20-054 Got Power Inc., dba CD & Power, Service and Maintenance for City's Emergency GeneratorsPublic WorksProject: Public Works Contract $60,000 /Rev.$SULO 3DJH  RI 38%/,&:25.6&2175$&7 25/(66 3$57,(6 7KLVSXEOLFZRUNVFRQWUDFW ³&RQWUDFW´ LVPDGHE\DQGEHWZHHQWKH&LW\RI&XSHUWLQR ³&LW\´ DQG D ³&RQWUDFWRU´ IRU DQGLVHIIHFWLYH RQWKHODVW GDWH VLJQHGEHORZ ³(IIHFWLYH'DWH´  6&23(2):25. &RQWUDFWRUZLOOSHUIRUPDQGSURYLGHDOOODERUPDWHULDOVHTXLSPHQWVXSSOLHVWUDQVSRUWDWLRQDQGDQ\ RWKHULWHPVRUZRUNQHFHVVDU\WRSHUIRUPDQGFRPSOHWHWKHZRUNUHTXLUHGIRUWKH3URMHFW ³:RUN´ DV UHTXLUHGLQWKH6FRSHRI:RUNDWWDFKHGKHUHDQGLQFRUSRUDWHGDV([KLELW$DQGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH WHUPVDQGFRQGLWLRQVRIWKLV&RQWUDFW&RQWUDFWRUIXUWKHUDJUHHVWRFDUU\RXWLWVZRUNLQFRPSOLDQFHZLWK WKH&LW\¶V6KHOWHU,Q3ODFHDQG6RFLDO'LVWDQFLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWVDWWDFKHGKHUHDQG LQFRUSRUDWHGDV ([KLELW$$ 7,0()25 &203/(7,21 7HUP7KLV&RQWUDFWEHJLQVRQWKH(IIHFWLYH'DWHDQGHQGVRQ ³&RQWUDFW7LPH´ XQOHVVWHUPLQDWHGHDUOLHUDVSURYLGHGKHUHLQ&RQWUDFWRU¶V:RUNVKDOOEHJLQRQWKH GDWHVKRZQRQDZULWWHQ1RWLFHWR3URFHHG 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(PHUJHQF\*HQHUDWRU6HUYLFHDQG0DLQWHQDQFH Public WorksProject: Public Works Contract $60,000 /Rev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April 2020 Page 12 of 12 33.EXECUTION The persons signing below warrant they have the authority to enter into this Contract and to legally bind their respective Parties. If Contractor is a corporation, signatures from two officers of the corporation are required pursuant to California Corporations Code Section 313. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Contract to be executed as of the Execution Date first above written. CITY OF CUPERTINO, a Municipal Corporation By: __________________________________ Roger Lee Title: Public Works Director Signature Date: _________________________ CONTRACTOR By: __________________________________ Title: _________________________________ Signature Date: _________________________ APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: HEATHER M. MINNER Cupertino City Attorney ATTEST: By: KIRSTEN SQUARCIA, City Clerk Date: Brian Benson Sales Manager May 26, 2020 Heather M. Minner May 29, 2020 May 29, 2020                          RJ”Jc±JtJ‹8œ‹•±d„C9œJG±Su±§…J“Sv± ¯ ± ±_5±¨qqTw–±UK—Le±LwLŒ:‚Œ±;±V¦±":hl {"l2^G‰NpZ2*x:VOp2"&8 PRƒ"G 2d†;'2;3_2\|2pq2, V"-"NErW#2Z2iW`L2."sr<M2W4p2d‡;'2 2"(9  ±±b±5:D`LŒ±TL–Lf± LwLŒ<ž‚Ž±=Ÿ±‚†‚Œ=V‚w±7=ŒH }"m2aH‰QpZ2+=XRp2"&8 QR~"H!2o>'2?5b2\2pt2/ V"."OFuV#2Z2jVdL20"rv;L2V4p2d†;'22"'8 °± ±_6±&+±VL–Mg±(ƒŽ¥=AhK±LwLŽ>‚Œ €"n2cG‰Rp[2'q@VSp2"&8  TR"I!2h†;)2A4b2]‚2pw21 V"0"UFrV$2Z2kVdL20"rxBL2V6p2dˆ;*22"'8  Wƒ`J‰d"y2 prb":78rrCM2 VƒdG‰b"y2 W†2ey>L2 Y„fG‰g"z20W…%K2uDL2 * ! * ** * %!* * " *  * * &"* * !  * ** * '" * * #$ * * ( * * ) *            )WCSxO±¬8Rm9BiJ±4‡y±,JŠ©J•œ± Š-JrœJ±'vX „‹WzO±-JsœJ!* ‹1?v˜NJ‘±.­YœEP±#{™ˆJC£\|±2Jš¡SuO Œ%@I±@va±2JšœR}O -§‡œª‘J± 8šZ|±/J~š„’±2J”œWvO ‹39aj|›‰JFœRv «Jk±)n]šQ[uO Ž 0¢…±0®SœEP±$€•œ9op9¤^„v 6"#+E  EE 0C7EE ,8@19E:B$E>452?(EE Revised: April 30, 2020 – Public Works Contracts 1 Exhibit A-A – SHELTER IN PLACE AND SOCIAL DISTANCING REQUIREMENTS A.Health Laws Acknowledged. It is acknowledged that Consultant’s/Contractor’s (“Contractor”) duty to comply with Laws, as defined in Section 13 of the Contract/Agreement (“Contract”), includes immediate compliance by Contractor and its subcontractors with the restrictions on travel and the Social Distancing Requirements set forth in the most recent health order issued by the County of Santa Clara Health Department in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and any subsequent amendments or superseding orders thereto (the “Health Order”), and any other local, state, or federal laws that have been or may be enacted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (collectively, “Health Laws”). B. Health Order Compliance. Contractor shall comply with any restrictions on travel and social distancing requirements in the Health Order when preforming work under this Contract. If a scope of work item, notice to proceed, or work order under this Contract specifies work that cannot be performed in compliance with the Health Order or other Health Laws, Contractor shall refrain from conducting the work and immediately inform the City. C.Individuals at High Risk of Severe Illness. Nothing in this Contract shall be interpreted to require any person at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19 to leave their residence to perform work under the Contract. Contractor will inform the City if other arrangements for the work must be made, and City will do so, with no penalty to Contractor, although Contractor will not be compensated for work performed by the City or third parties. Information from the Center for Disease Control ("CDC") on "high risk" categories is available at the CDC's website at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/specific-groups/people-at-higher-risk.html. D.Health Order Requirements and Best Practices. Contractor will immediately undertake all appropriate measures to ensure compliance with the Social Distancing Requirements in the Health Order by all individuals on any project site or work area performing work under this Contract, including Contractor's or any subcontractor's workers, employees, representatives, vendors, or suppliers (collectively, "workers"), and shall maintain these measures for as long as required by the Health Order or other Health Laws. In particular, Contractor must comply with the provisions of Appendix B-1 or B-2 (attached hereto) to the Health Order, as applicable. Further, as long as required by the operative Health Order including Appendix B-1 or B-2, or other Health Laws, these measures shall include, but are not limited to, the following best practices: 1. Information. Inform all workers of the Social Distancing Requirements and these best practices, including any updates or modifications, and require compliance as a condition to being present on the project site or work area. 2.Sick Workers. Prohibit any individuals who have been tentatively or conclusively diagnosed with COVID-19 or who have any symptoms of illness, including the following, from entering or remaining on the project