CalTrans Agreement for Maintenance of State Highways, State of California, Jan 20 1975 Reso 3820(.,.-.,, ..,.).,-A-f' .e , I /1LlJ'-/ \, l (:~Pr~ IF fat t] tA.}TG jJ?)-JJe ~ • ~~~~l·.~Jt.f-t'iitr»·.iwqwr;-·11+r.m Ji;:y,,;,•-0:v > , 11aw1aJD~.~ ~'-*t«:ttM, !J.t~i.'Wlt .. \1~\,l:!-\('ll<'i'-Mn.t~~ l~•..-•~-t','.' "'-1'$,W,.-,,.•,=.i:i·~l'""-.l'i1.l<~:J··»t''°'1'~~''','.:CW;-:l.0'-"1.1™J"•Wle.-w,:,:~,rn,,;,41·l<:al'!ol ;irrnr ... :•"'-=l'l'llll:lilm&~_;'ll:'l~/11'.'l'f.l~'\~'IZWIN.~~!l<IUlld.l!l; '~\i,/~~~'A'l IKYt<~ lltr. !;,~\M; V:l.Glr.ovi•:th E\lir«tctor c·r l'l.lbl'.I.<: i>lok•lw Oi3.%',f ©<f Cui>1~;;:ot~.no :UJ '.:Ji£ID '!'ti l'N f!V'M'.ltlC C:2ptil'tino, OP. 950J)$ D:&G\l' f>!r. \•:!.ekov:!.ch :. oJ.1~3'11· C1,1p.,ri$.i111111 F'3i~w il<t"!li11t., A~l.'ll.l<'tt!lll>!lll::; ., Att!i!Ch!\ld ll.l:>J> 1;1n origir10:1. <'•ild t~Kl r;,,:Jpic.is of a pro•p<r.:mod now "ABrtt~;:f$®ilt rot" i-t~intty~'U'.-<lli!l~S'} {'1f E3 t·~·i 'i:;o fL'L gt11··~~:tRY~ i-rJ ~;!1~~ .. C:l ty or C111 lP*l!l rt 1 i-.o • " 'I'hi.1> /lgrossr..snt, m11,1<: to ::ie e1ff\~ct:l vo ,Jr:n-•i.mr:f 1, 19'1'5, sup!Elr·· rned111ll th()i cur~~nt .~g1~~r,n1r:r:i, which wn:1 eit0cuter'1 0170!' teri ~'ellin:l ago~ The A,gr-e~:,n0~1r:. is :~ri! !';{?t1J f'(;t·'l'n n&'1\~, cotlt~1r1s tJ1i:1 fo].lo~1Kl,g· 11'el!ilS 10112 : l. 011 ;fuly J., 19.73,, tbe JJepnrtmcmt of Tubl.ic Wor.lrn beocu11® of'l::l.c;~!.\J.ly knomi e." t,hc "Dup11::"·tmtint of TrJ.1nspo:cta tJc;x1 11 o l\ l.I n1J(;l1 r·t)fc:rcnce.~ft 1~1 th~:i riJ]'W l\g1~1en1r;?t?t 1"';;i.f'le1Jt tf-1.tn ci·i;~~K~t.~~J .. 2. The vn r:tou.u l t.tlrria c. f ·t·-1or·1c .r.: :c~~ s ho·.·an \.\JHle x~ r11Yt•J p:rograin n1J.n1b~~;'."'O tc) c10.1r~nii::'.lr~ t·Jit.h. !Jtat\·~-t4!itl;el standarao ullopterl u.\ltk:r m·11' rccc!rrcly for1llnlt:z@d ~~ll:tnt~1r1v.~1er;) iru.~ r1:~ }je111{~ s·lt 3 ~1r1 t(1tn ~ .r..11 nr;1l..~~ten1.~ tflea f"U~i.oi.:ion:3 on l}€)tll 1St£1t0 Y.'·Oti,ten 1.r) Ci~tp~;x"tJ~KltJ rnr-~J: p():t"fo~·ined ki;:l t.h$ D2i:J:J'tr~tr1,;c;z;i-t ~ :11.:i Recle~~1 or·ibt~Ej tft/2 li t;n. te r;'(J"(l tcrJ 'fi1_ tl·1t:ri trn~7J c::i t::1r or Cup~:;·itti ~o" l'l®ltfJ.e: r~:.111:1.~w t~)-8 Ag:t\3 1,~.1£.<':t~1·~~ t~.:-~d lf' f1,}~ti:1cl 111 oti-cL:s.tJ 1) 1.\fiV~~ it lltJUJ~·~t~d by yt.!'t.1~" C.:l ty (JG~;.111.'~il CJ.~'. &}.3. 1'.~lJl cl;;~ l\;ff,~., r~t:1tl\l. in Q[(p~ c,e;]::i]·r x~c~ t.'· y cYiJ x1 f";t :t(~ c~. t ~-.~ l1 J, 'J t f«n. c\ x~:~ t 1tli."n ~; :6-0 ~~1 :11 ~!~ti·til«i e .~nJl ~~~~':;:tl~t1i1d ~ ~Jt"\ j __ () ~:; ( 1.l:lC i:,;!;. (·: .,_,"'~-:·_,i._ ~-~ .~ ~ \',\ 1 ) 1;.(,1 t: l:.i H 10•.f,t"~t <hWJ " ~r';'i:.:~' C.~S.t~:; t0}).J.~:( t;11/:r1·» i'.'.'~· ,_',~:.~! ". J~~:·:·: ,...,·."L:.:, -:\ .f\.11.1.;r c:;t1&0 n~Jt1fri't O.fJU)Jf gig.~·-~6: t~y i!.1 '··· 1r, f.; ::1 1-.:.:. ~· :1.::" i:'.·:·:i ~~:ci ,. \ .. :· Attach. " • 10300 TOJTlll Aventn; Cupertino, c.iJ:fornl~ 95014 Tcle~honc (400) 252-4505 DErARTMrnT Of l\IJMINISTRl\TIVE srnVICES January 28, 1975 Mr. W~ J. Zenoni Chief, Maintenance Dranch Department of TranspoLLJtion P. 0. Box 3366 P\incon Annex San Francisco, Californi11 94119 AGREmmirr FOlc !L\I:ITE'.".,\:;cE OF STATE l!lGllWAYS IN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO Enclosed you will find t.. :'\ copies of Agrenmc'1t for MaJntennnce of Stnte Highways in the City or Cuoutino, which have been executed by the City. After corr:"" ion by tile Dcr,.Htrncnt of Transportation, please return one (l) copy as ir 11 ~ -:::.:~ted. ELI,£N P~\G~1I~:I DEPUTY CITY GLEIUC rw cncls. • Edmund Q, Brown Jr. = Februa1•y 5, 1975 04-SC1-Cupert1no New Maint. Agreement Ms. Ellen Pagnini Deputy City Clerk City of Cupertino 10300 •rorr'l Avenue Cupertino, CA 95011~ Dear Me. Pagnini: Attached for the City f:l.le is a f'.llly-exec1ited copy of' a new "Agreement for Maintenance of State Highways in the City of Cupertino". The Agreement is made to be effective January 1, 1975. Your cooperation in having this Agreement executed is appre- ciated. Yours very truly, T. R. LAMMERS District Director by~~. _,,.Jli~1f)~~~~.Q... H. fl!. Schroll Senlor Engineer, l'llalntenanee Attach. ' ·.