State of California Tantau Ave Crossing over Route 280, July 21, 1975" . '"' ' ... /JrGne-i:M~ - ~~-re oi& Ct-ti'-1 ~ • 1Mf;rJ. ;J~ ~~~& . - f . · .. , .:ij'tm'WllllllFMffil!Ti!EflrSJ~.'..~:··,-·-il"--·,····.··;··" r-,rt·,-.·-.•• ;, .:,, v.· ':"'""~·" : lllbitltl'T • a·et2"1FL ' ' I I I ! :1 HLS01.u·1_-.ON NO. 39f\J A RES:JLUTION OF TllE CJTY COUNCIL Oi TIIE CITY OF Cl!PERTJ/:(1 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEME!rr ;1E',' ':EN ·TllE CITY o:· CUPERTINO AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA i-THE co::sTRlJCTION 01' TANT AU OVERCl{()SSJ .. G \.tHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Counc'il an Agreement by and between tht::! State of Cali.fornia and the City of Cupertino to construct Tantnu Overcrossin& ov.cr Route 280; and snid Agr~ement havir.g been approved by the Director of Public Works and the City Attorney; NOh', THEREFOHE, BE IT flTcSOLVEI!, that the Mayor and tlw City Clerk are hereby nuthorj zed to excc11te the agreement herein re [erred to i:i. behalf of the City of Cupertino. PAf~SEI> /·.~·;o ADOl'TED nt a re~ulnr m'~eting of the Ci.ty Council 0f the City nf Cupertino this .Vst ___ dny of _ __J-1).ly ______ , 197'.J, by th<' follmn"'Z vote: \'ot c M(!_r~!)e_r_!~ __ n_f --~·_h_~ __ r;,i !.X_-~~~J_f!_~:_j_!:_ 1\Yl~;.;: Frolich, Meyers, Nellis, Sparks, Jackson' t~nES: None f. II S t:l\'l' : None AUSTA1Vi: None THIS IS TD CEkTlr'Y THAT THC WITHIN INSTRUMENT IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY or THE 0F'11GJNAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE. A.TT EST, £-~<_-_..' J , 1~ ?j-- C1 rv CLLRK OF ·rHc CITY_ or CUPCRffNO "":-' -1'.i? (/·_) UY '··~· ..... -_. ,-..... ..,. ·11 -:· .... ,r·-··-_ CITY Cl ~·r.•lfl -----(__.,.A-;_C~ ~ , cY APPROVSD: Isl James E • .Jackson --------~-·-----~---·--~-----------·--- Mayor, City of C11pc!" lino . .: l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 llt 15 16 l'( 18 19 20 21 22 ,. 3 (! 24 25 • • 04-SCl-280-7.9 04215 .. 428321 Tantau Avenue Ov~rcrossing Dist. Agmt. No. 4-0454-C Document No. SC1•43-J.9!l6 1 AGREH!ENT TllIS AGREH!ENT, l·!ADE AND ENTERED INTO THIS ;:._-·I ~.-· -- BY AND BET\\'EEM DAY OF . j!_..,.,_.<2,_,,. , 1975, <~ (3 A,l\/ D CITY OF CUPERTINO, a body politic and a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" STATE OF LALil'ORNIA, acting by and through its Business and Transportation Agency, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "STATE". \VITNESSETll: l'illEREAS, Tantau Avenue is a city street that extends from Bollinger Jl,ia<l, about 1.0 mile south of Route 280, to .llomestea<l Roa::l about 0,7 mile north of Route 280 and presentiy <lead ends on nach side of the freeway; and ~IEREAS, Tantau Avenue <lid not intersect the proposed Route 280 freeway at ,,the time Gf route adoption in July, 1958, and a 1~71 traffic study estimates the 1975 ADT to be 18,000 and the 1995 AUT to be 30 ,OOO on Tan tau Avenue; and -1 -DUPLICATE ORIGINAL , .' J • . '' ~' .. I l I . .. • • l II WHEREAS, portions of a large development named Vallco 2 Ji Industrial Park located on both sides of Route 280 nre developing 3 II at a rapid rate and nearly all of the properties north of 4 Junipcro Serra Freeway (Route 280) and adjacent to Tantau Avenue 5 II arc now occupied and a substantial traffic access problem is 6 developing; and 7 8 9 MIEREAS, CITY requested, by resolution dated July 6, 1970, the construction of an overcrossing structure and approach roadways on Tantau Avenue; hereinafter referred to a~ 10 II "I:-IPORVE:IENTS"; and 11 II WHEREAS, STATE has scheduled the construction of the 12 ii proposed H!PROVEHEN'fS in the 1979-80 fiscal year and CITY feels 13 I it is imperative that the r~.JP!WVE~IE:-ITS be constructed in the 14 1975-76 fiscal year in order to provide for needed traffic 15 II circulation; and 16 If h'llEREAS, CITY is willing to contribute to STATE the lump 17 sum amount of $250,000, in addition to the normal cost to CITY 18 for constructing Tan tau Avenue as if the freeway <lid not exist; 19 I to furnish additional embankment material necessary