Exhibit CC 09-20-2016 Item No. 8 Friendship City Public Comment C � ?�,z.� I l� . -�� � CUPERTINO CITl'OF CUPERT7'lN0 FRIENDSIIIP CITIES PROGRAb7 API'LlCAT[ON FOR DESlGNATION Instructions This application is to be completed by the t'riendship City Committee of the requesting international city and submitted electronically to the C«pertino City Manager's Office by emailing nic�!a'�cuoertino_ore. f3ackQround A 1'riendship Cities Designation is an established relationship between the City of Cupertino and a partnering international organization that is mutually beneficial. The first stcp towards establishing a Friendship Cities Dcsignation is to complete this application. This application helps to identify proposed goals of the relationship, the supporting activities expected, and highlights the areas of inierest strengths, or needs of each party. The proponents of establishing such a relationship must be a collaboration of a community organization (a Friendship City Committee) and an elected official. af the pariicipating international city. V1`ho A9av Reaucst a Friendshi�Cities Desienation? Any established Friendship City Committce of the proponent Friendship City may submit an application. The most successful applications�vil) have more than one sponsor and ��rill represent multiple agencies or organizations. ProcessinQ and An�rovat of the Annlication This ap�lication ���il[ clearly state the rationale and the goals of the relationship and the mutual benefits in establishing lhis relationship. Once the designation is in place, all information in the application �i�ill be shared ���ith the community and stakeholders upon request. Complete information for key contacts and authorizing individuals (the si�ning autharities) must be provided before the relationship can be finalized. fn addition, the committee must have a Cupertino Councilmember sponsorship. (ncomplete inforn�ation �+�ill delay the process. A �riendshi� Cities Designation�+�ill be authorized for a period of two(2)ycars as outlined in the City of C.upertin�'s"Policies and Guidelines on Sister Cities, Friendship Cities,and [nternational [�elegations"and �vill be subject to all guidelines therein. " Cl1PERTINO FRIENDSFitP CITIES PROGR.411 APPLICATION FOR DESIGI�ATION To be completed in English by the requesting organization: l. Name and Country of the proposed Friendship City and the Friendship City Committee: 7 . ( �,�f / 1��� 1 r �� t�� . T�1� �41 '�'�61� l� � 4'Y��l���V 1 s l�1� . � . � � � ?. "I�oday's date: � � � � ...J �. Narne of person requesti�ng relationship: �G�JI.(� ��� Title: ��i5 �(�j�-�/L\ �'( , i ? �- � n � �. Affiliation: ��� �.J"`� �� �'� y����l �'l►�J��'�� � ��o1,vtF,��QZ .-,� `,� Emai I: � 4. City of Cupertino Sponsor: �'7 G��_ ��G _ � � � V I � ( /�� � ��� /" 5. Friendship City Glected�fficial Sponsor: t l.�,CR.YI�;�to=�1� �`( ��`�%C�W � � : 6. RATION/1LE: Please expiain the rationale and focus of the requested }'riendship Cities Designation. Describe �+�hy a Friendsi�ip City relationship «�ould be beneficial to the City af Cupertino and ;�our [acal community, or�anization, and city. Please outiine ihe areas of mutual strength and interest for eaeh of the partieipants. Limit this scction to four pa�es and attacli it to this application. Items to include: • i�ames, titles, and affiliations of those who ��•ill be im�oh�ed at the proponent Friendship City and the Friendship City Committee.Be sure to include information for the proponent Friendship City's�4ayor as they ti�ill have the primary signing authority of the Friendship City. • .4reas of mutual interest upon which the relationship�vitl focus. • Opportunities for new activi�ies and potential outcomes. • �enefits and measurable results that the City of Cupertino and proponent Friendship Cit}•can expect as a result of the establishment of such a relationship. 7. RESO[iRCES: Please address monetary and iit-kind resources that rnay be necessary t0 CpI1C�UCT the aetivities of this rclationship, how they are to be obtained, and from �vhom. If none,state "no funding required". Please note that the City �f Cupertino does not currentiy provide fundina for Friendship Citics. Limit ihis scction to one page and attach it to this application. � 8. PROFILE: Please auach a brief profile of your city and f�riendship City Committee including, but nnt limited to: background, location, nature, size, and relevant programs. Limit the protile to no morc than hi��pxges. 9. AC)DI'f'fON/�L I1��FORMATION: Please add any additional information about this pre�posed relationship, the proportent Friendship City, and;or the Friendship Cit;- Committee that ;ou ���ish tu sharc. Limit additional inti�rmation tv no morc than 2 pa��es. 6. Rationale HeFei: ■ Fast growing and have great potential ■ Technology and innovation center ■ With relevant culture, population and business ■ Strong sponsorship without extra financial burden to Cupertino ■ Over 800 research institutions and universities ■ Strong local link, over 4000 Alumni from one university in Hefei live in Bay Area ■ USTC in Hefei has over 4000 alumni in Bay Area, many of them are residence Cupertino ■ Strong municipal global outreach program, especially cooperation with Silicon Valley ■ Many start-ups and Entrepreneurs � Actively Seeking Cooperation in Cupertino ■ Many may setup offices in Cupertino ■ Eg: Intelligent Voice Recognition � Compliments with App1e Siri Technology ■ Already has setup branch in Bay Area Names, titles in HeFei: Areas of mutual interest: a Hefei setup local office in Cupertino to promote mutua) understanding among two cities. • Hefei invites Cupertino citizen to visit, tour and invest in Hefei. • The delegates from Hefei will visit Cupertino for more apportunities. * Hefei may send the students over to Cupertino for research and study. Opportunities fior new activities and potential outcome: • Hefei setup local office in Cupertino: help Cupertino economy • Hefei invites citizen to visit, tour and invest: enrich Cupertino citizen � • The delegates from Hefei: create more opportunities • Hefei send students over: more ties between two cities Benefits: o Cupertino have the opportunity to go out, go global, explore, experience and participate the fastest growing sector in the world and human history 7. RESOURCES � Hefei has full budget for global cooperation, especia(!y for friendship cities � Many programs and activities are sponsored by Hefei � Absolutely no worries to Cupertino in terms of financial burden 8. PROFlLE: The Hefei Cupertino friendship city committee: Background: the committee is formed far promoting friend ship between two cities by a group of va{unteers from various fields. Location: 20370 Town Center Lane, #153, Cupertino Nature: volunteers, non profit Size: 9 committee members Relevant programs: s Setup local office to promote city, culture and opportunities • Invites citizen to visit, tour and invest from both cities • Organizing exchange students program