1965 Wilson Park AGR~ OJ' 8A.LE OJ! R 1W. JI1'{ 0 PER'1'Y THIS AGRBIMIIT, entered into thi. 5th day ot Rovember. 196$, b,. and between LOUIS A. PAGARIRI and MILDRED BAROn PAGARIllI, hie wite, aa joint tenant I, herein at tel' reterred to al "Ieller.", and CITY 0' C:UPERnJfO, a municipal cozopøration, hereinafter reterred to al "Buyer": 1. !! .! 1. ! 11; §! ! ! 1. !II That buTt!' agreel to purohaa- and a.llerl agree to aell that certain real propert,. situate in the Oit1 of Cupertino, County ot Santa Clara, State 01 Calitornia. more particularly deacribed al tollow.: IIIDIlI'Jlm at . 3/4 inch il'on pipe ..t at the South- e.eterly eornel' ot that certain 0.995 aor. parcel of land.. shAwn on the Reoord ot Surv_,. made"r the Cupertino Un10n School D18trlot and tiled ror re"l'd 1n Book 100 :~:::.rr:: :t: ~;i:;n:; ~::1:n~:n:ro::c=e~:t2;i;oe; line .r .a1d ....1 þroperty --!firth 0° 12' 37" We.t $)1.08 teet; thence leaving .a1d "sterly line North 89° 47' 23" But 488.14 teet; then.e South 17.~' ~" We.t 610.04 t..t; thence .ørth 80° $.'3' 23" WIlt 304.09 teet tø the point or Beginning and oontaining ,.08 aore. ot land, more 01' le... 2. That the total purcha.e 1'1'10. or the atorua1d real property ie the au. ot $110,250 1n ca.h. 3. That burlr agree. that .ellel'l ahall have an eaaement tor an irrigation lice croaa1ng the ato1'eaa14 real property al long.. aellerl operate the remainder o£ .&14 property oWDId b7 them tOI' aar1cultural pUl'posel. 4. 'J'ha t lellera 8&1'.e to deU vel' or 08.\\.. to be deU""l'od into Becrow Bo. 263087. T1tle Insuran.. and Trult Company. 66 North Firlt Str.et, San JOIe, Oalifornia executed Gl'ant De.d -1- COnyeTina all ritßt. t1tle and interest in the atoreaaid deacrib- ad raal propert7 to bular fl'e. and ole&1' of all11eni and enoumbranoe.. included but not 11mi~d to aanitary .e..r aaae.l~ menta or bODda, IUbjeot only to condition 1 or that certain :P1'el1rd.n&1'7 Report lio. 26)087 ot T1tl~ InlU1'anoe and TJ:'U.t OompanT dated Oetob81' 5.196$. 5. That ..11er. ahall bear the co.t or the Po11c1 ot Title In,ul'ance 1n the aount ot the purch... pr1oe ot the propert7 and the co.t ot revenue .t..p. att1xe4 to the Irant 4e.d. 6. That tax.. &1'e to be p1'orateð. as of the date ot the" oloae ot e.crow. 7. That 1.01'OW &ball oloae no lateI' than 30 d&71 trom la.t date her.batter X'ltel'red to unle.. ea'.nded in wi tins by the partial. 8. Sellel'llìball not be liable tor any atreet improvlm.nta until such tillle as tinal map tOI' dnelo,.,..nt 18 riled with tbe 01t1 by Illllra or aa.ian".' 9. '!'bat this agree..nt 18 b1nding upon the heil'., 'U:loutorl, adminiltl'ator., auocel.orl and a..ien. ot the r..pective parti.. hereto. 10. That this apeeilleat -" be I'lool'ded. 11. That Buyers shall furnish to Sellers a copy of the Resolution of Condemnation of the above-described property. -2- :DA TIm I J2:;:: a. ~.~ . A. pa n! DA'1'BDI 1.\.(\(,( -' DATBDI CITY 011' CUPJlRTIJrO, . II1n1clpal COrpOI'8t1on. BY J.