CC Ordinance 274 a 0 ORDINANCE NO. 274 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AMENDINI SECTION l OF ORDINANCE NO. 2 BY RECLASSIYfING A CERTAIN PORTION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO FROM AN R=1_B-2, A-2:B-4, R-1, R-3-Ii DrcTRICT TO A PC- Fi DISTRICT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIM CITY 07' CUPE'RTINO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, or. Dec -nber 3, 1963, an applieatiDn was filed by Paul A. Mariani, Jr. , Ralph Rodrigues, Claude Reynolds, Antonio R. poso, Donald A. Excell, for the rezoning of property from an A-2:B-4, N-1, R-3-H, R-1:B-2 District to a PC-H District; and WI0REAS, upon due notice and. after two public hearings the Planning Commission ree-mmended to the City Council that a reclassificatlon be granted; and WHEREAS, the property to be rezoned is presently in an R-1:A-2, A-2:H-4, R-1, R-3-H District; and • WHEREAS, a map of the subject property is attached hereto as Exhib.Lt "A" as a proposed amendment to the Master Zoning Map of the City of Cupertino; NOW, THEREF 0 1.; BE IT ORDAINED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following described property be, and hereby • is rezoned to PC-H, subject to the conditions set forth In Exhibit "B", Items 1-12, and that Exhibit "A" attached hereto is made part of the Master Zoning Tom.- of the City of Cupertino, st;b,ject to the condition number 13 that the street pattern be approved by the City Engineer at the time of any development. All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL 1 BEGINNING at the point of inters-iction of the centerline of the Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road with the pro'+o',-igatlon Westerly cf the Southerly line of that certain 17.949 acre tract of land shown upon that certain Amended Record of Survey of the Portion of the lands of Cupertino Union School District", which Map was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara on Augi.ist 22, 1957 in Hook 82 of Map- at page 46; thence Easterly along aaid prolonged line to the Southwesterly corner of the c :rtain 17.949 acre