Monta Vista Park Site I ""-. Title Insurance Policy No. SA 121410 Issued by TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a California corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration paid for this policy, the number, the effective date, and amouñt of which are shown in Schedule A, hereby insures the parties named as Insured in Schedule A, the heirs, devisees, personal representatives of such Insured, or if a corporation, its successors by dissolution, merger or consolidation, against loss or damage not exceeding the amount stated in Schedule A, together with costs, attorneys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay as provided in the Conditions and Stipulations hereof, which the Insured shall sustain by reason of: . 1. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the title to the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, existing at the date hèreof, not shown or referred to in Schedule B or excluded from coverage in Schedule B or in the Conditions a1J.1 Stipulations; or 2. Unmarketabijjty of such title; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any mortgage shown in Schedule B securing an indebtedness, the owner of which is named as an Insured in Schedule A, but only insofar as such defect affects the lien or charge of said mortgage upon the estate or interest referred to in this policy; or 4. Priority over said mortgage, at the date hereof, of any lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to in Schedule B, or excluded from coverage in Schedule B or in the Conditions and Stipulations, said mortgage being shown in Schedule B in the order of jts priority; aU subject, however, to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereto annexed. 11, Wirness Whereof, the Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By ~ ~ Pmid,nt. Allo" çu P vI¡¿ 50«".", APR 201965 '" L - _'~7J I ---, ",I '- ~ I I \':,1 , I r \ I ----4--k .,o'04,15'E- 1--"'" :04,:" """ 4,";/,"" "'-:-S-o ~/?::e?>( -, ,.. - - -+ - - "<,," " " .J. ( ..... -':0 J' '~ I '- '-". ò '\ c. '", :1 ,\~c..;" " ,,~ Jl~~~~¥~:;¡:-'" , -oz.. 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I~ '" I ~ I~ I.", I"" I~ I'" ~I ~ I ~ I . ,I : C) 1 : '" I , '" \¡ I Y'1 ~ 'b v-, ,}.. ~ ~ C') C") ~ I't, fJ' r-- ~ Ii- I\) NORTH , :b. : I " . !~ :.',"(,,:"-:;:'..:::::':;:' T/ 1'/ c- L:/-/:" i)..'\! ~ ~ ~ ~ Ii- '" ~ .... ~ ~ '0 ~:> , '/ I - ( ':':' I ----'----\ ~ ':..: "- . -~ ~ '" ',,', '---,::,~----' -", ,'-. >;: .""¡' ~~., --~~--;,':,';~ :'.. - -,.: ... Sr:;I,13'(Sb'O,70'HAP,) , " , ,,::;'C.-,:"'-,::::::::L ~),..,--:':',:'-'.--:;:""("T . 0'" 5" "",..,,"'O:> ~,H'" ".01.1......,,0.<..1 0"'-; ~ \>.¿..,'1-'t~~~~o31j~- di'3;\3n:a...: 3M .." ~3"':'S>" \i.\ ~"'::"",.\~;~l'It::{sí'3."""S 3H'" :a-\lHN\. a.." t-PIH.'I. NO.....,"';-"'" " ,"3 ~ . '/ -'/ a#~",,5N\ 51 .....-.... &u,:¡j. ."-,,.\0 "'01"""">103"'1 30 ,,".L.I.'/""'" ' I 1 -C @ BUYER'S STATEMENT IN ACCOUNT WITH TRANSA]\"T - ICA TITLE INSURANC- ~OMP ANY Date: Atr11 13. 