· ,_ ',/ I -. I_ "-/ " . _, '· . I I • ' R1:SOLU'rION NO. 3820 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING AGREE~!ENT FD!\ MAI!l1'ENA!:C,; Of STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF CUPEl\TI!IO WHEREAS, the State of California, through its Business and Transportation A5ency, Departmcn t of Transpqrtation, has p"resentcd an Agreement for ~fain tcnance I· ' of the State Highways in the City of Cupertino effective as of January 1, 1975, and to remain in effect until <lrac.~nclcd or terminated . WHEREAS, the City Council has bend read sdd Agreement in full and· is familiar with the c:ontt!nts thereof; THEREFORE, be l t resolved by the City Council of the City of Cupcrt:J.no Lhat said Agreement for :laintcnancc o( the State l!lghways in the City i,; hereby Approved ar.d the :layor and the City Clerk arc directed to sign the saMe on be- half of said CiLy. PASSED A:--iD Anur~1:D at n. regular r.11?.0tlng of the City Council of the Clty of Cupertino on the _z_o.!Jl_ day o( Jan\lilry 1975, by the followinG vote: AYES: Jackson, ME:.•vers, Ne:llis, Sparks }.iOE~: None A,gSE~:-r: ~rol ich ABST,\ 1 :, : None ATTLS'!.: /s/ Wm. E. Ryder City Cleric .. 1\PPROl.'!~!l: /.::_/ ___ ~eed_ Spark_=, _________ ----·-- M~y0r, City of (:u;10rtino '\:: . I ! .I ! .. ' I '· ,, AGRl:EMENT F'OR MAIJf'l'l!:NAmm OF STATE HIGRWAYS IN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO 1'HIS A~RKEJllENT, made and executed in duplicate thia the Z o /If day or ~Vkj_{r--• 19 1-S: by and 'betweeri. Busineas snd Transportation Agency of the State of California, acting by and through the Depart111ttnt of Transportation, herein- after called the "Department" and tho City or G. UP?"r,._t""i""n""o"'------ hereinafter referred to ae "City". 'ti I T N E S S E T H: 1. RECITALS: TM parties desire to provide for the maintenance of State highway routes within the City as provided in Section 130 of the Streets and Highwaye Code, and to arrs.ngi~ herein for the particular maintenance functions to be performed by the c1·ty and those to be performed by the Department and to 1specify the tierma <and oond1ticns under which such wot•k Ifill be perfOI'!I113d. 2. AGHEEMENT: This Agreement aha 11 aupornede any ).ll'eVio1.1ls AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHlf.l\YS IN THE CITY OF --'G-.UP=-=E"'RT~IN"'''""O ___ and/or AMENDMENTS thereto with the Cit~. In considers t1on of the mutual covenants and promiBes herein contained, it ia agreed: The City will perform auch maintenance work as 1s apec1- f:tcally delegated to it, and the Dep;.>.rtment will perfort11 thoBe part:lcular functions of maintenance nt)t othc>rwiae aasii~ried to the City on the St~ ta high~my routes or portiono thi~reof all a" he:N>:!.n&f'ter describud under Sections 8 and 9 heI'IH>f' or a9 iiaid eectione may be subocqueritly. rno1:l.1.fied! 111 th the C1)nf:lent of the parties hereto acting by and through their author1Zf.!d repreae:nta ti ve. f ' II" ' ' I i 3. W\IN'l'ENANCE DEFINED: Jlfaintenance 1s defined in Section 27 of the Streets and iUghways Code as follows: · Sec. 27. "(a) The preRl!rvati<m and keeptn.,; or rights-of-way, and each type of roadway, ntructure, sai\~ty convenience or device, planting, 1llumlnntlon equ1pment and other rnc:ll1t.y, 'Jn the nal'!" and uaab1e conrt1t1on to which j l. has been improved or constructed, but does not include reconi•truct1cm or other improvement, (b) (c) Opera ti on of' specia 1 sn rety convenience acid devices, and illuminating equipment. The special or emergency ma1:itenance or repair nec1':SSitated by accident;s or by storms or other weather conditions, sljdes, settlements or other unusual or unexp~cted damage to a roadway, struc- ture or f'ac1lity. The degree and type of maintenance for each highway, or portlon thereof, shal:t be determinEd in the discretJon of the authorities charged ~11th the main- tenance thereof, taking into consideration traffic requ1 ~ment,s and moneys a val table therefor." I~. DEGHl-:E OF MAIN'PEN/\J\'l:J•:: 'rJ1c dev,reu or extent of maintenance work to be peT't'r>rmr?