6-U-73 ., (It\j of C"pcrUtw ""Ut'h". "T"'.' \ "'"""'"', \ .hl"""""" h'I."......, ,4<.1> ~,~'.;u, PI I ""..... (.1"""""',1."'....."""" OIiIU OF HIE tin' tURK J"ly è". 1~83 . V,II¡,..,Park.l.td. All": ~~alter Ward 1'. ". (lr,lw.'r V Cup,'n inDo CA ~5Ul) lï iï C"U:;CII, ACT ",, - .\1'1'1.1<:'\1'111:: ':-(;1'.\',83 AI'PI.1L\I!U¡J l-Z-HJ Al'l'LICAflIJN 6-U-73 "/ 11""'illcunllrnllh,'..n¡""bl'lIWCiLYC""">il"Llbd"""','II"'..",,1 "'. 19M) ..t wloi"h R",,>lul1uu Nu. bU8. ..doplin).: ..n .uncnd",,'nt t., U.., (;""""d Pl.",. w", ildul'lcd. '\ppli<:,'liuu l-l-8) was apl'ruwd per lh" £ulJuuln¡; "oud il i."", I-!" . SLlIld,ord C..ndltil'ns to the e"l...., "'-"l lhey do "ul coull kL ..It , U... sped.,1 . "",Jit l"", .""'-ruled herel". In th" ,'vent " ,'""I Ii , docs exis,. 'he sped.. I conditions as cno....r"ll'd '",rd" sh,oI 1 appi , . I. . ~o"inIiE"~t. The "pl'r.".'" , I" b"""I"p"n ["hibit ,\ Is< k,'ds."", '" ,I¡.,> I I...,. I-Z-M) .'" tlWy be> amended by IIddhional ".",diU",,; UlncIi"",1 I..." (9 !'.,,!mi5_1"d,.!::IIl~'-..U1'."_..TIe':_,:1!~<!. .!E..l!'.!.'.:".lli C"'II""'I'.i.II. ,:en.'r,tI "It I"" ,'uqh'raLI' "I ltc,' (..ith", ,ii '" " \)"",¡ I'I"'tol,I'" "',"'"I."I"rlll).:"I','r,III""sl. j",h,lr¡IÌ ,..", ""t Ivit ie's ,Ire p~nn¡ll..'d ..Ilhlll tht, """ill:: h,hllll!... '.', 1;, ,¡,:"", ' Lind """S .trl' "l'tlo",11 ill the discretIon '" tI", p"'I,,'n'.' ",;;", R~",ldc"tl..J dwellill!:s ',In be added ill..ddition to Lh., """"""", II ar.'" t I¡(IIres listeò helow. However. till' hd¡;ht I i,,!i"1t 1"",011'>- ~ussed below C""IIUt be exceeded. ',' > [ lii>:h ".'tivlty IIS~S, sllch ,IS coI'klaii 1"""~,,,. "',t"",,,.,: "III"I'LI;"""',,1 ,ll'livlti,', ,Ir,' e"u'"r",:I'd t" I",' 1""..,01...,: ¡"'"I"",h"""û,ory l'.trtj,"l.lrly ,I', ILInI,:h' "'I,,, 1"11" ,11101 h.,tl'l "'I",n, "111. III" i' .iIæ.-\!Ii',;;. . 17. . IIJ. '\"pr"'lmilll'ly !lU,JUU "I. IL. .oj OII¡",'/illd",¡Lri.tI ';"""'. J(IlI.OOO ';'1. r t. II I Clinunc rd,tI sl','CC ""d " m"XÌIII'IIII no I'I)U'" I"'td ,an he e"IISLru"ted. ,\ ¡"r¡;c se¡;m"nL of lhc c,'n""rdal SI'.IC" may b" c.'nslruct,'d lIVcr V,tllo'<> PilrkwilY and p;¡rki"g facilHi...s "" th... ,'xlstin).: Vailcli F.lShit'n Park si'l'. ¡'he In"dsc 10\Catilin "I lI", \ClImnlCrd"l Sp,II'C ...ill be dl'l"l'mincd in <:lI"junction wHh" subse~ucnlly iil""¡ use permIt "ppU"alion, The nO,5UU sol. fto "I o[Uc" span' incl..d,',; thc 105,000 sq. it. uifi<:... d...vclopm"nl (Vallco financial Centcr) whi<:h is located in lh... ¿on in!; boundilry, Th,' hlltel m"v include "'lnquet spac". <'<'uferenc" room". dud andl!."y <:o>m",crcial a"UviU"s <:o"'on lo a hotel <:lIml'lex. I\n<:illary ""mm,'r- cia I activilil.'s includ.. r"st.\urants. gilt shops, l'"rSl)nal servic,'", il11wC'r sl",ps, book st"res and similar uscs CUDUnllllly ¡"<:,Hed in ...,d slIPI'"nillg a hllle! facility. Thc Pla"nill).: Convnissill" sh.d! .ll'pr,'v,' tlwllkld....m Ilo"r .1rea of andllary \Commen:idl spac,' in cuujullclion wilh a I ulure dl>velol'ml.'nt application. The Plmlniu).: Collllnission's d"dsiun on thl.' mnounl "f i¡ncillary "lImml'rcial spao',' wi II b,' bast'd Ul'"n the dc"ree lo which lite space suppons lI... h<>lcl [un..tion. lJcsil;I~§..~,-d~!~ TI", 1IIIIuwing design standards are incorl'°fi,led inLu lh" zuning approvill . .1. In ).:enera,I, ahrUl'l changes In building scale shall b.. avuid"d. ,\ ¡;raduaJ ""stepped transition shall occur betW(!cn the SLre"l ilnd the center of lhc 'property. ~ "brupt p.!lestr1,m "Xl'"sur,' to lilll building fac"des shall becavòtded tn!ørder tl> malnlain " cllmfortable hu....n scale at,8rO\ll14 level. :ii: .15 a genUa!. rule .buUdln~iÞe1Jt~ 'tn"the V~tlco 'PMk pfann.ng ArÈiâ should nol exceed elght-"(8)stùri"H wHh'th" ex.:el'lio.. 01 lhe h"I..1 whJch is unsl'ecifi..d. 11", filial "I'I'roved hei¡;hlS "r buildings In Vdl¡;o parlt)!tJ.øcìÌU4ingthe, h9~el.wlll be! detena.1ned in cllnjllllCtlon ttttchliUbøequent deW!lopment ilpl'liclLl h. Co The hili Idjn¡; ¡ilCiide un SlevenH Ctl'ck lIoml,'vilrd sh,tll b,' 1"'1"'.1 t, l"II1Clu,ll,'d with "I'"n spacc <:orridors 10 prevent .1 ,,)nt ilHl""'. w.1l1 dr",,¡, C""Uliunity F"ci lilies Ihe clelllCnl within LIte PI.,nnln" area "I~, I J b<' desiKlled in .. m,lII"o' , as lo not overburden po1J.ce and fire protecti"n. a. Adequale aannlnK leve 1a and fir. f ighllnK e'lu j I'IIIeIl t sr." II be "ssured If U"I> p""mil pllln" are approved with hulidilll:(',) which t'xceed fJve Hlurie" or 1>0 fl. III.. City ,h,oIl d.'li",' <I ildequacy of fJre >rutection foUuwi"l: cu"sull.HL"n witll tl... - l - . . '" , ',.'","¡m,,',j) .' -",'..",.."...,-",."'.'.-!/"" ~,..'