1965 Escrow No. : In reply refer to: 3L-38~"f ft tl' Or C88rt- 'I 10321 Io'IIth IaÞ.top - ~. Road c.p.l'ttno. Cal1tomia Office: Loa Altea. Call1'om1a P. O. Bctx 147 Address: Telephone: 948-6616 ",.L -.J DEBITS $ $ 104.000.00 CREDITS Purchase price Paid to seller outside of escrow Deposits to escrow:$ Broker $ ~ First Deed of Trust executed 104.000.00 New loan charges: Int @ FHA Mtge Ins$ Tax reserve $ Cr. report $ Loan fee $ $ fr to S Insurance reserve $ Reconveyance fee $ Tax service $ Appraisal fee S Existing loan balance Pro-rations as of: County taxes for ~ yr$ taxes for yr$ Int on $ @ Rent @$ per fr fr pd to pd to to to Loan trust fund credit balance Termite inspection fee Title insurance premium Recording fees Drawing/Notary fee New fire insurance premium Assumption fee Municipal tax report Balance due you - Enclosed( )copy of note are: ( ) ( ) $ $104,,000.00 $104.000.00 , .--- .., - - ~ TRANSAMERICA TITLE ~INSURANCE COMPANY Z:::P C'i'Di" - 94;2"< Apr:'.1 13, 1965 To the: Oitv of Cuoertino 10321 S. Sar?,t'Jç:;a:'Sunnyvale Road Cuoortino, Cal:fo~n4a :\0: ~~cro~ NO. 3L-3864-ref (;.~' "n. é> - P"'Y't4,,'1 ,.,P San Antoni" Rancho Gentlemc,n: We hav~ t1oi" c1ay recoY'.ded the T)ced from -To-Dol :énc.. to you on the ahn,!D mentioned oropertv. In connectinn the"'.ewith we aY'e encloR~_n'" hc,:-'ewith f'4.niÜ closing statement for ynur files, The reco"'.ded Deed an~ the COD4ne of the Title Insurance Policy will nO mailed to you shortly from our San Jose Office. Thank you 'lory much for '10:;1' coooerat1on - we trufJt you will find (>"e~ythinr:; in order. YourfJ very truly, TRANSAMERICA TITLE It nO':~~1\! MANAGER Afm ESCROW nF~ICER jkgt enol, , 171 MAIN STREET, P.o. BOX ~z. LOS ALTOS, CALIFORNIA 94022. TELEPHONE 948,6676 11+7 CITY OF C~PERTINO ~ ~~".'" :~o:~.:;;;. .,,~, ; - f Ö 0 " ., , , "->PO"" .;ALIFORNIA TELEPHONE ALPINE 2.4505 10321 S. Saratoga - Sunnyvale Road Cupertino, California 95014 OFFICE OF: CITY ATTORNEY SAM J. ANDERSON 14457 Big Basin Way Saratoga, California 95070 April 20, 1965 City of Cupertino 10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road Cupertino, California 95014 Attention: Mr. Philip W. Storm, City Manager HE: Monta Vista Parksite Dear Sir: We are advised by Mr. Robert Friend of Transamerica Title Company that the escrow in the above was closed on April 13, 1965 and that the recorded deed will be forwarded to us in due course. Enclosed is statement for services rendered in this regard. SJ A: 11 Yours very truly, S~J'~ Enclosure: Statement ~~ r~~, [:~ ŒJ 1§J L\ P,PR ~2:2 1935 t."?;"). ~~ ," :- ...,'~,.......,., .".",,""',', "T" IN"IRA'" ,"'cA'" . iRANSAMERICA TITl~ ,,~'SURANCE COMPANY h.,.¡,v ,Ott;';., thaI tM, ;s . true copy , of the originaL <2.-¡~ 2t1302.5.!l " ^ ...b'!J1'!j",,319 : I ,- "..,.".. \)~, î;:~,'ii:'::-~io,,"" " '""'1","0 ~..._,~.~.....~ 3L-~~,F~5tH#""""" GRANT DEED «o""MTION) I __GMm. , ,m" """"" . ""d'ì81' '""'-"""""~""""" ",' .r ,.,..".. ~.". .....,ru"..."..,....,o,,~. """"'CO' "n< mOM'" ""'"" . w,.mt.. r.,","" "ow. ..j ",., ..,."" dU. .. om "n< mOM'" ""'"'. .....,,"~"..~."...,..~...~.., ,.ur".t. I }, He " ""'"'. .. ..... ".. "" mi.i. '" ."""., :::::':.:' ,::';:i.:' r::~:::~: :: ::: :::i::'::':':':;"" 00:'" or ." 00.." or ..... 0.... o. '" ". "" I. "" m or "'" ,... "" . ,"' :,:=~~:,=r~.::."""'" ,....,.... "-'"'~,......~ ".,,:,"q~?::;:¡ m"""'" "n< "",mE "",",. . .0",.TOT"', r""ri>è",m. .., DoooI' ",n n. "" ,',"" "'~"'~,", "'O, .., ',m ""'""',"',',.".'"'