site or work area: fever, cough, shortness of Revised: April 30, 2020 – Public Works Contracts 2 breath, sore throat, body aches, chills, sudden loss of smell or taste or other flu-like symptoms. Encourage sick workers to get immediate medical attention. a. Daily Screening. A supervisor must ask the following questions of each worker before the worker is permitted to enter the project site or work area each day, and a worker who responds "yes" to any one of the following questions must be asked to leave immediately and will not be permitted back on the project site or work area until cleared based on meeting the applicable requirements set forth in the CDC's Interim Guidance on Discontinuation of Home Isolation for Persons with COVID-19 (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/disposition-in- home-patients.html): (1)Have you had any of the following symptoms within the past 14 days: fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, body aches, chills, sudden loss or smell or taste, or any other flu-like symptoms? (2)Have you or anyone in your household been in contact with a person that has been diagnosed with, has symptoms of, or is being tested for COVID-19? (3) Have you been medically directed to self-quarantine due to possible exposure to COVID-19? 3. Signage/Posters. In compliance with the Health Order, post a Social Distancing Protocol, substantially in the form attached to the Health Order as Appendix A, at all project site or work area entry points, and in other areas where they are likely to be seen (e.g., project trailers, sanitary facilities, break areas). The Social Distancing Protocol must explain how Contractor is achieving compliance with social distancing requirements. Resources for this purpose are available from the CDC at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/guidance-business- response.html A copy of the Social Distancing Protocol must also be provided to each employee performing work at the project site or work area. 4. Sanitary Facilities. Ensure adequate handwashing and/or hand-sanitizing facilities are available at all times and encourage frequent handwashing and/or hand-sanitizing throughout the day as specified below. Portable sanitary facilities must be serviced and cleaned on a daily basis. Provide hand sanitizer in or around all toilet facilities and common areas, including project trailers. a. Handwashing. Wash hands using soap and water for at least 20 seconds. b. Hand-sanitizer. Use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60-95% alcohol when handwashing is not immediately available. Revised: April 30, 2020 – Public Works Contracts 3 c. Paper Products. Ensure that toilet paper, tissues, and paper towels are available as appropriate, with designated receptacles for disposal. 5. Distancing. Prohibit workers from being less than six feet apart, unless and only to the extent that would compromise worker safety or violate safety Laws for specific operations. Prohibit handshaking or any physical contact among workers, with the sole and limited exception of any physical contact required for worker safety or to comply with safety Laws. Avoid sharing tools to the extent possible. Require workers to provide their own transportation where possible and to avoid having more than two workers in a vehicle. 6. Groups/Meetings/Site Access. Avoid any group gatherings of 10 or more people. Use electronic alternatives to in person meetings, e.g., conference calls, video-conferencing, etc., to the greatest extent possible. Limit access to the project site or any work area to workers who are necessary to perform the work at that time. Allow non-essential personnel to work from home to the extent possible. Avoid all non-essential travel. Do not stack trades if possible. 7. Frequent Cleaning. Provide for regular and appropriate cleaning of all high touch surfaces at a project site or work area, including, but not limited to, shared tools or equipment, doorknobs and handles, toolboxes, sanitary facilities, common break areas, keypads, touch screens, project trailer surfaces and equipment, light or power switches, workstations, countertops, break areas, and the like. Clean and/or disinfect any reusable items or equipment. Clean surfaces of shared vehicles, including steering wheels, gear shifts, handles, instrument panels, etc. Ensure that cleaning products are used correctly and safely, and avoid cleaning techniques, such as use of pressurized air or water sprays, that may generate bioaerosols. 8. Personal Protective Equipment. When workers cannot avoid close proximity or physical contact, e.g., based on applicable safety laws, or are otherwise at risk for exposure to COVID-19, ensure that the affected workers are provided with appropriate personal protective equipment ("PPE"), which may include disposable gloves and/or other PPE. Instruct workers to wash or sanitize hands after removing gloves or other PPE. Ensure that all personal protective equipment is disposed of properly. 9.Water and Food. Prohibit shared or communal food or common water coolers. Provide individual water bottles for workers or instruct workers to bring their own. 10.Enforcement. Immediately eject any worker who fails or refuses to comply with the Health Laws, Social Distancing Requirements, or these best practices from the project site until or unless the Project Manager issues a written authorization for the worker to return, subject to full compliance. Revised: April 30, 2020 – Public Works Contracts 4 F. Proof of Compliance. If Contractor is subject to Appendix B-1 of the Health Order, Contractor must provide to the City the name and contact information for its designated site-specific COVID-19 supervisor(s). If Contractor is subject to Appendix B-2 of the Health Order, Contractor must provide to the City a copy of its Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan. Any changes to the COVID-19 supervisor or the Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan must be reported to the City immediately. E. Oversight. In other to ensure that all workers comply with the Social Distancing Requirements to the extent possible, Contractor shall designate a named individual to have primary responsibility for