. '~"~ ' ,. , ';"lIlI',1\ Fit., 1¡¡»IIi". lh.' City ,I..,j 1:"","'.11 Hr.' IJblfld »\1.111 li.'v,'J"p a n"',III" to 1 III ,III I' e "'tr,wrdi"<IlY ('o»t~ 'hs...'i..l~d with hll\h-rls\! fir\! prot.."U"n. '1'1... Ilna"d,¡J pr"~r.lm shall I", I\lIid,'d by tlw prlndpl" thal "xlr,wrdi"ary 1,»>ls sh.ill b., hurllo' by hi,;h-r"\! dewlopl'fS. The ¡l"andal lormlll.l sh,oIl """siú,'r ."11',11>[11 i"ary h'veln... ¡,:c",'ral"d by hi¡.:h-r is" (wr»,.» lh.' S.1:",. SOIIl....,' I""t,,¡.:e lor low-tisl') ,11101 the.,dditiuuallev"¡ ul ~erviù' th,ll o'xlra m,lIIpower pruvides 10 the euUre "onunullily. Þ. A sub»"'I"e"t appruvcd use permil shall ill<:orporate lhc lul ¡"wiu.; pul kc proteeduo -",~sur~~. I. Th., Plan shall provide buill-in "ommu"Ìl:aÜons equil'mc"l. "",'h as rep,"'l,'r sit\!s so thaI Lhe 1'°11.'" units "'III Iutll'tiuu iu and out o[ lheir vehic1e~. as well as ill ""d uul 01 build/",.,.. l. ,\ pr/v,'lc sc,'urity {orle sh.ill bc us,-d 10 prulecI fadliU,'» dur in~ "unsl rucUo" and ol'erallun. 3. I>ev"¡opment plans shall consider physh'al ¡adllti,'s, ""," a» uilice "I',IC", {or USe by ulHeers on th., sccnl! ", prep"'.' \I'I,,'rts, int<'rview of "ilne»scs. v1cUm» or suspc<:'" aud uth.'r administrative> Lasks. h. üus- 1 r..:'~~s_{~r_.ËiLc 11", silc I)tanuin!; al the use p"rmit It'vel shall .11""no,odale lransfèr sl"Üonwhich is "helterèd [rom the eie"",nls. ,I I"", ':0. O(f-Slreel Parking The appilcalll'u ut i! 1~..s a joinl I)arkiu!: approach where it c"n be úemonstratl'd lh"t distinct uses have parklnll ""eds which ,.." u"t in ù,nlli<:l. Thc applicant shali delllOnst~alelhc h"'sibllity 01 ,I j,)int parkiu~ eonc"pt at a use >Øl'IIlt planninc stage. 21. ~, _I!.~~~"~~.! Th(' "pplic.lIIl!prop\!rty owne~s,agr...t!i\pIlI;Ücipnt""cln hts prol"'" "'HI. I sh,.h' uClIII1jor ore-site street ¡.prov.",i... or a 1""01 111 'Otllll"""'., wi,l"~ 11,1\.11'" ,IS idenlilit'ol III th., (;"II"ral Plan. Slid .,~r"en'c"t ',¡' i: i 11<'1 ",t.' bIll n.., be limited lo the r,'lluwJn¡: Iftclh-JOIs 01 lultilliu.: s.'id ..hli!;..li..n 10 partidl'ate. I. hlllú,'d d ireetly. ¿ . t'unded throullh an a"SesS"'nl district. 3. Pa)'1llent of construction lax in ef(e>ct at the ti"", ..( uce"p,"', ,. 4. Any olher -thud deellled appropriate by lI.,' Clt:. c.".IIIC i I. - ) - . \ . 1-14, co~mlT10:¡S ¡,F AI'I'ROYAI. \",11<'0 Park Ik~io'lIl ::;1-.1111"111& Ccnte>c 6-U-'73 St;lIIdQcd C",:d.lt.l.ons [0 the extent rh"l th\!y do not ~ollrIjcl wtLh th" ';I"'C 1n1 c,..,dHi"aa ,.....n"r"l...d hcreJII. In the c'v""t a cnaflict docs ""lGt. Lloe "p,'ci.11 co:.did:',::; a" (.\::,",çr:1tcd h-.;l:c1,: shall a:'p1y. 15. "h.o "j)prov,,! ~G based ep?,,'thc attachcJ l~t ¡:ev.. A-1 l"t J(..".. II 1at Ilcv,. -l l£t ¡Icv.. þ, C. 1'-1. ô1"d ,-2. as 11;;1)' he tiolla eonla.;..o".. ","rein. site 1,1"ns 1abell'd E><hibil A. l£t nc,'.. C 1st ncv.. C-l ~odfCied by additional con1i- 16. Prior to 1"....,:",,1'1 of a b"1.1<1111& pern1t. th.. dcvcloper/o.mer "hall a"quire the "ecccury ..ir Yigh~" Cor tlte crocal,,;; of l:olCe no)"d "Ith . structure II" propos..d on the site 1011l1t, labeled Exhib1:. A, 6-i\-73. in a AÍ.1r.rscc a& approved by th" City (".ounc11. 17. J'1'lor to ic"u.:~c oJ a b1l11d111& pCfl11.t. the dcvcJ,Op"rfOI,To". si",ll ,'nte:t: into .0:; IIP:>ro.'rlatto 4&CCca:llt with tl", CIty of Cupertt )(J 1rc.\'!din& for the lo('ltcio.. 0' ......s rul,¡d tundt (1leUities v!thfn the parUn& lot art-ft. d"fJII"d on tlte nit.. pilln labrl/',d r."hitoil /., 6-U-73. S"j,d ~f.recr"'l1t ..hall >ravi.'... (.,r l"a It",'",r....i", œ.1JI."",nCa, air ri&hts 0" ano:h.... "¡'r,r,,' I'd".." I,IItcn:at to bt> d"~"1..,ln..d In th" luturt' by the City or c,'p","I.J"" nI::: "" O¡'rn,rd"r" tr"nul: authority. The Itc:q,'¡"ftfon "f A"rfr."" rJ:;!\L!J will \", "',I,diU,..,..J "I'..'t r"l':~,'H' or I'"r'.in~ ,,:,.t '. .ktel'"i",':' I. 0 ner," ',)' lit) " r,..sult oC Ü:yrOYed tr""Git f..eUH~".. lB. rrior tn II:Lu....ct'. ol a !...Hdine 1'('11111:, tho d(;VI'lo¡",do.""r ..1",] 1. "II' " in!.11 IIn :ll'l't"I>r!.nta lI~rc:e!:;,.>\t ... ::rvrclv"J by t¡'~ CopcrtiLo CH)' rou..<:C , vrovidÜ:f, !or aø ",""",1 contrfltuUI'" ot $~7,OC¡) rur a pcrl..,cI of 20 y(",p" IIJ1i<l ""..aunt "hall be ulUiL"j in II ,"ann.:r .ø "rpraved by the CI t¡' I~,HII" l' to ""h.,n.:c tloe cnvil'01t1lCntal <¡1I41Hy of tho c"::"",,iLy. TII.:: Cay C""'Li1 0:...11 1;1.." I,dura, to "l'vUcat{ol1 u( ,s,,1J fl1:1,I" to 'nv, (""",'\L~} I'nl"'" ", in :1'e viduity of V..J1~<> r.rk. I!O'Jf:v"r, thø ,;"...i,;1....0 úf tll.'! City ('.mc." ¡ ..1...U 1>" fh.J1l. 19. 110" c"..t of aU YN ldrc,J off-Illfl: Htr_t 1.,......t..;.øts. an4/O\' \JIJ,'.. nr.. "J¡;I1;:1 JII..t,,!I,J~i.;.", ,.i",»1 ""'U¡cat:lÞu.ua4 ..llJ1pf"oJrl..n:",....".. '1£11"'1'1..(.",: tlllh Ll;e ,,~.('v'" ,.. dtJ~,c "'"lIlted b/thC ø. J.ø.!$1, Ca~J.ar" Cu"í'"nl ,.-!'Nt. oC I~,y. J'J73 ....... Aaø:lIl. 1971 and/ortilz Cle1 Ä>#11 lie 1x-'hO Þy tlou ,JcW.'¡,'JHU/ o.."c'r. Thc iupr"...,o.<:ttt.. ,.1...11 1nc:Jü4c bole _c .... Un1.",' to the f"lIM-::',~ H,,"~: ~~ ~,L-l_"!1'~c,:~=~ ... (',.I1:.1no"r \,'"He ~,od to ..I:;.1Ir: J..".." tr- V..!!c" r",.¡""y tf> ¡"'dO..,' ',. ", r.i!::.r-uf-'..," re,......-.".,..> ("r h'1l Ja;w'.¡) 1: "",.Jut "'... r.'l; 'c. "'i" J,.'ut COt :tlJ ,.t(;;.t"..:>. I., r"'o"IIl.~t \',:11.... r,.,~".y to..it. 1"""," {.(-." ,.-"Ht: s."'; t" ,or,:"" I.' c. CGllclr..cr I,..