to complete 20 the fill; and to acquire the necessary right of way; and 21 II MIEREAS, CITY appeared before the California Highway 22 II Commission on October 16, 1974, to request the Commission to 23 I advance the construction of the Tantau Avenue Overcrossing of 24 Route 280 from the 1979-80 fiscal year to the 1975-76 fiscal 25 year; and ! I -2-/ l ' I I • l 2 3 J.f. • • • WHEREAS, the California Highway Commission, in view of the savings to STATE which would result from CITY'i offer,. concurred with the early programming of the HIPROVEl·IENTS; and WHEREAS, CITY and STATE <lo mutually desire to cooperate and jointly participate in construction of the H!PROVEllENT~ and desire to specify herein the terms and conditions which said ' 5 6 7 8 overcrossing shall be designed, constructed, and financed. I • NOW, TIIEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and I 9 conditions herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:i I 10 11 I SECTION I 12 STATE AGREES: 13 1.) To construe t the HIPROVmlENTS, through construction by 14 II contract with construction contractor licensed by the State of 15 California, said contract to be carried out in accordance with 16 provisions of the State Contract Act, Chapter 3, Part 5, 17 Division 3 1 Title 2 of the Government Code, and work completed 18 in conformity with plans and specifications of STATE hut subject 19 to review and approval by CITY, prior to advertising of project. 2.) Except for tl1c equivalent c1st of constructing Tantau Avenue, the financial contribution, rights of way acquisition, 20 21 22 23 24 2:; the furnishing of additional embankment material, and removals I and/or relocations of CITY-owned utilities to be made by CITY as / provided for !1ereinafter in Section II, to bear the entire expense of the enginecrine and construction costs required to -3- i't • . . ,,..~ r' ~. . ,. 1;,. • -•.·. ' I I I I I iMll-llild&,,...."-' ", : •. ,. .• ,,-:~·~!!!!!!!I~ ",_.;; "'' "~ ~~,'1.-;·'.~·\'.:.--.. ·-::- • • l II complete said IMPROVEMENTS. 2 I! 3.) To make all' arrangements with the 01;rters of all public ' 3 I/utilities (except for CITY-owned utility f<>cilities) for the 4 removal and/or relocation of all utility facilities which 5 II conflict with cunstruction of the H!PROVEr!ENTS, in ac,:ordance 6 with applicable law or the master contract in effect with the 7 llrespective utility owners. 8 4.) Upon com~letion and acceptance by STATE of STATE's 9 I/construction contract and all work incidental thereto, to 10 llfurnish CITY with a detailed accounting of costs to be borne by 11 llCITY and to refund to CITY any portion of CITY's advance 12 deposits (provided for l1ereinafter in Section II, Article (1)) 13 remaining after actual costs to be borne by CITY have been 14 deducted. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 the to of of * fl ~ " * * S.) To maintain, at STATE's sole expense, all portions of VIPROVE:.JE.'./TS constructed witl1in STATE's right of WB)' pursuant this Agreement, including t'. e entire structure below the top the concrete deck surface and any safety screening, exclusive any bituminous surface treatment thereon. "' * * * * * .. "' "' * * * * * * "' fl "' * * " * * * * fl * * • * ... * " * • * -4- / ! I I • • l 11 SECTION II 2 11 CI TY AGREES: 3 1.) To deposit with STATE, upon receipt of a written 4 statement from STATE that the contract for the work provided 5 for herein has been advertised, and upon receipt of billing 6 therefor, the amount of $450 ,000, which figure represents 7 CITY's share of the construction costs required to complete the 8 D!PROVE'.-!E:-ITS, (e$timated to be $200 ,000) and CITY' s lump sum 9 contribution of $250,000 referred to herein. 