implementation and enforcement of the Social Distancing Requirements and these best practices, and to serve as the primary point of contact with the City in this regard. Contractor shall promptly inform the City of the name of this individual. F.Changed Requirements. It is understood and acknowledged that circumstances pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic are evolving rapidly and that new local, state, or federal requirements may modify the requirements under this Exhibit. Contractor agrees to work cooperatively with the City to implement new or changed requirements as quickly as possible. G.Subcontracts. Contractor shall include the terms of this Exhibit in all subcontracts and require any agents, subcontractors, or subconsultants to comply with its provisions. Attachments to Exhibit A-A Appendix B-1 to April 29, 2020 Health Order Appendix B-2 to April 29, 2020 Health Order 1228578.4 Appendix B-1 1 Small Construction Project Safety Protocol 1. Any construction project meeting any of the following specifications is subject to this Small Construction Project Safety Protocol (“SCP Protocol”), including public works projects unless otherwise specified by the Health Officer: a.For residential projects, any single-family, multi-family, senior, student, or other residential construction, renovation, or remodel project consisting of 10 units or less. This SCP Protocol does not apply to construction projects where a person is performing construction on their current residence either alone or solely with members of their own household. b.For commercial projects, any construction, renovation, or tenant improvement project consisting of 20,000 square feet of floor area or less. c.For mixed-use projects, any project that meets both of the specifications in subsection 1.a and 1.b. d. All other construction projects not subject to the Large Construction Project Safety Protocol set forth in Appendix B-2. 2.The following restrictions and requirements must be in place at all construction job sites subject to this SCP Protocol: a.Comply with all applicable and current laws and regulations including but not limited to OSHA and Cal-OSHA. If there is any conflict, difference, or discrepancy between or among applicable laws and regulations and/or this SCP Protocol, the stricter standard shall apply. b.Designate a site-specific COVID-19 supervisor or supervisors to enforce this guidance. A designated COVID-19 supervisor must be present on the construction site at all times during construction activities. A COVID-19 supervisor may be an on-site worker who is designated to serve in this role. c.The COVID-19 supervisor must review this SCP Protocol with all workers and visitors to the construction site. d.Establish a daily screening protocol for arriving staff to ensure that potentially infected staff do not enter the construction site. If workers leave the jobsite and return the same day, establish a cleaning and decontamination protocol prior to entry and exit of the jobsite. Post the daily screening protocol at all entrances and exits to the jobsite. More information on screening can be found online at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019- ncov/community/index.html. e. Practice social distancing by maintaining a minimum six-foot distance between workers at all times, except as strictly necessary to carry out a task associated with the construction project. Appendix B-1 2 f.Where construction work occurs within an occupied residential unit, separate work areas must be sealed off from the remainder of the unit with physical barriers such as plastic sheeting or closed doors sealed with tape to the extent feasible. If possible, workers must access the work area from an alternative entry/exit door to the entry/exit door used by residents. Available windows and exhaust fans must be used to ventilate the work area. If residents have access to the work area between workdays, the work area must be cleaned and sanitized at the beginning and at the end of workdays. Every effort must be taken to minimize contact between workers and residents, including maintaining a minimum of six feet of social distancing at all times. g. Where construction work occurs within common areas of an occupied residential or commercial building or a mixed-use building in use by on-site employees or residents, separate work areas must be sealed off from the rest of the common areas with physical barriers such as plastic sheeting or closed doors sealed with tape to the extent feasible. If possible, workers must access the work area from an alternative building entry/exit door to the building entry/exit door used by residents or other users of the building. Every effort must be taken to minimize contact between worker and building residents and users, including maintaining a minimum of six feet of social distancing at all times. h. Prohibit gatherings of any size on the jobsite, including gatherings for breaks or eating, except for meetings regarding compliance with this protocol or as strictly necessary to carry out a task associated with the construction project. i.Cal-OSHA requires employers to provide water, which should be provided in single-serve containers. Sharing of any of any food or beverage is strictly prohibited and if sharing is observed, the worker must be sent home for the day. Use of microwaves, water coolers, and other similar shared equipment is prohibited. j.Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) specifically for use in construction, including gloves, goggles, face shields, and face coverings as appropriate for the activity being performed. At no time may a contractor secure or use medical-grade PPE unless required due to the medical nature of a jobsite. Face coverings must be worn in compliance with the April 17, 2020 Guidance from the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department, available at: https://www.sccgov.org/sites/covid19/Pages/learn-what-to-do.aspx#howto. k.Strictly control “choke points” and “high-risk areas” where workers are unable to maintain six-foot social distancing and prohibit or limit use to ensure that six-foot distance can easily be maintained between individuals. l.Minimize interactions and maintain social distancing with all site visitors, including delivery workers, design professional and other project consultants, government agency representatives, including building and fire inspectors, and residents at residential construction sites. m.Stagger trades as necessary to reduce density and allow for easy maintenance of minimum six-foot separation. Appendix B-1 3 n.Discourage workers from using others’ desks, work tools, and equipment. If more than one worker uses these items, the items must be cleaned and disinfected with disinfectants that are effective against COVID-19 in between use by each new worker. Prohibit sharing of PPE. o.If hand washing facilities are not available at the jobsite, place portable wash stations or hand sanitizers that are effective against COVID-19 at entrances to the jobsite and in multiple locations dispersed throughout the jobsite as warranted. p.Clean and sanitize any hand washing facilities, portable wash stations, jobsite restroom areas, or other enclosed spaces daily with disinfectants that are effective against COVID-19. Frequently clean and disinfect all high touch areas, including entry and exit areas, high traffic areas, rest rooms, hand washing areas, high touch surfaces, tools, and equipment q.Maintain a daily attendance log of all workers and visitors that includes contact information, including name, phone number, address, and email. r.Post a notice in an area visible to all workers and visitors instructing workers and visitors to do the following: i.Do not touch your face with unwashed hands or with gloves. ii.Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. iii.Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces such as work stations, keyboards, telephones, handrails, machines, shared tools, elevator control buttons, and doorknobs. iv. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, or cough or sneeze into the crook of your arm at your elbow/sleeve. v. Do not enter the jobsite if you have a fever, cough, or other COVID-19 symptoms. If you feel sick, or have been exposed to anyone who is sick, stay at home. vi. Constantly observe your work distances in relation to other staff. Maintain the recommended minimum six feet at all times when not wearing the necessary PPE for working in close proximity to another person. vii.Do not carpool to and from the jobsite with anyone except members of your own household unit, or as necessary for workers who have no alternative means of transportation. viii.Do not share phones or PPE. s. In the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19 at any jobsite, the following must take place: i. Immediately remove the infected individual from the jobsite with directions to seek medical care. ii.Each location the infected worker was at must be decontaminated and sanitized by an outside vendor certified in hazmat clean ups, and work in these locations must cease until decontamination and sanitization is complete. iii.The County Public Health Department must be notified immediately and any additional requirements per the County health officials must be completed, including full compliance with any tracing efforts by the County. Appendix B-2 1 Large Construction Project Safety Protocol 1. Any construction project meeting any of the following specifications is subject to this Large Construction Project Safety Protocol (“LCP Protocol”), including public works projects unless otherwise specified by the Health Officer: a. For residential construction projects, any single-family, multi-family, senior, student, or other residential construction, renovation, or remodel project consisting of more than 10 units. b.For commercial construction projects, any construction, renovation, or tenant improvement project consisting of more than 20,000 square feet of floor area. c.For construction of Essential Infrastructure, as defined in section 16.c of the Order, any project that requires five or more workers at the jobsite at any one time. 2.The following restrictions and requirements must be in place at all construction job sites subject to this LCP Protocol: a.Comply with all applicable and current laws and regulations including but not limited to OSHA and Cal-OSHA. If there is any conflict, difference or discrepancy between or among applicable laws and regulations and/or this LCP Protocol, the stricter standard will apply. b. Prepare a new or updated Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan to address COVID- 19-related issues, post the Plan on-site at all entrances and exits, and produce a copy of the Plan to County governmental authorities upon request. The Plan must be translated as necessary to ensure that all non-English speaking workers are able to understand the Plan. c.Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) specifically for use in construction, including gloves, goggles, face shields, and face coverings as appropriate for the activity being performed. At no time may a contractor secure or use medical-grade PPE, unless required due to the medical nature of a job site. Face coverings must be worn in compliance with the April 17, 2020 Guidance from the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department, available at: https://www.sccgov.org/sites/covid19/Pages/learn-what-to-do.aspx#howto. d. Ensure that employees are trained in the use of PPE. Maintain and make available a log of all PPE training provided to employees and monitor all employees to ensure proper use of the PPE. e.Prohibit sharing of PPE. Appendix B-2 2 f. Implement social distancing requirements including, at minimum: i.Stagger stop- and start-times for shift schedules to reduce the quantity of workers at the jobsite at any one time to the extent feasible. ii.Stagger trade-specific work to minimize the quantity of workers at the jobsite at any one time. iii. Require social distancing by maintaining a minimum six-foot distance between workers at all times, except as strictly necessary to carry out a task associated with the project. iv. Prohibit gatherings of any size on the jobsite, except for safety meetings or as strictly necessary to carry out a task associated with the project. v. Strictly control “choke points” and “high-risk