-i..d.'r ru.d ;1,. í:>:',-.IU.: h, t,. I",:;uq, J'J¡'.>. r ", ill l<. w., i.:, ~ - 1 . I . , . . d, Con:;tl'u<,t undarcru""lng at 1.'0) fa Road just ..auth of 1-2&0 ,~s "p H'uved I>y ll", ¡'ublle: ,,"urt.n /)J.rootor "nd tho C..lHorn14 St4l" \JCI'"~.tlr.",,t uf Tr..r."I"'.'t,~tln", IlIt"I""'<'.1 i "II J'~1!.!'E~!"~.!!. . e. !!.!!.'!.'.:! i~~':...~.<!...!::"'1 t, o~! Inst:»)"t10", ('If II Multi-ph,~"e tl':>ffie sironal vith douhlc Left-tun, la¡'~"o vcstbound Prune."J.d(;.., (Val1<:o l.all "ll'e...I>' »aid it" IIh"."" to"....<1 the signal inllt:1lli1L!.on,) , f. Stl'\'!""" ç!.<.:!U<:>::!.!.!:.,'"rd :>nd P(llfo Road tbdifiei1ti"n of 3J.{:n,,1 phaslnç and addition of fr"" riGht-turn Ian", fo.' easthou"d Stavona Creek. g. StevenA Crf'."I: noul"vtlrd ¡,cst flf Wolfe Road (perimeter road) Installation ('If ~ulti-»h"se traffic signal and intersection constru~tlùn and modification to include all rcstriping us nece"""r>' a,Long Ste\'ens Creel:. 80111<:vl1rd. h. Stcv"n~ Cr..ek 80111e\'01l'd t¡edian Op""ing Ae!'o"s Existing '~~~ ~ . 1'.1iudn..te tho, ex1"t,in& ..adinn opening just cast of tl", Scars '"..t"",,..t111<': Center I1n': JandG~011'" nell section of medi"n, 1. Norti.¡'olll1d r-280 Orf-r",np lit ¡'~olfe ROO1d The l1('1rthbollnd OH-I""'P left-Lu.'n lane should be lcn¡:lh::ncd to ¡¡hout 500 fect and as approved by the State r "part....ent of Trl1nSI'°rLatiu,1. j. ~~~~'!'.1J!o1fc r.o~<I at 280 Intcrchan!:e E"t,,"d ""isting lhid throu¡;h-l'me on øoutl.bound l~nJ.fc nond lo a point jol>t north of the e"ÍI¡ti"g 1-2110 OVCrpSSR otructurc. k. !lol f!'. RO.l.t and IIw"c ;l<!:1d Trntf 1c ..Jbn3l ..">dific3tion, r.o"..truction. ;.nd r...Atripi"3 ('I! 8"i<l !n~el- scction 118 ('Iutlinl'd in the Dc J.en", Cathrr report, AII[;u~t, 197'j. 1. ~c,.~.~~,.!!£.!i!Ir.!'. Avl'nn!! I'ro\'ld" .~n (!xclusivl' ri¡;lIt-turn IO1n8 on norLh!.onnd 11o1fe I:oad "L II", approdch t('l Prul1cri':¡;C '\VCllU<:. ' 01, .Y:!.!l.!:E'_J~'LI:\",y "nd 1,:"1(,, R""d Modifi",~tll'n of d¡-,n;!l ..nu """Ii,.n opcn;n!', (,; he cl'o:,trIlCL<"¡ ...., "'I:ll"'! ill lhc 1\" 1","", (",.llloo,' 1"'pOI't of :L,y 2/" J!I7). n", 1..r"'~""n ,>'0\'0'0""'." 1101'1111-011",1 1:,.lCc J:.,,'d ,1[C "lIhjrct to py',!:,;",""'" In lo,. flit all' r",' ,., cli.':ill...Uon or rc:'lricei"" 0(, .,Ir;nln¡; Or 1i¡;lII". - 2- M:ib. If\\'.';" , . e n. l=~IIO....!,"r\ Iln]l!:..!l~ Sicn,ll ,ood1 firatio:) lIl\d I""t,',drn of th". free-turn l"ne sh.11 \ be appro""d by lI.., Public 1,lud:" lJir"ctör and lite !kp.>1'l.."nt oc 'I'ransl'ort"U"". c, ~.!.!~~"Ë, ~,'ldJ1!!!.~..b~ Hodiftcution to LI,e .1¡'ove intersection liS deemed nec"ssllry "",\ a¡'I>...>v"d by lhc I'ublie 1II11k5 !)Ü'cctOL', ' p. ~,~'!.I~~_cI ",,11<:0 _!,.'.!.~k~'a~ Con:.truction of said intersection to be approved by the Public: Ilorks DhccLor. The d""cloper!o"."e\:' fnrther "1:'1""8 to participate in the fündin¡: of Tant.1u Avenue ovl'rcro""ín:: in oT!er Ln ""l'ediL" the construction so as to be a5surcd of itG co",pletlon prior to co"'plction of shoppin¡: cent"T, " 20. The occ';'l'ancy pcr..lt sh.111 not be: ill Hued until Ta'1tllu A,'euue ovcr<:rossin& eon- structio" 1s undon".,)'. Tho ar"d to the I/.:!St of 1-Iolfe Co ad nOllY be occupied before CO;;III\otion. but the ar<'n, over IloIC" I\oad and to the east m:J)' not be occupicd until cOml']ctl"O. ' P,'ovlS1U¡{ "h.111 he l".~cIc to te1"l1111ato Au'¡'urn )'Irlve. Harritt Priva '"1<1 Amher5t 1Jr.i,vc in L),e Cor... nr IL ,"odi!!.c'" cuI-dc-all';: 1':1. IIpproved by th" CHy r.ugin"er. The J','rro""'t"Cllt 'MY provide fur lId<litio,,::l l~n(llJcApir.¡: liS re'luin<ù 1,)' the ^rchHe~rurnl and Site A 1 Jrov:Ü C"..mltt"". 21. ImpL'ove;,'~nlR to Jub) i ~ road'..r¡¡y (:10,,11 in.;:) IIde the 1.1ndficul'1.ng. .~ut( ¡'3 Lion ..nd con"tr(!cUon of ",cdbn strips vhcr" de,,".ned "'pjlroprinl.e by the City. 22. An 8-ft, h1¡:h ""'SOO1')' ...,,11 sh<:H be constructed on tl", \-Icctcrly ¡'""",I......y line o( tha('rnjcct to mlti;~lte lIoise inttl1sion ,into the "djoininG ain ;lc,_f.1lnHy nei¡;hb(.l'I1o<'d, I[ neccer--ary the City ,,11;11.1, exercise hI' Jowers of c",¡"';nt. dolluiu to ,'t'r..it til" l\Lvelol,er to confortI to thin c",ndit;em. Thl! s..rt. h<d:;!.t of 8"id solilld ",,111 sbaU be '<""'ollr"d (roN th... finLah l;r'Hlc oC lI", re,ddclIlL¡) ('rol'en:)', 1'h... soun:! ',;,,11 "h:.Jl conLinue ufC-G1te Lo l'1'ot"ct 1:(",1.,1"'1,, 11"'[11;: on !Ira!.... /Jrive bc;;jr.ai.1¡; Î1'oòO' lhc nortl",'..:;t rip of the uhopping <'<'11"'" lIiL"- then ;\1C'11!; the er,~"1"11 Haill",\1 \;1 1/1.'io<><\ Co&\U\Jl. Ðh;tth t pro¡"'I't'J \ Lon to tll<' trinncuJ..r I>h,1pcd C,,]Ho:nJ.1 \('IL..r Servkc r-rlmy ¡We»erty. The od,o¡tinz ",...u lo the ",'st "h,,11 'also be constructed to tI f(,f1t in hc1Cht, 5,,1d 6-Ct, w.111 heJ¡;hr r;ballbc a mlritmuá. '1hefin.11hci¡:ht of ,..1i,¡ vall sh.011 b" detendn"" U¡'OIl sul""1",,,ion or final I>tans to ebe Arch]1 <rll,..,.1 .11'.,1 Sit.. ^l'l'l'O".