(l Arid lhe st:anda.i-'d.i: llLer.2-for shaJl be tn accord,. nee w1 th th•' pr·ovl31ons or ::ection 2'( of the Street:> and lli,i;hway:J r,ode nnd the pr'Ovlsion'3 of tLln Av,reement aa hereinaf'tCer npec1f1ed or as may be prencrltied l'rom t:lme to time by the D:tstrict Director-. "District Director", ;is used herein, means the l:llstrlct Director or the Department of' Transpot'taLlon assigned to the territory in which'· the city ls located, or his authorized reprenenta ti ve. 5. IEGAL HELA'l'IONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Nothing 1n the provi- s:!.ons of this l\greerw:;nt ln intended to affect the legal liability of either party to the contract by impo,l1nv, any standard of care respactin,,; the: maintenance of State Hiishways different from the standard of care 1mpo1'1ed by law . . , -c. - It is understood and agr..~ed that neither the State, the Depa1•tment, nor any officer or employee the~-eof is responsible for any di!lmage or liability occurring by l'eason of anything done or omitted to be done by the City undel" or Jn connection with any work, authority or Jurisdiction del;,.;i;ated to the City unc\er this Agreemant for Ma1ntenance. It is also understood and agraed that, pursuant to Ooverrurient Codf' Sectlon 895.4, City shall fully indemnify and hold State hannles.s J'rom any damag~ or liabi ~ity occurring by reason ol' anything done or omitted to be done by City under or in conm;ctton with any work, authority or juria- d1ct1o.n delegated to Cl ty under th:ls Agreement. It is understo1)d and agreed that nP.1ther City, nor any officer or employee ther.eoi', is ~~pon:Jlble for any damage or 11abtl1t.v occurring by r·eason or anyth1 ng clone or omitted to be done b.Y the Department under or Jn connection with nnJ work, authority or jurisd1ctlon not deleJE,atecl to the City under this Ap,reem€nt for Ma1ntenane'"· It 1:> also understood and a.,;reed that, pursuant to Government i":ode Sect1on WJ').1<, Department ehall ru.tly indemnify and no1<1 City harmlea3 l'rom an.v damage or liabil.:ty occurring by reaeon or anything cione or omit\~ed to be done by Department under or 1n connection •11lth ;,ny wor'k, authority or Jurisdiction not clele¥,"ted to City under this Agreement. 6. MAINTENANCE IllJNC'l'IONS: Certain maintenanci? functiona may be d1elegated to the City as 1nrl1cated under Section q of this A.,;reement. 'rht! City shall not perforrn any of the~ie m111ntenanc<J' Cunctions unless specifically clelev,ated under said Section 9. The various rnaintr,Mnce functions or duties are defined and de1.1cr1bed by the l'ollowing programs: -j ·- I /»·· Wi\ ~*;;: ~<·_'. ~,::: ~<:\.· ·' ,_ .... }':;--'· ti. 'i?:'; ' 'i •' t Ol -ROADBED Mll.lm'ENA.NCE l'ROGRA!t This covet'fl the maintenance requirod for the restoration and repair of both the 1.1urrace anci bane v11 th:!.n the roadbed area. Roadbed ;iaeans that area or hi11;hway extond1nit, l'rom curb line to curb line or shoulder line to :ihoulder lim. 03 -ROADSIDE MAINTENANCE PROGRAJlll Roadside shall be described as that area between the roadbed and the outer highway right of way boun(!ary line. Maintenance of roadside includes the cleaning of culverts, ditches, natural water channels and gut,ters, restoring side slopes,, removal of drifted material, drift prevention, ercsion control work, and maintenance ol' wal la, crib'3 or tmnl< protection facilities, sidewalks and 0urb01, and other roadside facilities. 