10 The actual amount of CITY's share of construction costs 11 will be determined after com11lction of work and will bd the sum 12 11',f the following: 13 (a) One hundred percent (100%) of the normal 14 II construction costs of Lrntau Avenue as if the 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >\ * freeway did not exist. The actual final cost shall be 0 based on aciual ancl estimated q11antities for Tantau Avenue at tl1e contract prices paid the contrnctor plus :rny extra work involved as referred to in Exhibit "i\'', attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this Agreement. CITY's cost is estimated to be $200,000. (b) Ti1e lump sum amount of $250,000 in consideration for a<lvancing the construction of the I'IPROVE~·IENTS, * It ft * It * * ft * * * * -s- I I I '~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ .......... ~---~···-.-....... ~ 1iM1"'flFJW"l~ • • 1 2.) In the event that the construction cost to CITY to be 2 ll computed at the time of bid opening docs not exceed the present 3 I/estimated cost of $200,000, referred to in Subarticle l(a) above, 4 I and attached Exh~bit "A" by more tlwn ten· percent (10%), STATE 5 II may award a contract for aforesaid project. If,. however, saicl 6 estimated construction cost of Szon,ono is exceeded by more than 7 II ten percent (10%), ST.\TE shall consult with CITY and upon writtcnj 8 II consent of CITY thereto to assune the additional funds •1pon 9 I/ demand by STATE, STATE will ai<ard aforesaicl contr:ict. If CITY 10 11 does not consent to asslli:iinr; the additional <!cposit in the event 11 I/ bids arc in excess of 10 percent (10~) of cstinate, project will 12 II be considered as abandoned by CITY as set forth in Section I I, 13 II Article (7) herein. 14 3,) To furnish at no cost to ST.\TE the additional e1~bankment 15 II r~.aterial necessary for the !'11'1 (0\'E'!J:~>TS. 16 4,) To maintain close liaison wit!1 STATE to insure that 1 7 II CITY complies with STATE and f'e<leral rq;ul~.tions in the 18 appraisal and acquisition of the property rights. fn addition, 19 20 21 22 CITY will mak( available, on request, the necessary documents and other information needed l1y the STATE nonitoring lor compliance with said regulations. 5.) To provi<lc for relocation ~.ssistancc and payments, if 23 II applicable, in acc'.ordancc with' Federal and State legislat.ion. 24 * * 11 11 * * * 25 ft * " ft * !'I * -6- I ; I ! l -----~--~-·-··-· -·-·--.---,,,--. ............ ........_~.-.~~~WllW?FV@rJlCFiWTW 'W ij•, • • l 6,) To acquire in CITY's name and at CITY's sole expense, 2 JI all right, title and interest and permit to enter and construct 3 '/to all rights of way necessary to construct and maintain the lt I structure and roadway approach fills outside STATE's existing 5 II freeway right of way and to furnish to STATE in a form acceptable 6 If to STATE, prior to STl\TE 's bid advertising date of construction 7 8 contract that: (a) All s11ch rights of way have been acquired or that l l 9 10 11 12 I condemnation proceedings have been filed involving i 13 14 15 lq 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2~ * * any unacquired parcel or parcels, and any Relocatio Assistance, if ieq11ircd, !iu~ been provided. ' (b) CI1Y has secured all necessary court orders for immediate possession of any unacquired parcel or parcels and will prosecute to corapletion as soon thereafter as possible, all court proceedings for tl1c acquisition of any such parcels. (c) Said rights of wny J1ave been cleared of all ~ * obstructions above or helm• ground which could conflict with construction of I:!PROVE'IE~;Ts and/or relocation of utilities. CITY, at its own expense shall arrange for and remove and/or relocate all CITY-owned utilities which STATE determines will conflict with the construction of I~·!l'ROVE~·IENTS. "' * * ~ jt A * * * * -7- i I I i • • l. 7,) Sh::>Ultl CITY request STATE to abandon the project beforl! 2 II it is constructed, CITY s!1all pa)' to STATE imrriediatei.y upon 3 II receipt of a statement therefor, all costs incurred by STATE 4 be fore !'eceipt of not ice to aba,~don I'IPROVEnE'.'/TS from CITY. If 5 II J.lll'ROVD!ENTS are subsequently constructed, CITY shall be given 6 credit towards its required contribution in the amount of seventy-five percent ( 7 5 % ) of the amount previously paid to 7 8 STATE at the time of abandonment less a11y nonrecoverable cos ts 9 10 11 incurred by STATE to outside age.1ci es or companies (!:uch as pre 1 im i nary cos ts by public utility companies). 