>l Cor""aitt"". S"i<l h,Ür,ht ghal1 h.. docIIID"nr.d with nrú,,:;tical "1Ir,int'crin¡: dat". "h\('h,o;h.11 o:uhfitantiate L ¡c final 1a"I~laL DC ...<li-.! 1/,,11. 23. Tha 1""'1"",.'<1 ~\-C ;. "ide l"nd"""l'inr, IIlrt > 1>:'1."""," tla" ,,<1101111111: rc,j'¡"ulL.l neir,la1.>,Hh'"d ",od lh., pcd...rtcr rO'.,d!.."r!.:.!n... Jor "!k111. b" ,'v.lluat"d by the Archlr..:clu":ll .1u<I foit" '\1'i'ro'~"l C""uJittc" to d"t"rmjn" if aùrllt jo",,1 \I;dll, i:; ncc"s...,uy Lo Inc1l1b "I'",:c Cúo' hicyc!" ",ails and J,'lId',<:,1rJ,,¡; '1;1, ,'¡¡ n;;, 24. 1'1... apl'li ".,nt. tIll' "..'ner of ",."t;,1 I'L,<:J. aI"; 0.., ~(""'" 1'.",1"" I." I 1.'.. "1' II.' "hIll CULn Illto ,'II ,';:r""""'11. lo Hcon,-,trucL an, 1.111';',":'" It.' >.(.' .. p",'j","lI'I' r...ldw,.y ",!¡,..:rnt LO lh.. l'ort.l1 1'1.1:',1 ShoJll,i:.' ;:',11.1' :,11 - 3 - ~: ' " . , " . .'" ,,:~;~,. . .) 33. ..._"..~......,.,.",..,., .",._~--,.- "")fin . I 111pl' I rr" 25. 1ft ord,t'T to provide for pel'tphorl11 nM internAl landacapitta and bieycle I'"lh,¡. the Architectural and Site Al'proval Co:lltl.i.tl"e 1e authorized to delete th.. nwober oC o!f-tlLre..c parking "cnlla dC8iç.."tcd on the lagend of t:"hib1t ^, lar Koviaion ~p to lOZ. 26. The curb cut 1.oc:"ted O)n tho eaacorn ~'i&hL-ot-"'ay ad!;. of Wolte Rood n""n'>: {- llately :l~O f':tllt northcrly of VaUcR P"rk W.1Y ahall ¡", eli.minatcd. "",~dL", bre.3k "hall be provided on Va1lco Po~'k \Iav to allow left-turn IIOVPmen:8 r",o" VoUcn P"rk :lay to the 5.86-a,'ro parkinI', lot locared aouthed)' of V,dlce !"lrk Way and tho parking lot ,outherly of thi,> J. C. Penn..ystore. "detailed doc_nt shall be prepared by tho deve10p..r aotting forth 1II03:<"re$ to .1ti¡;aCe adverlHO i.pacts r...ultinj; froro conatruction aclivitics. Th.. document .hall inc:Judo a propos3l for delivery truck routing, noiae atten.."tion for equi"",..nt. duat control. rodent control and hours of, construction acl1vily. The Planning eo-ission shoJ11 revi"" and appro"e the document under "Unf1l1ished Businc,s'" prior to issuance of a buildinG p..ndt. 27. 28~ The acund vall on the weatarly boundary lino shall be constructed coneurr..nll;' with the initial phase of construction for tbe center. The sound wall shd'l be collpl'!ted prior to 1nit1ation of eonstrue-tion a:t1Yity thoJr w111 Mye a sign1f1cant Dobe 1I:Ipact as defined 'in the "Construction Activity" documcnt denc:r1Þed in CoDdition 27. 29. That tho ,f\Xbtiø& rarkinl lot e1ectroli,Cts on the !lean site shall be replac..d by ..loctrol10rs ill conforJlUlnco uitb thoae i\pproved by tho Architecturol anJ Sits Approval Coot:aitteo for the rell4ind..r oC the shopping center, 30. That the truck barricade along the vanterly portion of the pro;lect as shol'" on Er.bl~it ¡.'. l:t J!cv!aion. :u:ar Aaher:.t Del'....., st~ll ba LIOV"': LO . pC/bt eouthorly of the Vollco Park ~:ay entrane-e to the underground parkin!l fAci] hr. 00.. tr\;ck barTicada shall be pb.:<!d on tbP. periaeter road and one addition.H truck barricade eball be placcd southerly of \'a11cII Put Way acrosll the IIOrthl_th colle tor able adjacent to the .hoppiog center buUding. 31. That the 5.8 acre parUIII lot locatad £outherly of Valleo ParI: Way a. inù1c:1ted on r;"h ,hit A. lat Revision. 1.... n part of th. ur;e p","1 t for th" n:gion" 1 c¡',..;,,- ping Cl'nter aDd, t""rofore. t.:'il1l1Ot be crf'Alitad for any {uLur.. coast-racti"" vithin the area. 32. Prior to DUb,li..i- of f1aa1 plan.'to the Atch1t.-ctu.....l ..... SiLO Approval Committee. the Dlr8C~ of "~lic wack. _ødSaata Clsra Covnty Teansit Dið- triCL shall de81 ;A8ce tll8 appropriate {adUU.s tor lhe boarding oJ: busu alor.s; l:olC. IIøõMI aad fft the provia- orror_U"'" trandt vlUdn the ahopping C8Dtar pad;ÚI; tor. Said&cUid.. adJac_t to lIolC" Rl)¡¡w "Y pro- vid.. Cor special bu:¡ 1aac. fr- lIolfe '.o.~d to tbe parki?1 1,,1' arp.., Upon niacty (90) ':"15 Vlitt.... DOtice pven by the City, the d"'II'J."¡.,,r aha) J agr...c to p"rtkil,;;t" ia a 1..c41 1""'1'0y-=t di5tefçt And cnte," JIIIO ..n ";';1' ,- cent ,"'Hh the tHy to iA....r.. r:lrtJelpò,Unn. provided th,t s', ch II ¡"C.1: J,,- prov.....:.,...t district i» requiTe:! II> provld.- ""ch bpr...'('..clit,,- 1h" ¡",prov<:- menrs "\:,,U be in "c..o..':..",,~ ,,¡th the tr"fUe: circulation elct.1~"t or tI." Ceneral l'1.:1n. ,,& "Pl'..."c..! t.y CJ~y ::ouø...l1. - " - ~ ..-, ) . . "" " ."~' ~<~<. -... - ". ...-.. 34. Vall"" -':,.>i'- ¡'3r~',. jn writi"!: tc ~hc clev"lop..rnt timlt;;tiol1:i c= 1,(;.2 :. ...,res """."""", ~11 the Octol>"., 16. ln~, ". :\mendc.J, meøooral\du", of den J. ~if'1\ovi~n, 3,,:-jCr.tl COI1.itruc:t1on i'has1'1r. t~w: V.,tieu P;n:k, ,n: condit..o.'",; a1>..we ~" Con.!! " 1"" No. :11. 35. l:evcI"¡.,,..../owncI' ~1wll, prior [I) i..""nel'. (,or a bulldil'g per'CIit, present a :>rop"!101~ f~r, a s:¡;"ly for a joint C1tY-\.lllco r;tudy at a c:ost not to I"""",d $67,:100 to b<> .".-"cc! 5\J~'; b;' Vdl~o rut, and ~O% by the City. 'rhe ..tudy shall have 11... it, j;oal ,;~.. ~rr1l110n of .. ¡;rll<\spol'c"tion Soy"te.. f~c the V.