State of California, Freeway Maintenance Agreement, 280 (Old 239) Jan 12 1965r I ' AG."11!~2.Me'.AJ ~ ..... ... 5: -r ,...'-"" \!F ~\4=' c ~ s..7 ·~ • ~(,4/7 /ll-'1~A/~ff I --------·--·-· --~ .. , ....,..,... ______ .. ___ illc ,, . RBSOLUTIOH NO, t 0 1 'f - RBSOLU'.l'ION Oll' '.t'HE C,!TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING FREEWAY MA..'tN'l'ENANIJE AGREJ.Wltmf'l'. WHEREAS, the St.ate of California, thr1ough :I.ta Department of Publio Worka, Division of Highways, hv.r,: :presented an agreement entitled "Freeway Maintenanoe Agreelllf:!nt" whioh co11cern.o State Highway Ro\1te 280 (Old 239), in thu Cit~· of Cupertino between 0.6 mile eaot of Sara.to~~ Avenue in San Jose and Stelling Road in Cupertino, and ' WHEREAS, tho City Couno:l.l has heard read oa:id agreement in full and is familiar with the contonto thc;~eof; TlillREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Cupertino that aa.1.d Freeway !!iaintenance Agrecm0nt be and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor and the: City Clerk are directed to execute the same on belul.lf of 03.:1.rl City. ADOPTED THIS __ "1 __ fJ!_~ ---DAY OF ,G-tit.Q"'-'_Q __ "'"_._, __ , , 19 ~ t . Attest: I hereby certify that the foroe;oin;:; rollolutlon was duly and regularly pa.cscd by tho City, Council of the City of Cupertino 11c1d ~-~-J--i«-L'-"~. __} ___ , 19_~_1_· ,.[" -1~'' I < ·. ~icrF----------- ~~·---= •:rnus AGRlm14BN~, made and entare>d into, in duplicate, th1a /{);. "//;., · day of ~-IC.C...~{.. • 19~-; by and between {I the State 01' Oal11'orn14, acting by and through the Departlllleut ot Publ1o \Jmoka, D1v1a1on off W,ghwayz, hereinaft9r tor oonve1nienoe referred to as "the State," and the City of Cupertino, hereinafter .t'or oonven1ence re.rer.-ed to as "the City," w1tnessetlu WHERE,AS, on January 12, 196o and June 14., 1962, Fireeway Agreements wre exeo\lted between the City and the Stat;e relating to the development, a111 a r'reeway, ot a portion 01' Sta'te Highway Rout11t 23,9 (l'lew 280), within the limits of the City or Cupertino, ana WHEREAS, under the p1•ov:i.aJ.ona of said Freeway Agreement, the City agreed to certain adjustments in the city street system, and .ror the carrying of certain streets over or under or to a con- nection with the freeway, and 'WHEREAS, as.id f'l'eewa.y has now been comp;J.eted or is ne'aring ., . completion, and the parties hereto mutually desire to clarify the division of.' lll.!l.intenar1ce responsibility as to separation structures, and city streets or ::iortion.a thereof, and landscaped arena, within th•e tre•eway liini ta. NOW THEREFORE, I'l' IS AGREED: l. ROADWAY SECTIONS The City will m.:.!a~ain, at City exponac, all portions of city streets and a.ppurten::mt atructurea and borderlr;ig areas, w1th:!..n the shaded areas on tho attached map marked Exhibit ''A" and made a p&rt hereof by this ro!'eronce. I t ' • • -2- 2. VBHICULAR OWRCROSSINGS 'l'he State 'lf:lll maintain, at State expense, the entire struc- ture below the top oi.' the ooncrete deok surface, exclusive or any bituminous surface treatment thereon. The City will maintain, at City expense, the t~P or the co~crete deck surface, together with any bituminous surface treatment thereon, and all portions or the structure above the concrete deck surface, and shall pex•form such other work as may be necessary to insure an irepervious and other- wise euitable surface. '!'he City will also maintain all traffic service i.'aoilities provided for the benefit or control of city street traf1'1c, 3. VEHICULAR UNDERCROSSINGS Tb".! State will ma:!.ntain the strwo<.1re proper. The City will maintain the roadway section, includi.'l.g the travaled way, s,houlders, curbs, sidewalks, walls, drainage installations ... nd ::raffle sex•vice facilities, and all water lines except t;hose inei>,sed within the walls, deck or floor of tht) struct .. 