D-746 Quitclaim Deed and Authorization for Underground Water Rights, 21103 Tamarind CT , APN 326-08-016REC ORDING REQUESTED BY City of Cupertino WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO City Clerk's Office City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 NO FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOV. CODE 27281 23737022 Regina Alcomendras Santa Clara County -Clerk-Recorder 08/24/2017 10:59 AM Till es: 1 Fees : 10.00 Taxes: 0 .00 Total : 0.00 Pages: 7 1111 rw .. rv,,~·yt~lirl.\ ~, ~~,~.rvu ~',Ui,~1J,~j ri~i\'~ 11111 (SPA C E A BOV E THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S US E) QUITCLAIM DEED AND AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS 21103 Tamarind Court, Cupertino, CA 95014 APN 326-08-016 Anand Kumar Pandey and Poonam Pandey, Trustees, or their successors in interest of the Anand and Poonam Pandey Living Trust dated December 15, 2015 ,9f Original D For Fast Endorsement "NO FEE" City of Cupertino CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE is hereby given in order to comply with the provisions of Section 27281 of the Government Code. This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated July 29th, 2017, from 21103 Tamarind Court, Cupertino, CA 95014 to the City of Cupertino, a governmental agency, is hereby accepted by order of the Public Works Director, and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: By: August 11, 2017 I':~ Sapudar Senior Office Assistant QUITCLAIM DEED AND AU THORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS A PN 326-08-016 21103 Tamarind Court, Cupertino, CA 95014 Anand Kumar Pandey and Poonam Pandey, Trustees, or their successors in interes t, of the Anand and Poonam Pandey Living Trust dated December 15, 2015, he re in after refe rred to as th e "G RANTOR ", thi s 2 (_j -/{, day of .:J U L-j , 2017 , hereby gra nts , bargains , ass ig ns, co nveys , rem ises , rele ases and fo rever quit c la im s unt o the CITY OF CU P ERT INO , a muni c ip a l corporation , herein afte r referr ed to as the "G RANTEE", it s s ucces so rs and ass igns, all the ri ght s, titles , int eres ts, estates , c la im s and demand s, both at law a nd in equit y, and as we ll in possession as in expecta ncy of the GRANTOR as ow ner of that certain real propert y s itu ate in the Co unt y of Santa C lara , State of Ca li fo rni a, a nd spec ifi ca ll y described as fo ll ows: SEE ATTACHED EX HIBI T "A" T he rig ht to pump , take o r ot hen,vise extract water from the underground basin or any und e rgro und strata in the Sa nt a Clara Valley for beneficial use up on the land s ove rl yi ng sa id undergro und ba s in , and GRANTOR hereb y irr evoca bl y authorized G RANTEE, it s s uccesso rs a nd assigns , o n be hal f of the GRANTOR a nd it s s uccesso rs in ow ners hip of ove rl y in g la nd s in the lot to take from the und ergro und bas in w ithin th e lot any an d a ll wate r w hi ch th e ow ner o r ow ne rs of sa id overlying land s may be entitled to take fo r beneficial use o n sa id land s a nd to s uppl y s uch wate r to such ow ne r o r ow ne rs or ot her s as a public utility; provided , howeve r, that nothing co nt a ined in this instrument sha ll be d ee med to a uth o ri ze GRANTEE to ent er up o n any of th e lot de lin eate d up o n the a bove described lega l description o r to authorize GRANTEE to make any w ithdravva l of wa ter whic h w ill res ult in damage to a ny building o r st ru ctur e erected up on the lot. T hi s ass ig nm ent , co nveya nc e and a uth o ri z ati o n is made for th e benefit lot w ithin th e a bove des crib ed lega l desc ripti o n and sha ll bind th e ow ner of th e lo t(s) w ithin the lega l desc ripti o n. IN WITN ESS WH EREOF , GRANTOR ha s ex ec ut ed thi s in strum ent th e da y and yea r fir st a bove writt en. C ITY O F C UP ERT INO: a ~ Timm Bo rden , PE Direc to r of Publi c Wo rk s OWN ERS: Poo nam Pand ey T ru stee Californi a All Purpose Ackno wl ed gement dated 1-2-1 ~,2...0 11 attached ' (Ac kn ow ledg ment and No tari a l Sea l Atta ched) Exhibit A Legal Description . Lot 40 , as shown on that certain Map entitled Tract No. 631 Garden Gate Village, which Map was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California on May 23 , 1949, in Book 22 of Maps page(s) 56 . I I, CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer co mpletin g this certificate verifi es onl y th e identity of the indiv idual who signed th e doc ument to whi ch thi s ce rtifi cate is attached , a nd not the truthfulness, acc uracy, o r va lidity of th at document. State of California County of S fTNI'\ C...