04 -ROADWAY LITTF.H ANl1 DEBRIS PHOGKAM This progr,am includc3 all work con•Jern1nr; roadbed and roadside cleanup operations to 1n3ure that ttie highway presents a neat, clean and attractive a}'>>earance. Sweeping ar,d clean1np; 3f1all be lim1 ted to the removal ol' dirt or litter normally comlng onto the roadbed from the Hct1on or traffic or from rn::.tural causes. Tr;e Department will not under- take nor pay for p1ck1n,.; up or di3pos1n>', or rubbish o::' debris swept into or otherw1.ae placed on the highway from abutting pr<Jperty. The extent or sweer,lnp; aP.d cleaning on the State highways ahall not be greater ttian cu3tomarily done on com.para- ble clty streets. -Li- The sweeping activities covared in thifl program perta:1n to the sweeping of paved medians, curbed city street sect1ol'l8 and curbed or t'Olled gutter types on other h1ghways. 05 -VEGETATION COH'I'ROL PROGRAM Vegetat1on control refer!'! to the maintenance treatment of all vegetation material growing native within the non-landscaped highway rigl1ts of way. Included is ~rea tment by chemlca l means and cuttln1<, and trimming by hand and mechanical means. Vep;etatlon f'hall include brush and trees. Routine t1"ee maintenance shall re l!mited to minor trimming dB required to improve s1ght djstance or to the occasiol'l<ll removal of dead or low overllangtng lJ.mbs. 1':xtenR1ve tree reconditioning work, Rproying .)r removsl a1··e not routine maintenance opera t1onu ar.d w11 l not be paid for unless suct1 work is npec1l'1celly &t:thorized by the Department. Tl1e above, i.ihen deleg;a ted to t11e City, shall not be conoitrued a~> restrict- ing, prohibiting or otherwise relieving the City oJ' the respon- :J1bility for inspectjon and upkeep of trees in a manner tn:3t wlll insure maximum saCety to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. OC -PAVEMF.N'r DELINE.l.TION l'BOGRAM The pavement delineation program involves all work necessary tn. maintain distin~tiv·e roadway markings on the trave)lled way. This includes l.ayout, remo'/al of old stripe, painting of existing stripe, replacement and/or removal or raised pavement mnrkers including c.le3n1ng of' such markers and the use of thermoplastic, tape or raised bars ror pav·em~nt markings. m711wz All uonc and materials shall conform to the Standards established· by the Deportment. Except for the red "No Parking" zones at the approach to and exit ft'Om intersections controlled by traffJc signals, the Department wi 11 not pay ror curb pa 1nt1ng or parking lines as may otheMfise be :requirec. for the r-egulat1on of pfl.rk!ng. The cost of ma1nta 1ning pedes t dan c ross~;a lks at intersections shall be shared between the Department and City ln th<e same ratio as the number of intersecting roads or streets under juriadlction of the respective agencies bears to the total number of inter'Bect1ng ':it,y Street3, State Highways and County Hoads with1n the part!cular 1r.te1·sect1on; !'or example, a 50-50 basis will apply to the re,i;ular cr'<JSR stre-c·t intersection wherein a County Road ls not '' f1.c<:ur. 01 -SJGN f'HOGRAM 'I'he sign program includes all work pe1·rorme<J on signs p1ac:ed or to be placed, on State HighwayR :·or ~ne purpoae of warninf,, or regulating trafl'Ic. The work consists or replacement oJ' existing signs and the repair, cleaning and painting of sigmi. All signs snall conform to tne apec1f1cat1ons adopted by the Department, or aa otherwise sp.ec.il'1cally authol'ized by the Department. Posi ticming of such s1gm1 sr.a 11 conform to standards adopted by ttie Department. Unless specifically autho1·ized, the D•epartment 1"'111 ll•Yt main- ta in or pay for maintenance of fulgula tory Jigns 1n~1 'ca U.ed for ___ .. --------------····--. the p11rpooe of stopping vehicular traffic at ped,;,a trian or school crossings nor ·the Regulatory Signs installed for the ' . prohibition or the N:gulation of parking. 