90-033 Moore Iacofano Goltsman; Cupertino Child Care Needs Assessment AUG 2 0 1990 1 r.ahl AGREEMENT 90- a0i2•6-5 / ase-4 /9 9.5-6-; 00 �$pdvp CITY OF CUPERTINO r t ;i` C ry ° a°°r . P.O. Box 580 �a Cupertino, CA 95015 0 2 3 2 6 6 252-4505 NO. _ •BY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on the 17 day of July 19 90 by and between the CITY OF CUPERTINO (Hereinafter referred to as CITY) and Name (1) Moore Iacofano Goltsman (2) Address 18U2 Firth Street City Berkeley, CA Zip 94710 Phone (415) 845-7549 (Hereinafter referred as CONTRACTOR), in consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows: CONTRACTOR Shall provide or furnish the following specified services and/or materials: EXHIBITS:The following attached exhibits hereby are made part of this Agreement: Proposal dated 7/9/90 including the payment schedule. TERMS The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreement shall commence on 7/17/90 and shall be completed before 12/31/90 COMPENSATION For the full performance of this Agreement,CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR: $23,480.00 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Hold Harmless. Contractor agrees to save and hold harmless the City, its officers,agents and employees from any and all damage and liability of every nature, including all costs of defending any claim,caused by or arising out of the per- formance of this agreement.City shall not be liable for acts of Contractor in performing services described herein. Insurance. Should the City require evidence of insurability Contractor shall file with City a Certificate of Insurance before commencing any services under this agreement.Said Certificate shall be subject to the approval of City's Director of Administrative Services. Non-Discrimination. No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this agreement because of • the race,color, national origin,ancestry,religion or sex of such person. Interest of Contractor. It is understood and agreed that this agreement is not a contract of employment in the sense that the relation of master and servant exists between City and undersigned.At all times Contractor shall be deemed to be an independent contractor and Contractor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts or other obligations in executing this agreement.Contractor certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this agreement is an officer or employee of City. Changes. This agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the City. No changes or variations of any kind are authorized without the written consent of the City. CONTRACT CO-ORDINATOR and representative for CITY shall be: N' / / fii,,! DEPARTMENT General Services This Agreement shall beco a effective upon its execution by CITY, in witness thereof, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and y•ar first wr' ten above. CONTRA��n -• CITY O_KUPERTINO: By 7/II Al /47;W/ Title V y � 4400?-e-1 • - Ali Assistant toil• e City Manager -red tgalit rl ars APPROVALS . City ale . r(aDe art pDate 7/17/90 Da White-City Clerk Copy Green-Finance Canary-Contractors Copy Pink-Receiving Copy Goldenrod-Department Copy Planning • JUL 2 5 5990 "-.n``:.:n Design Communications Management • July 9, 1990 Ms. Barbara Brown, Assistant to the City Manager City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Dear Barbara: Following our initial scoping meeting last week, we are pleased to submit a descrip- tion of revised work tasks for the Cupertino Child Care Needs Assessment project. The purpose of the Child Care Needs Assessment project is to document child care needs in Cupertino and to develop a vision and framework for actively meeting those needs now and in the future. This will involve a coordinated effort between MIG, the Cupertino Child Care Task Force and City staff. We enjoyed meeting with you and the Steering Committee. Our shared enthusiasm tiv for the project will provide the energy and momentum needed to produce an innova- tive Child Care Needs Assessment and to meet the project deadline! Warm regards, MOORE IACOF' 0 GOLTSMAN • -niel lacofano, P Dor, Carolyn erheyen Principal Project Manager • 1802 Fifth Street Berkeley CA 94710 415/845-7549 Other Offices Washington DC Raleigh NC • City of Cupertino MOORE IACOFANO GOLTSMAN • Child Care Needs Assessment Revised Scope of Work Page 2 City of Cupertino Child Care Needs Assessment Project Work Plan Task 1.0 Refine Contract and Scope of Work MIG will meet with the Cupertino Child Care Task Force (CCTF) Steering Com- mittee and City staff to refine the scope of work and finalize the detailed work tasks. MIG will deliver the final Scope of Work to the City for approval. Task 2.0 Identify and Document Child Care Needs MIG will perform the following tasks to identify and document child care needs in Cupertino and to begin to develop a vision for meeting those needs: Task 2.1 Prepare Child Care Supply and Demand Analysis • MIG will prepare a numerical estimate of child care demand using demographic information, labor participation rates for mothers, school enrollment trends and transportation data. The Demand Analysis will include 1990 estimates and 1995 projections of child care demand by age group. It will provide an assessment of childcare demand relative to supply to determine an estimate of current unmet need. Task 2.2 Develop Concept Paper on Ideal System of Child Care MIG will research current child development findings, age-specific child care recommendations