Ä ...' ../ . -/I)" ,,: i---~/~~- / Mqol' - AT'l'ElI'1 -~~ 1/- ~ City Clerk APPROV1CD AS TO POll( I t]~7 r ---- STATE OF OAt IFOIDiIA ) )as Co~ntl of Santa Clara) ~C!50WLiDQKENT - Genl1'81 On thi. ","';;' day ot ~- A.D. 1965 betere 118. a lfotarT Public in and tor the aaid County" and Sta.te, rea1dlns therein. duly cO8Úalioned and aworn, peraoully app.ared Louh A. Papnin1 and Mildred Baroni faa-nini, hia vita, known to ...e to be the per.ona whoa. naIIe. sr. .ub.crib.d to the w1thin In.truaent, .nd aclmowleqe4 to .. thlt thaT e:uottted the a.... nt WInDS WDRBOII', I hIve _e~nto let WIT hind and attixed m;r ottioial ..al the day .nd T.al' in thi. Certitioate tirat above written. ~~~ nd reI' .~ Count,. and State ot aalitol'ni.. My Commission Expires ,- 1../ - " I -3- {é¿~J it')" / cI LAW OPJ'IOB or: C In A "'0 111ft Novêm.ber 18, 1965 Title Inauranoe and T1'U.t Coapany 66 North Pirat Street San 30a. 13, California At1lr1tionl Mr. Rlebel'd T. MilleI', Title OfficeI' Re: Escrow No. 263087 - la.anini Property Burer'. Eaol'ow Inat1'Uctiona Gentle.en: The ~nd8r8igned deposita he1'8with into the above eacl'OW on bahalf ot buyer, City ot Cupel'tino the to11owing: Resolution No. 1181 accepting Grant Deed. (2 copies) Helolution 10. 1180 acknowledging thre8t ot condemnation. (2 copies) Agreement of Sale of Real Property.(2 copies) Warl'ant in the aum ot $110,250. When you hold tor our account 8 policy of title ina~rance in the amount ot $110,250, insuring title in the City of Cupertino, you ere authol'iced to deliver recorded Gl'ant Deed conveying allot the real property.. d.lcribed in your preliM- inary repol't dated October 5, 1965, to the City Clerk of the City ot Cupertino and dilburl. all fundi depOlited in .acrow in accordance with the to1lowing in.tructlonø: 1. Seller to P8Y the COlt at a polIcy ot title inaurlnc. in the amount of the purchase price of the property and coat at reven~e stampa. 2. Seller to pay the pl'O ratl portion ot 196,-1966 property taxes to date of clo.. ot alcrow. J. Seller to pay oft 1n full sny Ilnitary lewer , .1 ) ;9"r; '-' '., tJ" -f ~ '; "." . ).o~...... ".""~ CITY OF CUPERTINO ~~' ~~ ~ALIFORNIA . I ~ TEU,PHONE ALPINE 2-4505 10321 S.Saratoga-Sunnyvole Road o~, ,~OFFICE OF: CITY ATTORNEY Cupertino, California 95014 -<x ~ 0"'" SAM J. ANDERSON 14457 Big Basin Way Saratoga, Ca1i~ornia 95070 Telephone: 867-4775 December 9, 1965 City of Cupertino 10321 S. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road Cupertino, Cali~ornia 95014 Attention: Mr. Lawrence K. Martin City Clerk Re: Wilson Parksite - Pa~anini Property Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith is original recorded grant deed along with copies o~ pertinent documents in the above matter. Also enclosed is my bill ~or services rendered. SJA:lcj ~ very truly, n/ì ~~-- \. So J,?ldmon ", -,J J Enclosures: (4) DEe 10 :;JO:J RECORDING REQU~STED BY TI "'263087 ao , 371-8-26 ';o~:nQ')'l ' ¡;" V_v, l) '.. 7'" 0 I '"'30 ~ BOOK Iv/1 r,-C~ ,), I ¡ BOOK 7194 fAtE 330 "'--.."".'.""'.""".-.""'...1"" I Recorded al lhe request 0 \ Title Insuraììoo aad Trust Ij"jany NOV 30 1965tf':f1AM RAUL R. TE:ILI-I, ~.corð.r; t San~' Clor. County, Offici.1 Recordÿ ."" . .. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE - AND WHEN >ECD>DED Mm '" TO 4.5 C ~ Grant Deed i~~ "'- THIS FORM FURNISHEO BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY "I(¡~ I I ~~~ AFFIX I.R.S, $m./~.s'~ THIS SPACE 50"" .".... Ci;:..