~ On 2-4J~, .WI 1 before me , Hl~IA ~~e~:e~l eandtitleofth eofficer) 'Notary Public , personall y appeared A--1~£tt!,D FJ IY)~ P~£-~ en-el__ 'P6'DNfw'{\ 'P~D E-'j . who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) ~/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that Jje/sft e/they executed the same in hl s/h r r/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by l~s/hf r/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the pe rson(s) acted ; executed the instrument. I certify und e r PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the law s of the State of California that the foregoing para gra ph is true and correct. HIMA V. MODI WITNESS my hand and official seal. cStl,~~-rYWJi. Signature o f No ta ry Pub lic Commission # 2064910 ~ . Nota ry Public • Calif orni a ! z Santa Clara County - J., ;,~ :·· e ,Ml :a v~ gi~tr:5 rm l6}%1tl (Nota ry Sea l) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DES CR IPTION OF TH E ATTACH ED DOC Ul\!j EN:_ ~+~~'t<)d)~ ~'Y\'~v (Title or desc ri ptio n of attac hed document co nt in ued) N umb er of Pa ges__3_ Document Date ___ _ AfN 32-b-o~ -61 b~ (Add iti ona l in fo rm at ion) CAPAC ITY CLA IM ED BY THE SIGNER D Indi vid ual (s) D Co rporate Officer (Titl e) D Partn er(s) D A tto rney-in-F act ~ee(s) D Other _____________ _ INS TR UCTIO NS FOR COMPLETIN G THIS FORM Any ack11owledg111e111 co111ple1ed i11 Ca lifomia must co11tai11 rerbiage exaC/ly as appears abo re in the 1101m y sec1io11 or a se parate ack110,rledg111e111 for111 must be properly co111ple1ed and al/ached 10 1ha1 doc11111e111. 711e only exception is if a doc11111e111 is 10 be reco rded au/side of Ca lifomia. 111 such i11sta11ces. a11y al!ematire ack 11owledg111 e11t verb iage as may be printed 011 such a doc111 11 e11 1 so long as 1he verbiage does 1101 req uire th e nota,y to do so 111 e1hi11g !hat is illegal for a 11 01m y in Ca lifornia (i.e. ce rtifying th e authori:ed capacity of 1he sig11e 1). Please check the docu111e111 ca refully fo r proper 11 owrial ,rordi11g and a11a ch !hi s Jam, if required. • State and Co unty info rm ati on mu st be th e State and Co unty whe re the documen t signer(s) pe rso nall y appeJ red before the notar y public for ack now ledgm ent. • Date of notari zation mu st be the date that th e s igner(s) personall y appea red whi ch must also be the sa me date th e ack nowledg men t is co mpl eted . • Th e notary pub lic mu st print hi s or her name as it appears wit hi n hi s or her co mmi ss ion fo ll owed by a co mm a and then your titl e (notary pub lic). • Print th e name(s) of doc um e nt s igner(s) who persona ll y appea r at the time of notari zat ion . • Indicate th e co rrect s in gula r or plu ra l forms by crossi ng off inco rrect forms (i.e . ke/she/fttej';-is /aFe) or c ircl ing the co rrect for ms. Fai lure to cor rec tl y indi ca te this information ma y lea d to rejec tion o f docu ment reco rding. • The notary sea l imp ression mu st be c lear a nd photo gra phic all y reproducib le. Impr ession mu st not cover tex t or lines. If sea l imp ress ion smud ges , re-sea l it a su ffi c ient area permit s, otherw ise co mpl e te a d ifferent ack no w ledg ment fo rm . • Signature of th e notary pub li c mu st match th e s ignature on file with the offic e of the co unt y c ler k. •:• Add iti ona l in format ion is not req uired but co uld help to e ns ur e thi s acknowledg ment is not mi sused or attached to a diffe rent docum e nt. ,;, In d ica te t it le or ty pe of attac hed docu men t, numbe r o f pages and date . ,;, Indicate th e capac ity claimed by the sig ner. If th e cla imed ca pa cit y is a corpo rate officer, in d ica te th e titl e (i .e. CEO , C FO , Secre tary). • Securel y at ta ch this doc um e nt to the s igned document C 2004 -20 15 Pro Unk Sig nin g Se rv ic e, Inc. -i\ll Ri ght s Rese rve d www.Th e ProLink.com -Natio nwide Notar)' Ser\'icc CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California } County of ~~ ~ } On ~ \ \ 1 '2-0 11- personally appeared TI W-,-1/V',- who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted , executed the instrument. I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Notary Public Seal ) INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION Th is fo rm complies with curren t Ca lifornia statutes regarding notmy wording and, DESCRIPTION OF THE ~TTAC ED DOCUMENT if needed, sho uld be co mp leted and attached to the document. Acknow ledgm en ts /\. , , .1-" •. _ _ , f I_. J.4. M ji-om other s tates may be comp leted/or doc um en ts being sent to that state so long ~~ ~ ..._. 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Date of no tarizati on must be th e d ate that th e signer(s) persona ll y appeared which m ust a lso be th e same date the acknow ledgment is com pl eted. • The notary pu blic must print hi s or her name as it appears wi thin his or her comm iss ion fo ll owed by a comma an d th en yo ur titl e (notary pu bli c). • Print th e name(s) of document signer(s) who persona ll y appea r at th e tim e of notari za ti on. • Indi cate th e co 1Tect s in g ul ar o r plura l fo nns by cross in g off mco1Tect fo nns (i.e . he/she/they, is /are) o r circl ing th e co1Tect fo nns. Fai lure to co1Tec tl y in d ica te thi s infonnati o n may lea d to rej ec ti on of docu ment recording . • The nota1y sea l im pression must be clear and photogra phi ca ll y reprod uc ib le. Impression m ust not cove r text or lin es. 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