3.) CITY idll naintain all portions of the I'll'P-0\'E'IENTS 12 II constructed h·ithir. CITY's right of h'ay and in addition, to 13 I naintain the deck an.I/or s11rfacing of tlie aforesaid structure 14 and sl1all p~rform such work as may he necessary to ensure an 15 II inpcn·ious and/or othendsc suitable surface. The CITY Hili 16 also naintain all portions of the structure above the bridge I'( II deck (exclusive of any safety screening),. as above specified, 18 including lighting installations, as 1>ell as all traffic service 19 facilities that may be required for the benefit or control of 20 II CITY street traffic. 21 22 23 24 25 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -ll- * * * ... * * * " * * ~ • * * " * * * * * / I I ,..-. . ,. ~ :':_:. -.. ,.~ ; . -; • 111 -' ... ~(.-:~ I •·· ; .. • • l SECTION III 2 II IT IS MUTUALLY U~WERSTOOD A~-ID AGREED: 3 II I.) That obligations of STATE under terms of this Agreement 4 arc subject to the allocation of funds by California Highway 5 6 7 Commission. 2.) That CITY will indemnify and save STATE, its officers, agents, and employees harmless from any and all liability for 8 II injuries to persons or damar;c to prop1'rty caused or resulting 9 II in any manner fror.i STATE' s performance under this Agrccr.ient, · 10 II excepting for injuries to persons or dar.iagc to property caused 11 II or resulting from the sole negligence or willful nisconduct of 12 II STATE, its officers, a;;cnts, and employees. 13 3.) That, should any portion of the project he financed li-t II .dth Federal Funds or State Gas Tax Funds, all applicable 15 ! procedures and policies relating to t\.e use of such funds shall 16 apply, notl>i.thstan-'ing other provisions of this Agrccr.ient. 17 4.) That, in the construction of said work, STATE 1dll 18 II furnish a representative to perforn the usual functions .of a 19 II Resident Engineer, and CITY may, :i.t no cost to STATE, furnish a 20 II rcFrc«entative, if it so desires., and that said representative 21 II and Residc-nt Engineer 1..-ill cooperate and consult with each ot'.1er, I 22 II but the order of STATE 's engineer shall be final. 23 5,) That, should STATE incur any additional expense on 24 II behalf of CITY pursuant to construction or engineering of the 25 II IllP!WVDIE~n'S referred to herein which is not specifically define& ; I~ j i l. I • • 1 /under provisions set forth in this Agreement, said additional 2 expense, if incurred on behalf of CITY will be borne at CITY•s 3 sole expense. 4 6.) That, execution of this Agreement by CITY grants to 5 STATE the right to enter upon CITY-owned lands to construct the 6 Il-IPROVEl!ENTS referred to herein which lie outside of STATE's 7 right of way, 8 9 r:; l'.'ITNESS 11l!EREOF, the parties hereto have caused this 10 Agreement to be executed by their respective officers, duly 11 authorized, the provisions of ,.,hich Agreement arc effective as J.2 of the day, month and year first hcr-:!irwbove written. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF CALil'O~HA Ucpartncnt of Transportation Transportation District 4 s ' -10- CITY OF C1Jl'ERTL'/O I By~?<'~ ~~ // ~· '-fi.ttcst: ~~ . ty C erk Cl ty Xtt'O' ) I i I c°'~->~~J!l>' J,.,l.c,·J-·t.~3.~ y; .,-',_'";./, .... ~~·;." ' • * • EXHIBIT "A" page 1 of 2 CITY'S CONSTRUCTION COST FOR THEORETICAL AT GRADE TANTAU AVENUE CiWSSING Item Des.:ription Clearing f, Grubbing Develop Water Supply Structure Excavation Structure Backfill Erosion Control Finisliing Roadway Class 2 Aggregate Base Aggregate (Type A Asphalt Concrete) Paving Asphalt (Asphalt Concrete) Liquid Asphalt, SC-70 (Prime Coat) t!inor Concrete (!Hnor Structure) 12" Reinforced Concrete Pipe (Class III) !Hnor Concrete (!'!isc. Const.) ).fisc. Iron & Steel Unit LS LS CY CY LS LS CY Ton Ton Ton CY LF CY LB *Quantity so 45 3,400 2,500 138 12 3 94 280 458 **Unit Price Amount ($) ($) 3,000 2,000 10 500 14 63\l 10,000 1,000 14 47,600 15 37,500 90 12,420 150 1,800 400 1,200 10 940 100 28,000 I 458 n;;, [') jW :Ji ~ rt ~!