .r� o��cts. . � , � ... .. . ; I�ec cled.l�la�eria�.s. Enc�i�a e-the use�of recvcl.e�.�n�.atexaals azid susta�al�lv .: yQ'�I+�yy'_ [7�}a�'r .. � ��iL2.60.L� p ��IJtA'O�a ..7 .� . . .. �� . . �.— I�i�r�es�ed.rn.ater�.als�n�zfi�, a�_.enc���iva�e p�o�e�ts. � ----�� : _ . �`�1�.� `���a�o�;�urid�i a ��- Iore� ., � . .va�rious���ate: ies aric�o ort-u�u�ies to�d.� � ---� �' �i��r�g- � �'� ��-���e ex�istu�g ai�d fi�ture�asl�uctu.re needs , � � . .. : ��-Exis-�ix�. In.frastruc-tuu�eb I�.e u�r�develo e�s ta ex ax�d c�r� .: . 5���.�������=�.a4.�.a . �- � �' � u rade�existin u�fr�struc�ure�c�inczease�a acx oz a �hei�f�ir sha�e,as� �o ��ate, : : � pg ing u _ � tY� � Y �� .� : : : ; : _ ����.���y��1�3��-��o�a2e Fuftzr�In�ras-h�uc-ture Nee�s. For n��v - � 31�i.GiSL1.LLl.�1S..r'1.�. � :. . -: ,.-- . . ... .;. . � . . .' .'�... .. . , � . , _ , . . . . . .. , � ., ':.' �." , . ° ` ° qu�re neur devela�ment�o pay�.ts fa�r s1�.are c�f,or to ext�.d:o�co�.zstr�.c�, : ... � - , ,.- : �rn.provemen�s�o accomm�dat�grow�h wa.-�lzo-ut�n-�.p�acting s�r��.ce I�ve�.�d : _ � _ , : : : ' ���r�.��g���'�-�.b�A3�e Ec�n.om�c`De�v�It���n���.�'�ioritize fc;u�:�.�g ci�u�rast.�ucizz.re to. stt�mmu�.�.te econc�mic devel��sment anc��c�b c�eation�m.orde��o nn.c�e�ase�pport-unities for m�n�c��al r��enuea .. . ` ��lx� ���a�a3e� ��a�i�ns:Ezleour�.. e.:. u.bl.zc a �ex�icres a�.�:c�. �ivate �o er owx�ers to d:esi.... 3� � � p� � � � p �Y � -�hei-�op�ra�ions to�eE�-�����,exceed regula�o�y vvaste dzv�rsion requ�en�en-�s. ����.��,��1��-�.Zo1� Ou-�reach. Caz�.cl�.ct��d enh�ce�pxogra�s-that proxno-�e waste . : reducti.ox��throu�h-�a��-�ershi�as wi�h schaals,ins�.�u�ons,busu�esses a�d holnes��.-�� : , : . . • r a \ � �e�-a�:�. . .. .. ... t.. .. e �I�.�:�`'�'���:��c�e��z����a�T�� �.nid��i��t.�.�x������.�� . � .� 'x"•�'x'JL���L.f����lY.ARY���1Vo- . . .._".- � . .: � : � ' �. .e ..... �... � ' � �ca�.�.�����-�.�C:LilazazV Se�vice..En.co��r�ge tlle lzbzaxy tc�coz�it-�.riu:�tc�i�ri���ve serv�.ce.Ievels�v xncar�orat7n�new tecl�ology and�x�arzdu��th:e Iibra�v'collec��,z�.s and services. � _ ..... .y . ... - �: ����f�g3':�.�'���.4�.��.a�teve�.�s Cieelc Cor�ic�a�:R 1VTaster I�Iana Prep��a�i�.ster p�.ari for the park and open s�ace�orr�.dor al�ng Stevens�reek u�.c].ud�ng NIcCTellan�.a.ncl�, I���lellan R�nch�T�st,B�.acklaerry Farrn;the Flackberr�Farm g�I�eourse,5tc�cklme�r ana�. � Blesch p�c�per�.es az�.d�I�e 1'�T�.t�.ai��a11 Taz�k I-�ouse are�.'I�-�e��a�.�should add�ess a f�scal.�y ��:�.s-hau�able stza��gy�at a�.Io�s y�a.�-xo-�u�d comm�.�ity use af the�axk�ysten�.,whil� - p�eserv�.ig�.�e�seas natu�al xesauzces an� �dciress�.lg neighbarh.00d issues xnclucli�:g caxu�:�ctzv�t�r ax�d��zffe�°s. � ` - _�5y, , s � ; :. . $tra�e�RPC-2.5,3: Commun�f�Gardens: Encoura,�e communit�r gardens�whi�h�ravid�a more livable environrnent b�controllin��hysical fa�tors such as tem�aeratur�r naise,and � o- � �c�llu�ion. Policy IZPC-5.2:�edestriari artd Bicvcle Paths:Develop a ci�tywide netv�ork of pedestriari arid bicycle pathways to connect employment centers,shopping areas and neighborhoods to services including parks,schools,libraries and neighborhoad centers. ; Poiic RPC-6.2: Partnershi s. Enl�ance the�i s�recreational ro a�ns and librar service Y � �' p �' �' through partnerships with other agencies and non-profit organizations.If hi her Ievel of lib�ar� service is desired,coo�eration with the Countv of Santa Clara to ex�and service and/or facili�zes y- ma,�c�uired. : �.�'I��NDIX A: : ` Add cate�orv:Iriciustrial/Commercial/,Resiclerttial : _This desi�nafion allows�rimarilv industrial uses and secondarilv commercial uses or a com�atible . � . combination of the two.Irt�iustrial use refers to manufacturing,assemblv and research and � develo�ment. Admin�istrative offices that su��ort manufacturin�and wholesalin,g are included. Housin�ma,y be allowed to offset�;ob �rowth and better balance ci , wzde jobs to housin��ratio. Residen#ial development is sub�ect fo the numerical ca�s and other��o�icies ,desrribed in the Larid Use and Communi-Ev� Desi�;n Elementl. ° -16- \_ . . . .�� . . � . . . . � . � . . . . . . . . . . - .'... � . � ......... . .�.�. . . . . , � `�V ' . . . . . . � � . � . . • �:N . . . . � � � . . . . '� � �� . . . .. q . . . ��', � ui . . . . a9' � � . . . ' , } . . _ ^:�y , .. , . � i $ ��� 3 '� i & � n y�� {�7. � : � � .. : ���� � u. _� � ' _ �- � - � . � . }�I: . . .. ...� . C "' &' - . ._ ...... _,__,_,,.,•. ...a:� ayaaHn .� � � �� � . _ _ a$�"y . . � ? �' �' � � � '` , �E � � � ; , C�s � �s� S,.3� � a� g.��p�.5. � �. . . . , .,... : . �, r! ��, ������ f'� ... , �����,��@ 9?�:��p +�° � ... ��.� €� . . . . �. .. � .;.: . 1 KK t � - � :� . � . ; .�� �L.:�` � ' �� . .� y � i..s. e .. � . . ,._. , � J :..,..... � �g ,.��c y `�-� � � y tl . ' . 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