.','" . 7/- ?;// 0-""', " '" ,f?i<'.~""/~' ,..,....;". ,'In "' tin ßru INSU"'" toM""' ".... ,..,'" , .-,-......-....,. í Ä I I I I I I I \ -----'-'- ~ ~ 1-'------- ,.- I I ': -- --------- --"--- --------,--/J ¡"'(,:,:,:S / / I I /\ \ '¡~-.- /~ -- - ¡ (~,~.:~,,-/~;:, ,~:;j,~ f'~\,: ~~~, , 1 :? t: :' -- - s -c--' - ,:," ~::,::,..:': (' /" ,:, ...:', ¡\,:,:f,';' ~I ~l-,-- __,I // ~ ' .-- ::-... I .- - - - ~ , I' """,,} l :~;,,::;~>'r:' ,,' ,.'- -- I ~" . 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'> ---_~::-':.-f~~W,:,,/:! -'-':'~- --- -) :- '" '- ----- --- [:':2~ ~:-:~~ - - - - - -- LE8ANON DR, / 1 I \-/ 1 I ' , ' ",f- i /,,:', ------ i\:r, I !~ 89' 43' 'é'S"W, 49/.48' , 708;GO' : ,e'-r' /p,12' 'C\.\ " ~ ~ " ~ :> " i;', \, PARCEL j Z % ACRES ~ "" ~ ~ '" '" .:: '" '.. , PARCEL 2 5, OOs ACRES :!: " '~ >, Q- () ", --------~ /78,)7 '- I' 89' S2'42 "11- .~-- é/G,4," 274,8G' N 89' - 43' - ': 45'" 11-, (BASIS' OF BEARINGS) - - -" I ' I '" ¡::,,:", ,"', I --- '-"'\ ---,----, I ! - -- :3,0.:,:: ¡;", 74/.4/' ,,:,,'¡:':;//',:'/,-/j"/-/ D,..:';,'" ,,':':D~""..:::'i:ji""',y:-:' ("":,:/,!:,',..,..,,¡,, C.-::,:..!,:': i (,(,j:/¡:;' """:,,<:;'i:/. :,- - -, - - -- .JI, I i I -- ,- ,- -~ - -- ,- - -; ~! I () Lj,¡', I 1::)' .., , ~ ~ ' ~. ~ ---- - - .J. :~~ _I '"' ! I / I ~I - \ \ '" .... <t <) '" ~ '-. "- ~ Ç;) <:::I ~ Q... I I I I I I I \ '------ DUBON ------- - ,/ -r .1- - - -. - - ,. -- "'" " " :', '.-', " .. " " ',' ,,' " "'. " --.--- " ~ ~O- \ H~-j .~ \': þ, z . ',' " . CJ ,,' ., ", ';~ ;'; '~:\ ".-: ' ':, 'l '!, '"" : . -; ;, :D " t,; \~ Õ ~!' ~ 1; 508,4'0 ---,----- ,. 89'43'45 ;-;', 250,/0 VOSS¥.@:-~:::-- AVE. .- ---..---'" ------,--,--------- /..-- -- il ,',:',:;-0:;""""'/,:,:':.':;- I C( ~ ~ ~ ~ \.¡, ------ ,'- - - - BUYER'S STATEMENT IN ACCOUNT WITH @ TRANSAMf ICA TITLE INSURANCE. ~OMP ANY City of Cupertno I 10321 South Saratoga - Sunnyvale Roa~ Cupertino, Ca1~rornia œ. L --1 Purchase pri ce Paid to seller outside of escrow Deposits to escrow:$ Broker $ ~ First Deed of Trust executed New loan charges: Int (d;, FHA Mtge Ins$ Tax reserve $ Cr. report $ Loan fee $ fr to S Insurance reserves Reconveyance fee S Tax service S Apprai sal fee S Existing loan balance Pro-rations as of: County taxes for taxes for Int on S Rent @S Y2 yrS yrS @ per fr fr pd to pd to to to Loan trust fund credit balance Termite inspection fee Title insurance premium Recording fees Drawing/Notary fee New fire insurance premium Assumption fee Municipal tax report Balance due you- Enclosed( )copy of note are: ( ) ( ) Date: Escrow No, : April 13, 1965 In reply refer to: 3L-38?)ir-ref Office: Address: IDS Altos, California P.O. :'Jox 1)1.7 Telephone: 9i~8-6676 DEBITS S $ 10Ir,000.00 S s SlO}!,OOO.OO CREDITS lOil,ooo.oO $104,000.00 (j) BUYER'S STATEMENT IN ACCOUNT WITH TRANSAMT'ICA TITL~_INSURANCF --:OMPANY Date: April!3- 1965 Office: In reply refer to: '»r- ~ £08 .&1"', Ca1IJ\UDS8 P. O. .. 141 ~ Escrow No. : ~OI,. ot~ l S -........J..... ~, c.u........ A.ddress: Telephone: ~. L -1 DEBITS $ $ 1....000..00 CREDITS Purchase price Paid to seller outside of escrow Deposi ts to escrow: $ Broker $ ~ First Deed of Trust executed -.000.00 New loan charges: Int (a FHA Mtge Ins$ Tax reserve $ Cr. report $ Loan fee $ $ fr to $ Insurance reserve$ Reconveyance fee $ Tax service $ Appraisal fee $ Existing loan balance Pro-rations as of: County taxes for taxes for Int on $ Rent @$ ::; yr$ yr$ @ per fr fr pd to pd to to to Loan trust fund credit balance Termite inspection fee Title insurance premium Recording fees Drawing/Notary fee New fire insurance premium Assumption fee Municipal tax report Balance due you - Enclosed( )copy of note are: ( ) ( ) $ ¡lM.GOO.oo ¡1M.OOO.oo FORM NO, B10 FOR USE WITh E AND EASEMENT POLICIES No, 4000 AND 400. CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY FORM .. COPYRIGHT '963 SCHEDULE A Amount $ 104,000.00 Premium $ 379.50 Policy No. SA 121410 Effective Date April 13, 1965 at 9:52 a. m. Order No. SJ-l93064 3L-3864/REF INSURED CITY OF CUPERTINO, a municipal corporation 1. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this schedule covered by this policy is a fee simple 2, Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: CITY OF CUPERTINO, a municipal corporation FORM NO. 812. FOR USE WITH POLICIES No. .000 AND '002. CACIFORN'A CAND TITCE ASSOCIAT">N STANDARD COVERAGE POCICY FORM .. COPYP'~HT ,... SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: PART I: 1. Tam or .,sessments which a<e not show" as existing liens by the ,eco,ds of any taxing authoÚty that levi., taxes m ass.,s- ments on 'eal pmpe"y m by the public ,ecmds. 2. Any facts, ,ights, intemts, or claims which are not shown by the public reco,ds but which could be aswtained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lió." shortage in a,ea, enccoachments, m any other facts which a comet su!"Vey would disclose, and which m nol shown by the public ,eco,ds. j. Unpatented mining claims; rese!"Vations or exceptions in patents or in Acts autborizing the issuance therenf; water rights, daims or title to water. PART II: Liens, encumbrances, defects and other matters affecting title to said land or to which said title is subject: 1. Taxes for the fiscal year 1965-66 a lien rot yet due or payable. 2. Easement 10 feet wide for ingress and egress and for the installation and maintenance of public utilities, the Northerly line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the Southerly terminus of the Easterly line of Lockwood Drive (60 feet wide) above referred to; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of said Tract No. 1034 a distance of 30 feet to the centerline of said Lockwood Drive, as granted in the Deed from George H. Voss,et al, to Cupertino Union School District of Santa Clara County, State of California, recorded July 9,1958 in Book 4117 of Official Records, page 550. 3. Easement for the right to excavate for, install, replace, maintain and use for conveying sewage over the Southerly 10 feet of the Easterly 250.10 feet of premises, as granted in the Deed from George H. Voss and Rose B. Voss, to Cupertino San1ta~ District of Santa Clara County, a Body Politic and Corporate, recorded October 5,1962 in Book 5745 of Official Records, page 22. 4. Future Street Line Right of Way for Lockwood Drive, and Voss Avenue, as shown on Record of Survey recorded May 15,1964 in Book 178 of Official Records, page 40. NOTE: Taxes for the fiscal year 1964-65 have been Paid. mab