· ~~I i·' ~ ·' ll tt, iq ~i ,~ .. ?~, ll0 t~ 1'11 ~ ll !·' . • . . ' . ·' • • _ -~· ·----~=-. .. ,.. ... """"'""'~il.\l~Wi'""'M'?M'IH?'lliml'BJmlWIJ (f; • Sub Total Roadwork Electrical Sub Total Contingencies 13\ Total , , ... E;rJU,BIT "A" page 2 of 2 $147,048 3 Q.,_Q.Q.Q. 177,048 22 ,952. $200,0IJO *Engineer's estimated quantites. Actual quantities, combined with the theoretical quantities of the portion excepted by the br i<lgc, wi 11 be used for computing the CITY's actual cost. **Engineer's estimated prices. Actual prices to be "Se<l for computing CITY's actual costs shall be the Contractor's bi~ prices. :fote: In the e\·ent: that additional i terns of work which l>erc not anticipated at the time of execution of tl1is Agrecr.ient are required, for which CITY is obli-;ated under terms of this ,Agreement, STATE wi 11 consult with CITY and obtain CITY's written approval for such additional cost prior to constructiqn. I ., ~ ' d l I I ' DEPARTMENT OF T;(ANSPORTATJON P. 0. l(tX l:t:66 AINCON ANUEX SAN FRANCISCO 9'4119 {41SJ 157·1840 Nov,.:mbar 21, 197 5 ~-....... )Jr' .. Mr. Bert Via1rnvich Director• of Public Works City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Dear Mr. Viskovich: CilY Of r,UP[HINO i'IJfJl If \':·~4 !'; R(CllVf.O ' .. . ' EOMUNO G. BROWk JR., Govllff"°' 04-SCl-280 PM 7. 9 . Tant.au Avenue OC 04215 -428321 D1st.Agrnt. No. 4-0454-C Subject: Proposed Cooperative Agreement fo.r Execution Attached are five (5) copies of the proposed Cooperative Agree- ment between t.he City and State to provide for construction of an overcrossing of State Highway Route 280 at Tantal! Avenne in Cupertino. If the Agreement is sa tlnfEictory, please have four ( 4) copies signed by the appropr1a te City officials and retu1•n them to us together with four (4) certified·copies pf a Resolution adopted by the City Council approving the ~\greement and. authorizing its execution. After signature by the appropriate State officials, you w11J. be furnished a fully executed copy of this Agreement fop your files. · ' Please note thEit construction of this p1•0Ject is subject to 'Che allocation of funds by the California Highway Commission which 1B pending. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely yours, 'l'. H .LAMMERS D~atr•ict Director By: 4/d--Ji.,1,-,Z-L~ Q. lf." FLETCHER Senior Engineer Project Development attach: . ·~ ------- 10300 Teare Avenue Cupertino, Ca!ifornia 95014 T<loph°"" (41l!J) 252-4505 DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES December 3, 197 5 T.R .. Lam:me1's, District Director • State of California -Uusincss an<l Transportation Agency Department of T~anspu:..~tation P.O. Box JJ66 H1ncon .Annex San Francisco, California 94119 TA.'\TAU OVERCROSS D:G Enclosed are four copies of the Agreement between the City of Cupertino and the State of California. The5e copies have been executed by the City Cupertino. Please return one fully executed copy of the agreement to this office. . •. !CLLEN i'AGNINI DEPUTY CITY CLEHK ep encls. . .• C>f :,. 1 ' . ~ ·I J l I I ' ! • • STATE OF CAUFOR~~:-:-BUSINESS AND TRAN'SPORTATIO,N AGE·N~C='=="===== ====~~===='"'D"'M"'UN=D"""O=. =··=o=w=N=J= .. ,,,·,,,c=-="""= DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P. 0. BOX 3366 IUNCON ANNEX SAN FRANCISCO 94119 (4l5) S57·l840 January 30, 1976 Mr. William Ryder City Clerk City of Cupertino 10300 •rorre Avenue Cupertino, CA 950111 Attention Ms. Ellen Pagnini Dear Mr. Ryder: FILE: 04-SCl-280-7.9 04215 -428321 Tantau Avenue o.c. Document No. SCl-43 -1936 Subject: Executed Cooperative Agreement for Files Attached for the City's files is one fully executed copy of the Cooperative Agreement to provide for the construction of an overcrossing of' State Highway Route 280 at Tantau Avenue in Cupertino. We have scheduled this project to be advertised in February. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, T. R. LAMMERS District Director By .. -. . • ,:/? -i. <-Qd-7f.,,-<.-J tJ 9:... H. FLETCHER Senior Engineer Project Development Attachment . ' ,/' I• i-· ·-···~ -·· ', } !:•\'"