1re. 4. PEDESTRIAN OVERCROSSD!G:S Exce,pt for d!ll!Ulge to the struc~ure resulting from freeway vehicular traffic, tht"l City will maincain pedestrian overci:-oss- inga in their entirety. 5, PEDES'.1.'RIAN UNDERCROSSINGS 'l'he State will maintain the structure from a structural standpoint. The City will maintain all drainage and ) .. i~ht.1.liti 0 • I inatal1a1;ions, and all water lines except those :!.ncused w:tthin the walla, deck or floor of thG structure. The City will also ,, • -3- be N,eponsible 1'or all oleaniri.g and painting aa may be required to k~ep the struature ~~~a ot debris and obscenity. (). UND..'IOA!'BD A.~~"! All plantings or otb®l' typ,1a ot roadside development lfithin the .t'J:'eeway lilll1te within the shaded areas on Elth.1bit "A" will be ma1nt1~1ne'<I by the 1)1 ty. 7. JmBPONSIBILl'l'Y It ia understood and agreed that neither tl::le St11te, the Depart:ment, nor any off1ce1r or employee thtn•eoi' is %'1)apone1ble for any damage or liability occurring by rt11aaon of anything done or omitted to be done by the City under or in connection with any work, authority or Jurisdiction delegated to tho City under this Freeway Maintenance l\greement. It ia also understood anct agreed that pUl'suant to Ooverronent Code Section 895,4, the City sh~ll fully indemnify and hold the State harmless f:."om imy damage or liability occurr'ng by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the City under or :l.n connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction dele~ated to tho City under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that neither the City nor any o1'1'icer or employee ther~of, ia responsible for any damage or liability occurring by !'(JD.aon of anything done or omitted to be done by the Department under or in connection with any work, authority or jur1adiction not delegated to the C1ty under this Fl'eeway Maintenance Agreement. It is also understood and agreed that, purnunnt to Govet'l'l..'llont Code 3oct1on 895,,i, the Department shall fully indell':lllify and ho1d the City ha:rmlesa from any damage • • -4- or llab1l it, l oocurr1ng by l"'tmflon o1' anything done Ol° 0111.ittietl to be done by the' Dep:a'tment ~er or :i.n conneot1on w:!.th any work, authority or jUX'1od1otion not delegs\ted to the City under th1a Agi•eement. 'l'h1e Agreement shall bo effective upon tho date or 1te execution by the Stat6J it being understood and agreed, however, that the execution or this Agreement ah.all not affect any pre- e.iciating obligations or the City to maintain deaignated areas pursuant to prior written notice from the Sta.to tha.t work in such areas, which the City has agreed to maintain pursuant to the terrilS of the Freeway Agreeaent, has been completed. Approval Recommended Approval aa to Form ~I . l\J.::t \A I .' 11 Jit _ ~~rtffien:t" morney , iFORNIA STATE O~ DEF AR'l'ilJE DIVISION' uF PUBLIC WORKS O«· rrramvAYS J. C. \!Qr!ACK STATE HIJHWAY ENOINEER I / c · .. _/ ./ /3Y --~.·. ;·7· '.. ,· (. "''' lJcputy .State Highway J;!ngineer I \• ,'•:' CI'l'Y OF CUPERTINO / ~ ..... / .· " . ; . ,. • ~ ..-- \\~~~:he~ ,.---··_...:. < [ .__-----LOCATION LIMtrs -------~ I t EXHIBIT 11A1 FREEWAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ul~f!:-t-'~+'-'-· VICINITY MAP MATCH TO SH f.E T 3 ,if," • • MA"'rc1-1 ro I ! c " \'@ . '\ F."--~ Area to b~' maintained by City 1!lJ.JlUl::ii8 ,_ ___ ,, --- FREEWAY MAINTENANCE AGliEEIVIEtJT RTE SHE 1';.T LOCA T'I ON N2 I 280 3 Of 4 • PROPOSED ____.. ---·------RELINQUISHMENT NO. 31379 Area to b.e mointcin~1d by City [fil[SGJT'.r) --~ ·--' • PROPOSED ~QUISHMEiliT NO. 31379 EXHIBIT 1'A 11 ~REEWAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT LOCATION N!! 2 -- -1illiil:__~-O-...-R·-T-E-.....-·SHE ET --------_[~: L 280 4; -;f:...!_J