08 -EIF.CTRICAJ, PROGRAM This progn~m includes all ma1nLenance w .. rk performed on highway electrical facilities used to control traffic with sigilal systems, provide safet~r and siR;n liii;hting, generate standby power, operate bridges, pumpr3 and automatic wat'lring systems, In addition, certa1.n navigational lh,hting in3talled on bridges and briJge fenders or pi ling a re included in this program. The Department will not pay for the mainter.ance, installation, repair, servicing, or power for ordinary street lighting; however, 11ght1.ng at :i.nter·riections, WhAn required for the safety of persons usinJJ; the :1treets, rr·adwny::i or highways_, will be paid for when approved and cipec1f'1cally author1zed by the District Director. Where ClUch 11ght1 nv ll.as been specifically ·authorized at an interRr,ct1.on, the ma1ntennnce and operatinp: costs ther-eof 1.1hall be r;hared between the Department and the City on the basis oi' the number or intersecting streets to the 1nternect1on in the same manner specified for· pedestrian cro.ss·· walks under the 06 Program above. The cost of rna1ntaininv, and operating traffic s.ignals or other electrically operated traffic control devices now in place or those which may heI'iearter be .installed at the intersection of any Stat.•? Hi<;hway route and any City street shall be shared between tne D:ipartment, anci tile City on the basis of the number .. '/ - t I I I I I I , ' ·' of intersecting streets in the same manner apec:U'!ed for cross- ifalks as described alt·.> I:'~. 09 -TRAFFIC SAPSTY DKVICE..'3 PHOGRAM Work performed under this program includes replacement of guide posts or markers; and the ~pair, replacement, cle:aning and/or painting of guard rails. Also incluoed e1re the repair or median barrier cable, chain 11nk fence and portland cement co.ncrete walls; the repair and maintenance of energy disalpa torfl such ' as water type bumpers, tiand traps or other devices installed for the purpose of absorbing vehicle energy. 12 -LANDSCAPE PROGRAM This prog1-am refers to the treatment, ma 1 rn;enance and replace- ment of' all vegetative material planted within the landscaped State Highway right ol' way. Work includes watering, fertl- lizing, plant replacement, weed control by hand and mechanical mean'3, tree trimminf5 and/or remova 1, chl.pping and mis cellane•)US work such as pest control and 1nh1b1 tor spray" NOTE: There are several activities tnac are dupllcateo 'the 05 Vegetation Control Program; for this reason, care should be exercised when reporti.ng, that the proper program prefix 13 used, The Tlepartmen<:; will not pay i'or the maintenance of any landscaped a reafJ, or•namenta 1 plantings or trees J.netalled by means of Encr'Oachment Penni ts. 13 -BRIDGE AND PUMP M.Alm'ENANCE PROGHAM 'l'he Bridge and Pump 11'.p 11:.tenance Program includes work performed ,• <.m all structures which provide for· paBsage of high1> ·y traffic over, through 01• under obstf•.::les and/or qualify for bridge numbers as aasii~ned by thii Bridge Department. Work under th:ia program consists of .'iltructure repair, maintenance, pa!ntini? and cleaning, electro-mechanical equipment and sump pump maintenance, r.epail' or cleaning. Storm inapentlon of aump pumps is nlso included in this program. Briclgee., as defined above, will be Jnvest1gated by a repres~mta­ tive of the Department's bridge engineering staff once eac.h yeai;- and more ort,~n, if considered necessary. In addi t1o:r:i to such annual inve:Jti ;,;A\ ion, routine maintenance to be ''"'"·1'ormed under provisions of tne P.