areas” where workers are unable to maintain minimum six-foot social distancing and prohibit or limit use to ensure that minimum six-foot distancing can easily be maintained between workers. vi.Minimize interactions and maintain social distancing with all site visitors, including delivery workers, design professional and other project consultants, government agency representatives, including building and fire inspectors, and residents at residential construction sites. vii. Prohibit workers from using others’ phones or desks. Any work tools or equipment that must be used by more than one worker must be cleaned with disinfectants that are effective against COVID-19 before use by a new worker. viii.Place wash stations or hand sanitizers that are effective against COVID-19 at entrances to the jobsite and in multiple locations dispersed throughout the jobsite as warranted. ix.Maintain a daily attendance log of all workers and visitors that includes contact information, including name, address, phone number, and email. x.Post a notice in an area visible to all workers and visitors instructing workers and visitors to do the following: 1. Do not touch your face with unwashed hands or with gloves. 2.Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. 3.Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces such as workstations, keyboards, telephones, handrails, machines, shared tools, elevator control buttons, and doorknobs. 4. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing or cough or sneeze into the crook of your arm at your elbow/sleeve. 5. Do not enter the jobsite if you have a fever, cough, or other COVID- 19 symptoms. If you feel sick, or have been exposed to anyone who is sick, stay at home. 6. Constantly observe your work distances in relation to other staff. Maintain the recommended minimum six-feet distancing at all times when not wearing the necessary PPE for working in close proximity to another person. 7. Do not share phones or PPE. Appendix B-2 3 xi. The notice in section 2.f.x must be translated as necessary to ensure that all non-English speaking workers are able to understand the notice. g.Implement cleaning and sanitization practices in accordance with the following: i.Frequently clean and sanitize, in accordance with CDC guidelines, all high-traffic and high-touch areas including, at a minimum: meeting areas, jobsite lunch and break areas, entrances and exits to the jobsite, jobsite trailers, hand-washing areas, tools, equipment, jobsite restroom areas, stairs, elevators, and lifts. ii.Establish a cleaning and decontamination protocol prior to entry and exit of the jobsite and post the protocol at entrances and exits of jobsite. iii.Supply all personnel performing cleaning and sanitization with proper PPE to prevent them from contracting COVID-19. Employees must not share PPE. iv.Establish adequate time in the workday to allow for proper cleaning and decontamination including prior to starting at or leaving the jobsite for the day. h.Implement a COVID-19 community spread reduction plan as part of the Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan that includes, at minimum, the following restrictions and requirements: i.Prohibit all carpooling to and from the jobsite except by workers living within the same household unit, or as necessary for workers who have no alternative means of transportation. ii.Cal-OSHA requires employers to provide water, which should be provided in single- serve containers. Prohibit any sharing of any food or beverage and if sharing is observed, the worker must be sent home for the day. iii.Prohibit use of microwaves, water coolers, and other similar shared equipment. i.Assign a COVID-19 Safety Compliance Officer (SCO) to the jobsite and ensure the SCO’s name is posted on the Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan. The SCO must: i.Ensure implementation of all recommended safety and sanitation requirements regarding the COVID-19 virus at the jobsite. ii.Compile daily written verification that each jobsite is compliant with the components of this LCP Protocol. Each written verification form must be copied, stored, and made immediately available upon request by any County official. iii. Establish a daily screening protocol for arriving staff, to ensure that potentially infected staff do not enter the construction site. If workers leave the jobsite and return the same day, establish a cleaning and decontamination protocol prior to entry and exit of the jobsite. Post the daily screening protocol at all entrances and exit to the jobsite. More information on screening can be found online at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/index.html. iv. Conduct daily briefings in person or by teleconference that must cover the following topics: 1.New jobsite rules and pre-job site travel restrictions for the prevention of COVID-19 community spread. 2.Review of sanitation and hygiene procedures. 3. Solicitation of worker feedback on improving safety and sanitation. 4.Coordination of construction site daily cleaning/sanitation requirements. 5. Conveying updated information regarding COVID-19. Appendix B-2 4 6. Emergency protocols in the event of an exposure or suspected exposure to COVID-19. v. Develop and ensure implementation of a remediation plan to address any non- compliance with this LCP Protocol and post remediation plan at entrance and exit of jobsite during remediation period. The remediation plan must be translated as necessary to ensure that all non-English speaking workers are able to understand the document. vi.The SCO must not permit any construction activity to continue without bringing such activity into compliance with these requirements. vii.Report repeated non-compliance with this LCP Protocol to the appropriate jobsite supervisors and a designated County official. j.Assign a COVID-19 Third-Party Jobsite Safety Accountability Supervisor (JSAS) for the jobsite, who at a minimum holds an OSHA-30 certificate and first-aid training within the past two years, who must be trained in the protocols herein and verify compliance, including by visual inspection and random interviews with workers, with this LCP Protocol. i.Within seven calendar days of each jobsite visit, the