ü1e.. :'¡;:.rk arC'... 'fh.. 1:<:815 (>f tbs st\'Ù)' 8hall ba a system d"s1~oec! to p"o- vida transit for a ..inl:..u.. oC :5: of tho 0-"'1<. hour :\,>tclI1obile tr.,ffie ¡;cn'>taceJ by y..lleo Pad. lor ..ll uses ;'o\;h now and in the fueur" ao<l 10'; of the to\;,,1 Hoarfie botn n,," .11\-1 in the futur". Th" cyst""" ~o be d"sisned may include supp1:::.',c:tts to lÌl~ C(>unt)l '!r~nsit District D.tal-a"Cus system, buG po....l!n;, .'ar >O(.'lir.;:, private shop¡lin.; c:cnter buses, C<1?lc)'ec mini-buG le"s8 arran¡;en:,"nls, .".J otLer aTran.,;cmcnts "helh",. pab1ic. or "rivace "bieh offer r..ductions ill total private aatomobile trt~s. I hereby certify thet the for8loiq Coaditlona of Approval numbered, 1 through 3S,Ùlcluaiva, on pagea IUl8ber 1 throulh S, Ùlcluaive, are tho.e aa içoaed by the City Council of the City of CupartÙlo in the approval of Use Pe....it 6-U-73 for the Valleo Park Regional Shopping C~ter. /~ zx:~~ WIll. E. Ry 81', City Clerk I - " - Cl'r'!~r CUP.t'rlRO City IlaU. 10300 To..... Av.au.. CupørUJIO.;,Cal1tllnJa'" 9JO14 %e1."'"" '~*)" 2S2-4S05 ,I,' "c. ,: ' RESOLUTION' OF THE J'1.AtIICDG OO!OIISSION OF.TIlE CITY OF CUPERTIIIO IlECC»IHEIID- UIC APPlIOYAL OF ... USBPEiKlT WEREAS, the PlaØDiag eo-i88ion of the City of Cupet'tino received an application for a USE 'PEllHlT. as stated on. Pas" 2: "nd WHEitEAS. the applicant baa met the burden of proof required to support saW application: and 1lHERI:AS, the PlLImiD¡ eo-1adoß Hada that the application Mets the followi. requir-u: a. Eøcoor...a the _I: appropriate USCi of laød, . b. CoœUYa sad stabilbes the wlue of propnty. c. Provid.. for adequate open.paces for light aDd alr, \h d. Pend.... "'eqúata control of fir_. a. Pr_ta tM h8alth, ..fety and publ1c wolt.ra, f. ProvUa for tl.. orderly develop.ent of th.. Cl ty. ane! \ " " , I. I. """elScagaoua to the property 800 iDIp""V...,lIts 1:\ th" z"nl,,~ district all<! neJ..;hborhood In whir.h the property h lrJc.ated¡ tllN. THDUFOIU:. IS!: IT Rl!:SGLVI!D: That ,after careiul c0ß81derc.rtol\ ot map.., 'acta. mchiblt8 alld oU..,.. tvide:lc8 "ubaolt~"¿ in this ",att..r. :t... appH:atIQ!. <:f the USr. P:-P~¡¡T 18 ¡...reby ruc~1!d tor ap¡>t'ov,1L. ...wjcc. tc the conditi'JlIh ¡¡tat",1 on I'ag.. 2; and . BE IT FUaT1IE2 IŒS:)LVED: T'.\8t t~ afor_ttøøed tioúll.. " lIppt'ovad ..nd ë4n )ted. and ~hat th., '" ~ret4ty be. 4I>d is bet'..by dl:ec:t<!4 ~ JlUt:ífõ' "I'" plj~o;1.... .,{ r C." l< I "y this d..::iaima. "I~.. \.I'-'~-,.", .....'" 1- ,-~~" ".."... ","t",!,k»."".. ~ , ("'roll...",' >C, :'..,: ' - -t- , . ',1 1) 6..1I-73 - KI:~U"";'U:¡ NO. t2$3<! 0<' '(ilt' ";'¡'::NI:~G çœc..ISStúN OF THt:, CITY OF CU1'ERTINO I!E(:Ç'1'.rr:~!Jl~;¡; 'WI:: APPkO>'AL 0' A USE PEIMIT TO ALLOW cœ;¡, ~'K':':":lÇX Of A. RI;c.IO::ilL SI!OPi'tliG CI'!trÉR CO~f.u¡-il:\G A TOTAL Ú;. APPROXlMAl1:I.Y 1~5,c,()O SQ, IT, OF COMHiRCIAL FWO!i. A.tU. IN AI:oDl'rIO~ TO Hfi EXlSTIRC ttARS FACI1.ITf ,~!~'H¡¡\ A P (PU:!~!::D D:iVr. .o?HC:'IT I11TI! .\ iU'.G!OH.\i. !:IIOJ'PlNG CE:IHR CC,'ZiEI«:I,\L USE r:'TEI'r) ZONE, ;PPLIC,<';I,: AIJDRESS : ~,lIIIJ11'fj'¿tI: ,.GC.~':'¡O\ : . í;O~E: Velleo Perk, Ltd, P.O. Drawer V, Cupertino, CalifoTnia 95014 ~larc:h 30, 19i3 , Southerly of slid adj£'c"l't to Free"'.~' Route 280 at It.. inte:- seetio<. ",itn WolIe Road, extending s'~utherly on the vested; ,d."" of Wolf" 1<0..<1 !r::m ..."id Freevz.y to S~vena Cred, Boule'la:á &ad extendinz aoutterly from said Preeway on the easterly side of Wolf" Road to V.. 11 <'0 ,'aT;'; Hay. P (Planned Developnoent with a Reg.cna'. Shopping Centar Cc,:<1ercit'l u." Iou,ot) ----------------.------------------------------------------------------------- CONI>I'rIú1.S AUD f1J~TII~ rJ!\1JIKGS: J 1-14, J 1~. 16, . Ii. 18. St..nJar1 ~ud1t1..n" t( ~I:e extant that t!u<y do no: coniU.cl' "ltr- Ih" "p"'cl.¡] conc;it!c,n" ~"\~,"r" t,'d hE:r(¡~:I. !n the "v,nc .J :..,,",:~" -,-,,¡; e¡;illt, too aped..l ccltch,unø a. erl1"~r.lc'" herein shall a~l'lj'. "Ii., "M'r"'~al .ia bued upor. th.. att...,tu..<i l1it.. pl- lat..1eri Exhtbi'r :" hI: 1tf1v, , "..; ht Rrv., B Jat nev.. ii-I l...~ !(ev.. r. ls~ !tC'l, r;-, hI n, i'.. 1-1. .or'" '-2, " ma" ". iIIOrití1.,j by ...tid1tj""",,1 c",,<lalor,. ",n- t.flUld fw,r.dr., I'rlcr to f"o¡ua;¡'"e ,,! a b,dlC:!ng p(",^h, t!'I, c!"v"J:¡ÿ~rh:~H ,h311 :.~q"!re ~ ,e n"c~s3""; oir (:g~' '. 'or t:,~ rrc,.dr",- of I'o,!. ~"?",,,! ',:, a "truct"r.. a. i'To¡1.;uà cr t"I! "'¡c., phn ¡,,¡',,1..~ ~,... ¡.Lt A. 6-L,; J., in a mann('r ".. o:ppc""cJ :'y th" 1;1 cy C""..,.,,1. KC-, . Prior tc. 1""""tt,,1' Of~:>ull¿i¡.;; i'C~:,¡J.t. t!", d,;v.,¡~.,"'!,"n..: b:,,:. "'1t"-r 1M... "'«-, :~':f,¡'j""<h '",,1 h r!,( "-.. "f ..,.~,.~t.iI." pc"",.i",>; t", Lho Ioc¡,~lop "f :.as.. ....'>11 tl"r'~;NI!;¡;,'ì~:mJ:,":¡" t ,"rb' }<,: Dre..~ J",'Í.'o¿ "'" t:.~ ~!!.. pi..r, ,~,,"'¡d 1."';:O:l.t :'." 'lJ. ~..j., ..¡;r.."..en' ..'.al:. "r<"'i<l" 'or !i>" v.I."r..l1i;.. "-"..,:'r.d, ~ir ':;;',,- .of ""other "l"I.roprÜte jete. est l" ~.. J..r..r:t."