~reement shall include monthly ln::>~ction o"' each bridge by qualified personnel and immediate repair of t.rie minor defect~1 when tile cost dves no\; exceed $"JOO. The Distr!ct Director st.all be immerliatel~· notified of maJ•:>r defect" as are hereinafter deflneci. 1'r1dge repair work cost1.ng in excr,3~3 ol' $.'000 on a s1n..:;lc stru ;- ture shall be col1Bidered as being a major repair project. Ex?ept ir, the case of er.tergency, such major repair pro.Jects sr,all conform to the metr10dfl and procedure to be recomm.encled by the Department. Ma,Jor bridv,e repair ls not a routine maintenance operation arid will requlre specific autnor1zat:on. 15 -PEHMITS Provides for the proceirning and eni'orc.ement of transportation oermits, and prelim:lnary eng.tneer•ing cind processlng of encroach- ment permits. 3NCROACHMEN'r PEHMI'l.'S: When authority to issue Encroa:.>hment Permits is delegated 1;o the City, the authority shall pEirtain to all parts of the highway throughout the particular lc~ngth of streets indicated under Section H or this Agreement. Permits shall be issued on a fo,"lll provided' by the Department a1:d the ' City will furnish a ·~opy of each perml t to the Department. The City agrees to follo•ii such general r,-~te polictes regarding encroachments as spe•Cil'1ed by the DJ.strict Director. Routine permits shall be handled i:Jy the City without approval, but prior approval of the District Director shall be secured before any permit is issued for the original installation of any ut1lity line, including underground utilities, commel:'cial driveway, or other ma,JoC' encroachment withir the highway right- of-way. No sign or marquee shall be permitted to be 1nstalle·d within or project beyond a line 18 tnches hack c>f curb line, and no sign of any kind except warning ::iJgn3 at railroad crossings shall be permitt:ed to be suspended over the roadway. Marquees or signs extending over Lhe ciidewalk area sJ.all conform to the C:lty 's Butld1ng Code and ahall be maintained in a g,ood appearing and structurally safe condition at all tlmes. An ex.is ting sign or marquee suspended or projecting over the State Highway that constitutes a hazard shall be immediately repaired 01° rem::>ved. Ir the City, by ordinance or other regulation, imposes more restrictive regulations and requirements rcga.rding signs and marqu(es than above uet forth, nothing in these provisions sha 11 be cor1s trued to prevent the Cl ty from enforcing such -10- i ~: ------------· • ---·--------·-,,-------·-·-·-1 restrict:t ve regula t.lona in the granting or refusing of permi ta with reapect to any State Highway. The Dep111rtment will pay for the cost of inspection of sut\h signs, marquees, and other encroachments as a part of mainte~ance, provided that the City shall comply with itl3 usual policy with respect to collecting costa from permittees in such cases as fees or charges are made by the City for similar work on City Streets. Any amount so collected by the City with respect to any :F.~te Highway shaLl be credil~ed against the charges made by t-he t::t t.y for such work. TRAJllSPOHTA'T'ION PERMJITS: Transportation permits will be required for al) 11.ehl cles and their loads which exceed the 11m1tat1or.s specified under Di•dslon 15 of the Cal1f'orn1a .Vehicle Code. Where authorlty to is:iue 'I'r:Emsportation Permits is delegated to the City, such auth1Jrity shall pertain only to travel that originates and terminates within the corporate limits and it shail not apply to through haul tr>anspor-tation. In issuing such permits_, the City shall follow the policies and re 1g;ula t1ons es ta bl ished by the Department for the issuance of Transportation Permits as set forth in the Department's Maintenance Manual in effect at the time such permits are issued, including, specifically, lirni ta tions upon the crossing of br:ldges and overcrossings c\eta1led therein. 