tract; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said 17.949 acre tract to the Northwesterly corner thereof; thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said 17.949 acre tract to the Southwesterly corner of "Tract No. 895, Linwood Acres Unit No. 2", which Map was filed for record in the office of the Record- er of the County of Santa Clara on October 8th, 1951, in Book 34 at page 34; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said Tract No. 895 to • the Northwesterly corner thereof in the errt;erline of Lucille Avenue; thence Westerly along said centerline and its prolongation Westerly to the intersection thereof with the prolongation Northerly of the Westerly line of that certain 11.519 acre tract of land described in the Deed from Joe N. Mariani et ux to Paul Mariani, 3r. recorded in Book 1487 - 1 - 0 a Of Official Records at page 497, Lanta Clara County Records; thence Southerly along said prolonged line and along the Westerly line of said 11.519 acre tract to ti,-' cr,rnr;, th- eof; thence Easterly along thc, Southerly li-n of said 7 ?.,51g sc>*� Grant of land and its • longation Easterly to 4-he Sair' 0e-nLerl.ine of Sarat%--a-Sunnyvale Road; thence Southerly a.lonr- ,,aid cei,cer:Line ,o ti%(-- r0int of Beginning. Excepting therefrom al that certain Prope ty lying within the -':tate of California right of 44y for Roi:te ":j.9, J:ti.ipera Serra Freeway, PARC"f:L TWJ BEGINNING ut an underground 2" x 3" stake in the ^enter line of the Mountain View and Saratoga Road, and from which underground stake an underground Granite Monument set at a point where the center line of the Mountain View and Saratoga Road intersects the center line of the Homestead Road bears N. 00 041 E. stake a ! � 9.97 chs. and f.-�,om which underground3 xo E witnes!, post marked W. Y. 5" bey -s S. 890 47' W. 30 feet thence S. B) 1I7� W. ,'0 .07 chs, to a 4" x 4" po.,t marked "W. 3"; thence N.oO 04, E. 4.98 1/2 k�:_s, to a 4" x 4" post :narked "W.2", thence N. 89 47' E. 20.07 chs. to a point in the center line of the Mountain View. and Sera toga l;;ad a rom e1iich a 3" x 4" w tnF-ss post marked "W, P.1;." bears S. 89 47' YJ. 30 f8et• t l—nce a l.on cFnte?