...~ in t"" f .:,,:-~ ~j' 'j,I' Cit" oC (;'."..rU..." :"'¿ .". .1>t;"'prL.t" u'..""lt .IU~'...r¡:y, "'.<!d~~l' , "aid a¡;r,'e,'on~ "t.a: t d,'~ in" thl ?"r.n:l.-:: ¡,'r ~ ,,1.1.. r_".. tI~ k<'" ! , ~ ~ !J~ tI~ ~ ~ &I~ ~~,'4,?'~: ¡'rivr to h'u'a:ce oi a ",.¡j"¡n" !>err-Irq r:: ~..c;~;,~--;:~,:! ~t.:,'M.,1 ',n:e" lnt...;", .."..ropol,'" I~rd'..,-,! ,"¡ ",',r?V",~ :'.' "J' "r:-:'! /r.' ,."..~ "i!yc-¡';;,:I].pr"",Jí.,~r...r~n";",. ",-,:,.c""',, "'~"';"<,. t i'pcrl"""t¿'))-,-,rr..:'. jJ-,,',nr,t.;!: "ti;¡"i -"'..' ~~ :""P;"'.":~""'~:;'fl.,..'nc:!,.,.:,. ,¡, ,"., 1)", ~! the cc'""",,' "'.. ~ ....~jl '71., .,,-;" -1' C.-:-.-.::t \' -1.- , 1:1 ,.'--- Ir - "- ~? 6-\J.73 Resolution No. 1288 (c"nUnued) 19, The required lap~OY~nt8:tO ~b~te ~0~49'v1thin the'Vallco P3rk area shall be eð stipulated ill't),. I'ubUe Worke Director report dated October IE, 1973, attachedl\ereto. Thetaprovmenu shall De as set forth In the sectlQn enUtleð"STAC£ IIH Qn pages Z and 3 Qf Raid report. tr.addltion, th" CQSt Qf all' trattlc 8ignal "",difica- tions and/or i""tallation8,necessary to accol8Odate the proposed atreet iaprovelleuta .hall be borne ,")I tbe d""doper/owner, The developer/owner (urther'asrees to partfd iate in the funding of the Tantau Av.,nua overcrQ8t;illg In order to expedite the con- struction, so as to be IIssured Qf its completion, prior to com- pletiOD of tbe 8hoppins center. . ""fa. '1') . 23, ~y: -,' -" 13 20. Prl>vfs1oto shall be Mde to ter.tnate Auburn Drive, }'Ien-itt Driv. and Amherst Drive fa the form of a modified cul-de-sac as approved by the City Y.naineer; The improvement -)I provide t"", additional bnd8capfng lis required by the Architectural and Si t. Approval C0/8ittc.e. 21. lQprov~t. to public roadway ahsl1iaclude the landscapl~g, lIutOll\4tlor. and cOllstrue.ion of 1D8diAa strips wher.. deollcd approprbte by the Cf ty. An 8 ft. hiS!! "..oary wall shall be CQIUICrocted on ttoe ",est....r1;1 boundary 11oe of tha project to mitiaste noise {atnaaion into tho r.djø!rdng 6111&1...f811111y neight'orfoood. The g-ft. heigh~ :f SRid sound "'.;, "ball be ..aaured from the Hnbll grade of tll" r891c!er.tJ,, property. ToW ao\J!ld wall shall continu.. oftaHe to pr"'o:CI resl'~c"t. l1v1na\vø DrOll'.., Drive beS1nn1rol CrOll' tbl. ßOl'ttn.eat t'p ;;,( the ..I",pp'w: ,onter "Ha,thea along t~,. COlOlD?n res1denUs1fHood ('ontro! d1Hr1.'l propert!' line to the tr1an¡ular ahllped California IIater Ser:1cf'. CorLp~r¡;' prop"rty. The I>ropo..r..d 2S--tt. wide laodecaping atrip bet..",en tt.... ðdjo1n1nl', r"sidenUal ","ighborhood 8,¡d th(! ped_t"..r road/p..r;'¡ ",; \oL ,h" J 1 ¡,.. evaluate" ;,y Hoe Archite..t'.ral and Site Appro",.J (;ø',T.Ht"e to doten:1111'. if adó1U~II..l widlÍl h necessary to include tpa"p fo,' !licycle paths and l;¡ndscapin" ,"creenilH!. 1'he AP?H,.."t ..h311 "nter btl> 8'11 IIs~t vfrh"tlw ovr,er of !'"rlAI Plaza and the 5e;,rs, I<oebu~k and CoMp~ to r<!..onatr..~~ '.u<l la,d- scave the c<'=oo peri:yte.. road",..,. adj.::,,"! to the Yorra: Ph'4 Shoppinj; "'ncer s1ce. . .vv ~ ,I' . , \ J II, , 25. In "rder to provide tar pr'.1;>loerat aM int....øaJ land8c..pln~ .:me! bicycle "ar~.". t!:e Ar..hfc.-cc"ral and Site A~?nJa CO," ¡to"" h authorize" t~ d.oh,t... the ......ber at off-str~u ....rl-.J".. H~JJ" "".J;:" ""1 n...t"d on n", l"ae<O<: a~ l>:..fi>H A. 1.t aellt..w.. !>y J'-:, ~).. , E:!CLé:lSt':1E ~ (ConÜnup.di 21. 3/15/74 2~. 5/ 8/7,: 23, 6/ 3/74 24. 6/19/74 25. 6/19/74 26. 7/9/74 27. 7/15/74 i 7/15/74 7/l,,/74 3n. 8/ 7/74 ZOT',1ng for reginnal center - Planning Commission 'H' Control Co~~ittee screening of architecture and layout. Zo~ing for regional center - City Council (3-2) EIR reco~~ended by Planning CQ~ission (4-0) Use Pendt reco~.rnended by Planning Commission (3-1) Staff request for 'H' Committee presentation Use Permit passed by City Council ()-2) (2 negative votes desired s~aller center) EIR adopted by City Council (5-0) 35 Condition~ adopted for Use Permit by City Council (5-C) 'H' Cow~ittee first hearing (continued to 8/9/74) . , . :~)... f ..;. . . , ., ,,;..,,:,~::.'" "'.. Clht 0' Cwpcrtl..o 10~ TOt,. av..... C""OIti.o, COlilo,.io '5014 (4081 252'4505 To: Th" H"norabh Chairman and Hemben of the PIannln~ Commission r""", Rnb"rt C"wan, Assht""l Planning Dir"cl"r tlo'.: S"";.ct: Appllcat lun l-Z-83 - Vallco Park, I,ld, (Rezonin~) Application 6-U-73 - I'allcu Park, Ltd, (Revision of Cnnditions of Apprnval for lhe Re¡\ional Shopping Cenler) April 26, 1983 The subjecl al'plicatiuns were filed by Vallct> Park in February 1983. Valleo Park's intenl is tt> process lhe applicalions concurrent with lhe General Plan review. ~'atl! 1,,10: al~ows developml!nt applications to be processed concurrent with Gen"ral Plan ch.'n~"s in order tù slreamllne the review process and enable the public and . ?l."lI',ln~ Ç,':nrnissit>n to evaluate concrete development DroDosals in cùnjunction with I."l<h a G"n"ral Plan review. In terms of the public process, lhere is less likeli- ~:,'uJ that lbe General Plan hearin~ process will he iJ<I1ored only to have major Jevelupmenl issues raised at a subsequent zoning hearing. The draft General Plan Backr,round Report/Environmental Impact Report and the Vallet> P.¡rk ~linl-Amendment will be available on May 23, 1983. Although the City Council and PI'Jnnin¡l Commission have made tentative decisions involving the ullimate inte"sity t>f development and land use types within VlIllco Park, in staff's judgment. It would not be appropriate for the Planning COtlllli88ion to recotllll8nd approval of a ZnnlnR plan without benefit of the pending Environmental Impact Report. The Plann ln~ Commission can be¡:in to narrow down design i8sues and can make a recommendation re~ardin", the use permit ...,difications. The CO-i88ion can reserve final judgment invnlvin..: lraffic circulation and environmental mitigation measures for the Re¡Üt>nal ~hoppin¡l Center until the meeting of May 23, 1983. RQcommendation . It is recnmmended that the Planning CoDlDission reach a con"'8u. position re¡larding land use and d"si¡ln policies and that the.. pen1t, application be recoalllended for approval and forwarded to City Counci1;;;¡':'..c¡.euMthe UM, perait IIIDdif ication involves chaniles which conflict with tbe VaUCO;Parlt Conatnac:tion Phaaing KelllO. the use per18it cannot be approved prior toeclopttôn" of cbe pending Gennal Plan. Enclosures" "_i"i:i%t~W: <;:,~ . Sll¡l~ested Design PoUcie. for Rezonin~ Applicattôn I-Z-83 ~odel Resolution Reco_ndin" a Modification of the Conditions of Approval for ApoUcation 6-0-13 Original Condition. of Approval for AppUcattôn 6-U-73 Vallco Park Letter dated Pebruary 2, 1983 Exhibit A of Application l-Z-83 -' ~ - .. .. April 26, 19&1 ~ 1. su~~....ted Dedgn Pol ides fur Re&on n"-~~!..':!'_U£,.'!..2.:.~'~j-- 2. Exhibit A of ApplicuUon I-Z-83 i.. a conc"plual zoninK plan which dcscrib.., the general location of land ulies by lypc and the prol'o~..d l'ubl1,' ....,d system, The plan DIllY be md1fied by a liubøequently fl1..d ,md approved use permit 1"10"'(")' Co_rcial general office, corporate office with ancil1o'ry It 6. D and protolype ...mufacturing °l)erations and r"sidential activities ure ,,"rmittc.: within lh" zoning bound..ry, KesidenUal land us.... ar.. uptional at the discretion of the property owner, Residential ,!we! I inl's Cdn be add..d In addition to the IIIIIximuIII £1oor area figures listed below. II, wever, th.. height lilllit"t i"ns discu....ed below cannol be exceeded, [High activity uses, such as cocktail 10unlles, reSlaurants and entert"in""'~t activities, are encouraged to locate within the zoning bound..ry particular!\' as it .¡ght relate to the co-rcia1 and hotel expandon, . 3. ..j . 4. ..J Approxiaale1y 964,000 sq. ft. of office/industrial space, 300,000 sq, ft. of co.....rcial space and a _xi..u.. 1.000 roo.. hotel can be constructed, The hotel which can include banquet facUlties, conference rooms al.d ancillary Co_rcia1 space is not included in total permitted bundinl' sQlUlre footage figures listed above. Valleo Park IIIIIY transfer so... of th" "'.lee to other Bites within Vallco Park south of Pru~eri':Ke Avenue. The followina deaign standards are incorporated into lhe zoning approva 1. a. In aeneral, abrupt <:hana.. in building .c8le should be avoided. A aradlUll stepped transition ahould Occur between the street and the center of the property. An abrupt pedestrian exposure tu taU building faca4ea ahould be avoided in order to maintain a comfortable huaaan scale at ground le"el. b. The 88&110l1li height 01 buildinga within the zoning boundary is ei~ht storie. with the exception of the hotel. , The't¡eighl ot the hotd ,"'ill be determined in conjlll\cli ' th;'tIM'a"aeq-.ntly reviewed US" ,",""1 t application. '. ,..1 "< .':"')'."'~"<' ,;..f¡¡ .' ~~:i.;'aiàW should be periodically revent a çontlnuous wall eÜ",'t . ,~~~ ri c.;;;;."Th ,>'1 punctuated with 01" ìic.-mi~'¡'~iâtt&t- The element within the Planning ar.. ahou1d be designed in a mann.'r ,)~ t" not overburden police and fire orotec:tion. a, Adèquate IlAMing 1evela and fire fighting equIpment shall b,' as~ur,',¡ " use permit plan. are approved with bullding(..) which exceed f1 v,' ,t" I' I, , or 60 ft. The City shall define the adequHcy 01 fire protection 1,'11""11\,, consultation with the Central Fire District, 11le City and Cent ",I F 1 I, District ahall4eve1op a .an.. to finance extraordinary <:osts a"".-".«-d witb high-rise fire protection. 'lbe financial progra.. shall b,' ~,,¡,¡..,~ by the principle that extraordift8ry COsls should be burn" hv "1,".-, :,., developera. The financial foraula should ('onHider extl,...r,J\n"" generated by higl' 'rise (verHus the sa....' squan' t ililt iI~" t '" I, ".' and tbe addltioaal Ie.....i of service till" (!xtr" ""mpower 1'1"'\1,1" , - , Jr,lttÙ .sY',I':lIIs.I~,!,r_"v""'~lIb Ih~ loll"will~ III':.Ili",'.I tr.l\li<: "Y'.II'1II i"'l'r"ve","nls .lUd (~¡':IIJ.ltllll" at'l, 1¡"I"""'d 10 a':colI'II,.d.'I~ ,kvclul'lII"lIt 01 till' 1'1'11 ¡I'd sit." 