7. GENERAL GUIDES: Maintenance or warning and regulatory $igns, traffic control devices, and highway lignting facilities as -ll- I I hereinbefor.? ref.'erred to shall include upkeep and r·~ipa1r of 1;he suppo1·ts, as well as 'such other items which are an integral part of the installation. Maintenance work to be perf'orined w1 thJn the area designateri as roadsides shall include suc;h sidewa~k inapection and action towards repair of sidewalks, curbs or other facilities a~3 is necessary to keep them in a reasonably safe condition. The City shall follow the same policy ancl procedure generally. followed by .1t tt1 th respect to r;ity streetll in the matter of requiring s1deli1alk repa1rn and cont;·ol or vegetation to be made by or at the expense or abutting or~ners who are under legal obligation to perform such w0rk. Those fac111tles as Jef1ned unde:· Programs Oo, 01, Oc, and()<; above, wh1cri ar~ ~nstalled suti'1P'1Uent to the execution of' this l\gre!ement, snn I I. b"c<•me "..t'.lect to the terms and concii-· t1ons or tri!a /l,;reerrient ur,on notJ'"' to thP City f'rom the Depart- ment of the completion 01· any sucn 1.nsta1lat1on. -12- 8. ~U'l'B DBSCiUPTIOM RODIE NO. 85(a) 1.45 (To be rel.) 85(h) 1.07 280 2.93 04-SCl-Cupertino January 1, 1975 DKSCR!FTIOM OF ROU'l"!NG Saratoga-Sun~yvale Road from south city limits near BollinBer Road to junction of Junipero Serra Freeway, Interstate Route 280; a length of 1.45 miles. Freeway from ramp connections at Stevens C1-eek Boulevard to city limits 940' nox•th of Steveru.1 Creek Boulevard; a length of 0.18 mile for this portion, also, Freeway from city limits 1,300' north of Stevens Creek Boulevard to west city limits of Sunnyvale; a length of 0.31 mile for this portion, also, Freeway from city limits 855• north of Junipero Serra Freeway, Interstate Route 280, to north city limits at Homestead Road Overcrossing; a length of 0.58 mile for this portion; a total length of 1.07 miles. Junipero Serra Freeway from north city limits of Santa Clara to Sunnyvale city limits 1,725' north of Wolfe Road Overcrossing; a length of U.93 mj.le for this portion, also, Freeway from city limits 1,160' south of Blaney Avenue. Overcrossing to city limits 815• south of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road Separation; a length of 0.54 mile for this portion, also, Freeway from city limits at Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road Separation to city limits at Stelling Road Overcrossing; a length of 0,50 mile for thi:J portion, also, Freeway from city limits 925' north of Stelling Road Overcrossing to Sunnyvale city limits; a length of 0.33 mile for this portion, also, Preeway from city limits 475 • north of junction Route 85/280 Separation to Los Altos city limits at Foothill Boulevard Undercrossing; a length of 0.63 mile for this portion; a toto.l length of 2.93 miles. -13- j; ___ J 561 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 5'{2 573 575 ??: mrl,rW'T 1!"Tf!3?'1MW'TMC'll'l&l .. a:m::r 64~'!:."e'upei=Erno . January 1, 1975 • 9. DELEGATION OP' MAIHTENAMCE: The delegation or lllllintenance set forth herein does not include areas and !'Unctions of whi-,h the control and maintenance rest with the local authority under the tel'lllll or P'reevay Agraements and/or Freeway Maintenance Ap;l'ffments: MAINI'ENANCE FUNCTION Roadbed MaintenancP, Roadaide Maintenance Rdwy Litter & Debris Vegetation Control Pavement De line a ti on ' Signs Electricv.l Traffic Sfty Devices Landscaping B'.L"idge & Pump Maint. ISSUA~CE OF. FBRMITS ~noroachment Trans porta ti on !il length II " " AGENCY TO PERFORM WORK - . noute .NO. ttou·te l'lO • Route llo, Route No. 85(a) 85(b) 280 (to be rel) • • • . t ~ I t ~ >. +> j; +> +> ~ ~ ..