- line of the Mountain View and Saratoga Ftoad S. 0 041 v , 4.9r 1 2 chs. to the point of beginning and containing 10 acres of 1. na t ,,-cd tieing the Soui;h 1 East 1/2 of tl^ /2 of T.oL 1 of the ? South 6les�,; l/4 o;' >e,:tion 12, Township ( ;ov.th, Range 2 West, Mou�it Di�ti .o A.: ,,.- an(' ":`rid?,zn. Section 2. This Ord nance sh4'.l take c ff,:,ct and be in force • thirty (30) days after .'.{•s passage, and before the expiration of fifteen (15) days from and aftOP its passage, this Ordinano.e shall be ptiblished once with the names oi' the members aoting fc,r or against the same in the Cupertino Courier, a is-:w-paper publishcr.l in said County of Santa Clara. Introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino on the + dad of - ; 1964, passed and adopted at art�egular meeting of the Gity Counr... l c+t the City of Cupertino on the day of _ rR - , 10(��. t;;- the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: is ter, �Olnohx :cslliYti, jtwdtt NAYS: Counc i l wer.: Xo'rtq ABSENT: Councilin(:.•n. �*netti rcr�:r t�. ,t ewf=r c ?�k.t�c;r, City of Cupert-, no -- - ATTEST: City rlurk= -_ ††ठ 椠†ठब 変縠††爉ॵउ 縉 ㄉ ††縉†ठ⁛†弉†⁾†縉†ृउ††縉उ ठॾ††ठध†ठ‮縠उ†ठम†ठധऊउ ठদउउउउ †ठ彩⁾縠उउउ†ठ⁩删उउ††ठॴउ縉਍उउउउउउउउउउउउउउउ縠਍†ठ繾縧⁎∠键縮恹††変उ ††樉उ †縉उउउ††縉उ ⬉उ䱫 †ठ縧祾牾繠††ठ⩾縱†ठ楾††縉㬢縮縬献➢⸺睾†ठ繩⹾ൾऊउ镹縬⁾⁠縠⸠उउठ繾ॳउ†ठॾ ठऻ ठ⁩†縉उउउउठॾठॾउढ ठ॰⸉挮縠縠†ठ縲਍उ锉㐠縠उउउउ †猉਍†ठ繾䤡瑲††Ⰹ戧縬ⱪ繾ॾउउउ繷उउउउ†縉उउठॾ †紉†•縠 †ठ‧††⸉†ठ †ठम †ठൾऊउउउ †ठ⁽縠††ठ⁾††椉उउ††縉उउउउ ठॾ洉爠धउउठൾऊ✉琠繩 縉†‮张उउउ ††縉††縉 ††縉उउउउउ ठ⁾樠爠उ†ठ瑟उ††ठഭ †ठ⹲†ठⵙ縮⁳‧†ⴉ†‫†锉उउउ琉उठफउ⁠张†ठ⁽††笉उठॾउ ठॾ †ठि††㬉 锉उ†Ⰹ†ठⰻ縮⴬⹲Ⱪⱥ繡਍†मउ †ठॾउ††锉†ॾ 笉祾†⹾縮ⱾⰬ縮ⴿ⁴琠††ठ❐⁾†ठॾउउउठॾ ठॾ 縉਍縠उॾठ⁾†⸉उ ††℉उ怉उ†ठॆउকउ†ठॹउ †ठ⁦⸠楴⸮牾⸮‮䘠††ठ⁾†ठॾउधउ††ठ橾਍縠उ†ठক⸉उउठॾठ⁩††縉उ 縉उउ††爉उ ††縉उ†縉उउउ †锉਍† †✉†繲⹾उउउ†縉उउ 縉 †縉䘽≾橸⸮⸮⸮⸮剾楾瑹उउⰉ††愉उ縉縠††縉†ॾउ ⸉⸮⸮⵾縮⸮⬮眫⸮弮਍ †ⴉउउउउभउउ †ठ⹾∢椢✠††愉‴縠 ††昉縧纕⸮⸮⹾⸮Ⱞ縮繲ॾ†㨉 ठₕ†ठ⁾†ठब††锉उउ✉㨠਍उⴉउउउउ ठॾउ††ठⱪ弮弮縮张उ †ठ∻≳∧उ †縉 縉उ✉††⸉਍縠 縉उ †ठमउउउ 縉†ठ⁡††縉†ॾ†ठॾउउउ⁾††⸉縠縠उउउठമऊउउउउउ††ठॾउउउॴउउठₕ††縉††ठ牾†⁾縠਍縠उउउ †縉ⴭ⹾䔮ब†ठ൪ †㨉繾Ⲱ⹞⸮⭾⹷睲उउ″✠उ †縉उ ††昉牾†ॴठधउउ ††縉††ठ⁾ꈠ†⁾†⸉਍縠 †ठॾउउ锉उउउ †椉⸮祾縬†ॾउउउ 紉਍縠 ठध†ठॾउउउउ†愉उउउ ठ끾縢❲繳म ††縉उउ††ठ⁩†昉उമऊउउउ†ठॾउउउउउ ††縉उ††縉 ††縉†३उ ठൾऊउउ †锉उउउउ 縉० 縉उउउ††ठ❉उउ††⸉਍ 縉 †弉उ††ठ३उउउ†縉†ठ幾❾⹾⸮氮橾縠उ†礉楾਍उउउउउउउउउउ縉४उठधउउ ठമ †ठॾउउ猉उउउउउउ†縉उउउउ †ठൟ ⁾धउ ठণ††㬉⸠उठधउउ縉 †縉उउउउ ✉瑾†ॾ †縉਍愠‮㨠✠उउउउ℉ऱउउउफउउउ ††縉††ठൾ ⁡縠 †縉उ縉 㬉उउउउठ⁾†弉⹩†ठ‴†ठ✡繾繞⸺縥繾栧⸻楾繩繾爧瑳奱††ठळ ठऻउ†縉਍उउ†ठ⁾††✉उ有उउ ठॾ†縉 㬉紧ख़उ ठॆ †ठऴठ४उ††縉उ刧 ††琉繦✢⹟਍縠५ ठॲ††ठॾउ‡††ㄉ縠ऱ ††縉उठधउ匉ॾ†ठ 㨠⍴强縧‮愠Ⱐ縠†ठ㑾ॠउ縉उ†縉उ†ठ൩ऊ †縉उ†ठधउउ††ठॾउ ††✉उ†ठॾउ ††㨉उ†ठॾउ†縉਍उउउ ††縉਍उउउउउ††Ⰹउठൾऊ††ठम†ठम †ठभउठॾ†Ⰹउठब††縉 縉उठॾउ ††猉उउ††ठॾ††ठॾ††ठമऊ††ठभⰉ †ठऱउ†椉उ††ठॾ 㨉 †ठध††ठॾउउ ठॾउ ††縉††ठ織‧††椉਍†भउउउउ 椉उठध††縉उउ††怉उउउउठ⁾††縉††ठൾऊ ठ‬⁾४ठषउॾउॾ ठ‬†樉उठध††椉⁾ⴠ††✉繾⁩३उ††ठ•攢उ††锉उउ ††縉††椉਍उ ††縉उउउउउउउउउउउ ††縉††ठൾഊ ॾ††⸉锠†धठ⁾†ठ呱ℬ††ठॻउॾ ††笉उठॹ ††㬉⌠ ठय़उउ††✉††ठॾउ†ठক †㐉਍उ†ठॾठॾउॾउॾउ ††䄉उ †ठ❾犀ॆठ⁾㽤†ठ縧❾Ⱞ繲मठ⁉繲ऻ䤉 ††Ⰹउउउ൴ऊ †琉उउउउठॅ 椉 †ठॳठॾ††ठ‮†ठमउ†℉ †縉उ†縉†ॾउ縉††縉਍उ†ठ₣†⸉उ⸉†⁾†縉उ縉उउ††ठ३††⸉ ††∉㤢縠礠縠夠萧恾縫‬繍縢塾⸬⁾⁾†縉਍उउउउउउउउउउ縠उ楾⁾⁾⹡उ†ठ⁾㤠 儉 †ठ⹹⁾†ठൾऊउ †縉उऴउउउउ††猉उ†ठ४ 縉उउउॾ†ठൾऊउउ††ठ४उॾ†ठ⁰†ठ⁓†ठॾ 椉उ††縉उ†ठळउउउॾउ⁾†ठ⁠††縉††ठ繩††縉਍उठब ठ‴縠उधठ∺縢礢३ ㌉††縉縠†ठ㭪†ठॾ††縉 縉उ†ठॹउउ†縉†ठ⁾†ठ‬‮縠उ ठ⁾†ठൾ 䄠Ȿ ठॹ †ठ卾††ठ⁩椠††琉†ठ⁾†ठ繴⹾⁌†⌉†ठॾ††✉ ✉उ†ठॾ †ठम 怉उउ††縉†ॾ†ठ⁥††匉†‬†ठൾऊउ祾⹹縮张††ठ⁾‮†ठ⁤⁾ൾऊउउउउ†张⸮ॱ 怉उ††ठⰮⰬ栬उ †ठय़眉 †⸉䤮‧⸠爮•⁩縠⸮愯繾††Ⰹ†ক†䰉繊‫瘠 ठ३䘉਍Ⱐ ††縉उ ठम縉†ॾउउउउउउठॠ ठ‧†⸉†ठ⁾†✉਍†ठय़उउउ‬†縉††縉उउउउउ†㨉†म ††紉 ठ繠ॏउउ††ठॾ Ⰹ਍उ縉उॾ㨉††ठॾ††ठब †ठক†ठ‮†⸉उउउ†ठ⁾†ठऻउउउउउउ⸉਍उउठ ⸠उउउउउउउउउ††縉 †ठൾ ††弉उ††ठॾउ †ठबठब†ठऺउ ††Ⰹउठ⁾†ठ⁩†縉恠❻✫❾ॡ†ठ‮縠उउ †縉瘠⁴ऽ†ठ繾卾䍾ⶕ⸺⸮਍उ攉睡 †ठ३†⸉ Ⰹ †⸉उ††ठ‧†ठॾउउ †縉उउउ†ठॾउ‬张†ठ獾਍†ठ⁾⹲उउ⁾††⨉†य़उ†ठम ठम ⸉उउउउ ठॾ †ठम†⸉†मउ††⸉਍ †ठ煟⸧म††Ⰹउ††ठॾउ††ठॾउउउउउउबउउ††ठब†ठൾ 縠਍†攠⁾†ठ≾敡镴††縉उउउउ ∉उउ †ठॽउठॾ†縉 ✉†धउൽऊउ††ठॾउⰉउॾउ锉उउउउउउउठ‮ॾउ‪†怉†ठॾ††䤉਍उ縉†ठ㐮उ ††⸉उउउउउउठॾउम ⸉†ठ⁡†ठമऊउउ†⸉उभउउउउउउ†ठभ †⸉††ठ敾††攉††縉उ††縉਍††弉††ठ⹡उ†怉††縉††㨉❊楴楾ध†ठ㩫†⁾怠 †ठॳउठधउउ†ठ‬⌠††ठₕ锠†ठক††⸉उ††ठ⁾縠††ठध✉ 縉਍†य़†ठ縻縬縮繷∠∻‱†✉उ‮⁆ॾ猉††縉†‮†✉††縉†ध†爉††ठमउ ठॲउ‮†紉†⁾††縉††ठ‮†ठध栉⸮⁾✠††縉Ⱐउ縉Ȿ央琮उ †ठ‧縠਍उ †✉ॾउ †ठबउउउ†ठॾउ⠉उउ†ठൾऊउ†ठ⹦‮夢†ठ⁴‮†ठध††ठ楦उ†爉उ ठॾउउठ‧†ठॾ††✉†ठ猬縠镤†⁠†怉愠†ठम†爉繹⁠爠उ††ठम†縉睾‿‧†ⴉⴠउ‭⸠਍ ††∉縢㭾㐮†ठ縬礧⹅††ठ⁾†⸉ ††⸉††縉उ †ꬉ†‮†䰉‬Ⱐ†ठকउ†椉ॾ Ⰹउ‬†ठम†ठ祅✮†繖繴⁾縠उ 椉‮†ㄉ਍उ縉✧ॗ ††✉⸮❪縬萧❾†ठ⁾楴डउठ‮†椉†䬻†″†ठॾउ昉ॾउउउ†爉ॳ†ठ恹ॾ †ठधउ††縉਍उउ⹾㨮⁲†ठ敾††⸉ ठ⁩㨠⵾⹾㹚उ†〉‮†⸉††㨉繁उउ†紉उ锉†ठₕ縠⸠उ††ठॡउउ†✉†ठध †⸉਍उउ縉††縉 ठ恾⹩繩縬उउ⁾琠⹠उ⁗Ⱐउ †ठऱ††縉उ⸮Ⱜ獾⹣†ठ瑾†縧猫†ध锉†⭲Ȿ 䴉‱††弉縮繸†⩾镹⸮镾镾†祾†ब✉†ठₕൾऊउठ⁾⬠उउ锉‱ㄠ⁌⁾愮†‬ㄳऱउउ 樉†ठক†⸉††琉⁠কठ †眉縠縠उ∢䔮⁾ₕ†䘉 縉牾椧愠†ক縉物Ȿ❾†फ†ठ‮††爉††ⴉ †ⴉ਍उउउठॾ††ठ繨 縉उ ठॾउउठ㹳उ怉उउ㩲ॾ†ठ繾⭾⁳††椉强††嘉उ††ठ樱਍उउउठॠउ††ठ⁾†昉縧∧❾उ✉ 縉†ठₕ搠‮†ठफउ†✉恧দ琉⁩䨠‧†ठ‬琠祲縬उ婾繟⁠††锉❾縮椫⹡⹾ক†ठॷ†⸉††椉⹾⴬†ൾऊउउउउउ椉बउ ठॾउ 椉ㅎ縮縧††✉⵪††ठ镌縠繡†ॾ†ㄉम††変उधठ⹩ †⸉†മऊउउउउउउउउउउ †ठॾउ ठ‮बठൾऊउउउ††ठमउउ†⸉उउउउय़उमठमउ †弉 †縉††縉उ‮⸠††ठൾഊ