'Ih, applica"t sh.dl partidl'.Il~ lill'lIIl'Î,l1ly I" lh~ cusl 0\ the iIlS,".II,lt!"" III Lh,' Iml'n'v"III~"ls I ¡sled hcl,.w, RdmlHJrs< "','nt 01 s" IJ c"s's by "LI...r Iw".-I Il,'d I'r"I"'rlY I'W"",s sh,lll h" I"",,'d "I'UII .1 l...",."t '1'111111., "SL.lh! ished by lh~ IHl'el'tor 01 l'"bl1<: Works a"d "pl'rllved by the Cay COIIII': ii, ." Thl' al'l'lh'.lIIl sh,dl ,lIld a ¡"It lurn 1.11'" all.! "I'prllpriat" s;"" ¡J 1.',1- lit." u" t h~ 1I0rlh alld "",th Ic¡.:s III Talilau Av"lIu~ ,or 1 he 1,1"1.111/ Prunerid¡;c Av~nul's inlersect io¡¡s , b, The al'pllc"nt shall Cllnstr",", <I",:h Avenue ,lIId I'r"vide "'11' right turn only alld lwo Ide turu only 1.,"" Oil th,' ,,"nh apl'r",ICh '0 th,' Stevens Cr~e'" 80u¡'vard/F ",,:10 Ave"u" iIiLers<'cL i,,", . 23. J!.:~I.!.~-Ì!:'j) E~~m~~!.!'~~'.!!u ..':!!.11~1...!'..rll .!:..<:::'..!:_':'.'I '. Th,' .II'I'LIl'.lI\l is rcsl',ms;hle for the Insl.¡J lalillll ..1 a lr,tll ic m,lIl- ,1~ellle"l improvement 10 climinale or rcslricl v.. II..., Park tral(ic (r..m l'enl'lr,111,,~ "djoillill¡': residl"'ti"l nei¡.:hl,,'rhollds. lr,ilfk 111.111,1>,,"- ",cOIl sysll'm may Include all, I'Ml or addítloll,1l traUi,' ",Ilit:,ltl"" iml'Wvl'm,'nts as des<:rihed un I'agl' 2~ uf ti", 11'.,11 II rel'"rl I't'I' LII,'d lor Valleo Park elltilled, "Tralfic AII,lIys;,,: Valll'l' l'o...k," d"t,,¡ .)'",e 23, I~!n, The dedslnn ,II illslall varll,,1S improv"""lIts U"" desl¡;n, and liming 01 instailaUn", sh,1l1 b., dd,'rlllll1l'd by till' nil' Council followln!: a public he..rJn¡.: hl'ld in """IIIIH:li'HI with "ub- sequent use permil applications il1volvin¡; phascd dcvclupments ",llhl" lhe zunh\¡; bo,!ndary, . Flrsl re"dln¡.: uf O..lin..llc.. Nu, 12lY, I"'~')I'¡II" al'l'r,'xi",..t"ly t,.' ,',I',.., ¡.."ted nil u... ""Ilb sl<k ..t Stevens Cr"ek iI..o "',lrd. I'as' ".k ..1 ',,', I<,',:d, ,,'>llth "Idl' 01 \',111.,,' P'Irkw'lY "",I al lhc n"nhe'l'" ""',"'1 "I St, , Crl'l'k l\olll'\'l1d '1",1 Tdntdn AVI""w. ,",IS held, 5v"""d rl',¡dt".. 1",1 ,", t ,1I",.iled'd"dfortil"c"",..,llm""tln,:"I^u¡',lIstl,I'¡~ , Ib,..,dll1,'" will b"Lome dfel'Uv,' >U d.IY~ ,den en,I"t"",,",. '\I'I'li<','Illo" b-U- WdS approved I"" PIIUlI1ln¡', Co"'lIis~"'1I 1("",III(i"" I;", ,'!.no with ~:xhlblt A :...,v'nd..,1 to shuw qudntÍl,,'" 01 di",rellt ""I., IlI1d liS<' .llk.ed. St"l1 w."j dHe<:ted to rrq',",' " di.:l",L ." .I",t ....,: ill 1'1 ',':t. Sinc,'r,' Iy. )OROTHY CORNELIUS CITY CLERK IW l'nl' I , - 4 - USOLUTIC8 110. 166:1 OF TIlE PLAHHllfG CIOIICISSIOII or TIlE an or ,cvr.-TlNO UCOHHDIDUIG APPIOYAL OF- AIIIIDIIDIt' 10' 'VII 'PIIKIT 6-11-73 TO ALLOW CCIISTlUCT!OIfOr Mt'DPMI'11fA1'!' , 9.000 SQ. n. WTAUWT. ' , 6-U-73 <AMDà8nC) APPUCANTI ADDIIUS t SUIIKlTT!D1 LOCATION: Yallco Park. I.CcI. , P. ,0. ~awr Y.Cupercil». 'Ca11fo1'll1a 95014 rabnaal'Y 18. 1977 Yallc:o r"/U.OD Puk ...tul, of Wolfe !d. approx1aataly 200 fc. soutbnl, of rn-, RoIIta 280, FUlDINGS AIID SUBCOIICLUSICItIS I Approval 18 nCOlllll8llded subject to the Und111(1s .. seC fonbon Pa.e 1 alK! sllllconcll18iou .. set forth 1n the a1Duc" of tbe Plannill& CO88188ion _ecin¡ of Hud> 14. 1977. CONDITIONS: . ..'", , 1-14. Sqada&'d CcIIÍd1t11H'1 to_~.' .xc..t"C-.t ~. lICIt _Utct. with che 'spec1alcotid1tiolUl .....rac'" hera1D., , la tbe"'.ta confUct does anst. the sp.c:1al c:ondt1:icìu anU8uated b.ïrdn shaU apply. IS. The approval is",,8cI upò":' Exhibit A. AS -, be lIOd1fied by eddiciond cODdit1ol1a c:otIta1ned herein. 16. The applJ.canta sball sub81t to tbe Architectural ad Site Approval C~tt.. 811 altenative plan detail1l1& iutellaUon of an auxiUary pad..tria walkway and Bo88Dlte atTest pav888Dt section extending Co tbe e..t I!W 11118 of the nap roadway neu the southeast comer of the proposed nstauat. Said allXillary plan alut,ll,~ approved C0DC8ptIl811,aloac vith CO8preheBaive'Arehttectursl'a6d Site Approval Co8aiccee -alll8CioD of Che proPØ88<l nstallranc. and ahall be 1apl_C8d aC aucb fueura c1aa .. tIle Dlnccor of Public Works decenoi- that ""sat a ped88cr1aacircUlatioD patteru Co the restaurant entl'Y can be aUniaced b, ill8taUeUoD of sdd auxUlary walltvsy, . 17, ,,'"' ....... The Architectural aad SHe Approval Co-Ht.. a~ shall ........ plana for P8ÖNtr18A ace..e fr08,the'.arld.lllJ loclocaud northerly of the pel:i_tel: road co cbs rUCallrac 8ite. ---------- ------------------ - - -- ----- PASSED AND ,ADOPTED thb 14cb day of Harch. 1977. at a T8lular _eUna of che Planning Commi88ioD of tbe City of Cupertino. SCats of CAlifornia. by the following roll call VOCe: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Co_issionan Blaine. Gatto. JCoen,iczar. Harklwla. Cbai....an Ad- Non. Non. None ATTEST: APPROVED: Q..Q~T ~ u"" I Robert Cowan Assistant PlanDio& Dil:8ctor Isl Victor .J, Ad""", V1ctor J. Ad_. Chair-..an Plana10& Co=1u1on -2-