-i ~ ..-i ..-i .,.; () () () C) - x x x x x ( 5) x x x (l) x (2) x (3) (4: y: x x x x x '--· x x x I·-Ix x x .. x x x -·~-·:, . x x x x x x x x ' x x x x ... cf B treillt to be cleanud Curb Miles. II " fl " II -,, fl " " " II n " II " ,. " II " n " ( 5 l CitJ• will maintain sidewalks only.- -14- • 10. BXPBNl.lr.l'VRE AU'l'l'iORIZATlOlll: The Department will reimbui"Be the C:l'.t;y tor .actu&1l coat of all •intemnce work performed by City as C:.legat.ed under Section 9 or this Agree:!ll . .mt, but it is agreed that ®rill,~ any fiocal l'•u·, the llllllXilllWll expenditure on any route o.iillll not exell!ed the amount as shown on Page 16 of this Agrel!llll0nt, unless such expenditure is revised by an amiendt><\ Agreement or otherwise 8dj~ated or modified 8s.he1-einafter provided tor. The expenditure per route for rc1utine maintenance work 88 referred to above may be increased cir decreased, redistri- buted between routes, or additional ex1iend:ltures for specific projects costing $5,000 or less may be made when such specific work or adjusti.oent of expendituree for routine maintenance·1S authorized in writing by the District !Director or his authorized ::'.'!!pre11entat1ve. Expenditures for specific projects costing in ext:esa of $5,000 may be made when such. epecif1c work is authorized in writing by the Director of the Deps.rtment of Trensportation or hie authorized representative. Additional expenditurtis or adjust- ment of expenditures thus authorized shall apply during the fiscal year designated therein and ehall not be deemed to permanently aodlfy or change the baeic max1mU111 expenditure per route as hereinafter specified. An adjustment of the said maximum expenditure, either increase or decreaee, shall not affect other teZ'lllll of the Agreemant. -15- ROU'l'B !!h_ lt5(a) (to be rel.) S5(b) 280 1.07 2.93 MAXIJlroW J:O:i'Ei>l"DITIJ~!('.~ ROU'l'K • o.oo o.oo o.oo ~•11•1•--·------- 11. SUBIUSSIOJf OP m:LtS~ 'lbll C1ty ahall submit bills acnthly, ;...rov1ded, howeTer. tbat no :01.ll fur-less than ;100 shnll be sub-.' ' aitted. except once eacb q\111.rter. Rqu1paent nhllll be charged at imt-uall)' acceptable rental xutea and labo1• and material at actual coat. The C1t;r Will be allowd to 1<ecover overhead and adlll1n- 1a\o:o&t1ve costs only to the extent that such charges include applicable expens.,rs 1ncurre1d by the City in the execu't1on or the work. Said factors an1l 111ethod shall be subject to approval by tile Depax--tment. lliainte1lll\nce oervioee provided by contract or on a un1t-mte basin with overhead coBts included ohall not have these above-111ent.:loned charges added again. l1n actual handling charge t'or procee1sing th1ei type of bill will be allowed thei City. Bills subm:J. ttecl to the City for work performed by the Dep& rt111ent under• Progirama 06, 07, 08 and 09 of this Agree- ment will also include oine:rhead and admimetret1ve costs in accordance with the State Ad!lllnistrative Manual. 12. TERM OF AGRJmllmN'l': '!'his Agreement sha 11 become effective January 1, 1975____, &nd shall remain in full force and effect until amended or teiillline.ted. The Agl"C!ieaaent a11 above may be amended or terminated at any t1.me upon 11u1;ual ,,corui,ltnt of the partiee thereto. Th111 Agreement may •~l.110 be t<111rm:.tnated by eitr.er party \lpon thirty days ' notice t~) the ot;her p.u:·ty. ··17- r I r I I ! ' DI WI'l'NESS W1U::REOF, thf.i part;1er.J hereto have set their l'i&nds and seals tile day and year f:!.1•11t above written. S'i'A'rB OP CALIFORi~IA BUSINESS AND TilA?JSPORTA'!IOM AGENCY DEPAR~'MENT OF TRANSPORTATION HOWARD C. ULLRICH DIRECTOR ·' By d~li~l, - Deputy District Director -18- Approved as to Form and Procedure: ~-