and successful models of child care service. The results of this research will be incorporated into the Needs Assessment Report and will in- form the development of a child care vision for Cupertino and an action plan for meeting child care needs. Task 2.3 Conduct Working Parent Focus Group Sessions MIG will designra random sample of Cupertino businesses stratified by type and size using the City's business license list. Potential participants will be contacted by telephone and invited to attend one of the focus group meetings. MIG will or- ganize and conduct three (3) meetings with parents who work for randomly selected Cupertino businesses to discuss child care needs, problems and pre- ferences. Each meeting will involve approximately twelve (12) participants. A written questionnaire will be used to focus the discussion and collect.information. Task 2.4 Provide Technical Support to City Staff for Other Data Collection Efforts MIG will develop child care needs assessment instruments, design data collec- - tion processes or provide other technical support to City staff for additional data _ collection efforts(e.g.,with Cupertino employers and/or licensed child care providers). Services under this task will be provided as requested by City staff on a time and materials basis up to the budgeted amount provided by this con- tract. Task 2.5 Prepare Needs Assessment Report MIG will analyze and synthesize needs assessment results and incorporate the findings of Task Force subcommittees (issues, insights, opportunities) in a report . City of Cupertino MOORE IACOFANO GOLTSMAN Child Care Needs Assessment Revised Scope of Work Page 3 document. Results from the Focus Group sessions and the City-administered questionnaires/focus groups will be presented using text, graphs and tables. Results will be presented by age of respondents' children so that a meaningful assessment of the effectiveness of current child care arrangements is possible. A working draft report will be sent to City staff and CCTF members prior to the Child Care Vision session. Task 3.0 Organize and Conduct Child Care Vision Session MIG will design and facilitate a meeting of the CCTF and City staff to develop a child care vision for Cupertino. Task 3.1 Develop Vision Session Agenda A draft meeting agenda will be produced for review and approval by the Steering Committee and City staff: Task 3.2 Conduct Child Care Vision Session MIG will lead and facilitate one (1) half-day session (3-4 hours)with the CCTF and City staff to develop a vision for child care in Cupertino. Participants will dis- cuss the Needs Assessment and subcommittee findings. MIG will graphically record the meeting proceedings. Task 3.3 Prepare Summary Document MIG will produce a written summary of Vision session discussion. The report will describe the meeting process and results and will include photo-reductions of waligraphics produced at the session. The document will present guidelines to assist the CCTF in developing child care goals, objectives and strategies. Task 4.0 Develop and Present a Framework for Meeting Current Needs and Achieving Future Goals MIG will assist the CCTF in developing a framework to respond directly to identified child care needs in Cupertino and to achieve future child care goals. The framework will incorporate focus group participants' preferences for care arrangements, current recommendations from child development specialists, and any data collected from employers, child care providers and community members. The ideal system of child care developed in Task 2.2 will be applied to Cupertino's unique situation. MIG will produce a document presenting the framework. MIG will also prepare and present slides summarizing the major findings and recommendations of the Child Care Needs Assessment at one (1) meeting organized by City staff. The presentation will document child care need, articulate the long-range child care vision and provide support for policy develop- ment and decision-making. City of Cupertino MOORE IACOFANO GOLTSMAN Child Care Needs Assessment Revised Scope of Work Page 4 Project Budget Following are the costs for completing the scope of work as described below, broken . down by task and direct cost. Rates used in calculating the professional time costs are: Daniel lacofano, Susan Goltsman $95/hour Carolyn Verheyen, Sally McIntyre $65/hour Support Staff $50/hour Survey Field Staff $35/hour Task 1.0 Refine Contract and Scope of Work $ 600 Task 2.0 Identify and Document Child Care Needs Task 2.1 Prepare Child Care Supply and Demand Analysis 4,800 Task 2.2 Develop Concept Paper on Ideal System of Child Care 2,660 Task 2.3 Conduct Working Parent Focus Group Sessions 4,300 Task 2.4 Provide Technical Support to City Staff for Other Data Collection Efforts (time and materials basis) Task 2.5 Prepare Needs Assessment Report 3,200 Task 3.0 Organize and Conduct Child Care Vision Session Task 3.1 Develop Vision Session Process and Agenda 105 Task 3.2 Conduct Child Care Vision Session 1 ,580 Task 3.3 Prepare Summary Document 860 Task 4.0 Develop and Present a Framework for Meeting Current Needs and Achieving Future Goals 4,400 Professional Time Sub-Total $22,505 City of Cupertino MOORE IACOFANO GOLTSMAN Child Care Needs Assessment Revised Scope of Work Page 5 Direct Costs Travel $ 200 Federal Express/UPS 100 Telephone/FAX 250 Photocopies 100 Laserprinting 250 Workshop supplies 75 Direct Costs Subtotal $ 975 TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET: $23,480