JSAS must complete a written assessment identifying any failure to comply with this LCP Protocol. The written assessment must be copied, stored, and, upon request by the County, sent to a designated County official. ii. If the JSAS discovers that a jobsite is not in compliance with this LCP Protocol, the JSAS must work with the SCO to develop and implement a remediation plan. iii.The JSAS must coordinate with the SCO to prohibit continuation of any work activity not in compliance with rules stated herein until addressed and the continuing work is compliant. iv. The remediation plan must be sent to a designated County official within five calendar days of the JSAS’s discovery of the failure to comply. k. In the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19 at any jobsite, the following must take place: i. Immediately remove the infected individual from the jobsite with directions to seek medical care. ii.Each location the infected worker was at must be decontaminated and sanitized by an outside vendor certified in hazmat clean ups, and work in these locations must cease until decontamination and sanitization is complete. iii.The County Public Health Department must be notified immediately and any additional requirements per the County health officials must be completed, including full compliance with any tracing efforts by the County. l.Where construction work occurs within an occupied residential unit, any separate work area must be sealed off from the remainder of the unit with physical barriers such as plastic sheeting or closed doors sealed with tape to the extent feasible. If possible, workers must access the work area from an alternative entry/exit door to the entry/exit door used by residents. Available windows and exhaust fans must be used to ventilate the work area. If residents have access to the work area between workdays, the work area must be cleaned and Appendix B-2 5 sanitized at the beginning and at the end of workdays. Every effort must be taken to minimize contact between workers and residents, including maintaining a minimum of six feet of social distancing at all times. m.Where construction work occurs within common areas of an occupied residential or commercial building or a mixed-use building in use by on-site employees or residents, any separate work area must be sealed off from the rest of the common areas with physical barriers such as plastic sheeting or closed doors sealed with tape to the extent feasible. If possible, workers must access the work area from an alternative building entry/exit door to the building entry/exit door used by residents or other users of the building. Every effort must be taken to minimize contact between worker and building residents and users, including maintaining a minimum of six feet of social distancing at all times. Insurance Requirements for Construction Contracts - $60,000 Version: Sept. 2019 1 Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract, and for five years following the completion of the Project, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by Contractor, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. MINIMUM SCOPE AND LIMIT OF INSURANCE Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1. Commercial General Liability (“CGL”): Insurance Services Office (ISO) Form CG 00 01 covering CGL on an “occurrence” basis, written on a comprehensive general liability form, and must include coverage for liability arising from Contractor’s or Subcontractor’s acts or omissions, including Contractor’s protected coverage, blanket contractual, products and completed operations, vehicle coverage and employer’s non-ownership liability coverage, with limits of at least $2,000,000 per occurrence. The CGL policy must protect against any and all liability for personal injury, death, property damage or destruction, and personal and advertising injury. If a general aggregate limit applies, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location (ISO CG 25 03 or 25 04) or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. a. It shall be a requirement under this agreement that any available insurance proceeds broader than or in excess of the specified minimum insurance coverage requirements and/or limits shall be made available to the Additional Insured and shall be (1) the minimum coverage/limits specified in this agreement; or (2) the broader coverage and maximum limits of coverage of any insurance policy, whichever is greater. b. Additional Insured coverage under Contractor's policy shall be "primary and non-contributory," will not seek contribution from City’s insurance/self-insurance, and shall be at least as broad as ISO CG 20 01 04 13 c. The limits of insurance required may be satisfied by a combination of primary and umbrella or excess insurance, provided each policy complies with the requirements set forth in this Contract. Any umbrella or excess insurance shall contain or be endorsed to contain a provision that such coverage shall also apply on a primary basis for the benefit of City before the City’s own insurance or self-insurance shall be called upon to protect City as a named insured. 2. Automobile Liability: ISO Form CA 00 01 covering any auto (Code 1), or if Contractor has no owned autos, then hired autos (Code 8) and non-owned autos (Code 9), with limit no less than $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3. Workers’ Compensation: As required by the State of California, with Statutory Limits, and Employer’s Liability Insurance of no less than $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease, or as otherwise required by statute. If Contractor is self-insured, Contractor must provide a Certificate of Permission to Self-Insure, duly authorized by the DIR. N/A if box checked (Contractor provides written verification it has no employees). 4. Professional Liability with limits no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence or claim, and $2,000,000 aggregate. N/A if box checked (Contract is not design/build). 