~ L FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Teceipt Df which is hereby acknowledged, LOUIS A. PAGANINI AND MILDRED BARONI PAGAN IN I , his wife hereby GRANT(S) to CITY OF CUPERTINO, a Municipal Corporation the following described real property in the County of Santa Clara City of Cupertino , State of California: BEGINNING at a 3/4 inch iron pipe set at the Southeasterly corner of that certain 0.995 acre parcel of land as shown on the Record of Survey made for the Cupertino Union School District and filed for record in Book 100 of Maps. at page 23 Santa Clara County Recorder's Office; thence from said Point of Beginning along the Easterly line of said school property North 0.12' 37" \Vest 531.08 feet; thence leaving said Easterly line North 89° 47' 23" East 488.14 feet; thence South 17° 44' 44" West 610.04 feet; I thence North 800 53' 23" West 304.09 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 5.08 acres of land, more or less. . 16" STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF S"ntA ('.1 "'r" On NmTAmh"",,'4. 1 965 befo," me, Ihc undel' ,i"ned a NoMy Public in and fol ,.id State. pe",onally appemd 0 touis A. Paganini and =-- Mildred..l\'!J.i.Ð~APaganini ;./".., '~'-"".;"'.". . ~~: . : . . ' known to me to be the pel~~who'e name~~ub,clibed to tbe within in,"umen! a~d~~éj<~~",edged tba! t J~.~ Ÿ executed the ,.me. WITNESS rnYf:~~d!n~. officld seaL., ,': /;;' i Signatme I{:~.~f:¿"~~ A. AND~ÈiUt¿È~TI }ss. ~, a~ " ~ . /~~ ollis A. Paganini ~~Q -, I,ll red Baroni pagan~ Dated lqr" M IT'", """ ¡m "m",", 00(",.. ~"n -.______Escrow or Loan No.- - --- -- " ;jGF1 MAtL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE. '.' 800« 7194 P,\CE 331 RlSOLUTIOJ .0.1181 A RUOL1'IUCJf OJ' 1'BE crn COUJrCIL 0,. 'l'JŒ CITY 011' CIJPBI'l'IJfO ACCEn'IJfO GIAH DEBJ) ,.ROM LOUIS A. PAGAJrUI 11m MItJ)- B41'1OJfI lAGAJrI1fI. HIB WIn. U .rOIJf'!' '1'DAJf'lI. WB:iJIIIWI. Leta18 1.. Plpni1'li .1'14 M11dred .1'01'11 Pap"ini, hia vUe, .. joint tRanta, hive ...'\1\.4 a 8J'IInt deed .iob p'ant deed 11 in pod and ..ttident tOZ'lR p'antinl all I'i,.t. title and intereat in and to that certe1n re.l prOpeM:7 a1tliate 11'1 the Cit7 or Cupertino. Santa C~ra Count,. Calitornia IIiOr. partioular17 de..r1bed .. tollowas BEOnrKIJfG at e 3/4 1neh iron ,1,. ..t at the lOI1th- ..ater17 oemer of that 081'ta1n 0.99'801'8 ,a1'08l ot land a. mown on the l.eOl'4 or Jurye,. ..de top the Cupertino Union School Diatrict and tIled tor reeord in øoøk 100 ot 118,a, at pale 2) Santa Clara Count)' R.cord.I'" ortiee¡ thence trom aaid Point of Bepnn1na alone the ...terlt 11ne ot .aU school pl"opeM:y 'orth O' 12' 37 Welt S31.08 teet; tban.e le.vins ea1d "ater.l, lIne 'orth 69° 47' 2.3" Rut 48B.1l¡. teet; thanc0 South 17° 44' ~"Veat ólO.O4 teet; then.e North 800 5)1 23" V.at 304.09 te.t to the Point of B6¡1nninsand 8Ofthini.. S.08 a.. ot land. IIiOre or leu. ""S, it a"earato be to the beat inhruta of the OUT ot Cupertino to a..ept .ei4 &rant deed; 'OV, TDRJØ'OJŒ, BJ: IT RlSOLVEDs That the Oi\7 of Cupertino hereby accepts add grant deed .0 tendered I U IT Ptnt'fJIU RDOLVP: ): That the Clt7 Clerk be and hereby 11 .uthorhed and directed to deliv$r. eert1tled coP7 ot th1. resolution into Burow '10. 26)087 v1~ the Title In.uranu and 'l'ru.t C~n7, 66 Worth 1I'1rat Street, San Jo.. 13, California, Attention I Mr. Rlehard T. Miller. Titl. Ottleer, to be recorded with the atore.aid ¡rant deed. UNED AII'D AOOP'1'ID. .t a reauler _etins of the City -1-