5. Builder’s Risk. Course of Construction insurance utilizing an “All Risk” (Special Perils) coverage form, with limits equal to the completed value of the project and no coinsurance penalty provisions. N/A if box checked (Project does not involve construction or improvements/installations to property). PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS Small Projects - $60,000 Insurance Requirements: Exhibit B Insurance Requirements for Construction Contracts - $60,000 Version: Sept. 2019 2 6. Contractors’ Pollution Legal Liability and/or Asbestos Legal Liability and/or Errors and Omissions with limits no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence or claim, and $2,000,000 policy aggregate. N/A if box checked (Project does not involve environmental hazards). If Contractor maintains broader coverage and/or higher limits than the minimums shown above, City requires and shall be entitled to the broader coverage and/or higher limits maintained by the contractor. Any available insurance proceeds in excess of the specified minimum limits of insurance and coverage shall be available to the City. Self-Insured Retentions. Self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by City. At City’s option, either: (1) Contractor shall cause the insurer to reduce or eliminate self-insured retentions as respects City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers; or (2) Contractor shall provide a financial guarantee satisfactory to City guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses. The policy language shall provide, or be endorsed to provide, that the self-insured retention may be satisfied by either the named insured or the City. OTHER INSURANCE PROVISIONS The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: Additional Insured Status The City of Cupertino, its City Council, officers, officials, employees, agents, servants and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds on the CGL and automobile liability policies with respect to liability arising out of the Services performed by or on behalf of Contractor including materials, parts, or equipment furnished. Endorsement of CGL coverage shall be at least as broad as ISO Form CG 20 10 11 85 or if not available, through the addition of both CG 20 10, CG 20 26, CG 20 33, or CG 20 38; and CG 20 37 if a later edition is used. Primary Coverage For any claims related to this Project, Contractor’s insurance coverage shall be “primary and non-contributory” and at least as broad as ISO CG 20 01 04 13 with respect to City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers, and shall not seek contribution from City’s insurance. If the limits of insurance are satisfied in part by Umbrella/Excess Insurance, the Umbrella/Excess Insurance shall contain or be endorsed to contain a provision that such coverage shall also apply on a “primary and non-contributory” basis for the benefit of City. Notice of Cancellation Each insurance policy required shall provide that coverage shall not be canceled, except with notice to the City. Each certificate of insurance must state that the coverage afforded by the policy is in force and will not be reduced, cancelled or allowed to expire without at least 30 days advance written notice to City, unless due to non-payment of premiums, in which case ten days advance written notice must be provided to City. Such notice must be sent to City via certified mail and addressed to the attention of the City Manager. Builder’s Risk Contractor may submit Builder’s Risk insurance in the form of Course of Construction coverage, which shall name the City as a loss payee, as its interest may appear. The Builder’s Risk policy must be issued on an occurrence basis, for all-risk coverage on a 100% completed value basis on the insurable portion of the Project, with no coinsurance penalties, and for the benefit of City. If the Project does not involve new or major reconstruction, City may elect, acting in its sole discretion, to accept an Installation Floater policy instead of Builder’s Risk. For such projects, the Property Installation Floater shall include improvement, remodel, modification, alteration, conversion or adjustment to existing buildings, structures, processes, machinery and equipment, and shall provide property damage coverage for any building, structure, machinery or equipment damaged, impaired, broken, or destroyed during the performance of the Work, including during transit, installation, and testing at the City’s site. Insurance Requirements for Construction Contracts - $60,000 Version: Sept. 2019 3 Waiver of Subrogation Each required policy must include an endorsement providing that the carrier agrees to waive any right of subrogation it may have against City. Contractor agrees to waive rights of subrogation which any insurer of Contractor may acquire from Contractor by virtue of the payment of any loss. Contractor agrees to obtain any endorsement that may be necessary to affect this waiver of subrogation. The Workers’ Compensation policy shall be endorsed with a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City for all work performed by the Contractor, its employees, agents and subcontractors. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance must be issued by insurers acceptable to City and licensed to do business in the State of California, and each insurer must have an A.M. Best’s financial strength rating of “A” or better and a financial size rating of “VII” or better. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and amendatory endorsements, or copies of the applicable insurance language, effecting coverage required by this contract. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. The City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements, required by these specifications, at any time. Subcontractors Contractor shall require and verify that all subcontractors maintain insurance meeting all the requirements stated herein, and Contractor shall ensure that City is an additional insured on insurance required from subcontractors. For CGL coverage subcontractors shall provide coverage with a form at least as broad as CG 20 38 04 13. Surety Bonds As required by Contract and described in the Contract Documents. The Payment and Performance Bonds shall be in a sum equal to the Contract Price. If the Performance Bond provides for a one-year warranty a separate Maintenance Bond is not necessary. If the warranty period specified in the Contract is for longer than one year a Maintenance Bond equal to 10% of the Contract Price is required. Bonds shall be duly executed by a responsible corporate surety, authorized to issue such bonds in the State of California and secured through an authorized agent with an office in California. Special Risks or Circumstances City reserves the right to modify these requirements, based on the nature of the risk, prior experience, insurer, coverage, or other circumstances. SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER F : INSURER E : INSURER D : INSURER C : INSURER B : INSURER A : NAIC # NAME:CONTACT (A/C, No):FAX E-MAILADDRESS: PRODUCER (A/C, No, Ext):PHONE INSURED REVISION NUMBER:CERTIFICATE NUMBER:COVERAGES IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. OTHER: (Per accident) (Ea accident) $ $ N / A SUBR WVD ADDL INSD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. $ $ $ $PROPERTY DAMAGE BODILY INJURY (Per accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT AUTOS ONLY AUTOSAUTOS ONLY NON-OWNED SCHEDULEDOWNED ANY AUTO AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y / N WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below If yes, describe under ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE $ $ $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT EROTH-STATUTEPER LIMITS(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EXP(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EFFPOLICY NUMBERTYPE OF INSURANCELTRINSR DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) EXCESS LIAB UMBRELLA LIAB $EACH OCCURRENCE $AGGREGATE $ OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE DED RETENTION $ $PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $GENERAL AGGREGATE $PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $MED EXP (Any one person) $EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED $PREMISES (Ea occurrence) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY PRO-JECT LOC CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CANCELLATION AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016/03) © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. CERTIFICATE HOLDER The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD HIRED AUTOS ONLY 1/28/2020 Heffernan Insurance Brokers 101 Second Street,Suite 120 Petaluma CA 94952 Maria Hill 707-789-3069 707-781-0800 MariaH@heffins.com Travelers Property Casualty Company of America 25674 CALIDIE-02 The Travelers Indemnity Company of Connecticut 25682GotPower,Inc. dba:California Diesel and Power;dba:CD &Power 150 Nardi Lane Martinez CA 94553 1147671102 B X 1,000,000 X 300,000 5,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 X Y 6305790C67ATCT19 11/1/2019 11/1/2020 2,000,000 A 1,000,000 X Y 8107N3498961943G 11/1/2019 11/1/2020 A X X 6,000,000CUP0K91553A194311/1/2019Y 11/1/2020 6,000,000 X 0 A XYUB8K4617911914G8/5/2019 8/5/2020 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Re:As Per Contract or Agreement on File with Insured.The City of Cupertino,its City Council,officers,officials,employees,agents,servants and volunteers are included as an additional insured (primary and non-contributory)includes completed operations on General Liability policy and additional insured on Automobile Liability and Umbrella Liability policies per the attached endorsements,if required.Waiver of Subrogation is included on Workers Compensation policy per the attached endorsement,if required. City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino,CA 95014 PW Contract Under 60K Final Audit Report 2020-05-29 Created:2020-05-20 By:Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org) Status:Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAAGHMRnDCPyQtQEC9GI6lDqXBqf1BdEvJL "PW Contract Under 60K" History Document created by Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org) 2020-05-20 - 10:24:25 PM GMT- IP address: Document emailed to Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org) for approval 2020-05-20 - 10:24:36 PM GMT Document approved by Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org) Approval Date: 2020-05-20 - 10:24:44 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Document emailed to Araceli Alejandre (aracelia@cupertino.org) for approval 2020-05-20 - 10:24:46 PM GMT Document approved by Araceli Alejandre (aracelia@cupertino.org) Approval Date: 2020-05-20 - 10:53:53 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Document emailed to Brian Benson (brian@gotpower.com) for signature 2020-05-20 - 10:53:56 PM GMT Email viewed by Brian Benson (brian@gotpower.com) 2020-05-21 - 0:51:21 AM GMT- IP address: Email viewed by Brian Benson (brian@gotpower.com) 2020-05-26 - 11:33:00 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by Brian Benson (brian@gotpower.com) Signature Date: 2020-05-27 - 4:12:45 AM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Document emailed to Heather M. Minner (minner@smwlaw.com) for signature 2020-05-27 - 4:12:47 AM GMT Email viewed by Heather M. Minner (minner@smwlaw.com) 2020-05-28 - 10:40:18 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by Heather M. Minner (minner@smwlaw.com) Signature Date: 2020-05-28 - 10:41:05 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Document emailed to Carl Valdez for (carlv@cupertino.org) for signature 2020-05-28 - 10:41:07 PM GMT Email viewed by Carl Valdez for (carlv@cupertino.org) 2020-05-28 - 10:46:34 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by Carl Valdez for (carlv@cupertino.org) Signature Date: 2020-05-29 - 5:50:41 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Document emailed to Kirsten Squarcia (kirstens@cupertino.org) for signature 2020-05-29 - 5:50:43 PM GMT Email viewed by Kirsten Squarcia (kirstens@cupertino.org) 2020-05-29 - 5:59:49 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by Kirsten Squarcia (kirstens@cupertino.org) Signature Date: 2020-05-29 - 5:59:59 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Signed document emailed to Heather M. Minner (minner@smwlaw.com), Brian Benson (brian@gotpower.com), Kirsten Squarcia (kirstens@cupertino.org), Araceli Alejandre (aracelia@cupertino.org), and 3 more 2020-05-29 - 5:59:59 PM GMT